AN: Wait, what's this? Another chapter? A year later?! SACREBLEU!

My lovely people, I can't apologise enough for how long you lot have had to wait for this Chapter. I've been super busy with university and right now this is actually a form of procrastination, stopping me from doing my dissertation. I'm an amazing student. To make things worse, it's not even finished.. there will be a forth chapter here. And after that probably more.. maybe in another story which is a squeal to this? I'm not sure yet.

Merlin awoke feeling incredibly sore, not to mention in dire need of a bath. Every inch of him ached but he couldn't help but notice the way his body seemed to be bone numbingly sated. Merlin shifted slightly, eyes snapping open at the sudden pain he felt in his arse and cursed quietly, aware of the heavy weight of an arm wrapped tightly around his middle. As the last remnants of fog left his sleepy conscious, the memories of last night came flooding back and his head turned sharply towards the man beside him, Arthur. He was still asleep and after last nights… activities Merlin wouldn't be surprised if he slept through most of the day. After Uther had left- what a horrible interruption that had been, he cringed just remembering it and couldn't help but feel sorry for Arthur. After he had left, Merlin and Arthur had quite a few more energetic rounds of sex, very pleasurable sex which had gone on for quite a few candle marks.

Merlin looked at the disaster Arthur's room was in and groaned internally knowing full well that he would be the one to clean it all up. They had used every single surface in Arthur's room to fuck upon, Merlin doubted he could look at Arthur's desk the same way ever again, especially after that particular round. Merlin shuddered pleasurably. After that, much to the horror and surprise to both men, Arthur was still battling with a constant erection. That had then stopped their many trysts momentarily as they discussed in length what could be the cause of it. Although Merlin was attractive, he alone couldn't spark this sort of reaction from Arthur. That would be just be ridiculous. For a few moments, Merlin had wondered if his magic had been the cause. If his magic had lashed out because of his own sexual frustration and was somehow interfering with Arthur's sexual drive. Although he quickly shook that thought off as he sensed no trace of his magic present.

After half a candle mark of debating the cause of Arthur's condition, Arthur's control had snapped, wanting to continue what they had momentarily paused. However, Merlin was very hungry from all the exercise and lack of food consumed throughout the day and had point blank refused until he had eaten something of sustenance. Arthur agreed begrudgingly and called for servants to bring up more food, moving so fast that it amused Merlin to no end, causing Merlin to tease Arthur on how keen he was to have his prick up Merlin's arse again. Of course, that had resulted in Merlin using his mouth- or rather Arthur fucking it. Merlin loved it.

Merlin swallowed experimentally and winced at how sore his throat currently was, even after a good few hours of sleep. Although, he wasn't truly surprised as Arthur was very well endowed. It wasn't until the early part of morning, when the sun began to rise and the birds began to sing that Arthur's erection had decided it had had enough. Both of them were cuming dry long before that stage and both utterly exhausted, passing out almost instantly after Arthur's last climax. Merlin could still tell that his hole was loose as he clenched slightly and immediately regretted it afterwards, unable to prevent the hiss of pain from coming out between his clenched teeth. It would be a long time before he could walk without a noticeable limp.

Merlin looked up again at the prince's sleeping face and couldn't help but feel his heart beat increase rapidly and his chest tighten uncomfortably. Arthur was beautiful. So beautiful that Merlin was surprised sometimes that he wasn't constantly blue in the face with the amount of times that the prat took his breath away. In this morning light however, he was more so. The sunlight drifting in through the small gaps in the curtain and casting its rays upon Arthur's face. His hair shining like a golden light, fanning out slightly on his pillow and covering some of his face. Merlin looked to his fill, wanting to engrave this image of him like this in his mind forever, this would be the only thing he could take away from all of this. He wouldn't allow himself to fall to temptation again and have himself hurt beyond repair by Arthur when he had had enough of him. To make this easier on himself, he would have to leave before Arthur woke up or else Merlin feared, he would be unable to do what was right.

The arm surrounding Merlin constricted tightly, crushing him nearly in its force as Arthur stretched, nearly causing Merlin to let out a small noise of surprise which was bitten back just in time. Merlin quickly feigned sleep, shutting his eyes and stayed still, trying helplessly to relax his limbs. He could feel Arthur awakening, stretching and to Merlin's horror; repositioning them both and bringing himself and Merlin closer together. As if they weren't already pressed against one another. His body now atop of Arthur's with his head rested on the prat's chest, both arms wrapped around Merlin in a strong embrace. Any thoughts that Merlin had of quietly slinking off unnoticed disappeared, completely impossible.

'Shit'. Merlin thought bitterly.

They stayed like that, legs entangled and naked bodies pressed tightly together for what felt like an age before Arthur broke the comfortable silence. "Wasn't sure you'd be here when I'd wake." Arthurs voice was rough from a mixture of sleep and last night's rendezvous. Merlin didn't know what to say to that so stayed silent, not wanting to voice the truth that he was about to slope off but got too carried away with staring at Arthur. Merlin let out a loud yelp when Arthur slapped and grabbed a large handful of Merlin's arse cheek, pulling at it so it parted from the other. "I'm glad you're still here." Arthur chuckled, sounding extremely happy. From that alone, Merlin's resolve was already crumbling.

