
Hello lovely readers! So here is my new fan fiction. I have to say, I'm not very confident about it, so let me know if you like it or not, and I'll judge whether to keep posting. I won't be updating very regularly anyway, since the school year is starting. Also, I've only read the books, not seen the show, so it should be somewhat behind on information. No spoilers please! :) Again, I have to say it's not very good, but it's fun to write. It would greatly appreciate it if y'all would review and let me know what you think!



Jon Snow was the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Whether he was a good one- well, history would determine that, wouldn't it? And nobody could know until his watch was done.

Of course, for Melisandre, the future wasn't always so unreachable. She knew that Jon Snow was concerned about letting all Tormund Giantsbane's wilding in, but he had done it today. The Night's Watch was suspicious and the wildings were suspicious, but so far no blood had been shed. Melisandre considered that a success.

She decided to look into the fires nonetheless. On such a momentous occasion, surely R'hllor would be generous in giving out knowledge.

She saw familiar images first: Stannis' face again, the silhouette of a dragon in flight, a crown falling to the floor. All she had seen before. Then something new, something strange and fearful: a terrible shadow, icy cold and creeping. Cruel blue eyes, unblinking. Men shouting and running, and fire burning, and children freezing. The Wall, being climbed by thousands of white figures, crawling over each other like ants, and swarming over the few men in black.

Melisandre knew with a certainty that such events were not happening a year in the future, or even a day, but now.

At last the vision ended. She stood up shakily, her eyes shut. Perhaps she had been mistaken. Perhaps she had seen it wrong. Perhaps-

A horn blew, and Melisandre felt fear. It blew a second time, and she felt dread. It blew one final time, cut off abruptly at the end, and she felt despair.

When human beings know with absolute certainty that they are going to die, they will stop being afraid- to a small degree. There's simply nothing left to lose.

Melisandre, shaking slightly, threw open her door and went to find Jon Snow. He was on the top of the wall, shouting commands to his desperate men. White things were beginning to congregate at the bottom of the wall, and the men's arrows and firebrands were doing nothing to hinder them.

Melisandre called out his name. To her surprise, her voice was calm.

Jon Snow looked at her, and then away, ignoring her and going back to his work. She grabbed his arm.

"I have no time for you, my lady," he muttered, throwing her off.

"Your brother was a king, was he not?"


"And you have king's blood, and if-"

Jon merely walked away.

"If you do not listen to me, Jon Snow, then all hope is lost," said Melisandre. "Show me your burned hand,"

He stopped for a moment, and Melisandre realized quite suddenly that he was sixteen years old, and desperate, and alone. Jon came to a decision. "Be quick," he muttered.

She drew her dagger, flashing red in the light of the torches, and pulled it across his hand. Blood fell upon the treacherous ice of the wall.

Jon flinched back. "Now what, my lady?" he said angrily. "Will you fight off the horde with th-"

He stopped talking when the bloody dagger lit up in flame. Melisandre picked it up thoughtfully, examining it. She put a single hand on Jon's shoulder, her other holding the fiery blade.

"This might hurt," she said. Then she thrust it into Jon's stomach.

Farther down the wall, Satin saw Jon Snow, Lord Commander of the NIght's Watch, fall. He saw Melisandre's short dagger, alight in flame, held high above her head. He saw Melisandre crouch upon the ground, and speak to the dying man.

"Snow," Melisandre said urgently, pulling his face up. He had no strength to resist her. There was an awful pounding in his head, a rushing in his heart, a trembling in his limbs. "I am sending you back. It is your only chance, our only chance, the only chance for the entire race of men. You must save the old line, the true one. You must save the Night's Watch. You have to stop them. Get to the dragon queen, she will help you. But you must hurry. You must-"

He never heard the rest of her message. Instead his eyes shut, his head fell, and his heart stopped.

Satin found himself running towards the both of them, yelling of dark magic and murderers.

Melisandre gave him a contemptuous look, and leapt gracefully off the Wall.

By the time Satin reached Jon, all that remained of him was a black cloak.


Jon knew nothing for a moment except darkness. Then he opened his eyes and observed a familiar, snowy wood. Wincing, he managed to rise and stumble forward. He glimpsed something impossible, and then fell once more, into the fresh white snow.