Summary: Kubera was a God and Gods didn't pray.


"Even if it's just a trivial one, have you never prayed for anything at all?"

"Pray to who?"



There were many things Kubera did that were inexcusable and terrific. He regretted few of it, for he was a God and the doings of a God were not to be called 'sin'. But still, Kubera had regrets.

Ananta had been the first of them. And the rest... The rest...

Staring at the bright smile on her face, Kubera also stared into her future (blood-betrayal-death-solitude-regret) and couldn't help but think, What a shame.

Kubera had seen many humans, many suras. Kubera saw many geniuses or prodigies, has interacted and used them as they weren't to, has killed many of them like ants beneath his boot. Entertainment, Kubera called them, because that was all humans and sura could be. There were exceptions such as Ananta, but not enough. Never enough, really. Too many of them were simply weak. They did not have the mental fortitude to bear a fraction of the Power of the Name. Just like that Plaything of Visnu. But this girl, this little human thing that wore his Name in her soul-

Leez Haias (Kubera, he thought, Kubera Leez) was weak now. The weakest of those who wore his Name. But a glimpse into her future saw to it that she would change. Anyone with even the slightest hint of Insight would know that her future would be strong. Perhaps dark and broken and short, but still strong.

If Kubera was the sort to brag or acknowledge it, he would even say that she would be strong enough to use the Power of his Name. Might even feel enough to muster the smallest amount of pride.

But Kubera wasn't, so he didn't.

All he could think of was her smile and the way her soul was so, so bright right now. All he could think of was the future ahead of her (of them) and the way it would change her.

("You're a bad man. Very bad.")

Kubera closed his eyes.



As Kubera sat in the throne surrounded by suras (weakweakweaktooweak) he thought of her, and pondered.

Once, the little girl had told him about wishes.

Prayers, she had said, to the Gods.

(Kubera wouldn't deny -to himself, that is- that he had been - still was - ridiculously lenient towards her, but he would not also deny the entertainment she brought by merely saying a few words.)

Kubera was the God of the Earth and Gods didn't pray. Couldn't, because to who should a God pray to? The mere notion of it was ridiculous and he had no doubt that if any other God were to hear her speak at that moment that they would be laughing to their next life.

But then Kubera thought of Kubera Leez. He thought of her spirit and her smile as she called him "Ajhussi". He also thought of her future, proof of the strength of his Name, and the Plaything that would cause far more harm to her than anyone else would.

As the time approached for the end, God Kubera thought of Kubera Leez and couldn't help but letting slip a stray thought past.

But that thought, small and soft, was fleeting and had no place in the schemes he had surrounded himself in.



I pray, so that one day you can smile again.



Because I'm a shipper of KuberaxKuberaLeez and YutaxKuberaLeez.

I'm in love with the manhwa Kubera and just caught up to the translations in manga sites cuz webtoon is still behind. But oh my god, it's awesome. I also found The Daily Life of Goo Bera and can't stop laughing at the counterparts of Kubera Leez, Yuta and God Kubera. Especially whenever Leez thinks of needing romance and these guys appear and the author goes Nope. Ahaha God Kubera is- He is- *V*

Now I'm just sad because there aren't many fanfictions about them. If anyone knows, please tell me. I'm desperate.