Disclaimer: I own nothing. Thank you J.K. Rowling for creating this magical world for us to play in.

a/n: Merry Christmas everyone! I have been working very hard on my little present for all of you. Not only is this baby being updated, but my other stories as well. I hope you all enjoy. Please don't forget to review!

Lost in the Darkness

Chapter 11

While walking back to their rooms, Fleur felt the tension leave completely from Hermione's body with each step she took, eventually letting it all go the second they stepped into the room. Since Hermione was finally feeling safe, Fleur hoped that the nightmares would be held at bay for just a bit longer as she laid her mate carefully onto the bed before sprinting to the bathroom. It took all of a few minutes before Fleur was walking back into the bedroom. Instantly her gaze fell upon Hermione's still sleeping form, but that she had a worrying crease to her brow. Crawling carefully into bed and she took Hermione into her arms as she pulled her to her chest. As soon as the brunette was safe in her arms, the worry melted away as whatever unseen evil was banished.

Fleur looked over at the grandfather clock and sighed. She knew Hermione needed to rest, but was worried that her love would not be able to fall back asleep this evening. A devious smirked played at her lips as she thought of all the things they could do during that time. Feeling herself getting wet at the mere thought of the brunette being at her mercy, wriggling beneath her, all the while screaming her name. Fleur felt her body begin to transform as her mind continued to wander.

Hermione was slowly beginning to wake when she felt Fleur's body grow and twitch. She slowly stretched while pushing her arse back and gave it a little wiggle that caused Fleur to groan. Slowly turning to face the Blonde, she still had her eyes closed as she gave her a sleepy smile. To Fleur, it looked as if she was an angel in the middle of the most wonderful dream. Fleur leaned down to softly whisper into her ear with her voice husky and full of lust, "I hope I don't have to be jealous of the beautiful witch you were dreaming of Mon Coeur."

Hermione gave a small chuckle as she was pulled atop of the Veela and replied, "I'm not sure. What I can tell you is that it involved this beautiful Blonde Veela, who had this delicious French accent when she was passionate. She was doing all these wondering things to me…" She leaned in and kissed one cheek, then while pulling back continued, "filling me with love…" she slowly moved to the other cheek, passing over Fleur's lips by less than a hair. After she kissed the other cheek, she said, "Making me feel safe and wanted." Just as Hermione reached Fleur's lips, the Veela had enough and lifted her head to me Hermione's lip. The kiss was tender, sweet and loving. Yet still filled with heat and passion. That one kiss helped fill the dark void a tiny bit more that was entrenched so deep within Hermione's heart.

Pulling back before it could turn into anything deeper, Fleur demanded with a very serious look on her face but was unable to hide the mirth in her eyes as she said, "Tell me who this mysterious witch is. I will fight her in a duel to the death not only for your heart but to also ensure that your virtuous nature is intact."

Hermione shook her head as she leaned down to kiss Fleur's neck, making her body twitch again as she gave another deep and throaty moan. Fleur tried to flip Hermione over but found herself tied to the headboard. Her eyes blackened as Hermione gazed back and said, "You unlocked something that was buried deep within me. It is because of you that I am able to actually feel. You have loved me, now let me love you." Seeing Fleur's eyes changing from jet back to a gorgeous swirl of black, amber and blue, Hermione banished their clothes to the floor and releasing the Veela's stiff member from it tight constraints.

Hermione slowly began trailing soft kisses along Fleur's supple skin on her way down, making the bombshell twitch not just from wanting to dominate the beauty on top of her but also from the extreme amount of pleasure coursing through her veins. The closer Hermione got to her center, the more she fought against her restraints. Fleur tried to sit up and rip the ropes off, but the moment she felt Hermione's tongue and lips reach so close to their desired destination, she ended up flinging herself back as her senses were sent into overloaded with bolts of lighting and fire.

