Bruce and Alfred left Crystal to eat breakfast, and to gather herself together. Bruce was still trying to wrap his head around the fact of meeting a woman that doesn't know who he is. It was refreshing to hear, and also something that he wasn't use to. Alfred could tell he quite enjoyed hearing Crystal saying she didn't know him. It is a first for Alfred as well to meeting someone who doesn't know the boy billionaire. Alfred still wondered about the young lady, and where she came from. He was very interested to hear her story. Especially after what Bruce had told him last night when he brought her home…that her eyes had glowed red. This was a question that he and Bruce wanted answers to.

Crystal ate her breakfast in silence, thinking back to the events that had transpired hours ago. She was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that she had seen Gotham's Dark Knight last night. She had heard the stories before and after she had arrived. She just didn't think that she would be seeing him in person. She was still surprised to be waking up in a lake house. But, she was grateful though. At least there were some decent people in this city that are willing to let a complete stranger stay the night in their house after being attacked, and then being saved by Batman. That doesn't happen every day. Just a one in a million chance that happens to Crystal.

She took the tray in her hand once she finished breakfast, and got out of bed. But, when she stood up, she was suddenly hit with dizziness. Crystal dropped the tray, the utensils crashing against the plate, the tray making a loud bang, and her suddenly sitting on the edge of the bed, her hand to her forehead. Bruce and Alfred came rushing into the room, Bruce immediately at her side, kneeling next to her. Alfred picked up the tray, and set it on the side drawer.

"I'm-I'm fine," she said, taking a deep breath. "Stood up too fast and got dizzy."

"You really must have gotten hit harder than we thought," Bruce said. "We should bring you to a hospital."

"No! No hospital, please. I'm fine. I'll be fine. Just no hospital."

"You should have your head examined just to make sure there was no more damage done," Alfred suggested. "It would be unwise not to. Just so another dizziness won't happen again."

Crystal hated hospitals. It was just one of those general fears that most people have with hospitals, and also because of what she is. She didn't want people to discover what she was and what she could do. She didn't want them to be afraid of her. But, she mostly did not want to be experimented on again. She didn't want to be turned into some human weapon for the government, or whoever else would want to abuse her powers.

"I'll be fine," she insisted. "I just need to take it easy. I don't need a hospital trip. Really."

"You must hate hospitals then," said Bruce, giving a small smirk.

"Yeah. More than you can imagine."

"I can understand people hating them, or just being afraid of them. It isn't that uncommon. All right. No hospital visit. But if Alfred does see you collapse again, he is going to bring you to the hospital no matter what."

"Then I'll make sure he isn't around to see me collapse from dizziness then," Crystal replied, giving a small smirk herself.

"We barely know a thing about you, and she already sounds like you, Master Wayne," said Alfred.

Bruce gave a small glare at Alfred, and Crystal let out a small chuckle at the interaction between the two. Judging by their interaction, and by Crystal's observation so far, seems like Alfred raised Bruce. But, she didn't want to assume things. She didn't know them at all, and she only just met the two. But, she did know that they were close. That was something she has to experience herself, but not now.

"Is it alright that I step outside for a bit? Get some fresh air," she said, slowly standing back up.

Bruce smiled, and gestured for her to step out of the room. He and Alfred followed, and stopped when she stepped outside. They both watched from inside, growing even more curious about her.

"An interesting young lady," said Alfred. "Afraid to go to hospitals."

"She has a reason to, Alfred. She has something in her blood," Bruce deduced. "If they found something, then they would ask to do more tests. And the look in her eyes…the fear…She doesn't want to be tested. She would be afraid of what they would find out about her."

"So she is different then. How do you expect her to tell you about who she really is, and what she is? It surely isn't going to be easy, especially for her. We've only just met the girl."

"No…but maybe someone else can."

And with that, Bruce stepped out of the room, and Alfred only concluded that Crystal was going to have another run in with the Batman.

Crystal took in the sight of the lake that lay before her eyes, a small smile resting on her face. It was beautiful, and relaxing. She felt at peace just staring at it. At nature. It was always nature that seemed to bring her some peace to what she is. That is something she can at least enjoy.

"What brings a young lady like you to a crime filled city like Gotham?"

Crystal turned and saw Bruce standing next to her. He stared out onto the lake, waiting to hear her answer.

"I'm just passing through," she said. "Just traveling. Trying to find my place in the world, like everyone else."

"What makes you think you'll find it here? Not many people want to stay in Gotham. Quite the opposite really. They would rather leave than live here."

"I don't. But, one never knows. I don't really have a place to call my home yet. Sometimes you find a home in the least expected city."

"What about your parents?"

Crystal smiled softly, holding her hands behind her back as she stared out onto the lake.

