RATING; NC-17, language, strong sexual content, adult themes that some may not be for the faint hearted

I've been working on this story before on this website, Wattpad, but it was used with different characters, which is under the name Reesie&Snickers, just for those who start to think I'm stealing someone else idea which is further from the truth. (Its old, I don't go on there anymore.)

Long story short, I decided to bring the story back to life, but in a much better aspect and different way of thinking. Either way, I really hope you like it



Chapter 1: The American Dream

The alarm started to vibrate, creating that loud annoying sound to where even the dead would want to tell it to shut the hell up. She got up, rubbing her eyes as she found the button, hitting the snooze button as she yawned, getting ready for yet another day.

She turned her head to see the love of her life, John Cena there as he opened his eyes to meet her brown orbs, smiling.

"Hey there sweetheart." He grinned, sitting up stroking his wife's lovely brown hair.

"Hello to you too." She yawned as she sat up, knowing she had to get ready for another day of the morning ritual, as she would always follow.

Frankie Davis was 30 years old, married to John Cena for nine years with two beautiful twin girls who were 10 years old. Her and John had met in college. He was the love of her life and her soulmate. She was a sophomore in college and she was never in any trouble. Had two loving yet strict parents and she was always on good behavior, never the kind to get in any trouble. She never did drugs, didn't get pregnant young at 16 or 17. She had a really good support system with her family. And every Sunday, she would go to church to volunteer.

When she first met John, he was on the football team and he was a senior in college, pursing a career in the law, whereas Frankie was pursuing a career in wanting to become a teacher and help to be a part of the education to help young minds. She was only 19 and he was 22, but there was something that connected the both of them to be drawn together and to fall in love.

Their dreams were taking off on the right path, especially for the both of them as love was at first sight for both of them. As cliche as it was, John's parents loved her as well as Frankie's parents liked him right on the spot, especially as to how Mr. Davis was very protective of his daughter.

As soon as they started dating, everything had changed. They had went on long walks on their dates, talking to each other about their long term and short term goals. They would go out almost every night but never had sex.

That was until up to that one night, they couldn't help themselves and Frankie gave her virginity to John, which was an amazing and a wonderful experience for her. Up to that point in time, Frankie had discovered about two months later, she became pregnant with John's child. Of course, as soon as they had went to the doctor to see how far along she was and it had detected that she was indeed, 2 months pregnant and didn't even know it, as she did not develop any symptoms yet.

It was on that moment, that John decided to pop the question to her.

Of course he didn't do that until after she had the twin girls. It was critical for the both of them, given that she was going through a C section and one of her twin daughters almost didn't survive the birth. In fact, both of them were in the Neonatal intensive care unit as both of them had a high fever and small weight, as they were born two months early.

As time had passed, the girls were healthy and were now 10 years old, in the 4th grade. Frankie was now 30 years old and they had been married for nine years now. Frankie and John graduated from college and he was a correctional officer and Frankie was a 5th grade teacher. They shared a beautiful home and John was loved and respected by everyone in his community. He was a hard worker and Frankie, even with a career was mostly a housewife; Doing the usual cooking, cleaning and taking care of their children to which they loved very much.

As John was in the shower, getting ready for work, Frankie was in the kitchen finishing up breakfast as she grabbed the twins' lunch boxes and their backpacks.

"Eris! Nala!" Unless you two plan on missing the school bus, I suggest you two get down here in five minutes before you miss it!" She called out to them as she finished making breakfast, hearing the girls footsteps as they made it down.

Eris and Nala were identical twins, except the only difference was that Nala had a birthmark in the shape of a heart on her neck, and Eris had a birthmark on her right hand. Eris was the tomboy and Nala was the princess. Either way, those two loved to have fun and get into trouble, and of course, driving both of their parents crazy and whatnot.

It was almost hard to believe that they were born two months early and small of only two pounds. They were healthy now, and it seemed as though they were growing up too fast at the moment.

"Thanks mommy!" The girls said, grabbing their lunches as they sat down to eat their breakfast.