Unable to fully handle Fleur, Hermione used her hand as well and began to increase her ministrations. As the pleasure began to build, Hermione could literally feel Fleur's entire body respond as she climbed closer and closer to salvation. Despite the ropes biting into her flesh, almost to the point of bleeding, she was unable to hold back any longer. The only warning Hermione had was that Fleur's body seemed to freeze as the pleasure she was experiencing became so overwhelming, she erupted like a volcano as she screamed Hermione's name. She felt herself slowly melt into the soft mattress as Hermione milked every last bit out of her along with the last of her tension until all that was left was a blob of pure happiness.

Hermione slowly crawled back up and waved her head to free an incredibly relaxed Fleur. Surprisingly, Fleur sprung up and tacked her with great ease. Panic flooded her system for just a moment as Fleur initially pinned her to the bed. Fleur slammed her lips onto Hermione's with such force to deliver a kiss that was deep, lust filled, and so demanding that it instantly broke the spell. Fleur didn't let up in intensity as she pushed Hermione's legs open even further and impaled her. As unexpected as it was, Hermione gasped while she tried to arch her back, while Fleur filled her completely.

While setting an unimaginable pace, Fleur demanded Hermione to fully submit to her every whim. Fleur knew that if she kept this up, it wouldn't be long before Hermione was beyond the point of even forming words. With each thrust. somehow each one was faster and harder than the one before- she growled, "You have been very naughty ma lionne. Look at me!" Hermione tried to move her head and slowly her eyes fluttered open to see her lover's eyes were burning brightly as they filled equally filled with passion. After a particularly hard thrust, she growled, "Who do you belong to? Who owns your heart?" Hermione tried to reply but found herself at the edge of pure ecstasy. The Veela in Fleur took control long ago and gave her mate a nip on her bottom lip as she kissed her… hard. "ANSWER ME!"

Hermione felt her eyes begin to roll back seconds before Fleur nipped her bottom lip. The sudden spike in pain brought Hermione's mind back from the abyss. Panting heavily, she managed to croak out, "You. It belongs to you." Forcing herself to pause in an attempt to catch her breath. Looking Fleur directly in the eye she finally went on to say, "I belong to you." Normally, Hermione would make it known that she wasn't an article of clothing or a piece of property, that she was her own person. However, she also knew that being mated to a Veela changed certain things. Plus, there was no way for her to argue with the beautiful creature, especially since her brain was barely functioning.

As Fleur felt Hermione's walls tightening, she herself was getting close to exploding once more. Mere seconds before they jumped over the cliff they were teetering on, Fleur leaned her head down and licked her mate's mark before biting down and sending them both over the edge, and making Hermione scream Fleur's name. Fleur's arm finally gave out from exhaustion. Falling to the side, leaving her arm draped across Hermione, and Hermione snuggled into her. Both were panting hard as they clung to each other. "You should try to get some rest ma belle. We did agree to have dinner with the Headmistress."

Hermione tried to hide her face as she mumbled, "Do we have to? Can't we just stay here?" Fleur gave a small laugh as she pulled Hermione closer. As she was falling asleep she mumbled, "Thank you… For everything. I love you."

Fleur reverently replied, "I love you too ma petite lionne. Get some rest chéri. I will be here to protect you."

~Time skip~

A few hours later, Fleur was the first to wake and propped herself up on her elbow as she watched her mate sleep. Her face was completely relaxed and had a luscious smile playing on her lips. She felt her heart flutter and swell at the sight of the beautiful naked woman who held the key to her heart. Seeing that the clock was about to strike four, Fleur reluctantly started to wake sleeping beauty. Softly she started to rub her fingertips up her arms, slowly making their way towards those soft and supple lips. She saw Hermione's lip twitch and she leaned in to give her the sweetest kiss. It was as if a prince was trying to wake his princess with true loves kiss.

Ever so slowly Hermione's arms wrapped around the Blonde Bombshell and pulled her close to deepen it. Reluctantly, Fleur went to pull away, only to find Hermione pulling her closer. In between each kiss, Fleur said, "We need to start getting ready ma belle. I was hoping you would join me in the shower."

Hermione groaned as she replied, "Can't we just stay in bed?" Tilting her head, she lifted slightly to start kissing her lover's neck causing her to moan and grind her hips against Fleur's naked body.

