Hello! This is Yolea Irk's. It has been a while since the last time I update 'Soporific'. Many things happen in the way and let's just say, semester break doesn't guarantee you from being free completely. I've promised to update 'Beyond Unlimited Horizon and Sky' in Fanfiction and turned out, I have a massive writer block which was suck. I can make from scratch but it will take lots of time for certain. So I decided to made a chapter for the easier ones. And honestly, at this point I could careless about my grammar, not when I must take care my passport and drive license first. So much for update the new chapter. Anyway, here's the new chapter and please enjoy! With this Yolea is sign out.

Disclaimer: Amano-sensei owned Katekyo Hitman Reborn. I'm owned the OC only.

Summary: Until this morning I was still in the train to visit my brother. Until this morning everything was normal. So please tell me what I'm doing in a fictional city filled with crazy mafia and their Flames!? Seriously, from all places I'm stuck in KHR world?! God, please save me! SI-OC. Renamed from 'Aji Rogo Sukmo'.





I should've decline Nana-san's offer and it was kind of too late regretting this.

Why was that?

It was because I'm a muslim, meaning I'm a follower of Islam. Generally muslims were accepted in Japan but so often our image depicted as a terrorists' religion and a religion using force and violence. Information pertained Islam and muslim were easier obtained in big cities where bigger community take a settlement. Same thing couldn't be said in smaller cities such as Namimori. Foreigners do came to this city but all of them affiliated with mafia and from Italy, rarely from other countries. The concept of Islam might be very alien for the citizens, Sawada family included.

Will the Sawada accept me? Now it's late evening already and I haven't do Islam's pray, salat. Salat consists of 5 times prays. Already, I missed Dzhuhur and no way would I miss Ashar. The situation wasn't helping, it was a survival and any sane people will chose to stay alive first. Now we freed from Ken and Chikusa's for temporary and have a breath, pray was the first thing I will do in the list. This was where the problem lay. A room was needed for muslims like me for pray. Meaning I must ask permission from the respective host, Nana-san and Tsuna. The fear was there, how can I was not? Rejection was the worst case a muslim will face eventually in a country where Islam wasn't a majority.

Will they accept me once they aware who am I?

Will they still invite me once they acknowledge my religion?

Will they loath me for deceiving them?

Will they hate me for being a muslim? For being a follower of Islam widely misinterpreted as violence religion?

Nowadays most of the world view on Islam and muslim wasn't anywhere good, especially with ISIS. How I gritted my teeth at this and shouted that ISIS was not an Islam way. Islam taught its follower to be merciful especially at women and children but ISIS wouldn't hesitate on killing them. It utterly disgusted and made me extremely shame as a muslim. This was where I must show my honesty as a good muslim. When the Sawada and Nagi gathered in the kitchen, it took a while to gather my courage. But I did.

Their reaction when I revealed my identity as a muslim was normal by Japanese standard. By normal, I mean they pretty intrigued at first on why I asked for their allowance for lending a room and the bathroom. It left me no choice but to tell them that I'm a muslim. I gave them a quick yet filling explanation that I must pray in certain times but I was in hurry so I must lend a room or I'll miss my pray. I promised I will tell them more once I finished. The silence almost killing me, even Nagi sends me this carefully hidden curious stare. Much to my devastation...


She allowed me in her happy and airhead reaction. Just like that. Not the slightest of suspicion in which it caught me and nearly had me tripped.

I was so speechless.

Oh yes, I'm very much aware her dizziness, but this!? What if someone with bad intention came and uses this as an excuse?!

Ah, right.

We have the crazy tutor a.k.a the strongest hitman stayed in the same roof.

And Tsuna.

And Lambo.

And I-pin.

And Bianchi.


On the other hand, I was relieved. Very, very relieved that they didn't fear me. That they didn't hate me for being a muslim. Exaggerated perhaps but it was I feeling now, I think I almost cried at one point.

Being a good host, Tsuna showed me the room and the bathroom. The long haired brunette went far as waiting me did salat when she didn't have to. It concerned and made me feel bad actually. I was thinking I might hinder Tsuna when she had other important tasks to do for her mother. Letting her acknowledged this was what I did, telling her that she can help her mother instead of waiting me.

Sawada Tsunahime, I quickly learned, was not someone by any normal standards.

Correction, I should've seen her true personality before I even met her.

Tsunahime was not being a kind-hearted and humane girl.

Tsunahime was in fact, the human given form of august and noble.

The girl refused to leave me behind and told me she'd feel bad because in her eyes at least, me and Nagi escorted little Fūta back home. For Tsuna and the Sawada's household, we saved them in a way and they were in both our debt. She wanted to repay by playing a good host in the place of her mother. It was the reason why Tsuna insisted on staying, she wanted to make sure her honorary guests wouldn't lack anything. Nana-san apparently did the same thing with Nagi in the lower floor. Now I felt extremely bad for them, it was not Tsuna who in debt; me and Nagi were the one with huge debt.

Tsuna was a teen in the middle of learning, it was a law nature for her to learn both bad and good subjects as many as she could.

As one would expect, it wouldn't be long before Tsuna let off her curiosity.

"Tata, can I ask you a question?" Good thing Tsuna made sure she wasn't offended me by asking permission first, a thoughtful way of thinking from her even with stranger like me. Warm, tingling sensation warped my heart if only for a moment. Having not many friends, I found Tsuna's presence…very comforting and pleasant. The main reason why I loved Tsuna's character was because his sky limit's kindness and always caring and protective for his family and friends.