"Where's daddy?" Eris asked, forking pancakes into her mouth as Nala was trying to steal a piece of bacon from her sisters' plate.

"He's getting ready for work and you two better hurry if y'all want to catch that bus in time." She said in a stern manner, as she cleaned up.

The door knocked, as Frankie wiped her hands on her robe, wondering who was coming by so early around 7:30 in the morning.

As she opened it, she was suddenly attacked by hugs by her two best friends.

"I'm engaged!" Claudia screamed happily where as the other girl, Nellie was grinning.

"I'm only here because I know this morning you were texting about making breakfast. Can't miss out on that." Nellie laughed as the two of them stepped inside.

Claudia, to which her nickname was CJ was Frankie's best friend, as well as Nellie Hayes had all known each other since they were freshman in high school. While Frankie was the good girl of the group, CJ was the rebel and tomboy, breaking the rules and loving every bit of it, enjoying life whenever necessary. She had grown up with her aunt ever since her mom passed away and her father and stepmother kicked her out the house. Nellie of course, growing up she had the personality of both, yet she was more kept to herself. She was adopted, never knowing about her real parents. She was an introvert though, which was weird, given as how she was a party girl at the same time.

Claudia was a businesswoman, who was working in a 500 Fortune company and Nellie was a photographer, working with different companies and different models such as Victoria Secret and Fitness Brands. Both of them were in their mid 30s as well.

"Aunties are in the house!" the twins shouted as they ran up to the women, as they scooped them up, hugging and kissing them both.

"Well its nice to see you ladies too." Claudia smiled as she kissed the girls.

"What present did you get for me?" Nala said in a blunt manner.

"Nala..." Frankie glared at her, shaking her head.

"It's fine, honey." Nellie smiled, giving each of the girls 20 dollars. "Treat yourselves."

"You know it, Auntie Nellie." Nala giggled as each of them received a kiss.

"So who is my Auntie Claudia marrying?" Eris couldn't help but smile, seeing the big diamond rock on her finger.

Of course, before Claudia could give the details, the horn blared loudly, signaling it was time for them to go to school.

"No time to chat; Out the door you two." She gave them their lunch boxes as she kissed them both.

"Bye mommy. We love you and daddy!" They ran out there as Frankie watched as they made it onto the yellow school bus, as they pulled off.

"So give us the details...while Frankie serving us some grub." Nellie sat down, giggling.

"Oh yes because I'm the cook here." Frankie rolled her eyes sarcastically, smiling as she poured them both each a cup of Joe, sliding it across from them on the island as they sat up on the bar-stool.

"You love us anyway, trick." Claudia smirked as Frankie gave them both plates of leftover food, wrapping up the breakfast specially for John when he came down the steps.

"Sometimes I wonder." Frankie teased as Claudia sucked her teeth.

"So anyway" She continued on. "You already know about sexy ass Antonio Cesaro? That fine ass man with several fluent languages and with a body and eyes and just about every damn thing making him perfect?"

"Uh yes of course girl." Nellie giggled. "I remembered we went to Planet Fitness that one day and ever since then, you two couldn't keep y'all hands off each other."

"Well honey, I didn't expect this to happen but BAM! It did." Claudia flashed her ring to her best friends, proud to finally have her happily ever after with the man she had been seeing for awhile now and was falling in love with.

"Girl that is amazing and that ring is beautiful." Frankie got out her seat to hug her best friend.

It was indeed a beautiful ring, which was a Ruby Ring, Cushion Cut Ruby Solitaire Engagement Ring in Rose Gold. It was also very expensive as well, but for Antonio, it was worth it to propose to her.

"We need to have a toast of course." Nellie raised her coffee glass. "To the crazy ass Claudia; Bout time someone married her psycho ass."

"Bitch, shut up." Claudia laughed as they clinked her coffee mugs together as they sipped.

"Now what's this news I hear?" They heard John coming down the steps as Frankie went over to give him his mug of the steaming caffeine.

"Well it seems that my sister has finally been hooked, line and sinker." Frankie chuckled as he took the mug, sipping it as he grabbed his work files as well as his briefcase.

