Chapter 4 - I own nothing but the plot of this story :)

Paul POV

I think everyone is starting to get annoyed with me due to my obsession with sleeping outside the swan residence. I can't help it, I can't exactly walk up to her with a "hi, accept me" attitude. I needed an opportunity to introduce myself properly in a relaxed setting. It took all of my restraint not to show up at the hospital but Sam convinced me that to barge in there might cause more damage than good. I don't have the best reputation and her father is the chief of police. If I'm honest I'm more scared that she may reject me once she finds out the truth and I don't know if me or the wolf would be able to deal with it. We would, of course, leave Bella be if she wished but it wouldn't be easy to accept.

At this moment in time, she's in the house with the blacks while I run patrol – or more eavesdrop into her conversations. I'm actually happy to hear she's interested in finding out how I am. This could make everything so much simpler if she comes up to me first. I had almost forgotten about the bonfire before Jacob had brought it up and invited my imprint. I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous at his obvious infatuation with her. As long as he never acted on it I believe we could get on. He is meant to be our Alpha one day so I would hope this doesn't cause any unrest amongst us. He may not understand now but he will know soon and hopefully understand.

Suddenly, the sickly sweet scent of vampire overtook my senses. My hackles rose and I growled into the woods looking for my new opponent. Before the blink of an eye, I saw one of the Cullen's come to a stop in front of me. What is this bloodsucker doing here of all places? I can feel my anger raising minute by minute.

"Calm yourself foolish boy" The bloodsucker called "If you recall correctly this is my side of the treaty line".

"Yeah well I'm only patrolling I'm not hunting anything." I thought to myself. "I suppose I'm going to have to phase to let him know which I'd rather not do."

"You understand I can read minds right?"

"Obviously not, otherwise I would have said a lot worse. Why are you even here bloodsucker?" I was growing more anxious with his presence here and Jared was listening in from his end ready to join me if need be.

"I am making sure Bella is alright. She does live here after all and I noticed she almost had a very fatal accident today." He motioned to the house behind me.

"Like hell you are! If you were the man you claim to be you would have stepped in and stopped it from happening but it was me not you, I wouldn't just let her die!" My mental tone turning icy.

"Yes well, I WAS going to however you got in the way and would I advise that you keep your infatuated thoughts diverted from my mate" he retorted sounding almost angry.

"YOUR MATE?" the wolf roared with outrage. "She is MY imprint; she is my mate" I could hear the wolf in my mind chanting "MINE MINE MINE". There was no doubt about who's mate she was. I replayed the moment it happened, realising a second too late what I had just done.

"YOU MONGREL" the Bloodsucker shouted. "Alice has seen her as one of us! She has visions of the future! So explain that?!"

My blood grew cold at the mere thought of her as one of them. I had to stop this from happening.

"I am leaving now to inform my family of the problem we seem to be experiencing" he sneered. "I will not stop pursuing her though, and soon you will see that she has a rightful mate in me". And with that he disappeared.

I ran back to La Push, a painful howl leaving me at the thought of my imprint in more danger than she had been earlier in the day. We had to devise a plan to keep him away from her at whatever means necessary.

Paul POV

The next day was just as tense as before knowing Bella had to sit in a school all day with that vile creature although luckily nothing much had happened between them. I was watching from the tree line so unfortunately I didn't have eyes inside the building but I could still hear all the interactions from inside the building and most people all day had gushed over Bella making her less approachable by the bloodsucker for which I was glad.

Now she was back in class after lunch so I was just waiting until she finished to make sure she got home ok. After about 20 minutes I started to hear a disturbance in the hallway. Usually I would just ignore it but the voices seemed vaguely familiar though muffled. I moved closer to the south exit where the voices were loudest and suddenly the door burst open and there were Bella and the leech how I found out was named Edward. I think I'll stick to my own names for their kind.

He was spouting out some nonsense about them being mates and my imprint being the strong girl I knew she was, let him know how delusional he was being.

Suddenly he crashed his lips on hers making me see red. I forced myself to phase back despite my anger and sprinted towards them, ripping Edward away from her.

I crouched down next to Bella who was unresponsive but she was breathing steadily and her heart was beating at a normal pace calming my fears that any physical damage had been done.

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME DOG" the bloodsucker spat, seething.

"HOW DARE I? YOU DRAGGED HER AGAINST HER WILL AND KISSED HER – ALSO AGAINST HER WILL! I SAW EVERYTHING" I shouted, throwing a punch and landing him square on the jaw causing him to stumble.

"YOU WILL REGRET THAT MOVE" he growled, going into a fighting crouch as I mirrored his expression, cutting off his attempts to circle me so I could protect my mate if he attacked.

Just then he charged at me and just as I went to land another blow to defend myself, two of the other bloodsuckers appeared grabbing Edward and dragging him back, although the smaller one was struggling.

"Edward please!" the smaller one begged, "You must come home before anyone else witnesses this godawful scene".

"I hope this doesn't harm the treaty" said the taller Blonde haired one covered in bites, "I will have Carlisle be in contact about Edward's behaviour later".

With that, they managed to drag him away, him still struggling against their hold.

"SHE WILL BE MINE, JUST YOU WAIT" he screeched before turning and sprinting into the woods behind us.

I rushed back over to Bella once I was sure he wasn't coming back to see her rubbing her eyes and looking quite pained.

"Bella" I crouched down noticing her alarmed stare. "Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you" I promised.

"Is h-he gone" she whispered, still shaken.

"Yes Bella, Edward's gone" I confirmed.

She remained slightly unresponsive before asking "Who are you? Are you the man who saved yesterday?"

"Yeah that's me, my name is Paul, nice to formally meet you"

"Thanks for that and today too I guess" she shyly responded.

"It's no problem, I guess I must just be here to make sure you stay out of harm's way" I joked "Speaking of which, are you okay?"

"I think so but honestly…what just happened?". It suddenly dawned on me that she had no idea about the bloodsuckers so no wonder she was so confused.

"I think this is maybe a conversation best had…in private. Is it alright if I drive you home?" I don't know when I got so nervous but with those big brown eyes staring up at me, I can't think straight.

"Yeah, I'd like that".

THERE YOU GO! Who saw that coming? Next chapter there's gonna be a lot more Bella/Paul and maybe more creepy Edward we shall see!

I know i put Pauls POV twice but it was more to show the break in time than anything else!

Also i may not be able to update as often, i am back at Uni and everything is a lil hectic with deadlines etc but please review and give me ideas on where u want the story to go :)!

Until next time!