"Ow- Arthur don't-" Merlin was cut off by Arthur's lips, his tongue teasing at Merlin's lips until they opened up for him. Merlin couldn't help but return the kiss. Neither minded the sourness of sleep on the other's tongue. Arthur promptly rolled them both over, trapping Merlin between the mattress and his body. It wasn't long until Merlin felt the tell-tale signs of something digging into him and managed to prize his mouth away from Arthur's. "No- Arthur, I can't." Merlin slapped him on the back as he felt Arthur chuckle into his neck, paused from sucking fresh bruises into the flesh there. "I'm serious. I'm all sore."

"I know."


Arthur bit down again, extracting another yelp from Merlin as he struggled to get out of his grasp. "Oh no you don't!" Arthur's hold on Merlin strengthened and Merlin wriggled harder to get away but could help laughing and giving into Arthur's kisses. He was an idiot if he thought he could resist Arthur like this, which meant one thing: he was doomed. Even after all the activities of last night, Merlin felt himself start to harden underneath the prat, succumbing to his advances. Arthur finally managed to hold both of Merlin's wrists in his grasp and put them above the younger man's head, holding onto them with one hand to pin them there. "Well, well. What have we got here?" Arthur teased, his half-hard cock sliding against Merlin's as he used his other hand to trail his fingers down Merlin's chest.

Merlin bit back a moan, trying very hard to resist Arthur but couldn't help in wanting to play along, to tease him. Certain things had been revealed last night, certain fantasies that Merlin couldn't help but blush at when Arthur had accidently exposed them. Arthur had a kink for Merlin being submissive and for addressing him by a certain title. "A lowly servant only wanting to please his master" came Merlin's breathy reply. He even slipped in a needy moan for affect. Merlin tried not to smirk, knowing full well what kind of reaction this would provoke from the prat, biting the insides of his cheek when he felt Arthur's cock twitch to prevent him for ruining it by laughing.

Arthur let out a small groan, clamping his eyes shut to reign in his control, close to breaking and taking Merlin for what must be the 30th time- or at least near it. When he opened his eyes again, they were dark and full of lust. Merlin whimpered. "Is that so?" Came Arthur's dark reply, eyeing Merlin intensely. He could feel the younger man's breathing increase rapidly and grinded against him hard, drawing out a loud and now very real, moan from the body beneath him. Arthur smirked.

"Y-yes." Merlin stuttered, a part of him regretting instantly that he had provoked Arthur. Unable to bite back, accidently letting out a gasp when Arthur used his thumb to sweep across his bottom lip, closing the distance between them as his lips hovered over Merlin's.

"Prove it."

Merlin's head moved upwards in speed as Arthur's crashed down, attempting to meet in a passionate kiss. The actual result being that their heads crashed together. Both groaned in pain as they nursed their head's, Arthur rolling onto his back. "You prat."

"Only you, Merlin would try to knock someone out who was trying to kiss you."

"How was I supposed to know you were going to move?" came Merlin's squawk of protest. "You told me to prove it!"

Arthur gave him a sly, calculating look as he turned to face Merlin and said "Well, in that case you can go fetch breakfast."


"You heard me. Prove to your Master how willing you are to please." Arthur said mockingly in an impression of Merlin's needy whimper.

Merlin narrowed his eyes in annoyance at Arthur's smirk. Getting up slowly from the bed, careful of his aches and pains, Merlin whined very quietly as he limped around trying to find his clothes.

"Any time today Merlin."

"I would if I knew where my clothes were!"

Arthur pointed towards his divider and blushed slightly, remembering what had happened yesterday that had caused him to throw them there, internally cringing. Merlin went behind the divider and gathered his clothes and couldn't help but smile when he heard Arthur let out a growl when he bent over, putting on a show of putting on his breeches and rearranging himself in them. "I expect you back promptly. No dillydallying. If you make me come and find you…" Arthur paused, holding Merlin's gaze. Lowering his voice a few octaves to one that he knew drove Merlin wild. "You'll regret it." Merlin couldn't help but shudder in want at Arthur's lustful threat.

"Yes, Sire."

It didn't take Merlin that long to get to the kitchens, trying his best to avoid all the traffic of castle staff who were preparing for the feast tonight. A few of them were giving Merlin slightly longer stares than usual, he anxiously repositioned his scarf and jacket collar to make sure that it hadn't moved to reveal any of the obscene love bites that Arthur had placed there. As he went further into the kitchen he was stopped by the head cook, Helena, demanding to know what he was doing in her kitchen at this time of day. She was a scary lady, quite old and had a permanent snarl upon her face as if she had smelt something particularly nasty. It wouldn't surprise Merlin if even the King was scared of her. "Prince Arthur want's his breakfast" he said coolly, completely expecting her reaction. It was after all, very late in the morning already- almost noon.

