Era walked down the streets of Budapest, her eyes fixed on the horizon and her hands shoved deep in her pockets. There was strange feeling in the air around her and the people of the city avoided her because of it.

Not that they didn't avoid her under normal circumstances, she was… odd to say the least.

Era was tall, about 5'10'', and fair with sharp cheekbones and a strong jaw. Her waist-length hair was primarily midnight black but it had a single thick streak of steely grey that ran through it. Her eyes were such a pale blue that they were white around her pupils, fading out to a light blue lined with black around the iris, giving them an icy and shocking appearance. She was very muscular, her limbs thick and strong, and she was lean. To say she was imposing was an understatement.

"Era," a cool feminine voice purred from behind her, causing Era to freeze in her step.

Era turned and a large grin split across her face at the sight before her. Natasha and Clint stood on the sidewalk, each in civilian clothes as Era was. Natasha's signature bright red hair was tucked up in a baseball cap. They looked like a couple of tourists enjoying an evening walk.

Era felt a little twinge in her chest at the sight of them, but she ignored it and went up to them, giving each of them a hug. It had been way too long.

Leaning back from the hug she was giving Clint, she looked each of them in the eyes "What's going on? Why are you in Budapest?" She noted how Clint avoided her eyes but Nat kept her gaze firm on Era.

"We need you to come out of retirement," Nat said bluntly.

Era's eyes narrowed dangerously, stepping away from Clint "I'm done with that. Besides, SHIELD is gone."

Clint smiled thinly "The Avengers are the ones who need you, Sigil."

Era hissed at the codename and look at both of them for a moment "Why?"

They looked at each other and Clint said in a soft tone "Typhon is back."

Era's eyes widened and she backed up two steps, fighting the urge to flee. A whisper escaped her lips "No…"

Natasha was the one to continue "One month ago, we intercepted a Hydra communication. It took a few days to decode but it said 'Typhon activated.' We need you because you are the only person to be involved with Typhon and escape."

Era looked back and forth between them, wishing she could just turn and walk away, continue with her normal life, but she knew that wasn't a possibility. She nodded.

"I'll be outside Grand Central at noon exactly one week from now," Era told them, giving them each a thin smile before turning around and walking away.

The two ex-SHIELD agents looked at each other, then headed for the airport.


I began this a short time ago and liked the way it was turning out, so I'm going to post it slowly. I dont know for sure if it will continue for long but if anyone has ideas to help continue it, I would appreciate it. I have more but not a whole lot. This is post Civil War but at a slight AU. The team isn't split up and Bucky isn't in stasis.

Please Review and let me know what you all think and any ideas you may have as this story goes along. Thanks.