…Eeer, perhaps I should refer Tsuna as 'her' from now on.

Feeling a slight anticipation, I allowed hi…her. Great, I could tell this will not be an easy task.

The brunette's face lit up as gleam of curiosity shone within her brown eyes.

"Those movements you did back then in the room. Is that how you're praying?"

Must've referred at the salat I did in one of Sawada's guest rooms.

This something to be fathomed since very few Japanese ever seeing how muslim practice their salat.

"You mean salat? Yes, it is muslim's way of praying."

Tsuna's fascination grew more. The girl was evidently more eager than before, the shyness Tsuna previously radiated was slowly wore off on its own. "I notice you use some sort of compass before pray. What's that for? And what are those robes you wear while pray?"

"I tried to find kiblat, a pray direction of some sort. All muslims praying toward Ka'bah, the Home of God, in Mecca, Middle East. Problem is, the direction will differ depend on where we are. In Japan, the direction is different from the one in Indonesia. The robes you saw back then are mukena. I must cover all my body except my face and my hand while pray." For someone encountered a muslim for the first time, I need simple yet all covering explanation. "It must be seems alien."

"N-Nothing! I-I'm just curious with what you did! Everything is foreign for me." Realized what she did admit, the redness on Tsuna's cheeks was visible. The resist to squeal at her cuteness was almost overwhelmed by the urge. Too cute!! Too cute! Too cuteeee!! "U-Uhm, never mind. I-I should've not prying you."

"You shouldn't have felt bad. In fact I'm glad you asked. Do you find my explanation way too complicated?"

"Eh!? No, not at all!" Tsuna stammered, shaking her head hastily. "I find it quite easy to understand in fact. And that's count something. I'm not a very bright person. Ain't that shameful?"

I almost stopped my steps before resumed. My mind replayed on lots of fanfictions description in regard of Tsuna's uselessness was actually from the seal Nono placed on Iemitsu's allowance. Note to self: Kill Iemitsu and Nono with Granny's special jengkol stew if I ever have a chance. You think the durian fruit is the most horrible smelly thing in the world? Try jengkol and pete. I have the recipe ingrained inside my head. God knows how those idiot fathers loved the jengkol's magnificent smell. Even more than durian fruit in my opinion. Mark the sarcastic here.

"I'm not a smart person either. I do stupid things more than I can count."

What I received from her was a weird look. "Tata, you don't strike me as a careless person."

Boldly saving a kid from a pair of teenagers mafia who can snap your neck and seek asylum on 'God' equal could be considered as careless move.

Once we are in the kitchen, a marvelous smell invaded my nostril. Nagi and Fūta have already sitting on the chairs, Nagi smiled shyly while Fūta beamed at the sight of us, especially Tsuna. Nana-san or Mamma was in the middle of cooking something, she took notice our presence and smiled.

"There you are Tsu-chan. Dinner is ready! We have miso soup with sawara (Spanish mackerel) and chawan mushi."

At the quick peek at dinner, apprehensiveness was all gone in instant. A set of seafood dishes was set on the table. Japanese cuisine sometimes using pig based ingredients in their foods. In Islam, eating pig and drinking alcohol are forbidden and health issue is one of the main reasons. Other thing is whether the food gives more benefit for us or not. Everyone must be familiar with an advice to not drive by themselves if they drunk alchohol too much. They can cause accidents without any awareness. For muslim, it will be better if we can anticipate this from beginning.

"Come and seat. Fūta and Nagi are already waiting for you. Reborn and Bianchi will be here in a moment with I-pin and Lambo."

Dang it.

I almost forgot about Reborn.


Sawada Household's Dinner was as expected; it was so lively and noisy.

There were 10 chairs and a wide table. Tsuna sat with Fūta, Lambo and I-pin while sitting across them were Nagi and me. Nana-san and Bianchi took a seat in each end of the table. The rest of chairs were empty which pegged a question; where was Reborn, I wonder? I haven't seen him since entered this house. Reborn was a hitman, he could be in anywhere within this town.

Back with dinner, I've meet I-pin and Lambo and guess what, we hit pretty fast. Yup, somehow we become fast friends despite Lambo being a bratty kid as the manga and anime has been described. Bless Tsuna's heart, I swore she could sense my annoyance spiked up and always reprimanded Lambo in time. Bianchi was many things and truth to be told, she was…surprisingly can act civil and friendly for a skillful assassin. The pinkette asked me things regarding my daily life and other mundane things. Tsuna, Nana-san and even Nagi were not bothered to hide their curiosity to listen my tales.

Everything was went pretty much fine at the beginning.

…That was until Tsuna asked the most unwanted question I've been tried avoid.

"Where do you stay at the moment?"

The hand holding the chopsticks with a piece of fish stopped in front of my mouth.

Tsuna kept expectantly staring at me as I slowly glanced at her way.


"Where do you stay while you're overseeing Japan? You're visiting as a tourist, shouldn't you have a place to stay, a hotel or for example?"


Well, crap. This doesn't seem good. I actually do stay in weekly mansion with Mom before we will move to Dad friend's house. For now, I don't have a staying place for I was nothing more than a hobo at the moment. Possessed certain amount money I do but not enough amounts even to pay hotel. What should I tell them?

"Oh dear! Tsu-chan does right. We should take you back to your family. You came with your parents, aren't you? Maybe we should call them first and inform your circumstance."