Fleur gasped as Hermione hit her pulse point and after struggling for control with her inner self, she finally won and managed to get a hold of Hermione's arms and held them in place. "I would love nothing more than to ravish your sexy body, but we promised to have dinner with Minerva and the guys." Fleur gave a small chuckle as she felt Hermione frown and fall back onto the mattress with a huff and mumble. Feeling Hermione's hands start to wander once more, Fleur did the only thing she could… throw her over her shoulder, and ignored the squealing and giggling that was coming from a kicking Hermione as she was carried to the bathroom.

After a very long shower, the two witches slowly made their way towards the dining room. Fleur watched as Hermione tensed more and more the closer they got. She stopped her just before they went inside and said, "You are safe here ma lionne. It is only the boys and Minerva." She pulled Hermione in for a hug and felt all her tension melt away the moment she made contact. Pulling back, she asked, "Better ma lionne?"

Hermione tried to give Fleur a small smile as she nodded her head, even though she was still a bit unsettled. Fleur gave her waist little squeeze, making her relax even further as she replied, "Thank you. I know that no one will hurt me." She let Fleur pull her through the door as she gripped her hand. Walking into the room, Hermione saw that Minerva stood facing the fireplace while she was speaking with Draco, and that Harry had started to make his way over to greet them. Hermione returned his smile and hesitantly embraced him.

Pulling back, he looked her over with a critical eye and asked, "How are you feeling?"

Hermione shrugged her shoulders and saw his brow crease as his face was etched with worry. With a heavy sigh she replied, "So-so. At times I feel lost… as if I am on auto piolet and simply going through the motions. But then there are times I literally feel myself… my very soul healing as the empty hole I once had is slowly being filled."

Harry pulled back and with a smirk said, "I'm glad I can help heal you, but you should know that I view you as a sister and I'm pretty sure your girlfriend and my boyfriend would have a huge problem with that."

Hermione chuckled as a smile lit up her face with her reply, "Prat." She let Harry pull her towards the fireplace, occasionally looking out of the corner of her eye to make sure Fleur was close by. Draco saw them coming over and gave Minerva a nod just before making his way to meet them. Before Hermione had a chance to sit, Draco gave her a hug and said, "You look good Mione. It's nice to see you smiling."

Hermione smiled back as she took her glass. Looking down, she saw that it was only pumpkin juice, and frowned as she took a seat next to Fleur and across from Minerva. Neither was used to seeing the scot in such a fashion so Hermione asked, "How is everything going with the rebuilding?"

Minerva leaned back in her chair and observed the witch in front of her, looking for any similarities as she replied, "As well as it can. We should be getting some more volunteers in tomorrow. I know Poppy is looking forward to you helping replenish her potions stocks. Is there anything else you would care to work on while you are here? Just so you know, I have asked Hogwarts for a potions lab to be set up in another room that can only be accessed through your quarters. You should have everything you need."

"Thank you Headmistress… for everything. You have gone out of your way to accommodate me and I really do appreciate it." Hermione replied as she tucked back into Fleur's arms.

Minerva leaned forward and put a soft hand on Hermione's knee and said, "You have done so much, it's the very least I can do. I believe that it is safe to say that despite all the students I have taught over the years, You my dear, are by far one of my favorites. For the sake of conversation, what subject did you find to enjoy the most? I was partial to Ancient Runes besides Transfiguration." She desperately wanted to ask about Hermione's mum, but was unsure if this was the right time, and did not want to upset her any more than she was already.

Hermione tried to give her a smile as she replied, "Ancient Runes is fascinating. That in combination with charms could make this we could only dream about. I have wondered if we could use Runes and Charms to make transfigurations permanent."

Minerva leaned back and thought about the question. "There are spells to make transfiguration permeant. However, your suggestion would make an excellent research project with the potential to be published. I think this is something you should explore and I would love for the opportunity to assist you in any way possible. This has the potential to be monumental."