"Baby, you have to do more than have everything in a clutter like that." Frankie wagged her finger at him playfully.

"Well, its all part of the perks of being a correctional officer, my sweet." He kissed the top of her nose, despite that she wanted a real kiss from him.

Frankie knew he was in a hurry so she gave him his breakfast as he gave his hugs to Nellie and Claudia.

"Congratulations, Claudia. I know he's got to be the luckiest man ever." John smiled as he waved goodbye, heading out to the Tahoe, unlocking it and stepping in.

As he pulled out the driveway, Frankie smiled as she waved goodbye to him, drinking her mug.

"So now that Mr. Johnny-boy is gone." Claudia teased. "We have to get ready for work and as we do that, I will tell you all more about my engagement with the love of my life."

"Oh lord." Nellie and Frankie groaned, giggling as they headed upstairs to the master bedroom.

"You know you will both be my maids of honor, I don't trust none of my damn greedy ass sisters by the minute and y'all know how trifling they are." She grabbed a magazine as she flopped on the bed, flipping through it while Frankie went to look for her outfit in the closet. Even though she was only a school teacher and the class didn't start until perhaps another thirty minutes, she wanted to look sexy casual but conservative at the most.

She pulled out a purple white and black sleeveless midi body-con dress that reached down past her knees, stopping at her legs. She then pulled out a pair of low inch black heels and grabbed a robe and towel as her girls were talking non stop about the wedding plans.

"I'll join you ladies in a second." She smiled as she headed to the shower, just washing her hair, body, face and brushing her teeth.

She finished and then she dried off completely, slipping her hair into a bun and then putting on her classes and her outfit, spraying herself with light vanilla spray.

As she slipped on her heels, she stepped out and her girls applauded her.

"Bitch! You look good!" CJ approved, applauding being overly dramatic.

Frankie just looked at her crazy and laughed. "I'm just dressed as a school teacher is all, I mean I'm pretty sure I've always dressed like this, whether it be a pair of slacks or a long sundress."

CJ sucked her teeth. "Would you just let me compliment you, damn!"

"Don't mind her, she's still cranky of the no sex rule until marriage, to which she created in the first place." Nellie said in a smart remark, which earned her a middle finger from CJ.

"You better be lucky I'm in a good mood or I would toss your ass into a damn box and no one would find you." CJ fell back the bed, tossing the magazine.

"Why are you so frustrated with not having sex until marriage? I mean, you even came up and presented the idea to Cesaro and he was on board with it. Shouldn't that tell you something about the man?" Frankie sat on the vanity in front of the mirror as she applied her light pink lip-gloss.

"I know that and it was...at the time. Hell, I even used my damn vibrator and I broke the shit. Now I want him." CJ sat up, pouting. "It's getting harder now, I feel like my whole damn pussy might as well be on fire."

"Jesus, don't need to know about your damn anatomy." Nellie rolled her eyes, disgusted at her best friends blunt manner, even though she always knew she was like this.

"Well, I'm fucking horny and we all women around here, we ain't got nothing to hide." CJ scoffed.

"Take that up with Cesaro then. You guys have been together for 6 months now and maybe its about that time anyway, you know." Frankie shrugged as she finished her light make up.

"I know for sure that Cesaro has been wanting it more than you think." Nellie grinned, teasing her best friend.

"I guess so. I just want him and I know I wanted us to wait, but its easier said than done, ladies. I mean, that man is all the way gorgeous and romantic." CJ sighed heavenly, in awe.

The girls realized what time it was as they had to depart from each other, but luckily, even with different shifts and jobs, their lunch schedules were the same and they would meet up around 12:30 for their lunch at their usual spot, at the 7th Street Cafe

Nellie and CJ both hugged and kissed Frankie as she did the same as they headed out to their cars. Frankie locked the door, headed to her Honda Civic as she lightly hit her head on the steering wheel.

With keeping a household in tact, as well as being a mother, and with so many errands to do after she would get off her shift, she thought this would never end. She's been use to this cycle for awhile and she loved her kids and her husband with every breath in her body, especially her twin girls.

