Thanks for stopping in! Prepare for some serious sadness and angst. You have been warned

Blizzard of 68'

Bunny couldn't believe it! A blizzard had sprung up! ON HIS HOLIDAY! ON EASTER!

He wanted to shout out in frustration. Why did that irksome little brat have to do this today, of all days! Sure, it was still early enough in the spring season that there could be some light snowfall, and Bunny wouldn't have minded it so much then, as the children did enjoy snow here and there. But a full on blizzard! The children in the area couldn't even make it out their front doors let alone go hunting for a few of his googies. He could feel the hope of these believer's flickering along with their belief in him as the snow blew down harsher during his hunt for the troublesome spirit in the storm. And who might that troublesome spirit be? Jack Frost.

Frost always got on the other's spirits nerves like this. Always pulling pranks and bringing about the freezing temperatures of winter wherever he went. He was completely immature! Frost didn't know when to quit, and he didn't give a damn about others. He was a lone spirit…quite literally when Bunny thought about it. He was the only winter spirit to be in thousands of years. Which only made him more dangerous, in Bunny's eyes, because that meant Frost had complete control and guidance over the deadliest season. And he was so immature! He didn't take his responsibilities seriously. Jack Frost was known throughout the spirit world as trouble maker and prankster. He enjoyed causing chaos and disrupting the lives of the mortal by freezing water pipes, slicking the roads with his ice, freezing tongues to poles, and countless other acts of nuisance.

Winter was not joyous. Not for the last two-hundred years or so. At first, it seemed that Frost had made winter better. That he had made it more fun. Even though people couldn't see him, for they did not believe in him, his touch on the season created a noticeable change and for the better. People did not fear winter as they had before. Some nature spirits had even reported seeing Frost playing with the mortal children. His pranks were not so harmful. His laughter was cheery and the other spirit smiled when they heard it carried to them by the wind. Frost did not have any friends, for everyone kept a careful distance from the winter child, as they were fearful of what he could be. They remembered the war between the seasons. They remembered their lost winter sibling, who grew as cold and bitter as their seasons chilling bite. But there had still been…hope that Frost had been chosen to change all that. Everyone feared him to an extent, and did not hang around him for long, keeping the child at arm's length…but still. They tolerated him. They had hope for him.

But, something changed around two centuries ago. Frost became distant, and his innocent fun turned harmful. It turned deadly. Mortals died on his slick ice and got lost in his blinding blizzards. Frostbite was a reasonable fear for every parent as they did not let their children dwell in the snow for too long, preferring to shield them from the cold behind closed doors with warm fires. Little was seen of Frost, as he seemed to be in and out quick, so he could not be caught and punished for his wrong doings.

Everyone believes that the power of winter seems to have corrupted the child, much as it did his predecessors. Deep down, that was what the spirits had all feared, and why they had distanced themselves from the child. Winter corrupts. History proved that.

But Bunny would not be allowing Frost to get away with it this time. None of the others would seek out the arrogant brat because they feared him for all the power he had. However, none of them were likely quick enough to catch the nimble winter sprite.

But everyone knew not to race a rabbit.

Bunny sprinted through the blizzard, unfazed by the stinging snow as it met his face harshly. Normally, Bunny would be complaining about his freezing paws, but this was different. This blizzard was interfering with his holiday, destroying the belief of the Easter Bunny in many children. He could feel each light flickering as the discouraged children huddled in their homes for warmth, blaming him for this weather, for they did not know who else to blame because they did not believe in Jack Frost. Bunny had to take the blame for this awful weather because Jack Frost was not believed in.

At least Bunny had something to smirk about.

Heated from his anger, Bunny continued his search, likely melting the snow left in his dust from the intensity of his rage. How could Frost do this?! Did he truly care for no one?

What did it matter anyways? Frost was doing this intentionally. A blizzard this powerful would not show up this late in the season by a fluke. A simple snowfall would not turn into this raging storm due to a small miscalculation.

This was intentional.

And, for reasons Bunny could not quite place, he knew it was amid to summon him. He just knew Frost was looking to gain his attention. Did he want a fight? Bunny wasn't sure, but he was damned sure that this blizzard was personal.

