I've recently moved to Wattpad, just because it doesn't have a document manager lifespan.

now let me tell you why i stopped uploading because it's a very intriguing story.

so i had to watch my little cousin for the night for some reason back in August and my mom was going to be away so I had to really watch her by myself. So I was like "Oh okay sure I'll do it."being the good child I am. So, I'm sitting in the living room just chilling with my laptop and some green tea next to it. My cousin *unexpectedly* comes up to me and opens her arms to give me a hug... but she is a very dramatic person so she flings her arms out as wide as she can and KNOCKS THE TEA OVER AND SPILLS IT IN MY COMPUTER ! I cried for that whole week. all of my documents (ALL OF THE STORIES) were lost and too corrupted to revive them. So here I am back again to tell you I have new stories on Wattpad, and I wanted to ask on each story if i should continue any stories on that account ! I've kind of grown out of the anime faze a little bit and fell down a black hole of Kpop and it's terrifying... please tell me what you guys want n stuff. and you can follow the Wattpad account if you want (You should really if you like Kpop because I make really good ones)

Wattpad account- -Bellieo-

(It's basically my username but with lil' "-")