"…That's…a difficult question..." I glanced at sideway, finding any believable excuse I can think of.

Much too my despair, Tsuna didn't buy it. Not a bit.

"Difficult?" Tsuna repeated, furrowed her eyebrows. "How come? I merely asked if you stay in a hotel and if we can escort you there―"

The brunette stopped abruptly, dawned realization came at her. Seeing it only served my dreadfulness multiplied few times bigger than ever. I don't like the way her face contorted her current expression.

"Tsuna-nee?" Tilting her head, I-pin gazed back and forth between me and Tsuna.

The concern darkened her brown eyes. "Tata…" She began carefully.

"Could it be you don't have a staying place?"


Who dared saying that Tsuna has a weak brain? What kind of idiot has claimed her as Dame-Tsuna? Because the brunette sitting before me clearly can put two to two in no way a Dame can do. Oh wait. The sealing by Nonno and Iemitsu, Reborn broke it slowly with the using of Dying Will Bullet. It has got to be the freaking Vongola Intuition, there was no other makes sense possibility with how eerily fast the brunette can concluded. And right on the mark much to my terror. Worse, the moment Nana-san glanced this way, I could've sworn she had this calculative gleam in her eyes.

"Is it true?" Nana-san attempted in confirming her daughter's suspicion.


Nana-san apparently took my hesitation as yes.

"Araaaa, I can't ignore this. More reason to notify your mother and father as soon as I can."

I mentally wept and nonstop curse my own luck.

How far things will continue degrading for my situation? How far exactly?

"You don't seem to be a type who runaway from home…or there's something else?" Bianchi's gaze sharpened thoughtfully.

"I don't run from home." I shook my head, quickly retorted.

"It doesn't explain why you're alone in a town away from any bigger cities." Nagi pointed out.

"I was about visiting someone."

"In Namimori?" Nana-san for once after I met her, now having her face marred with concern.

"In another town actually. Rode a train from Tokyo and…"

It was Lambo, the attention seeker and bragger boy who broke the silence.

"Gyahahaha! Lambo-sama knew it! You have got lost!"


"Lambo!!" That was Tsuna who reprimanded the afro boy.

I cannot believe a 5 years so-called-assassin was the one who found out. That and I can feel the heat crawled from my neck went up to my head. Even though my eyes had darted away, I could feel the dining room occupants' blatant stare as yet.

Nagi sent me a pointed look, making me grimaced sheepishly.

"Tata…" Despite her soft voice, her tone spoke her upset louder than her action.

"Sorry, I didn't mean hiding it. Besides we have more pressing matter concerning Fūta. We can't ignore him when some suspicious guys have been followed him around."

Tsuna has her attention at the bringing up, she has deep frown marred across her face. "'Suspicious guys?'"

Nagi looked extremely flushed, abashed for ever forget. "We run to Fūta in an accident and he hurt his ankle because of us."

Understanding dawned at Tsuna as her brain was working its gears at processed this information.

The long haired Sky then turned her brown eyes at her little brother figure.

"So that's how you met."

"There's this shopkeeper who let us inside his shop and helped us treat Fūta. Tata is the first noticed them."

"Who will not notice that spiky blonde hair and a scar across his nose? The one with glasses and wearing this beady hat was peculiar either. They wore same boring green uniform." I added.

Briefly happened, if it wasn't for how close my seat, I wouldn't caught the flash crossed in both Tsuna and Bianchi's eyes.

Nana gasped quietly and put her hand on her mouth. "Oh My! Are you alright?"

Went not unnoticed by everyone, Fūta shuffled and was gazing down onto his lap. His hands were tremor and clenched hard his long pants. Long, slim fingers combed through the boy's soft, and chestnut colored hair. He looked at Tsuna who offered him a comforting, protective, and reassuring smile. I almost sucked in my breath because I could sense it. Tsuna, she has that aura, the aura of a Great Sky. The vast sky knows no bound and ever accepting and the true epitome of home's warmth.

Noticeably relaxed, the boy gave a small smile at the long haired brunette. From the corner of eyes, Bianchi's lips quirked upward. Tsuna and Bianchi…they must've aware at this point the fact Fūta maimed by some unknown enemy. At least they'd have some idea and connected them with the attacks. The feral boy and the yoyo boy were after all, some of the culprits responsible for attacks in Namimori.

Playing the utensils, Nagi continued her story. "The shopkeeper somehow knew some bad guys were after Fūta. He let us get away through back passage."

"The rest is history." I shuddered at the unpleasant memory. "I thought we couldn't make it. For some reason those guys rubbed in many wrong ways."

Biting her lower lips in frustration manner, Nagi spoke in softer voice. "I didn't sense anything before the shopkeeper confirmed her suspicion. I never felt this…useless."

Sympathized, I pat her shoulder supportively. Poor Nagi. She must've stressed because there was nothing she can do with Mukuro's underlings. I appreciated her intent and I really do.

"So…what you two will do next? Nagi does have a home but you're a foreigner and arrived only today. Do you have any places in your mind?" Bianchi pointed a good question in there.

"Let me worry this alone. I can handle it just fine." Hopefully, I added inside my mind.

"Mamma, why don't we let them staying here even it's for temporary? It has been late and we can't have these young ladies walk alone in the street."

This thought unfortunately, has been cut off by an innocent greeting.

