Ever wonder what became of young Charles from the Full House episode Silence Is Not Golden? I did. This is my take on what would happen if he and Stephanie ran into each other after all these years. Here is chapter 1 out of three. Let me know what you think.

All rights go to the creators of Full House and Fuller House.

Chapter One

Shopping for a household of seven, plus a dog, is no easy task. Stephanie Judith Tanner was beginning to learn this. With Tommy in the toddler seat on the shopping cart, Stephanie looked down at her list to see if she forgot anything.

"Hey?" Someone called out in front of her. "Hey! Watch it!"

Suddenly Stephanie's cart ran into someone else's. Slightly shocked Stephanie first made sure that little Tommy was okay then placing him on her hip she walked toward the front of the cart. "Oh my god, are you okay?" Stephanie exclaimed.

The user of the opposite cart laughed. "Yeah, I'm fine."

The man gestured to Tommy. "Is he?"

Stephanie placed a kiss on Tommy's forehead. "Yeah, he's okay."

Turning toward the man in front of her she got her first good look at him. He was tall, well not as tall as her father, but still tall. His hair was dark brown locks, and his brown eyes seemed reminded her of the brownies DJ made last weekend. He was somewhat lanky, but still seemed to have a few muscles to him. From all of her time overseas, Stephanie had to guess that he was probably part Italian. He had that olive skinned and dark haired look about him.

"Hi," Stephanie suddenly said to him.

He smiled at her. "Hi, it's good to see you Stephanie."

Stephanie suddenly felt very confused. She didn't give him her name. Although the way he said that implied that they had met before. She studied his face. A part of him did look a little familiar. She just couldn't place her finger on where she knows him from.

This was going to annoy her for the rest of the day. Why did he look familiar? Where has she met him before? Those eyes. She has definitely seen those eyes before. But where?

He smiled at her confusion and reached inside his jacket pocket. Pulling out a pen and a crumbled receipt, he first flattened out the receipt then wrote something on the back.

"Here," he said holding the receipt out to her. Taking it into her hand Stephanie realized that he had wrote his phone number on the back, but didn't put a name. "When you figure out who I am, how about you give me a call? We can meet and catch up."

Before Stephanie could say anything, he walked back to the front of his cart and pulled it away from hers. "Oh, by the way, when was the last time you watched Home Alone or Roger Rabbit?"

Stephanie sent him another confused glance.

Laughing again, he said, "See ya, Tanner."

Walking to the front of her cart, Stephanie placed Tommy back in his seat and looked down at the receipt in her hand. That guy was cute, but so confusing.

Why would he ask her if she had seen Home Alone or Roger Rabbit lately? She hadn't watched Home Alone since she bought herself the four movie pack for Christmas, and she doesn't even own Roger Rabbit anymore.

Sighing, she placed the receipt in her wallet and pushed the cart back toward the front of the isle. Maybe it'll come to her during the drive home.

It didn't come back to her during the drive home. Stephanie was now officially annoyed. Usually she is excelled at remembering names and faces, but this for some reason was different.

While holding Tommy with one arm, she somehow managed to carry the rest of the plastic bags on her other arm. Walking into the kitchen she found Jackson, Max, and Ramona all eating sandwiches at the table while Kimmie and DJ cleaned up the counter.

"Oh yes, just ignore me it's not like I need any help," Stephanie commented as she struggled to close the door.

Laughing both DJ and Kimmie stepped forward. While DJ took Tommy, Kimmie helped carry half of Stephanie's bags to the kitchen counter.

"You know there is such thing as taking two trips," DJ reminded her sister.

Stephanie shrugged. "Who has the energy for that?" She said as she and Kimmie began to unpack the groceries.

"But you have the energy to carry a ton of groceries and a baby into the house all at once?" Jackson replied cheekily.

Stephanie placed her hand on her hip and sent him a challenging look. "Keep it up, buddy and next time I'll be dragging you with me and I'll force you to go pick out my womanly packages."

Ramona laughed at the look of horror on Jackson's face.

"On second thought, you do what you need to do," Jackson told his aunt before running out of the house.

"That's what I thought," the middle Tanner sister said to her eldest nephew.

DJ sent her a look. "Stephanie, I know the scare tactic works on some kids, but please do not scar my son for life."

"Oh please he thinks that's bad. Every month I had Fernando go buy me a gift basket of things I always needed. He would do it with honor. He was happy to take care of me," Kimmie spoke up.

"Yes, well we all know how that turned out," Stephanie remarked.

Putting the empty grocery bags away, Kimmie turned toward Stephanie, "Hey you forgot my foot fungus cream."

Stephanie sent Kimmie a grossed-out look. "I've told you before, Kimmie that I will never buy you your foot fungus cream. The last time I bought that the cute cashier didn't even give me his phone number."

"And on that note I'm going upstairs," Ramona said.

"Me too," Max followed her with Cosmo by his side. "Come on Cosmo."

"So did you get the phone number of the cashier then?" DJ asked her sister.

Stephanie shook her head. "No, I was too caught up about a very confusing guy."

"A confusing guy? That's my bread and butter," Kimmie urged.

Stephanie sighed, "So I was double checking my shopping list when the cart ran into another cart."

DJ's eyes widened as she looked over her youngest son.

"He's okay," her sister assured her. "Anyway, this guy-"

"Was he cute?" Kimmie interrupted.

"Very," Stephanie nodded. "But anyway before I could even introduce myself to him, he said, 'it's good to see you, Stephanie.'"

"So you've met him before?" DJ asked her younger sister.

"Apparently, but I don't remember," Stephanie told her. "It got even more confusing after that. He then said, 'when you remember, give me a call, we'll meet and catch up.' So I guess I'm supposed to figure out who the heck this guy is."

"Did he say anything else?" Kimmie asked her.

Nodding, Stephanie said, "He asked if I had seen Home Alone or Roger Rabbit lately. Then he said, 'See ya, Tanner.' He just walked off before I could even say anything."

"I don't know I've had much weird encounters in the super market," Kimmie commented.

"Somehow I don't doubt that," Stephanie remarked, "but this was weird for me. I'm usually great at remembering names and faces, but this one is different. Oh, why can't I remember?"

DJ chuckled at her sister's words. "This guy really got to you, didn't he?"

"I don't know why, but it just feels really important that I find out," Stephanie admitted to her.

Her sister sent Stephanie an encouraging smile. "Well keep the phone number close to you. I'm sure the answer will come soon."

With that Kimmie and DJ took Tommy upstairs, leaving Stephanie alone to ponder her strange encounter.

Truthfully I am not even sure how I got the idea for this story. A few weeks ago I just was looking up information about Full House in between binge-watching Fuller House and I came across some of the Stephanie episode from Full House. I was immediately interested because Stephanie had always been my favorite character growing up. If I am being honest I actually forgot about the Silence is Not Golden episode of full house. So I re-watched the main scene between Stephanie and Charles on YouTube and it got me thinking. What if Stephanie and Charles met again? Thus, Meeting the Past was born.
