Hello audience, If you cannot tell, this is a rewrite of my first story. Now I will make sure to make this a good crossover.

Anyways, for pairings, I will let you all decide for a five girl pairing. However I already decided on two of them, so you all will decide on three of them.

Everybody will be in their pre-shippuden outfits and age. Also Sakura will not be a kunoichi, I fucking hate her. Also Luffy will be like how Shanks was to him.

Summary: Instead of Minato doing the sealing of the kyuubi, it was Hiruzen. Instead of a single child, Minato and Kushina had triplets. Naruto the youngest and only son is neglected by his family and village. After meeting a certain straw hat pirate, Naruto devotes himself to surpassing him.

I do not own anything.

Naruto, The Successor of Luffy

Chapter 1- The Meeting

"I'm cold." A small child said as he walked down a deserted path in Konohagakure. The reason it was deserted because it was the Will of Fire Festival.

The Will of Fire Festival is the night of the defeat of the Kyuubi by the hands of the now deceased Sarutobi Hiruzen five years ago. It was also the birthday of Naruto and his older sisters. Not that anyone remembered.

As the youngest of three, Uzumaki Naruto was not really taken care of by his family. His older sisters, Naruko and Natsumi are the jinchuuriki the Yin and Yang chakra of the Kyuubi respectively.

Naruto is not really cared for by his family, he is usually by himself, but sometimes is taken care of by an Anbu he calls Weasel-neechan.

Now on his fifth birthday, even his Weasel-neechan isn't there. "I'm hungry." Naruto said because he has not eaten all day. He is on his way to Ichiraku Ramen because they are always nice to him.

"Hello Oji-san." Naruto said as he walked into the stand. "Hello Naruto." Teuchi said as he set a bowl of ramen in front of Naruto. "Happy birthday Naruto." Teuchi said as he patted Naruto's head.

As he ate his ramen, he noticed another person in the ramen bar. The old man appeared to be in his seventies and was wearing a straw hat.


A now 75 year old Monkey D. Luffy is eating ramen at a fast pace in a ramen stand. Around him were several large stacks of empty ramen bowls. 'I hope he could pay for this.' Teuchi thought as he served another bowl of ramen to the pirate.

He then noticed a small blonde child walk in and talk to the chef. 'They must know each other.' Luffy thought as he finished his 50th bowl of ramen. A few minutes later, he noticed the child now had a large pile of bowls around him.

'Man this kid likes ramen.' Luffy thought, but then he remembered his love for meat.

"So Naruto, how was your day?" Teuchi asked the young Uzumaki. "It was ok I guess." Naruto said as he placed his now empty ramen bowl down. "But I'm getting stronger! And soon I'll become hokage!" Naruto yelled as he stood up in his stool.

'That look in his eyes, he reminds me of myself when I was younger.' Luffy thought as he remembered his younger days. Luffy then started chuckling.

"Hey, what's so funny Oji-san?" Naruto asked the straw hat pirate. "Nothing, you just remind me of myself when I was younger." Luffy said as Teuchi cleaned the bowls.

"Really? How?" Naruto asked with his head tilted to the side. "That look you had in your eyes, I had the same look." Luffy said as he turned in the stool to look at Naruto.

"Really?" Naruto asked. "Yes, when I was young I had a dream similar to yours. To become Pirate King." Luffy said as he remembered his adventures.

"Pirate King? What's that?" Naruto asked, getting a shocked look from Luffy. "What's a Pirate King? The Pirate King is a person who has the legendary treasure, One Piece." Luffy said, making Naruto interests in his tale.

For two hours, Luffy told Naruto of his adventures of him and the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Wow Luffy-san, I want to hear more." Naruto said as Luffy wasn't even halfway to the end of his adventures. "Alright, maybe tomorrow Naruto." Luffy said as he patted Naruto's head.

Boom! Rewrite done! I know some of you wanted me to stay with the Successor of Zoro, but I felt that I rushed this and another story. If someone want's to adopt it, PM me and I'll see if I shall give it to you.

Anyways, next my second and final rewrite is The Next Hoenn Champion. Demongod123 here, signing out.