Hi everyone! This is my second fan fiction. I don't own any of the Supernatural characters. I'm just using them to tell my story.

Oh, one more disclaimer. I don't know Latin. I just used google translate. So I apologize if the word I used is incorrect.

Also the story takes place during season 1. It takes place in the Supernatural universe. The only difference is that no one knows that Sam is psychic. That's all I'm going to say.

Enjoy :)

For as long as Sam can remember, he has been different. And for as long as he can remember, it has terrified him.

Sam is a hunter. His job is to hunt the creatures that lurk in people's darkest nightmares. But what if Sam cannot discern who the monster is? After all, where does the line between the hunter and the hunted fall? What if Sam does not know which side of the line he belongs on anymore?

You Called?

Sam's Perspective

"Sam," Dean calls.

Sam rolls over on the squeaky mattress, pushes his laptop aside, and observes Dean with curiosity. He watches his older brother shove various pieces of clothing into an overflowing duffel bag. Dean rushes around the small room in a chaotic fashion as he packs their few belongings. The subpar motel room is clean in a matter of minutes, looking as though the brothers never entered it. Sam's face remains neutral as Dean turns to him again.

"You're supposed to say, 'what?'" Dean says matter-of-factly.

Sam sighs loudly and humors his brother.

"What?" He beams with a fake smile plastered on his face.

"Love the enthusiasm," Dean replies sarcastically.

Sam inwardly sighs in frustration, which quickly gives way to guilt. He is not angry with his brother. He has just had a bad feeling all morning, and unfortunately that feeling has put him in a particularly sour mood.

Dean shakes his head at the anticlimactic turn of events and proceeds to speak anyway.

"While you were playing around on your laptop Bobby called me. He seemed pretty stressed."

Sam immediately sits up. His unpleasant mood instantly washes away and is replaced by an anxious one. Bobby doesn't stress easily.

"What's wrong?" Sam asks.

"Ah, now you're interested," Dean taunts. He shakes his head and breathes loudly out his nose in a quiet laugh.

"Don't worry, Bobby's fine. He just needs our help with a hunt. He wants us to come to his house as soon as possible."

Sam is unconvinced by his brother's words. Nevertheless, Bobby needs their help. He remains still for a moment before retrieving his laptop and rising to meet Dean. He nods to his brother and offers a small smile.

"Let's go then," Sam answers.

Trees fly by the Impala as Sam and Dean cruise to Bobby's house. Sam smiles to himself as Dean rhythmically taps his thumb against the steering wheel, perfectly in sync with the familiar rock tunes. His smile slowly fades though as the feeling of dread slowly creeps into his consciousness. Sam swallows loudly and clenches his right hand into a fist by his side. What is wrong? Why do I feel this way? The closer he and Dean get to Bobby's house, the larger the ominous feeling grows. Sam tries to realistically debunk the feeling, but its ever-present nature dissuades all his efforts.

A slight tremble shakes Sam's body as Dean parks the Impala in Bobby's driveway. Dark clouds hang in the sky and a large gust of wind causes the trees to rustle menacingly. Sam side glances at Dean before stepping out of the car. In that moment, a flash of lightning illuminates the sky and a thunderous boom follows it. Sam jumps at the sudden noise, and feels someone grab his arm. He whips his head to the side in shock, only to find Dean standing next to him.

"Dude calm down. It's just a little thunder. Come on, let's go inside," Dean pauses, shifts his eyes to the ground, and then looks up at Sam again before continuing, "You okay? You seem a little on edge."

Sam immediately shakes his head and utters a quick response.

"What? No, I'm fine."

He nonchalantly pulls his arm from Dean's grasp and walks towards Bobby's house. He hears Dean's footsteps quicken behind him as rain begins to dot the earth around them. Sam shakes his head in an effort to organize his thoughts.

Maybe I should trust this feeling,

After all, it's never been wrong before.

Dean's Perspective

"So Bobby, what's up? You seemed pretty serious on the phone," Dean asks casually. He subconsciously begins to bob his knee as he waits for a reply.

The three sit in Bobby's sitting area. Sam and Dean share a couch, while Bobby rests across from them in a chair that looks like it has had one too many beers spilled on it.

Bobby sighs and slowly casts his eyes towards the ceiling. Dean turns to Sam in confusion, and his younger brother returns the gesture with a similar expression. Dean is about to repeat his question when he takes notice of his surroundings. The disorganized room looks even messier than usual. Half open lore books are spread across every surface of the house. Was he looking for something? As if reading his mind, Sam questions Bobby.