If that's how Frost wanted it, so be it.

Bunny sprinted faster, detecting a heavy sent of pine that was out of place in this urban setting. However, underneath of that pine sent, he detected the metallic tinge of…blood?

Bunny, against all odds, picked up speed. He was unsure if he was running now because of the anger he felt towards the boy, or the…concern. There was no other distinct sent that he could pick up on, which meant that the blood had to belong to Frost. The metallic smell wasn't very dominating, but it was there. Was the brat hurt?

Making a sharp turn, Bunny ran head long into the center of the storm. He knew he had finally reached the source and…

"FROST!" He called out, seeing the thin outline of the trouble maker himself. His back was facing him, his brown cloak billowing in the wind. Bunny could tell he held his staff in both hands, as if in defense. "WHAT DO YA THINK YA DOING! DON'T YA CARE ABOUT ANYONE BUT-" Bunny had ventured closer to the kid, and when he was nearly in arm's length, Frost had turned around.

"Yourself…" Bunny finished lamely, his heart stilling at the sight of the kid as the air around them seem to quite.

Frost turned around and his eyes…he was crying. He had a harsh bruise on his cheek and cracks in his lips. Those startling blue eyes looked desperate and panicked.

"Help me."

Bunny stared back into those blue eye, the deep sadness and desperation in them quenching all of his anger. Frost's helpless voice cracked with effort to say those two little words.

"Please." Frost croaked out, shaking the staff in emphasis as he continued to grip it in both hands.

But…but he wasn't griping the staff. His hands were…tied to the staff with barbed wire, blood coating nearly every inch of the pale skin.

"Frost…what-" Bunny did not get to finish his question as Jack was suddenly gagged with…shadows?

The kid cried out, his voice muffled by the dark gag, and tears began to stream down his face in pure terror. Bunny started to reach out for him, but Jack was swept off his feet, landing heavily on his stomach as another long shadow wrapped itself around his legs at the ankles. The shadow was like an endless rope that lead to somewhere further out into the storm where Bunny could see no end.

Then Jack's muffled screaming came out tenfold as the rope of shadows began to pull him away at a speed that intimidated Bunny himself.

Bunny didn't hesitate. He took off after Jack as he was being dragged away, following is distanced form and muffled screams. Jack was a child. Bunny, a Guardian. He had to protect him.

Bunny caught up with the boy enough to throw himself at the staff attached to Jack's hands by the awful barbed wire. He knew this would cause the kid so much pain, but it was the only thing he could reach and get a grip on.

Bunny latched onto the staff, the force of him pulling against the rope like shadow that tried to drag Jack away into the unknown, strong enough to lift Jack into the air and become parallel to the ground.

The kid screamed through his gag. But even though his eyes poured a never ending flow of tears from pain and terror, Bunny locked on to those blue orbs and read "keep going!"

Bunny could feel his heart drop. Jack knew what was at the other end of this shadowy rope, and this pain was worth the chance to escape.

But…whatever was at the other end of the shadow…was too strong.

Bunny lost his grip.

He fell to the ground, and only regained his bearings in time enough to see Jack disappear into the storm with a terrified scream, and off to a danger unknown to Bunny.

"JACK!" Bunny hollered, continuing his pursuit.

This he did for hours.

He hollered and screamed Jack's name until his throat could no longer take the abuse. He sniffed the air and ground in search once more for that out of placed pine sent and blood…but it was like he had disappeared from the face of the earth.

Bunny eventually had to stop his searching. The adrenaline was gone. He was exhausted. He was freezing and was sure to catch a cold. But none of that had mattered in the last several hours. A child was in danger. A child was in pain. In fear…and Bunny had been too late. He had been to slow.

He could still see Jack's terrified blue eyes, begging him for help. Begging Bunny to save him.

And he had been too late.

Bunny would dream of those desperate, horrified blue eyes for decades to come. He would search for them tirelessly every chance he got. But little did he know that he would see them again in only a little more than four short decades later, and certainly not in the manner he had hoped for.


I don't know how long it will be until I update! Hopefully as soon as next week! No promises though! Sorry for the cliff hanger.

Please review! I would love to hear some feedback! But thanks for reading and for any support you can offer!