When he first woke up, his mind was completely blank. Fragments of the past were hanging around his head in a weird manner, making him confused for a few minutes, lying limply in the infirmary. The first thing that came into mind was his partner, Lucy. He remembered how hurt and disheveled she looked, her deep brown eyes looked like fragile glass that could break any moment. He remembered they cries of pain he heard while they were getting ambushed by a group of mages, and how she screamed for him to run. He tried to hold back the mages, but they were too powerful to handle on his own. And with Lucy injured, she would be in danger if he left her alone.

With no other choice, he picked her up and ran. He managed to escape the mages unharmed, but it was Lucy that made sure that they didn't get to him while he healed from getting off the train.

In his life, he smelled different bloods from various living things. Most of the time he found satisfaction in it, knowing that he had defeated the enemy. But, he couldn't stand the smell of blood coming from hi nakama. Especially Lucy. No one touches his partner, and he knew that many people know that. Knowing that if they ever tried to lay a hand on her, he would burn them to ashes no matter how hard they tried to hide. The coppery smell of blood, mixed with her scent, something that was really alluring to him, and calmed him down, but when mixed with her blood, it made him want to puke. It reminded him of how he couldn't protect her, and what type of dragon was he if he couldn't protect his treasure?

So he limped to the other side of the infirmary, where his partner laid. She looked unharmed, but he knew that she was fighting death inside of her. He smiled, only Lucy had the power to overcome anything. That's what he loved most about her. She was just pure perfection, that's why he was afraid of telling her. She was a princess, and why would a princess want a dragon like him? She would have a happy ending, but dragons like him always had bad endings, or that's what Igneel told him.

"You know, I'm not a princess, even if the guild thinks I am one, why would a weirdo like me want a prince when I already have a great and caring dragon to protect me? I loved you for a long time .Natsu, but I was a coward to tell you." A strained voice said. He jumped, wondering who could have heard him in his head. He saw Lucy, eyes open with a gentle smile plastered to her lips. 'Dammit! I knew thinking wasn't my thing' he thought. Well he tried, but the words stumbled out of his lips before he could stop them. They giggled awkwardly, and when they stared into each other's eyes, they were shocked, their eyes carried so much emotion and so much love. They sat there, and no one blinked. As Natsu moved towards her, he thought, maybe this dragon had a happy ending after all.

Well that's when the team rushed in, not realising they interrupted something. Well, that's how the story ends every time in the Fairy Tail guild, isn't it?