"Are you okay, Bobby? It looks like you've looked through every lore book in your house."

Bobby opens his mouth and then closes it again. He rubs his beard as if trying to conjure up the proper words. Eventually he drops his hand to his side and stares directly at Sam and Dean.

"Have you ever heard of…" Bobby pauses and sighs with an almost pained expression before he speaks again, "The House of Vera?"

"The House of what?" Dean immediately questions. He turns to Sam for answers, but his brother only shrugs in reply.

"The House of Vera," Bobby repeats, "It's Latin."

"Truth," Sam whispers.

"Huh? Wha–," Dean begins, but his words get caught in his throat when he looks at Sam.

A stranger would not see anything wrong with the twenty-two year old, but Dean is no stranger. His brother's usual gentle features are hardened. His lips are downturned into an almost permanent frown, and his skin is slightly paler than usual. As for his eyes, they are the worst part. They are clouded with fear. Sammy, what's wrong?

Dean tries to silently grab Sam's attention, but his brother seems too preoccupied with his own thoughts to notice. Before Dean can push further, Bobby speaks again.

"Exactly Sam. In other words, it's called The House of Truths."

Dean glares at Bobby for not noticing his brother's distress. His anger quickly dissipates though when he sees Bobby across the room leafing through a lore book. Dean quickly takes advantage of the moment by softly placing his hand on Sam's shoulder. His brother slightly jumps at the contact, and then turns to Dean.

"You okay, bro?" Dean whispers.

Dean hears Bobby shuffling back to the couch. Sam quickly maneuvers his shoulder out of Dean's hand, smiles, and then nods in reply. Dean is not fooled by his actions though. Sam has been acting strange all morning.

Bobby places a large, worn book on the coffee table at Sam and Dean's feet. On the pages is a hand drawn picture of a two-story house. A small fence surrounds the structure, and a graceful arch intertwined with ivy decorates the entrance. Quaint windows with shutters rest on each floor of the house, and a fireplace lies on the left side of the home. From the outside, the building looks like an ordinary house.

A recent photograph of the house is paper clipped to the top of the page. The ivy has completely overgrown the fence. Shutters are missing and dangling from windows, and the entire house is losing its white paint. The only written words are located at the bottom of the page in a single sentence.

"Enter only to seek the truth," Dean reads.

"This is the only written documentation of the house," Bobby states.

"What is it?" Sam asks quietly.

"It's a… way to gather information," Bobby answers while nodding his head side to side in a noncommittal gesture.

"Bobby, you're not any making sense. Just give it to us straight," Dean demands in frustration. He is tired of Bobby's guarded answers. Right now, Dean just wants to know what the hell is going on.

Bobby nods his head before offering an explanation.

"You're right. I'm sorry, boys. This house is just something I never wanted to tell you about."

"What? Why?" Dean asks in confusion. Why would Bobby want to keep this house from them?

"The House of Vera has existed since the 1700s. The hunters who discovered the house decided early on that its existence should only be passed on through the word of mouth. Their sketch, which you just saw, is the only written information about the house," Bobby pauses and points at the drawing of the house, "As you can see, the name of the house isn't even mentioned. They thought it would be best that only a few select hunters know of its existence."

"The three hunters discovered the house after they had finished a hunt in 1743. They were heading to their next hunt when a violent storm suddenly struck the area. They quickly sought refuge in the closest building they could find, which happened to be The House of Vera. When they entered the house they saw a man lying on the floor in the middle of the room. He was writhing in pain and mumbling to himself. According to the hunters, the man locked eyes with one of the hunters and said, "Don't go home." Soon after saying these words, the man had some sort of seizure and died. The men brushed off the strange words as the ravings of a man near death. They slept in the house over night, and left the next morning. They were all supposed to go on a hunt together, but one hunter decided to go home to check on his family. The two hunters thought nothing of it, and they went their separate ways. A couple weeks later, the two hunters learned that their friend never made it home. He was hit by a carriage and killed instantly. The men obviously thought back to the strange man they had encountered in the House of Vera. The hunters decided to experiment."

"Through trial and error, they eventually discovered the secret of The House of Vera. The house seems to act as a catalyst for psychic individuals. It enhances their abilities, though usually with grave consequences. If psychics are left in the house too long they end up going mad or dying. This is why the hunters who discovered the house decided to keep it relatively secret. They knew many hunters would take advantage of this information… And unfortunately many hunters do." Bobby whispers the last sentence, and a look of disgust crosses over his face.

