A/N: The last one I promise.

Where to begin? I would like to start off by saying that it's amazing that I still get inboxed about this fanfiction. I wrote it at 17, which I am sure it shows but regardless people dedicated themselves to reading through my horrible horrible mistakes and managed to love it. I had a passion to write and the reviews fueled me, your interest was my payment. So thank you a thousand times. I restarted this story so many times and I didn't think it would be smart or fair to do it once again.

As you know people change the way they think, their perspective on life sort of shifts. For me to continue on trying to carry on where I left off seems wildly improbable. The story marked a moment in my life that i can't seem to get back to, it's something I can't tap into no matter how hard I try and maybe that's a good thing.

My writing style and outlook has changed drastically(though I'm still quite horrible with grammar). Yes this is my story, my very first one and I apologize if I left things unresolved.

Which leads me to the main point of this uncritical chapter that doesn't relate to the fiction what so ever. And for that I apologize as well.

Myself and two other writers will be (have been) writing an alternative to this fiction. Things will be the same except at one point, things will deviate extremely from the ending you all now know. Its simply another ending.

Luckily this time around the grammar will be an improvement. :) So this is the news. You absolutely do not have to read the new take on this fiction, I'm just relaying the word to inquiring minds. Also so there are no theft claims when the story shows up on another account that isnt mine.

It will not be posted on my account but one of the other writers. Nixxelxx, who has dedicated herself to putting her time into most of the new material.

I hope this is well recieved and I hope you all get the ending you've been anticipating!

There will be no one chapter a day. The whole story will be dropped in one go, like a Netflix series Nov.1st No waiting.

This is the last I will ever update under this story and I will never take it down, even if there will be two copies floating around. This is the original and I don't mind people expanding on it at all. Feel free.

Thanks for all the love, devotion and support from day one. You're the reason I kept going. :*