A deceivingly and innocent greeting with a squeaky and high pitched voice of a kid no more than 5 years old, a very young one. Neither came from Lambo or I-pin and obviously it wasn't come from Fūta. Leaving a tin can of worms in the hand or, one of the worst possible encounters I'd rather had nothing to do with.

Face to face with Reborn or Renato Sinclair was definitely for the weak hearts. The pressure can become too much even when he didn't do anything with you.

Perhaps I reacted too much. With Reborn, everything was expected the unexpected.

You'll never know what he will do with you, guessed his mind was the same as guessed when the apocalypse will come.

Fitting his underworld profession, Reborn's entre was not grand. If anything, one might describe his coming was…silent. His presence was so uncomfortably similar with those of ghosts. No footsteps' sounds, no shift of movement, even his sigh was unsounded. One second, there was nothing in there and suddenly, there he was. Trademark black suit and fedora was intact. Let's not forget his beloved, creepy (to me at least) chameleon.

Yellow pacifier dangled from his neck, its surface glinting rather ominously from hit of light.

As ominous as his bland smile despite the cutesy effort he put for his mask.

The little man stood in an empty seat located none other than in my left side.

A splutter came from the young sky of a brunette.


Yep. Tsuna had only confirmed my greatest fear.

My own reddish brown eyes met Reborn's onyx. Despite their wideness, those eyes surprisingly held a sharpness no way a normal baby can do. Describing it was complicated. Emptiness was the first thing came in mind yet at the same time one could sense something else hidden deep in there, inside his bottomless, light sucking black. Something very dangerous and hazardous, it scared me how those wide, doll eyes felt l so intimidating and threatening. What even scarier was as he was having attention solely at me, it was as though he was looking far deeper inside and seeing your true self. Quickly broke away, I quizzically stared at Tsuna.

"Uh...Tsuna? Who...?" I motioned at the cursed hitman, heartily ignoring his piercing gaze.

"Is he your younger brother?" Nagi's curiosity made itself known.

Tsuna went drastically pale at the innocent inquiry.

In this side, I tried very hard to unnoticed the growing smirk Reborn wore.

"No, he's not!" Tsuna retorted in high pitch. She was without doubt, beyond horrified for accused sharing blood with the tutor. Poor brunette must've wondered where the similarity was.

"Reborn, my love." Greeting her lover, Bianchi changed from seasoned assassin to a love struck girl. "Where have you been? You almost miss dinner."

"My apologize, I've been out to retrieve something. I hope I wasn't gone too long."

"No, no at all. In fact, you've came at the perfect time! Have your seat, I'm going to take more dishes!" Nana laughed and walked away as she was humming merrily.

Once she was out from the dining room, the Sun Arcobaleno's aura shifted. Gone the previous fake merriment, wore his true skin as a killer. Nagi maybe an innocent girl but her sense proved sharper than anyone has assumed. I didn't miss how she watched Reborn in certain amount of wariness. Her sixth sense must've trained though far from mafia standard. And she does have a wit. Maybe Nagi does have a quality for become Tsuna's Mist Guardian.

"Tata and Nagi, I believe?" Reborn began in indifferent tone. "I've heard everything. I believe you must stay here if only for tonight."

"But we don't want to impose." Nagi hastily rejected, shifted uneasily with the option. I nodded beside her.

Reborn held his gaze. "Nonsense. It's a gentleman's duty to ensure the ladies safe from any harm."

"Ooh." Blush of red colored Nagi's healthy pale cheeks. "Thank you. But my mother…"

"Do you have your home's number? I can call them for you. That way, they'll be more convinced with adult like me." Bianchi gently offered the purple haired girl.

"Y-You don't have to…!"

"Nagi, maybe you can take her offering? I mean Bianchi do have a point." I told her.

The shy girl felt conflicted, reluctant to let Bianchi made a call for her parents. "…Okay?"

Disarming smile curled on Bianchi's lips. "Have no worry, I can be a convincing person."

If this involved Bianchi's seductive ability, then yes, she can be a very convincing lady. Besides, she has advantage as a hot young woman than Nagi's mother. So yes, I don't need any proof that Bianchi will succeed without much effort.

"Good." Reborn approved.

Out of sudden, Leon climbed up until he reached Reborn's fedora and then...

The sneaky chameleon leapt for my shoulder. I yelped in surprise at the process. Orange, slit eyes looked up at me from where Leon perched. I blinked back in no small amount of clueless.


Leon responded my greeting with a flick of his reptilian tongue before went back to his master. Huh, that was unexpected. Tsuna might've not expected well because she gave me an inquiry look. On the other hand, Reborn pat his small and longtime partner fondly.

"Looks like Leon have his interest with you."


"The name's Reborn. This is my partner, Leon." He motioned at the small reptile. "My true line work is mafia and I'm here to prepare Dame-Tsuna as a Donna of Vongola, the largest mafia family in the world."

"Reborn!!" There was no need to know that Tsuna was blanched at her mafia tutor's boldness.

"…Eh?" Nagi tilted her head.

Perhaps the most exact word to describe my feeling right now was dismayed.

I don't get it, Mafia has Omerta as a statue of secrecy. And Reborn was contradicting himself. Wasn't Reborn will be punished for admitted his true job in front of civilian girls like Nagi and I? A thought crossed my mind and had me pondered. Was he having an ulterior motive and up on something? No matter how many I kept analyzing all the possibilities I came up with, it'd be make more sense if he planned something. He was Reborn and he was a damn hitman. What for though?

