Dipper's hands were quickly grabbed and pulled apart by the arms. He struggled against his captors. The redhead and other teen had learned from the last time they'd fought and were careful not to be within possible hand flame distance.

"Let me go!"
"Dipper calm down."
"I don't know who that is!"

Dipper fought hard and stomped on the foot of the male holding him as hard as he could, causing the guy to let go of him. He yanked himself from the redhead but was quickly caught again by the two old men on his way out the door.

The old men were stronger than the teens. Dipper struggled. He'd been practicing magic so hard that he'd only had enough magic to teleport one person in case of emergency. That person ended up being shooting star.

He's bordering on being burned out so he doesn't have much magic to fight with at the moment. He's not stupid. He knows he's caught and virtually powerless but that doesn't mean he'll go quietly. No, these people have a fight coming.

"Come on, let's get him tied down."
"But what about his fire? He'll burn the rope."
One of the old men said. The other old man thought a moment.
"McGucket, there's a fire proofing spell in that spell book over there. Cast it on the rope."

McGucket quickly maneuvered around and cast the spell on the rope. Dipper was wrestled into the chair shooting star had been in and tied up. His hands were deliberately placed far away from each other. While everyone took a breather Dipper got fire in his eyes.

"You may have got me but I rescued shooting star and I'm not going to let you do the same thing you did to her to me!"
"Dipper please,"

"I don't know who the hell Dipper is!"
"Your name is Mason but you go by Dipper."

"No, I'm pine tree. My name is pine tree!"
"He's worse than shooting star. Ford, do that magic thing to his head."

Ford cast the same spell he put on Mabel on Dipper as he struggled expecting the same result. He did not get the same results. The locks on the doors in Dipper's mind broke but the spell did little more than that. The only way those doors are opening is if Dipper wants them too. Dipper actually started laughing and grinning.

"You're going to have to try harder than that old man."

"What? Why aren't you reverting or remembering?"
"Fool! I told you I'm not letting you do what you did to shooting star to me didn't I? I put so many guards on my mind before I left you'd never be able to break in. Bill might even have trouble to be honest."
"You must be out of magic if you put that many complicated spells on yourself."

"Almost but I still have a little on reserve if I need it. Plus, I regain magic every second I rest. I'm far from harmless."

Ford sighed. It pained him to see Dipper feel like he needs to protect himself from him. Dipper used to look up him now he just looked at Ford with such hatred. It hurt a lot. It's all his fault Dipper and Mabel are like this.

"We will find a way to help you, pine tree. We will bring Dipper back."
"There is none of this 'Dipper' you keep referring to left to recover I assure you."

With Ford's use of the name pine tree it was cemented that they would all call Dipper that until he's back too normal. Kinda like they were doing with shooting star. Ford went off and thought about what to do about pine tree. He talked to Stan.

"That's the thing, Ford, I can't find the scrapbook."
"It's gone. I've looked everywhere. Star must have taken it."
"We'll have to find something else then. Hmm…"
Ford thought a moment then snapped.
"I have an idea but it'll take some work. Keep talking to pine tree about the past."

Ford and McGucket weren't seen much after that. Pine tree waited patiently in his chair. Frankly he freaked everyone out. It was much harder to talk to him than shooting star. He's spent so much time with Bill he's picked up on singling out what hurts.

"Ok Dipper, you have to remember me."

The redhead said.
"Not particularly. Are you trying to convince me you're actually important?"
Ouch. She pushed forward none the less
"I'm Wendy. We were friends when you were 12. You had a big crush on me."
Pine tree snorted.
"Now you're just making things up. A crush on you? With that red hair? Please. Besides romance is stupid and pointless. I'm above it."
Wendy touched her hair self-consciously.
"What's wrong with my hair?"
"It's terrible. I wouldn't be seen with it. Don't get me started on the rest of you."

Wendy got up and left telling herself that's Bill talking. Pine tree would never purposely be cruel to her. Pine tree got a satisfied smirk on his face. As long as he's going to be trapped here he might as well have some fun with his captors.

Bill taught him how to get to people but he rarely gets a chance to practice. Bill will let pine tree and shooting star break people that are brought to the fearamid for various reasons but star never took to it like pine tree. She's better at manipulation.

Being here is the perfect opportunity to practice. Pine tree was mostly left alone once it became clear how he was going to react to people. It didn't take long for them to figure it out. He didn't go easy on anyone even the children.

Pine tree was going to fight these people no matter what. He was prepared. They won't be able to hurt him. It took a while but after a few hours of being gone Ford came back and decided to try his hand at talking to Pine tree.

"Pine tree."

"Oh, you're back. Have you come for your dose of injury to your self-esteem?"
Ford sighed.
"My boy, you must stop trying to burn bridges."
"What bridges are there to burn? I don't know any of you people."
"Yes you do. I'm your great uncle. So is Stanley."

Pine tree made a quick switch from smug to furious. His hands lit on fire, so much fire it blazed up to his elbows. The chair didn't set on fire but it did blacken near where the flames were. Ford took a step back at the site of the flames.

"So you admit it! You're the ones who sold me and star to Bill!"
Pine tree ignored him.

"What type of person sells their family like that?! Especially two children to a demon! Who does that?! There was no way you could have known if Bill would take to us or not! He could have killed us for all you knew! We're lucky Bill likes us. We got the best outcome, Bill loving us, but you would never have known that would happen."

Pine tree's breath came out ragged. He'd always said he was fine not remembering the past but he's always had a bone to pick over the abandoning him and star to a demon thing no matter how it ended up working out. Everyone in the shack was paying attention now.

"My boy that's not-"

"SHUT UP! You think that after selling us to a demon that you can just come and take us back just like that? That's not how it works! Why would shooting star and I want to associate with people who wouldn't fight for us to begin with? You can't make up for what you did and now you're trying to break apart the family we made ourselves. Star and I are happy with Bill. Why can't you accept you lost and leave us in peace?"

Ford was quiet. Everyone was looking at him. The only sound to be heard was pine tree's ragged breathing.
"You sold them?"
Pacifica asked breaking the silence. Ford looked in her direction.
"No, of course not. I made a deal with Bill and worded it poorly leading to him to be able to twist my words. I never wanted him to take the twins. I just wanted them to be safe."
Ford looked back at pine tree.
"pine tree, I know you're mad but please listen to me. We love you and just want what's best. If we surrender you Bill will have no more use for keeping you. Please, we want to help."
"I hate you and never want to remember you. I never have. What happened before we came to Bill doesn't matter to me so nothing you can remind me of will change my mind."
"We'll see."