The two continued shooting ideas back and forth, and Fleur would occasionally toss in an idea or comment that would then send the conversation into another direction. Their conversation flowed easily and freely throughout dinner and ended with the group sitting near the fire as Minerva regaled them with a tale from her student years. At one point, juice almost shot through Hermione's nose as she tried to hold back the laugh. Then she saw the silent exchange between Harry, Draco, and Minerva, setting her instantly on edge. Fleur instinctively pulled her close to protect her while secretly taking her wand while asking, "What is going on?"

Harry quickly replied, "Nothing." But all this did was cause Fleur to narrow her eyes as she pulled Hermione closer. Harry ran a hand through his hair, unsure what the outcome was going to be from this conversation, Draco tried to put a comforting hand on his arm, but Harry swiftly stood and said, "This isn't right. We can't do this now."

Hermione was shaking slightly and softly asked, "What's not right Harry?" In all honesty, it was taken all she had not to run from the room. She was sure that she was drawing blood from where her nails were digging into Fleur's arm.

"Hermione," Minerva called as she moved to the edge of her chair. "Perhaps Harry is right. However, I wanted to ask you about your parents, specifically your mother."

Fleur felt the despair and hurt that Hermione was feeling and was completely helpless as she watched the lone tear travel down her cheek. Unsure what her love was going to do, Fleur tightened her grip on her as the brunette asked, "Is this a joke? Why? Why do you want to know now?" Hermione was filled with strife. Just as she felt like she was finally beginning to heal, the shite seemed to hit the fan once more. How the bloody hell was she supposed to stay sober if it felt as if her bloody heart was being ripped out the moment she started to relax.

"I'm sorry Hermione, but this isn't a joke. I promise you, this is very important." Minerva begged. "I remember the first time I met your parents and could have sworn that your mother looked terribly familiar. I felt a strong pull to her and to you. Did your mother ever answer to another name? Did she ever mention if she was adopted?" Minerva watched as Hermione closed her eyes tightly to prevent the tears from leaking out, all the while constantly taking deep breaths.

Feeling Fleur's strong arms wrap around her, Hermione desperately wanted to be alone… to not be having this conversation. Slowly opening her eyes, Hermione saw the Headmistress was beside herself at the moment. It may have taken longer than usual for Hermione's mind to catch up, but once it did, she did her best not to gasp loudly. "You think that I am your granddaughter. That my mum was really your Daughter, Ellen."

Minerva's heartbreak shinned through as she nodded her head. "We never found her body. There is a small possibility that the blast caused her to forget everything, including her magic. It would also explain why I am so drawn to protect you."

It was Draco who cleared his throat in an attempt to break the staring contest between the two. "We could easily find out. Madam Pomfrey would be able to test you both. This way you both have some answers to those unasked questions you have."

Hermione jumped up from her seat and started to pace the room. Every few steps, she would check for her wand and then mutter a curse at Fleur. Feeling as if the walls were slowly closing in with each step she took, Hermione tried to make a beeline for the door, only to find herself wrapped tightly in Fleur's arms. I need to get out of here Fleur. I need some space, I need to be alone."

Making sure she had an iron tight grip, Fleur replied, "If you want to leave, we will. But I will not leave you to your own devices. I will not leave your side. We will face this together along with the rest of our family."

Hermione dropped to her knees halfway to the door, causing Fleur to follow her. With tears trailing down her cheeks Hermione said, "I can't do this. Even when I think of my parents, I feel myself getting lost within my depression and guilt. I'm not ready for this. I don't think I ever will be ready to talk about it."

Fleur began to rock her love and replied, "You will be ok. You don't have to do anything you don't want too. But perhaps you should do this." Fleur tightened her grip when she felt Hermione's hurt begin to rise and quickly went on to say, "It will give you answers to those questions. I know we all are your family, but perhaps one of us is more than that. If you do this test, it may prove that you have actual family left to support you and you won't feel so alone knowing that there is someone out there who shares your blood."

Even though Fleur was on the right track, Hermione was too panicked to see it that way. Her vision was beginning to tunnel and her breath was starting to come in gasps as she felt the darkness was coming closer and closer. Hermione was beginning to turn blue as her fear began to choke her. Surprisingly, Hermione didn't fight against it and seconds before the darkness came to claim her, Fleur's face and panicked voice was the last thing she heard and saw.