Sweet Serial Killer

A/N: This is the last chapter. Thank you all for reading and your kind reviews!

I would especially like to thank Tori Quinn for always leaving a kind review – you've really helped keep me going and encouraging me.

I apologize for the very last segment – I guess it's kind of cheating – but I hope you enjoy my addition to that scene.

Anyway, thanks again for reading, and I hope the last chapter won't disappoint!

You can see me

Drinking cherry cola,

Sweet serial killer.

The Joker stormed into his house. They had taken her! It had only taken him five minutes to prepare a break-in to Arkham. That was when Frost got the message that she wasn't in Arkham. His Harley Quinn had been taken, and he didn't know where she was.

"Who did this?!" he shouted angrily, knocking the contents of a table onto the floor.

An opened soda can happened to be one of the things on the table, and cherry-red soda fizzed into the carpet.

That had been a good day. He and Harley decided to knock up any stores that appealed to them. Harley had been having the time of her life as they had sped through town, guns blazing, wind whipping though her hair, her smile and laughter crazier than they'd ever been. They had finished the night off by stealing all of the junk food out of a nearby Wal-Mart. Completely impractical, but that was the point.

The Joker pounded his fist on the now-clear table. He would get her back.

I left a love note,

Said you know I love,

The thrill of the rush.

It had been weeks – weeks – since Harley had been taken, and the Joker was more ruthless than ever. Everyone already knew to fear the Clown Prince of Crime, but now nobody even came close to disrespecting him.

The Joker smoothly walked into one of his many secret houses, "Frost, make an appointment to meet that client again." The Joker smiled, "He was so easy to do business with."

"Of course," Frost obliged.

The Joker paused, "Any word on Harley?"

"Nothing new yet. However, we did find an unmarked vehicle leaving Arkham the day after she was apprehended."

"That's not good enough."

Frost changed the subject, "I was looking through some old paper work, and I found this."

Frost handed the Joker a pink envelope. The Joker turned it over to see "Puddin" written with elaborate curls in sparkly, purple ink. He gave Frost a look and then went to his room and immediately opened the letter.


I wasn't sure how I should give this to you, so I just hid it with some of your old papers. They seemed boring. You should get out more and have more fun. Just saying.

Anyway, I just wanted to say I love you! I know you know that, but I just felt like I should write it down. I have no idea when you'll get this. I hope it's soon. You know I'm impatient.

Also, can we please, please go rob a store to get some new clothes? All my dresses are so boring now. I love how you get my outfits custom-made and all, but I really do love a good robbery.

See ya later!

Harley XOXO

The Joker stuffed the letter in a nearby drawer and rushed out of the room. He was walking so fast that when he passed Frost, some of the papers on his desk whirled onto the floor.

"Is everything alright?" Frost asked in alarm, assuming the Joker's speed was due to an emergency.

"When I rescue Harley, I can't be wearing this, now can I?" the Joker replied, gesturing to his classy yet casual outfit. "I'm going clothes shopping."


The Joker waved a dismissive hand as he opened the door, "Shopping, robbing – same thing."

You know I love,

The thrill of the rush.

The Joker crashed into the dinky bar with a laugh and began to mow down mob thugs with the automatic weapons Frost had gotten for them. The thugs hid behind tables and the Joker led the way for his men into the bar. The manager burst from a door behind the bar to see what the commotion was. As soon as he saw the Joker, he paled and immediately tried to go back the way he came.

The Joker shot the doors in front of the manager, and he froze.

The Joker tsked as he slowly approached the manager from behind, "I thought we had a deal here, Gunther."

"W-we do I just – " Gunther stuttered as he turned to face the Joker.

"Shh," the Joker shushed, while gracefully leaping over the bar.

"Look! I'll get you the goods! No need for this!" Gunther shouted desperately as the Joker gently applied the tip of his knife to his neck.

