Heads up: If you are a Elena stan or a Delena stan, this is not the story for you.

Bonnie awakes gasping for air, tensing when she senses several people in the room. Only relaxing when she recognizes one and immediately jumps to her feet running over to them. Grinning when he catches her when she jumps into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. Leaning back she raises her hands to cup his face pressing her lips against his. Smiling when he kisses her back but she pulls back when she feels him tense.

"Damon?" she asks meeting his eyes, feeling dread wash over her when she sees the lost look on his face "Put me down." She says with a frown on her face. Once on her feet she steps away from him, letting her eyes travel down his body, smirking when she sees the bulge in his pants before taking another step back when she notices his demeanor. Instead of his usual timid manner he seems cocky, fully aware and sure of himself.

Bonnie raises her hands to her head, running her hands down the sides of her face "Take your shirt off."

Damon looks at her warily but does as she says, smirking at her reaction before feeling a twinge wondering what he did.

"Shit." She curses when she sees the same washboard stomach, but not even a trace of the scar she's become familiar with. Her eyes going to his neck not seeing a bite mark. When she looks back up to his face she sees a smirk and she lets out a shaky breath as she feels her eyes water.


Bonnie shakes her head lifting her hands taking several steps away from Damon when he attempts to walk towards her "Stay away from me." She jumps when a fire starts in the fireplace, the flames rising when she feels herself start to panic, going out all together when she forces herself to calm down "What the hell is going on?"

"We just brought you back." Stefan says when he sees his brother staring at Bonnie concern clear on his face.

Bonnie turns her head to see Stefan staring back at her "Back from where?"

"From the Other Side." He answers.

"The Other Side?" Bonnie frowns "But I didn't die."

Bonnie stills when her eyes slam shut, seeing herself surrounded in a bright blue light, feeling as though she were floating, as she passed by a image of herself going in the opposite direction looking just as confused as she felt. Bonnie frowns and attempts to speed to the other side of the room only to realize she's running at a normal speed, and she covers her face with her hands starting to pace, feeling as though she's on the verge of a mental breakdown. She walks over to a wall and slides down pulling her knees to her chest, taking several deep breaths.


Bonnie lets out a long breath and stands up "I'm a witch, aren't I?" She questions looking around the room, leaning back against the wall when she sees Matt nod his head. A frown settling across her features when she sees the outraged look on the Gilbert's faces.

"What's your problem?" Bonnie frowns looking at Elena.

"You just kissed my boyfriend." Elena responds looking at Bonnie as if she were crazy.

"You're boyfriend?" Bonnie chuckles.

"Yes." she growls "My boyfriend."

Bonnie blinks and looks at Damon who looks away with a guilty expression on his face.

It's then that Bonnie actually looks at the people in the room, noticing the changes from cosmetic to change of species. Taken back when she senses that Tyler is a hybrid and Stefan and Damon vampires. She laughs at the latter.

"What's so funny?"

"Damon and Stefan are vampires." Bonnie answers "Stefan wouldn't last a day as a vampire. He still gets freaked out when he sees me with a blood bag. And Damon…" she trails off "Well, he's only okay with me drinking from him. If he finds out that I fed from anyone else, he gets mad at me. It's the only time he gets mad at me actually. Well that and when he found out that I killed his boss." Bonnie rambles, stopping when she realizes she's gone off topic "In my defense she came on to him even after I told her to back off." Bonnie adds when she notices the shocked looks she gets in return "I take it I'm the judgey one here." She states when she realizes that didn't placate them.

"Yup." Damon smirks.

"Well if I wasn't convinced I don't belong here before, that definitely confirms it." Bonnie mutters "Oh, Damon is going to kill me." She covers her face.

"What do you mean you don't belong here?"

"Well for one, I haven't been a witch since the thirteen hundreds. Apparently Elena is with Damon. And unless my radar is on the fritz you're not a hybrid." Bonnie answers looking at Matt, smiling at the expression on his face. A frown settling on her face as she turns to Caroline giving her a once over "Wait a fucking minute, are you a vampire?" She grins looking at Caroline.

"Um, yeah."

"Fuck me." she mutters under her breath, amused by the revelation "So you're not a doppelganger."

Caroline shakes her head in the negative, suddenly curious about Bonnie's world. Taken back by the fact that there's another world where she's the special snowflake.

"So who is?"

Caroline points to Elena.

Bonnie folds her lips before bursting out into laughter "I'm sorry." she grins "Amazing, and you're still alive...well as much as you can be, I guess." Picking up on her status of a baby vamp.

