2. Rapunzel

He collapses on the floor, unconscious, and Gothel raises her head, looking cruelly satisfied. I run my hand through my hair; there's nothing left, my head is so light, nothing except a few blonde locks on the front part, the ones Eugene didn't manage to catch. And Gothel wants these locks more than anything else.

I stand up and take a step back, but the motion is cut off abruptly by a sharp pain in my foot and my pained moan. I immediately bend down and pick up the piece of mirror, grab a lock of hair and cut it. I watch it turn brown and reach for the last remaining strand when Gothel jumps on me and smashes me into the ground.

I open my eyes wide, staring at her face, her skin is wrinkled, creased, greyish, her hair has gone white and her teeth have gone. Apparently her life depends on this very last strand of blonde hair, but Gothel still has a lot of strength, way too much for an old lady, and I can't move.

"I got you, little flower." She enunciates. "You won't get away from me."

As I'm trying to find a way to get out of this mess, I suddenly think of Eugene, and pray for him to wake up. I take a look behind Gothel but it's too dark and I can't see a thing.

"Now, sing," she whispers into my ear, "Sing for me."

I shake my head no, trying to look defying, but way too fast I end up looking terrified when Gothel gets her dagger out and places it under my throat.
"I can't sing if you're pressing my throat." I point out.

She considers it for a moment, and then loosens her hold. I take advantage of the situation to free one of my arms, I try to punch her in the face and catch her weapon, but she grabs my wrist and I end up in the same situation as before.

"Sing." She orders again and that time, I can't see any way to escape so I take a breath, and sing.

My last blonde strand lights up, Gothel grabs it and rubs it between her hands, I can see her wrinkles dimming, slowly, but her hair remains white and her skin greyish.

"Sing louder." She says, tightening her hold on my wrists.

I strive to do so, but fear is overwhelming me, my whole body is shaking and I feel really weak.

"That's enough for now." She decides when the song finally ends. "You'll come with me and stand still. And to avoid any incident…"

She doesn't finish her sentence, lies across my chest and presses my shoulders on the ground. And gets her dagger out.

I am definitely panicking when I understand what she plans to do, I don't know what to cling to anymore, and for the first time I catch myself thinking about death as a solution.

But then I see him, in the darkness, he stands up with pained motions, trying to be quiet, and I know we still have a chance to survive. I scream "NO, MOTHER, PLEASE, DON'T DO THAT!" to allow Eugene to come closer without being noticed.

I struggle with what little strength I have left, Gothel ignores my complaints and soon the dagger presses against the bones in my hand, pierces the thin skin of my fingers, and as she keeps pressing it, an awful pain starts to run through my whole hand.

And then Eugene is here, wrapping his arms around Gothel's chest and before she knows what's happening, he's stabbed her with the piece of mirror, in her abdomen, once, twice, three times; blood soaks her clothes and she collapses on me, unconscious.

Eugene immediately removes her body, takes her dagger and uses it to cut her throat, to be sure, I guess. Then he wipes the weapon on Gothel's long cloak, and slowly comes closer to me.

"It's over, Rapunzel. I'm here, everything's fine."

My muscles finally relax, and I manage to bring my arms back against me. Tears start to roll on my cheeks while Eugene tears a piece of cloth off his shirt to wrap my bleeding hand. Once he's done with the bandage, he sits next to me and wraps his arm around my back to hold me against him. I let myself go against his chest and cry, exhausted and shocked but relieved. He gently rocks me, and my sobs eventually calm down.

After a while, I lean away from him, and slowly remove the bandage from my hand. The bleeding has calmed downed, but the cut is really deep.

"Stop, what are you doing?" Eugene asks.

"One last time. " I answer. "One last time, and I cut it all."

He seems to understand, and lets me act. I put the cloth soaked with blood beside me, and roll my last blonde lock of hair around my fingers. Then, I take a deep breath, and start singing.

"Flower gleam and glow…"

But my voice breaks, tears flow again, and my hair doesn't even have time to light up.

I can't do it anymore. I can't stand it. It's too difficult, I want to end this, I don't want to hear this song ever again.

I bury my head in my hands and let myself fall against Eugene. I feel so weak. He strokes my hair, slowly, and I close my eyes.

"Flower gleam and glow…"

Eugene shyly sings with his deep voice. For me. Even though he hates singing.

"Let your power shine…"

He has a really nice voice. I pray that he knows the lyrics until the end, and remain quiet.

"Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine."

"You have to touch my hair, otherwise it won't work." I whisper.

He takes the hair between his fingers, and keeps singing.

"Heal what has been hurt, change the fates' design. Save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine."

He pauses. Behind my eyelids, I can sense the light crossing my hair for the last time ever. I don't even feel a slight piece of regret.

"What once was mine."

A wave of heat runs in my fingers. The light goes out. I slowly move my hand. It doesn't hurt anymore. Eugene gives me the dagger. I grab it, my hair in the other hand, and cut it without any hesitation.

"There you go." Eugene says.

I nod slowly, and then nestle back against him and close my eyes. Eugene puts his hand on my cheek and gently strokes it. I put my hand on his, and feel his face leaning over mine. I open my eyes, wrap my hand around his neck, and draw him to me. Our lips meet, almost naturally.

Then I know everything will be okay.