"Do you want to join Tsuna's family?"

"No, absolutely not! They don't have anything to do with this, we even just meet!" Tsuna was dismayed at the idea of dragging more unrelated civilians into this mafia mess.

"Hmph, Dame-Tsuna, you'll need every manpower you have in order to rule Vongola. Why can't we start from now if we can save our time and effort?"

"You still can't just ask them straight! You cannot force them!"

"What was the connection between joining mafia family and us?" I couldn't help but asked.

"I do aware about your current situation." It was simple and straightforward. At the same moment, it carried a weight of cognizance. "I'm afraid it has connection with Vongola. Dame-Tsuna, why don't you tell them by yourself?"

Tsuna replied with a high squeak of astonishment. "Me…?!"

A snort escaped from the baby's nose. "Who else, Stupid Pupil? You're a candidate for Donna Vongola. It's one of your main duties to provide everything they must aware and give them protection as a good boss."

"Reborn, stop it! We will not involve them, they're civilians!" I felt sympathy for the brunette. She was almost about to stressed herself further.

"Like it or not, they have already involved the moment they helped Fūta."

Stole a glance at Reborn in hurry and a hint of annoyance, Tsuna tugged at my sleeve, motioned us to follow her. "We should go to living room. We can talk more freely in there."

This was not a problem the children should pry at.

Tsuna's hidden and desperate message was clear.

After she told the children to continue eat ahead of us, Tsuna lead us to another bigger and spacious room. Bianchi followed behind while carried Reborn. The room filled with 3 sofas and several pillows completed with soft carpet, a low table, and a pair of cookies jars. There was a potted plant in the corner of room. Beige, white, and pale blue dominated the room and amplified the room's comfy yet relaxing aura. Once we were all seated, I was then aware all occupants have set their gazes respectively at Tsuna and Tsuna alone.

Feeling self conscious, Tsuna fidgeted as she rubbed the back of her head.

"U-Uhm, I sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I was in the same boat as like you and…I have to make sure before I tell you." Tsuna admitted, all her face was red from embarrassment. "I knew merely because Fūta told us how someone stalked him and whoever followed him is...perilous."

Oh. I remembered. Before Tsuna took me to the room I lent, she asked me to wait her as she went checking Fūta for few minutes. So this was what Tsuna did back then, along with Bianchi, Tsuna went found out what actually happened with Fūta.

"He doesn't see who have pursuit him?" Nagi's dark purple eyes darkened from worry.

"He doesn't have time to identify. Not when he's desperately running for his own life and scared." Bianchi answered instead.

There was nothing to blame in this, on the contrary a very logical and rational move what Fūta did. In case of their life threatened by unknown pursuer, people in average would prioritize their safety and their life first than finding out their pursuer's identity. Even discovered who've stalked Fūta will not guarantee our safety. If anything, I was even more freaked out after finding out because I was very much aware I'd be no match for two Mafioso members and runaways from the most horrible prison ever invented in mafia's history.

Tsuna let out a long breath, letting go some of her nervousness. "He may be an 8 years old but he's a good judge when it comes to recognize bad people."

I raised an eyebrow. "He can?"

"Fūta, he..." Tsuna took a deep breath, taking a side glance at Fūta who in the middle of conversation with I-pin and Lambo. Nana-san has already back and bringing foods as she promised, the kids responded with cheer. The long haired brunette's gaze softened. "I encountered Fūta the first time when these mafia after him. Mafia targeted him so often that he can divide who's the good one and the bad one."

Nagi went beyond incredulous. "That's horrible! He's just a little boy, how could they!?"

"I felt the same." Tsuna spoke, her tone grew more solemn. "Fūta doesn't easily get scared because of constant pursuit. But when he came back this evening and hugged me, his hands kept trembling…"

For someone considered as Dame for years, Tsuna surprisingly has a sharp mind for a Decimo candidate with civilian background. An amazing feat if I must comply. Was it because this Tsuna is a girl therefore she has sharper intuition and sharper mind as a girl than Canon!Tsuna? Was it because something else?

"You connected your suspicion with those guys…?"

Tsuna gave in affirmative nod, brown eyes growing ever slightly sharp from deep thought.

"You must've aware the rumors in regards of random assaults occurred lately. There was newest one being broadcasted in TV this morning. Some victims notified that their attackers are wearing…green uniforms. " Tsuna stopped and in hesitation, she looked up at Reborn.

Asking for confirmation.

"Hmph. Not too bad but it's still far from satisfying."

Tsuna flinched at the addition harsh remark in the end.

Ouch, he was really acted like…Reborn.

"Few victims described one of the attackers has blond hair with scar on his face. Others described a teen with a glasses and beady hat. Your description matched the victims' descriptions." Bianchi leaned back and pursed down her beautiful shaped lips.

"Unfortunately, this is also where the problem begins." Reborn set Leon on his lap and fixed his fedora slightly. His chubby hand began patting Leon's spine. "Joshima Ken and Kakimoto Chikusa are mafia though yet unlike us, they've committed dire criminals. Few weeks ago, there was a jail-break in where they have been jailed. They ran with few others, leading by a man named Rokudo Mukuro and escaped to Namimori."

"But the random attacks started around two weeks ago." Nagi spoke, her mouth widely gaped while her brain connected the thread.