"How do they take advantage of it? Are you telling me hunters drag psychics to the house and hope they say something relevant to their lives?" Dean jokes.

"That's exactly what they do," Bobby confirms, "Unfortunately the house wasn't kept as secretive as the original hunters would have liked. More and more hunters are turning to this unorthodox way of hunting. They basically find a psychic and leave that person in the house until he or she says something useful. They usually stop when the psychic goes completely mad or dies. To some hunters, it's a win-win situation. They gain valuable information and eliminate a monster."

Dean sits in silence, not sure what to say. He glances at his brother, but Sam's face is turned away from him. Sam has been strangely quiet this whole time. Usually he would have a million questions about this new discovery, but he has said nothing. Zip. Nada. What is up with him? Dean is about to ask Bobby another question, but to his surprise, Sam speaks first.

"Why are you telling us this?" Sam asks softly.

Bobby moves his chair closer to both Sam and Dean before speaking.

"You know I wouldn't ask for your help unless I really needed it, right?"

"Yeah, Bobby we know," Dean responds.

Bobby nods and smiles.

"Thank you," He takes a deep breath and exhales before explaining, "Last week, three hunters went missing in The House of Vera."

Dean scrunches his eyebrows in confusion, and Sam leans forward on the couch.

"The first hunter who went missing was named Gary Lennar. According to his two friends, Gary entered the house on Monday with a young psychic girl. On Wednesday, they went to check on him and found that he never checked into the motel he said he'd be staying at. So they went to the House of Vera, and found that his truck was still parked in front of it."

"The next guy who went missing was Howard Mitts, one of Gary's two friends. He went in the house to find Gary on Wednesday and never came out."

"The third hunter who went missing was unrelated to the first two. Karen Burling went into the house on Friday with a psychic man. She too never emerged, and her car is still parked in front of the house… That's the situation in a nutshell." Bobby finishes.

"Hm," Dean says trying to lighten the mood, "Sounds like I missed the invitation."

"Have hunters gone missing there before?" Sam inquires.

"That's what's strange about this case," Bobby starts, "The House of Vera has no effect on regular folk whatsoever. No hunter has ever gone missing in the house before. As you can see, I've looked through every book in my house trying to come up with an answer, but I've found nothin'."

"What's the plan then?" Dean asks, "It sounds like we don't have much to go on."

Bobby sighs and nods his head.

"Yeah, I've run out of options. I think the only thing left to do is to go into that house ourselves." Bobby whispers.

Dean feels Sam stiffen beside him.

"D-do you think that's necessary?" Sam stutters. He clears his throat and then speaks again, "I mean shouldn't we do more research before we go. It sounds dangerous."

"I've been researching this case all week since the first disappearance. I don't think we're going to find any useful information outside the house. I'm sorry, I hate to drag you both into this, but I need your help."

"Of course we'll help, Bobby. Right, Sam?" Dean says as he turns to Sam.

"Of course," Sam whispers with a nod.

They all sit in silence for a moment before Bobby breaks it.

"Why don't you boys spend the night here? We'll head out tomorrow morning." Bobby mumbles, "I'm gonna buy us some grub. I'll be back in a few." With that, he grabs his keys and heads out the front door.

"I'll get our stuff from the car, Dean," Sam quickly adds as he follows Bobby.

"Okay…?" Dean says, drawing the word 'okay' out in confusion.

After Sam shuts the front door Dean sighs and sinks further into the worn couch. Sam never gets my stuff. He usually comments on my laziness, and then forces me to get it myself. Something is very wrong.

"What should I do?" Dean whispers to himself.

Sam's Perspective

What should I do?

He waves to Bobby as he backs out of the driveway in a sputtering truck. Sam puts on a fake smile in an attempt to look as normal as possible. Though once Bobby's car is no longer visible, Sam drops the fake façade. Dread and apprehension immediately flood his features.

This is bad.

"This is really bad," Sam repeats aloud.

He trudges through the muddy ground to the Impala. Only a light drizzle is falling from the clouds when he reaches the car. Sam opens the trunk and props it open with Dean's loyal shotgun. He slowly reaches for Dean's duffle bag, places his hand on it, but does not take it out. Instead, he leans his head against the open trunk and exhales loudly.

"I should have told him," Sam whispers, "I should have told Dean."

Sam has a secret. A secret no one knows, but him.

More chapters are on the way!