
"I have a son," said Harry and before Tsuna could start freaking out that the other man was married, he added, "He's my godson actually, but I've adopted him."

"I would love to meet him," said Tsuna, relieved. "I love children."

It was true. Tsuna had always gotten along better with kids younger then him. Somehow, most of them didn't see him as the big klutz he really was and actually looked up to him. In return, Tsuna treated them like little adults instead of children to be dismissed at will.

"That's wonderful," Harry said, "Teddy is only 2. But he's a little bit more mature then most kids his age."

"When will I get to meet him?" He was already imagining a little boy with fluffy black hair and eyes as dark green as his father's. Since Teddy and Harry weren't related, the boy probably did not look like that but for some reason, the image just won't leave Tsuna alone.

"We can go meet him now," Harry offered, "And we can go meet your parents."

"My mother actually," Tsuna corrected, "Dad is off to God knows where. It's been 10 years since I've last seen him."

He paused, eyes narrowing at Harry.

"How would you define our relationship?" he asked.

"Magic," Harry said simply, already moving towards the sidewalk. His steps were self-assured, nothing like Tsuna's own hesitant ones. "What else can you call it?"

Tsuna laughed a little at that. How true that was. The connection they had felt was magic.

"The old legends don't give it a name," he said, easily catching up to the older man. Natsu let out a sleepy sound before snuggling against Harry's chest and promptly falling asleep. Tsuna resisted the urge to coo a little at how cute he looked. "But I call it soul magic."

"Soul mates then," Harry said with a nod. He swiftly stepped to the side to avoid a young boy chasing after a butterfly, his exasperated mother following along. Harry smiled at the woman when she apologized for her son's brash behavior. "That's what some of our legends say."

"I would love to hear your version sometimes," Tsuna said, "It's sad that not many people nowadays still believe in them."

"People tend to be more cynical when it comes to love," Harry explained in a matter-of-fact fashion, "But that is their right. I see it as self-preservation. Without magic guiding them, they have to be picky as to not get hurt down the road."

There was something in Harry's tone that told Tsuna that the magic he was referring to was different then the soul magic Tsuna had been going on about.

"Magic," he said.

"Yes, magic," Harry blinked, "You are a wizard right? Otherwise you wouldn't have felt the connection as strongly as you obviously did."

Tsuna shook his head, a little flabbergasted. Was Harry talking about actual magic? The kind that can turn people in to toads or make a human fly?

"I'm not a wizard," he admitted and Harry actually faltered in his step before coming to an abrupt stop, "I thought soul magic is the only type of magic there is."

"That is not possible," Harry said, shaking his head. He bit his lips in thought for a few seconds before asking. "How did you hear about soul magic?"

"My mom gave me a book on old legends years ago," he explained, "She said the moment she had seen it, she had thought of me."

Harry relaxed.

"And did the book have an image of a phoenix on the cover?" he asked but didn't wait for a reply, "Yes, that cements it. You do have some magic in you."

He took another deep breath before continuing. Tsuna noticed they had started walking again.

"There are two types of magic," Harry said, "External and Internal. Wizards are usually those who can use External magic. In other words, they are given the ability to manipulate the forces that surrounds them. Thus, they can turn other people in to animals and make objects fly.

On the other hand, there are those who can use Internal magic. As the name would suggest, their power comes from within. They can manifest their own life force in to something physical. In most cases, that manifestation would be in the form of flames.

Flames are special in nature. The color and purity of the flame depends on the user's inner strength and personality. Some call it attributes but not much information is available due to the simple fact that most wizards do not have access to the."

"What about you?" Tsuna asked. "You said most."

Harry let out a self-deprecating chuckle.

"I am one of those exceptions," he said, "I can use both types of magic. My son Teddy is a wizard but he is also a Metamorphmagus meaning that he can change his appearance at will. People with that ability can use Internal magic to a certain extent but he cannot manifest it physically like me."

"Can you produce flames then?" Tsuna pushed, fascinated by the whole affair.

"I can," Harry said, "But I won't show you here. Maybe another day."

Tsuna sighed, a little disappointing but none-the-less accepted Harry's decision.

"But if you don't mind," Harry continued, "I would like to bring someone over to test you, to figure out what type of magic you have. If the reason you hadn't shown any display of power until now is because a block was placed on you, we need to remove that fast or else it could be detrimental to your health."

"I understand," Tsuna said, shuddering a little at Harry's dark tone.

They walked the last 10 minutes in silence until they reached a decent size condo just a few blocks from the school and from Tsuna's own house. Harry lived on the first floor and the moment the door was open, a frazzled young man rushed up to Harry, his hair and cloth covered in flour.

Harry laughed, their previous topic of interest forgotten.

"Accidental magic," he explained after the man had left, disappearing with a small pop. Tsuna wondered why he wasn't more surprised by that. "Young children whose powers are still not developed tend to lose control when their emotions go haywire. Teddy is usually a very calm baby but he tends to make things fly when he gets excited."

Tsuna also laughed at that.

While Harry went to check on the damage in the kitchen, Tsuna went to the living room to check on Teddy. He saw the little boy sitting on the floor, playing with some wooden building blocks.

"Hello Teddy," Tsuna said softly, making the boy look up. Green eyes assessed him silently before blinking. "How are you?"

Teddy smiled widely at him, his hair turning from black to a brownish color to match Tsuna's. Tsuna blinked too but wasn't too shocked. Harry did tell him about Teddy's powers.

Tsuna's first introduction to Teddy was almost anti-climatic. The little boy opened up to him with ease, sharing his toys and drawing Tsuna in with a few babbled words. Harry looked infinitely pleased when he came to join them on the floor.

"He likes you," he told Tsuna, "It's the first time I have seen him so open to someone he had just met."

"I like him too," Tsuna replied, "And mom would love him."

"We'll go see your mother right after this," Harry agreed.

"Good," said Tsuna and returned his attention to his charge.