Disclaimer: Mature content - read responsibly. I own and gain nothing, Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Author's Note: This is quite short - a teaser perhaps. More chapters to be added soon. Enjoy :)

Hermione walked down the hallway with a (previously uncharacteristic) smirk on her face. Her makeup was fresh and cleverly charmed, hair tamed and intricately twisted atop her head, teeth small and pearly white. Her school bag bounced off of her hip, bursting at the seams with all of her meticulously thorough summer homework, a small perfume bottle, quills, ink, a thick card and a flask, its fiery contents sloshing back and forth with each step.

The ornate card was not just any piece of paper, it's heavy, important looking print and charm layered text spelled trouble. It read:


Six tasks:

Alcohol in school

Potions class while stoned

Get cum on something of a teacher's

Get into the trousers of 6 people in one day

Get a tongue piercing and learn how to use it - see member for more information.

Threesome with a three out of four houses represented.

When complete, find a board member and present them with your checklist. Await your final task.

What the card did not say was that this initiation was for the Girls of Hogwarts, and getting in would mean the title of a goddess among men. Anyone you so graciously decided to sleep with was heralded and seen as a true success. Many would offer money or roleplay just to be given the honor. The Girls of Hogwarts were the most wanted, most powerful women of the school. All that was keeping her from getting the title was this list and the final task, a task members shuddered to remember and applicants chewed their nails anxiously in anticipation of. All applicants had three weeks to complete the first six tasks.