"Hmph. That's because all of the attacks aimed at strongest students in Namimori were anchored by Mukuro and his groups." Reborn replied.

"It doesn't explain why they aimed Fūta." I told him.

"They targeted his ranking ability. In short, his ability allowed him rank in various things. Noted that it means he too can determine the strongest individuals in Namimori. Hurting the students is part of their plan to lure their true target." Reborn glanced at Tsuna.

Tsuna, understandable, got a hard hit from this piece of information.

And the brunette didn't take it well. Tsuna was beyond shocked.

"Are you telling me all those injured people including Onii-san…all for luring me?!"

"Exactly." The hitman hopped in an impossibly grace movement, on top on low table. "Fūta is lucky because he met Nagi and Tata and got him away. While they are out of their reach this time, they may attempt this again in future. We can't ignore the possibility they'll go far as injure the girls should they in the way again."

"No…" A mere whisper came from Tsuna's lips, her hands gripped so tight that they might draw blood.

Bianchi continued with reproachful tone. "In which why we will have you stay in here and perhaps even joined Tsuna's famiglia. In mafia, once you joined a family, the family will offer you protection from any harm."


It does make sense.

"True, you cannot defend yourself." Reborn's smirk alarmingly grew so sharp and smug. "But Dame-Tsuna can give you two a form of protection as Vongola Boss' candidate. She can have her Guardians to keep you safe. Besides, two more additional members in Tsuna's family are more than welcoming."

One second.

Two seconds.

Soon, a trademark shriek shook the whole house.


Should've suspected this blasted tiny man was up on something.


"I feel bad for Tsuna-chan. She has been so nice with us." Sat on the carpeted floor and hugging Tora, Nagi suddenly spoke out of the blue. As usual, the orange furry menace had attempted an escape again. Unfortunately, the cat finally realized he was no way can escape from Nagi's clutch. He let himself sprawled like a ragdoll.

In the middle of checking the iphone, I averted from the display and focusing at Nagi instead.

"So was I. Maybe we can think something to repay her back."

Nagi nodded absentmindedly.

We were inside a room faced Tsuna's and the kids'. Coincidentally, the room was the same one I used for praying this before the dinner. True to Nagi's words, Tsuna showed her vast kindness by went so far as let us borrow her clothes. Nana-san even offered us to buy some clothes in store. We have to decline her offer in the end since we couldn't have the sweet housewife burdened further with unnecessary needs.

It seems Bianchi has called Nagi's home, true to her promise. The thundering expression the Italian wore indicated the response she received wasn't good. But my concern was apparently for naught when Bianchi smiled rather victoriously as she hung up and told us she has handled everything. I don't want to know what kind of jab she delivered at Nagi's mother.

"Tata?" Nagi called absentmindedly after a few moments of silence, her gaze was distant.


"Will everything going fine once this is over?"

"…I hope so."

Another silence ensued.

"…Am I being selfish for wishing I still befriended with Tsuna-chan if this is over?"

Jerked, I did a double take at the purple haired girl. Her cheeks were all going alarmingly red cherry and Nagi had her gaze at her lap. Repeatedly opened and closed my mouth, an amused snort escaped me. My hand patted Nagi's shoulder in fondness and amiably gesture, surprised Nagi slightly. I found myself currently grinning wide.

"No. If anything I'll encourage you."

I understood what Nagi had been felt for Tsuna.

This one ordinary tourist after all, was wished the same thing too.


"Leon, do you thinking what I'm thinking?" Sitting on a hideout within Sawada's house, a certain hitman listened the girls through devices hidden he has installed, raised an eyebrow at his trusted partner.

"You think so?" Reborn hummed, taking a sip of his espresso. "Very intriguing indeed. This will require further investigation."

Being the greatest hitman will meant many things. Gathering information and having healthy amount of paranoia were few of them. Paranoia was common thing in underworld, one would need it if he want high chance of survival and stay alive. Completed with his experience and honed instinct, paranoia was what saved him many times from the clutch of death.

Reborn had formed his suspicion by the time Fūta came back with addition a pair of unknown girls. Their arrival was all to coincidence with Fūta's tardiness and one of them was foreigner. Their arrival was even more suspicious as it occurred the same time as the peak of mysterious attacks. He had just return from Italy from doing business and received information from Nono himself. Rokudo Mukuro reported bringing his underlings and very possible if he actually had more underlings. There was nothing worse than a sleeper agent. Thus he took the liberty to spy on those girls. Better safe than sorry.

Listening the girls' conversation with Dame-Tsuna helped him gathered all the information he deemed necessary.

Far from satisfying the information he had so far.

However he was not entirely disappointed with the result.

All gesture they showed screamed civilian through and through, no battle gained grace whatsoever. None of the act and movement was being faked. He knew because he was the master of disguise himself. All the eccentric customs he used during his tor-tutoring his current pupil was nothing but a harmless if not amusing teasing way to ruffled Tsuna's feather. Should Reborn took the job seriously, no one would recognize let alone suspected him should he use everything he had in disguise.

Back with these girls, noticing the reek of nervousness and worry was not difficult. Their effort in hiding was a terrible one for Reborn's standard. Fear did borderline all of those, signified they were having a threatening situation recently. They were acted on themselves, they mind were in their own self's control so not sleeper agent. Both girls happened in a wrong place and time.

Assessment was made and he analyzed everything within minutes.

