Summary: She tried to stay away from the plot. She really did but she seemed to attract those damn D's as if she was catnip for their demented kind. First her surrogate aunt, than Garp, than Luffy and now Portgas D Ace of all people. Where the hell did her average life go. OC!SI/Ace pairing. How hard could it really be.

Warning: story will contain child abuse, hints at past rape and suicide.

Pairing: Arson Ruri x Portgas D Ace

Monkey D Garp

This is all your fault you know. You and that crazy lunatic you call a grandson. I was fine ignoring reality but you just had to chip away at it. You just had to make me feel again and Luffy just had to dig up my long lost conscious. Whatever happens today will be a direct result of your actions. Somehow I don't think you will regret it. On the contrary you will be laughing that crazy laugh of yours when I pull a stunt worthy of Luffy's kind of stupidity.

Why. Well that is easy. I no longer can stand by and do nothing. For some reason that I can't fathom you won't do anything about it yourself so I have decided to take matters in my own hand.

You have no idea how grateful I am to you. Without you I would have become a cold hearted woman. A woman who only cares about herself. I was becoming just like the rest of marines in this accursed place. Before I knew it, I had buried my heart. Any guilty feelings I had where completely ignored. I was so deep in denial. I didn't want to accept what was happening around me. So I did the easy thing and buried my head in the sand.

I say no more. There is no better way to show how I feel than to save your grandson.

Now I am sure you are wondering about that grandson part. You see I am not going to let Ace die. He doesn't deserve what is happening to him. Him being his son shouldn't matter. The man has been died for over twenty years. Then again if the World Government is good at one thing. It is holding a grudge. It's pathetic and it's disgusting. No one deserves what is happening to Portgas D Ace.

To be honest I am ashamed to admit that before Luffy and you I wouldn't have cared much. Sure I would have thought that it was sad tale all around. But I also wouldn't have thought that it was any of my business. Now all I can think about is how Ace must feel. How his dead will destroy a part of Luffy that never again will be alright. A part of you. I don't think I would be able to live with myself if I ignored what was happening right in front of me.

Luffy is really something isn't he. In two days he somehow managed to make me care. Not only about himself but also about Ace. I may have never met him but any person so loved by Luffy can never be a bad person. What I am trying to say is that I have to put in my resignation. The World Government is too foul for my taste.

You should be proud of Luffy.

I have no doubt in my mind that one day he will become the King of pirates. Personally I want to see it happen with my own two eyes.

Arson Ruri

p.s. Please makes sure that if I survive my bounty won't have some ridiculous nickname.

p.p.s. Coby doesn't know what is written in this letter. I told him I wanted you to have this only if I didn't survive. Now I just have to make sure not to chicken out.

p.p.p.s. I sure won't miss your fist of love.