The Joker laughed and spun around, looking back at the bar, "No need for this?!" He laughed again, "Oh, I think there is a need for this. I've proven my point, haven't I?"

"Well, I guess."

The Joker whirled around, "What do you mean?"

The man shrugged nervously, "It was just more convincing last time with your girl, Harley."

"I completely understand," the Joker said with unusual calm.

"…y-you do?"

"I completely understand that you haven't been listening to a word I've said."

"No! No! That's – "

The Joker flicked his wrist and the man immediately put his hands to his throat. Thick, red blood fell between his fingers, and he gurgled into a lifeless heap on the floor.

"You!" the Joker said, pointing to the cowering bartender with his blood-dripping knife. "Get me my goods by Monday, or you'll end up just like him."

The bartender looked at the dead man in fear and nodded vigorously.

The Joker easily vaulted back over the bar and sauntered out the doorway.

"That seemed a bit extreme, Boss," Frost said as they were driving away.

"Don't question my methods."

"We will find her, I promise."

"I know we will. Now, shut up."

Sweet serial killer,

Do it for the thrill of the rush,

Love you just a little too much, much.

Harley laughed as they burst through the storefront with the sound of shattering glass. She squealed in excitement as she saw all of the colorful dresses within.

"Oh, Puddin'! This is the best date night ever!" she exclaimed while giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'd knew you'd like it," the Joker replied with a smile. "Pick whatever you want. I made sure the boys would be entertaining the Bat this evening."

"You thought of everything, Puddin'!"

"Anything for you."

She laughed and ran off towards a light blue dress.

The alarms above them began to blare. The Joker looked up in annoyance, but noticed none of the lights were flashing.

"Puddin', what's wrong?" Harley said worriedly. She walked over and put her arms around one of his.

"Don't you hear that wretched sound?!" he asked in irritation.

Harley looked concerned, "Puddin', there's no sound."

The Joker looked up at the ceiling again and then looked back at Harley, but instead of Harley holding him, it was Batman. The Joker jumped back and slipped on the now slick floor tiles. He felt himself falling through the air and realized he was back at Ace Chemicals. He hit the chemicals with a mighty splash.

The Joker gasped and sat up. He looked around and realized he had been dreaming. He was in his own bed not in Ace Chemicals. Batman was nowhere near him. Neither was Harley.

The Joker angrily grabbed the nearby lamp and threw it across the room. She should not have this kind of influence over him. She was his toy. That's it! Nothing more. Why had her absence become such a burden to him? The Joker grabbed his phone and dialed Frost.

"Boss, what's wrong?" Frost's groggy voice said after the third ring.

"Any news?"

"Uh, what?" he paused. "Oh, you mean on Harley."

"Yes, I mean on Harley."

"Um, no. It's 3:30 am."

The Joker suddenly realized how ridiculous he was being and hung up. That woman was causing him more trouble than he ever thought she'd be. All he wanted to do was forget her, but he only seemed to get more and more determined to find her.

Sweet serial killer,

I love you just a little too much,

Love you just a little too much, much.

BANG! The Joker and his men pressed their way through the smoke, easily taking out the guards inside the drab, gray room.

With clockwork precision, he and his guards smoothly moved around the prison cell in the center of the room. They began to saw open the entrance to the barred cage. The lock broke within a matter of seconds, and one of the Joker's men opened the door for him and stood guard while he entered the cage.

The Joker took off his cumbersome mask and watched as Harley's face went from fear to joy as she realized he was alive and had come to rescue her.

He smiled.

"Puddin'!" she blurted in excitement while pulling him into a tight embrace.

"Let's go home," he said.

"You came back for me!" she said, her voice full of surprise and wonder. She pulled out of the embrace just enough to peer into his eyes

"I'd do anything for you," he purred.

"You would even die for me?" Harley asked, recalling the horrible helicopter crash that nearly killed her Puddin'.

"Darlin'," the Joker said, returning her gaze. "I'd live for you."