Nagi has a remarkable amount of Mist Flame albeit she hasn't Awaken yet. No doubt the purple eyed girl will make a good candidate for Tsuna's Mist Guardian, she has the potential. With the right training, control, and strategy, she'd made an excellent Guardian. Vongola can use a female Guardian for Vongola's current candidate. His pupil might very object this decision at first. It was a necessity for Tsuna who was a teen girl and a girl in her age will need a close friend. He has considered Kyoko, Haru, and Hana but none of them can fill the Guardian position for all that left is Mist. Nagi did come at the perfect time and he noticed how Nagi already attached with Tsuna thus making all the bonding easier.

Tata on the other hand…

Beady black eyes narrowed. Something was off with that one.

She was a foreign with different religion (Which interested Reborn. Mafia do had members with different religions but never Islam and never muslim. She'd be interesting fellow to watch.) and a tourist above that. Like Nagi, everything about her told civilian background. She was the very description of normal, mundane life. With one disturbing tip.

Everyone possesses a Flame but most were Inactive, therefore even they were not Awaken their Flames, the Activated and sensitive ones such as Reborn might able to sense someone's Flame aura no matter how tiny it was. With Tata, this law of nature was thwarted spectacularly.

She was literally omitted nothingness, which was supposedly an absurd thing. An impossibility, for possessed no Flame was equal with no life. No life meant the object was not and will never be a living being. Yet this foreign girl did it.

A dark smirk made itself known as Reborn placed his empty mug. He could imagine it, he could taste it.

This will be fun.

And he will enjoy this game of seeks and gathering.

Oh, Reborn cannot wait for the oncoming chaos will follow soon.


Inside the room, violent shivers went through certain girl of different world's spine. Blinking in confuse, she looked around and rub her forearm. Nagi asked her companion if she had a cold which replied by a shook of head. Dismissed the foreboding feeling, Tata conluded she must've tired from the day. Both then retired for the bed on each side of the room.


Morning arrived too quickly for my taste. It was not like I hate morning. Coming from tropical country, I wasn't used with cool air. The spring air was too cold against my skin despite the closed window. Along with that, two familiar Storm and Rain Guardians came for pick up Tsuna.

An out of ordinary introduction was bound to happen anyway.

"Heee, I see! So you came from this Indo-something and visit you big brother." Yamamoto Takeshi looked amaze and his brownish gold eyes twinkled merrily. "But then you got lost somehow and stuck in here."

I frowned, not appreciate his misspelling. "It's Indonesia."

"Yes, that!" Yamamoto smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, I'm not good at remembering difficult things. Hahaha!"

As expected from Yamamoto. Of course being Yamamoto Takeshi, he would pay no mind at simple mistakes and kept going. He was nodded all too eagerly and enthusiastic. Like a puppy with too much positive energy that want to play so badly. Sometimes, I mentally grimaced, this side of him had me scared more than his hitman's nature. No kidding.

My lips pursed a deep frown. "I'll admit this was the unluckiest experience like…ever."

Yamamoto pouted. "Aaaaw, don't be like that. You're awfully depressing."

Being plucked from home world straight toward a world full of rainbow flames, uncountable nature defying deeds, and shitty world balance system, can do good amount of depression at any sane person.

"Look on the bright side, you're in the best city in Japan! I can guarantee many awesome places no other place will match! Promise!"

Was it wrong that I'm being skeptical and really doubted him? I was only spent a day in here and not in good situation.

Yamamoto however, more likely could guess what went inside my mind because he has this wide grin.

"My father owned the only and best sushi restaurant in this city. His sushi is number one! I'll give you and Nagi a discount if you ordered our special menu. How's that?"

"…Okay?" I replied weakly, realized no way I could turn his offer.

Yamamoto beamed like there was no tomorrow. And he proceeded on hugging me by circling his arm around my shoulders, without warning whatsoever. Clearly wasn't ready for his hug and yelped in surprise.


"Hahahaha! Great, that's the spirit!"

"Gyaaaaa! Let me go!"

Few distances away, Nagi who was with Tsuna and Gokudera has her forefinger pointed at Yamamoto and Tata.

"Uhm. Is he always got along with stranger this quickly?"

Gokudera scowled half heartedly at the sight of happy-go-lucky Rain. After spending time beside Yamamoto, Gokudera was somewhat getting accustomed with Yamamoto's antic, few things he can tolerate at least. Not that he would say it aloud and not he would admit the idiot was his friend. It would served the annoying baseball freak more of his unnecessary infectious grin he wears everyday.

"He's a baseball idiot. He's literally can get along with everyone and everything." Gokudera grumbled.

"O-Oh." Nagi stared nervously at the intimidating silver haired teen. "Sorry."

Gokudera looked at her, green eyes furrowed quizzically. "What for?"

"Uh…" Nagi was now loss at word.

Nagi couldn't say how she felt bad for burdened Tsuna and her two other friends. They were so nice and friendly which increased Nagi's disconcertion. They even agreed and Nagi felt she must repay them somehow. They've given so much auspices yet Nagi had done nothing to give them back, to repay their great heartiness, to return the favor. Nothing she can think of and it was a bit stressed her.

Seeing the awkward girl, Gokudera heaved a sigh. He had an idea on what the purple haired girl wanted to say at this point. The introvert girl had this guilty look with her and she always stole a timid glance at Jūdaime at the given chance. Added with Jūdaime's explanation of Nagi and Tata with failed attempt of Fūta's kidnapping, it wasn't hard with Gokudera's genius brain to figure it out.