"I…my parents are gone," she let out slowly. "Actually…my dad…he was abusive. And an alcoholic. He died in a car accident. My mother got sick, and she passed away. I have…had a brother. He died protecting me."

Bruce didn't say anything as he listened to her talk about her parents and her brother. There were pauses when she spoke, getting the feeling that it was painful to talk about. He understood that feeling. It was hard for him to still talk about his parents. But, he was lucky that both his parents had loved him. This girl he had just met…not so much. An abusive alcoholic father who died in a car crash, a mother who died from sickness, and a brother who died protecting her. She didn't say what her mother was like, but he didn't push it for he didn't want to bring up unwanted memories for her. That is something he doesn't want to do to someone who made it clear that her childhood wasn't that memorable, especially when an abusive alcoholic father comes to mind.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bring up hurtful memories," he said, looking at her.

"It's okay, Mr. Wayne. You didn't," she said, smiling softly. "To tell you the truth…I didn't really know my parents. Or my brother. You see, I didn't meet my brother until years later. And by then, he had died protecting me. He gave me a flash drive, and it had a recording of him. And that was when he had told me everything about him, and our parents. My mother…according to my brother, she left me at an orphanage. She didn't want me to live with an abusive father after I was born. My brother had grown up with our grandparents, and he didn't know I even existed until he visited our mother. But, when he did visit her, it was then that my mother had already left me at an orphanage, hoping a loving family would adopt me someday. I never was. But, I turned out just fine though. I'm not on the streets, and I've stayed out of trouble most of the time."

Crystal couldn't help but smile as she told her story to Bruce. It was true though. She has stayed out of trouble most of the time. She just couldn't really tell him what she really is, and what she did to the people responsible for what she became. Bruce looked at her, seeing the smile on her face. He knew what it was. Her eyes gave it away. He saw the pain in her eyes that her smile failed to hide. She grew up without truly knowing her mother. But, he was happy for the fact that she didn't grow up with an abusive alcoholic father. Her mother did the right thing by letting her go, and letting her have a chance to grow up without her father in her life. But, he can tell that it was hard for her to grow up without knowing her mother. At least her brother was able to find her, but he was taken away from her too quickly.

"You are welcome to stay here, as long as you need, Ms. Rose," Bruce said.

"What? Oh no, I couldn't. You don't have to," she argued. "I'll stay in a hotel."

"I insist. And please, call me Bruce."

"Then, you can just call me Crystal. But, really, I shouldn't. I mean, we only just met, and it wouldn't feel right to stay in your home when you barely even know me."

"Well, I know you are not from around here and you hate hospitals. Why not stay in a place that you are already familiar with in a short amount of time? Also, Alfred can contact me if anything happens and I can just make a house call to a doctor instead of a hotel staff bring you to a hospital."

Crystal didn't know what to say. She had only just met this man, and already he was offering her his home to stay in during her time in Gotham. Let alone he was willing to make a house call to a doctor instead of her going to a hospital. That she will be forever grateful for. She just couldn't believe that a man she had only just met was already opening up his home to her. She wasn't sure how she was going to repay him for this, but she knew that she wasn't going to take his kindness for granted. She just had to come up with a way to pay back such kindness.

"Thank you, Bruce. That's…that's really kind of you," she said. "But, I won't stay for a long time. Once my business in Gotham is done, I will be out of your way."

"Take as much time as you need," Bruce said. "Well, I have to go. Have to go run a company."


"My father's business. Wayne Enterprises."

"Oh. Yeah, see…I wouldn't have put that together. Again, I don't really follow anything."

"Which, again, is hard to hear. And very rare when someone doesn't know who I am, especially a woman. But, refreshing though. If you need anything, just let Alfred know."

Crystal nodded her head in thanks, and Bruce went back inside. Alfred had watch the two interact, hoping something would help spark something. Then again, it looked like nothing happened. But, he was curious as to why Bruce was letting her stay until her business in Gotham was done. When Bruce came in, he noticed the look Alfred had, which was the same look with almost everything Bruce does.

"I want to keep a close eye on her," he responded. "She's a meta-human. And I want to know what she is capable of."

"You mean you want to know if she is dangerous," Alfred said. "It doesn't seem like it. If she wanted to, she would have already hurt you, Master Wayne. She would have done so last night to the Bat. But she didn't."

"That doesn't mean anything, Alfred. She could be putting up an act. And you know how well that turns out. One knew how to get into a person's head."

"Having a background in psychology and psychiatry is a dangerous thing to have," Alfred admitted. "I see your point. I'll keep an eye on her while you are away then."

"Let me know if anything happens."

Alfred just nodded his head, and turned his attention back to Crystal, who was now sitting on the ground, staring at the lake. To him, she didn't seem like a dangerous person, let alone she didn't give off that feeling. But, she did want to avoid going to hospitals at all costs, and he was curious to what Bruce had witnessed last night regarding with what she did.