Of course, with John, as much as she loved him, sometimes she knew it could often be a work in progress.

Of course, she knew she had nothing to complain about; A loving family, a beautiful exquisite house with a garden and pool, parents who loved her and expected her to do more with high expectations as well as a wonderful man who loved her unconditionally and was the breadwinner of all, she had everything she wanted.

To everyone's eyes, she was living the American Dream.


Nellie was on the way to pick up some breakfast as she was about to get a few things before heading to her job. Of course, her phone buzzed, making her turn down her jam of Rihanna.

She stopped at a red light and saw who was calling her as she felt the impending headache coming it.

It was none one other than Randy Orton.

"You promised yourself you were done with him. You promised your friends, every damn one that believed in you. You know he's nothing more than a damn disease." Her brain yelled at her, cursed her for letting this man, this addiction get to her once more.

She knew she should ignore the phone call. She knew there was someone much better than him. Anyone but him.

Of course, her foolish heart decided to answer the call.

"Hey." She said flatly.

"You don't sound so happy to hear from me." His voice sounded sad, but dripping like honey.

She knew it was all a lie. He would come up with any excuse to bring her back to him, to woo his way back into her life.

She knew after that one time, she made the mistake of letting him in between her legs, letting him talk her into having that drink one night, then after that, it would just be in between the sheets, both of them having raw passionate sex none stop.

There was no foreplay and no romance; just condoms, beer and sex.

It has been that way for the past 3 months and of course it hasn't stopped, no matter how much she has tried.

No matter how much she's told herself he is no good. Her girls have told her, hell especially for the simple fact that he was a married man!

He's made empty promises that he's loved her and that he's only thought about her, saying it would take time to tell his wife and getting a divorce, seeing as how they had a child together. Him and his wife were married for 4 years and she had no clue of his infidelity.

As much as she's tried to break it off with him, she just couldn't find the words nor the actions to do so. She felt like a coward and a horrible pathetic excuse of a woman, every time she has fallen for his sweet charm and loving reassuring words.

She officially became the side chick to Randy Orton and his needs. It seemed as though he didn't give a damn about hers at all. it was on his time and his time alone. She felt ever grateful to get a call or a text from him.

"I'm fine. Except for the fact that you promised me that you would call me last night and you never did." She sighed, knowing another excuse was about to come out of his lying mouth.

"I'm sorry babe. You know how work is. Plus, you know I can't let my wife find out about us just yet. I have too much too lose. You have to understand that."

"I do Randy, it's just.." The light turned green as she started driving. "I wish you would think about me more."

"Look, whenever I am with you, I make it all about you. Doesn't that stand for something?" He sounded annoyed with her now. "Come on now, I don't need for you to be so needy with me."

"Well excuse the hell out of me for wanting to spend more time with you and oh yeah, its going on four months and you still haven't done the divorce papers and this whole promise of marriage and family to me. Do you really expect me to keep doing this shit over and over again, after all the chances I've given you?" Now she was starting to get pissed.

"Look, baby I don't want to argue. How about tonight, I'll make it up to you. I promise you this time. You know you like the way I kiss on your soft beautiful skin...please baby. Don't ignore me when I need you. I'm going through so much and I just really need for you to have my back on this."

This was now the time to cut him off. To leave his excusable ass in the dust and to never look back.

Instead, she just decided to give him another chance as they both agreed to meet at her house, with her wearing nothing at all except the red bra and panty set he loved on her so much.

They would meet at seven and of course, Randy persuaded her to tell her that she loved him too as they ended the call.

She knew it was wrong to be involved with another man; Especially with that man belonged to another woman and had a family.

She knew she had to end this and she truly wanted too.

But Randy's touch and his love, even if it was all imaginary, was all she had.

She couldn't deny the fact that she had strong feelings for Randy Orton.

Somehow and Someway, especially tonight, she would convince Randy Orton that she could love him more than any other woman.

A/C: Ok everyone, we'll get to CJ in the next chapter as well as everyone else but tell me

How did I do *biting my nails nervously*