"Wait, if you're the doppelganger, why am I here? Is my boyfriend here or something?" Bonnie asks, if Elena was the one everyone was protecting there's no way that she'd be a part of that.

"Kind of." Caroline answers "I'm not really sure of your current status." She clarifies when Bonnie tilts her head.

"Is it Stefan?"


"Tyler?" Bonnie raises her eyebrows.

"Then who?"


Bonnie closes her eyes and sighs. It's not that she doesn't find Jeremy attractive, she could admit he's cute. As much as she knows that she could do better than the girl that she despises more than anything in the world's younger brother. So in order to not come off as a bitch, she decides to not comment. But judging by the snickers from Tyler, Caroline and Damon she figures she failed but she digresses.

"So how did I die?"

"Overuse of magic." Damon answers.

"Do I want to know what for?"

"No." Damon shakes his head.

"Okay, who brought me back?"


Everyone jumps when a fire starts in the fireplace, sparks flying towards them.

"I'm going to give you all the benefit of the doubt and let myself believe that you didn't know anything about her besides the fact that she's my ancestor in this ass backward world." Bonnie nods when Stefan and Damon nod in agreement "Okay, perfect." She clasps her hands together "And I'm assuming she's in the wind now that I'm here. What I need to find out is how to get back where I belong and I need to do this as quick as I possibly can. All I need to know is where I can find Niklaus. I never thought I'd ever say this but please tell me that he's alive."

Bonnie smiles when she hears the disdain in their voices as they confirm he's alive "Where?"

"New Orleans."

Bonnie beams "Finally something good." she grins, closing her eyes she starts to recite a spell, stopping when she hears Damon "What?" She questions when she opens her eyes to see him standing a couple of feet in front of her.

"You don't seriously think I'm going to let you go alone."

"Yes," Bonnie nods "Apparently I'm not your girlfriend, therefore what I do is none of your concern. And if you want to keep your girlfriend, it would be in your best interest to stay here with her, because if you think I'm going to spend anymore time than necessary with her you've lost your mind."

"Why don't you like Elena?"

"If you don't mind me asking." Caroline adds when Bonnie looks at her.

"I've known Elena since we were kids, we were turned by the same guy. Upon that knowledge, she went ballistic. If he weren't there she would've killed me. What she didn't know is that there was nothing going on between us, I just wanted to be a vampire. I wasn't sleeping with him, but she was. And because she never believed me, she's been lurking in the shadows for the past seven hundred years, tormenting me and destroying my happiness at every chance she's gotten. The only thing I have that can't be her's is Damon. And now that I'm here...wherever here is and he's in her clutches...pass."

"I know that Damon loves me and that he'd never do anything to hurt me. He's literally the only person that I trust and know that has my back no matter what. My only competition is his brother." Bonnie grins as she glances at Stefan "Who's ass can't go a day without getting into trouble." She elaborates when Caroline opens her mouth, already knowing she'll want details.

"Any more questions?"

"Not really a question." Damon states holding Bonnie's stare when she narrows her eyes at him clearly knowing where's going with this.

"I'm not going to be the reason you lose her."

Damon blinks when he hears her voice despite not seeing her open her mouth.

"If you're that concerned pick someone." Bonnie looks at him as if she were losing her patience "Now Damon." She says out loud.

"I'm coming with you."

Bonnie blinks and takes a step back, taken back by his tone. Her Damon never speaks to her like this, and she's not sure how to feel about it. Despite this she rolls her eyes "She's not coming. If you're going to tag along, she's going to want to come too and if that's the case I'm going to sit my ass down and not move a muscle. I'll stay here and leave your Bonnie in my world. We'll all wait and see if she can get back on her own. You'll be stuck with me and-"

Damon clamps his hand over her mouth and takes a step towards her, smirking when she narrows her eyes at him "That's fine with me."

"But I know someone who's not fine with it."

Damon chuckles, finding her taunting amusing "You don't want to play this game with me Bonnie, I'm better at it than you are." He frowns when he feels her smile under his hand.

Without another word Bonnie lifts her knee, smirking when Damon falls to the floor his hands covering his crotch "I'm not your Bonnie, so I wouldn't bet on that if I were you." Bonnie replies breezily as she steps over Damon "Since you think I need a bodyguard, I'll take Stefan." She walks over to Stefan holding her hand out, grinning when he takes it without hesitation.

Damon jumps to his feet but groans when Bonnie and Stefan vanish into thin air right before he reaches them.