"Look, if you didn't do anything wrong then don't apologize at me. You should apologize to Jūdaime for giving you shelter and protection." Gokudera told her. "Got it?"

Nagi slightly hesitated before gave him an affirmative nod.

Gokudera looked satisfied at the answer he got.

"Good. Just," Gokudera struggled at finding words. "Just don't blame yourself. I've heard from Jūdaime. You and your friend did a good job in there."

Nagi stared at the silver haired teen before shifted at her long haired brunette with question mark above head. A resigned chuckle was Tsuna's response, already get used with most people's reaction with Gokudera. At least Nagi doesn't get intimated by the Italian boy when most will keep a distance.

"He maybe dressed like gangster but Gokudera-kun is a gentle at heart." The Sky responded, her tone was that of exasperated fondness.

A deep blush lit up on the Storm's cheeks from his Sky's praise and he spluttered. "J-Jūdaime! It's nothing praise worthy, you gave too much credit!"

Giggle escaped from Tsuna's mouth even though she has covered it with her hand.

"An inspiring speech nonetheless." Tsuna said a moment later.

Her sincere compliment made Gokudera blushed harder. He had to turn around his red face so he could save his dignity. Which did not so much as Tsuna and Nagi giggled at his amusing reaction.

"Dame-Tsuna, if you do not hurry you'll late in ten minutes."

It got everyone's attention as well, included Gokudera who stunned and Yamamoto who visibly grimaced.

And Tsuna?

Reborn got the amusing reaction he desired, that sneaky and torture loved hitman.

Tsuna freeze in the middle of giggling and her face shifted to a paler color and one of horrified.



A full day it didn't take before next opponent showed up for Tsuna.

A proof of my arrival has made impact in this world. It wasn't supposed to be this fast when Tsuna set against Lancia. This opponent was none other than Lancia posed as Rokudo Mukuro. Since me and Nagi weren't in the scene when the battle occurred, we couldn't get any details. Other than he defeated by Tsuna through Dying Will Bullet, we had not the slightest idea of his fate. Deep down in my heart, I knew he was being taken custody before released then worked as Tsuna's close allies.

Few days after defeated Lancia, the location where the real Mukuro's hiding was confirmed. In order confront him and the rest of his Kokuyo gang, a team has been decided. Tsuna will be accompanied by Gokudera and Yamamoto. Bianchi would accompany them too.


"I have no idea what you'll face in there," I crossed my arms. "But very please take care of yourself."

"I'm not sure whether I can keep myself from get hurt or not." Tsuna replied in obvious sheepish. "But I have Gokudera and Yamamoto with me. And Bianchi too! I'll be fine."

"Yup, count on us! We will work hard in keeping Tsuna safe!"

"That was supposed to be my words, you moron!"

"Hahaha! Sorry. I didn't mean it."

"You want to fight with me!? Bring it on!"

"Eeep, no! Guys, please stop! What I have been told you about fighting!?"

"Boys." Bianchi rolled her eyes but her smile was full of mirth.

Nagi and I then communicated through glances at each other. Almost at the same time, we stifled a laugh. A heartbeart later, we broke laughter so loud that it caused deep flush on Tsuna and her two Guardians. Embarrassed they did, but never the slightest they mind the laughter.

All of this was odd.

Strangely, the laugh was worth it.


Until very much later, we then got news about Tsuna's victory above Mukuro.

Her and her friends' victory however wasn't without consequence. They came back with injuries worthy hospitalized for few weeks, the worst went at Tsuna and Hibari. I had visited the hospital where Tsuna currently stayed at but seeing those injuries she sported, it clenched my heart and hurting me so much and so was Nagi. The sweet girl even cried and apologized many times for being weak, immediately consoled by frantic and panic Tsuna.

Tsuna did ask for my help but I found her situation was actually funny. So the most obvious thing I do was laughing at Tsuna's panicky. I forgot Gokudera and Yamamoto were in the next room. As a result, Gokudera crashed Tsuna's room and shouted angrily at me and more than ready for blowing me with his trusted dynamites. Yamamoto, still with his full grin, dragged the temperament Storm away from me and apologized on his behalf.

The next day, Hibari admitted next at Tsuna's bed. Must be Reborn's doing, I just knew it. Meaning they will the same room for quite a moment. Again, I laughed at flushed Tsuna and stopped a while after before Hibari hit me with his tonfa. He let Hibird with him and guessed what? Nagi quickly fell in love with the sweet thing. Nagi couldn't always visit because she has a school unlike me, I was the only visitor who visit the longest for Tsuna and her friends. For the oddest time ever, I have the most fun time unlike in my world.

Yet like all good things, I very much aware all those fun moments must end eventually.

I have to find a way to get back. I will help Tsuna and Nagi the best I can but I'd not enter the mafia.

Therefore I must turn my way to the most dangerous yet safest place in Mafioso.

An insane decision I might take but at the moment, I can't think any other choice. Staying and working at Kawahira's shop was likely the most secured place I can go. Staying with Tsuna did provide one of the safest place but if it would mean I must live constantly under Reborn's and mafia's watch, then I was far from ready, perhaps never be. In addition, Kawahira was a very old being and must have encountered almost everything absurd. I had a sneaking suspicion he might know something about dimension travel and can help me.

With this, I have taken the first step in this road.

True hardship from my long journey in this world had just begun.


Please give me your thoughts and reviews in here.