She scowled at him before quickly gathering up items of food on a large plate from around the kitchen. Giving him a tray laden with food and watered wine, enough for three people. "Don't touch anything- and you can tell the Prince that this should last him up until the feast tonight" she said, shooing him out of the kitchens. "Now go!"

Merlin only just managed to balance himself in time to stop the food from escaping the tray when he stumbled out of the kitchen and into Gwen. "Oops, sorry." Merlin grinned at her apologetically.

"That's okay." She smiled at him, her eyes twinkling with mirth. "Have you still not given Arthur his breakfast? Merlin." She sighed slightly before giggling at Merlin's guilty shrug. "Is Gaius packed yet?"

"No, what? Is he back?"

"Well yes, haven't you been helping him?" Gwen looked at him in confusion. "Isn't that where you've been all morning?"

"Ah, no." Merlin admitted blushing. Gwen seemed to look at him then, really look at him and take in his dishevelled clothes and messy appearance.

"Merlin? Are you alright? You don't look yourself." She asked uncertain.

"Oh, yes I'm fine. Honestly." Merlin said shifting on his feet nervously. "Actually, Gwen? Do you think you could do me a favour and give this to Arthur? I need to speak with Gaius quickly." Gwen shook her head slightly but accepted the heavy tray from Merlin with a kind smile.

"Go on then."

Merlin walked off briskly, trying his hardest not to limp too much before turning around half way down the hall to see Gwen, still staring at him with a look of confusion still spread across her features. "Oh and Gwen?"

"What?" She called back at him.

"Don't forget to knock!" A cheeky grin splitting his face nearly in two.

Gwen shook her head in mock disapproval. "The only person who forgets to knock is you!" She shouted gleefully. Turning around carefully so not to spill anything as she walked in the direction of Arthur's chambers.

Merlin quickly made his way down to Gaius and his rooms but tried very hard to do so without limping too much in front of anyone he came across. There was also a part of him which was eager to get back to Arthur and be wrapped up in his arms but he also felt the need to take a step back from it all. He had been weak, giving into his urges and feelings for Arthur last night.

Finally, Arthur had shown an interest in him and Merlin had jumped for the opportunity like a dog in heat. It wouldn't do. He couldn't go back to Arthur and continue this. Last night had simply been a one off, after all Arthur had a duty to Camelot and Merlin was a man. A servant at that. Even if royalty could marry common folk, it was severely frowned upon to even lay with those of the same sex. A sin in the eyes of this new religion. The only people who were accepting of it, that Merlin knew about anyway, were the Romans and druids. Despite all of this, Arthur couldn't marry a man. Arthur needed an heir and he wasn't aware of any spell that would create a life in a man. Not to mention that would be a very dangerous play, a life for a life after all. Although imagining little golden haired children that could use magic sent butterflies to his stomach, he could feel his lips breaking out in a small smile. If they did have children, they'd be little terrors. Arthur's stubbornness and strong will, mixed with his magic and clumsiness. Terrors. Merlin halted immediately in his tracks.

Was he seriously imagining carrying Arthur's child?


Merlin did a full body shiver. That simply would not do, he had to end this now before it went any further. Whilst they were ahead. He had no future with Arthur in that way. Merlin quickened his pace down the steps towards his and Gaius' rooms.

"Gaius! You're back sooner than I thought you'd be." Gaius was standing at his table filling his pack with vials and ointments, turning around to see Merlin limping through his open door.

"It's good to see you too, Merlin." Gaius said, welcoming Merlin by embracing him in a side hug. "Are you okay? I was surprised when you weren't asleep in your room this morning." Raising an eyebrow at Merlin's answering blush but turned back towards his table covered in herbs, pots and what not. Merlin leaned forward on the cluttered work surface, resting his crossed arms on the table top. Gaius' chambers was in a bigger mess than it was yesterday, potions and ingredients littered the tables, the large pot on the fire was bubbling with god-knew-what inside making an awful pungent aroma fill the room.

"I'm fine- Just busy tending to Arthur." Not an entire lie although Merlin couldn't help the flush that spread across his face. "Nothing to worry about. How was Aysgarth?"

"Well, what do you think? They're sick and there is quite a lot of them. It's worse than I expected, I used all my resources before I knew it. I'm going back tomorrow, they'll manage until then."

"Want me to come with you? I'm sure Arthur can spare me for a day."

"It's best if we check with the Prince before we do anything, I wouldn't want to anger him again by taking you out of his service." Merlin felt his cheeks heat considerably more when Gaius mentioned servicing Arthur which didn't go unnoticed by Gaius.

"Are you sure that you are well? You're not coming down with anything are you?" Gaius asked looking Merlin over as if he could spot the illness lurking on him, raising his hand to feel the boy's forehead.

"Honestly Gaius, I'm fine." Merlin said quickly, brushing him off.

"If you're sure." Gaius gave him a suspicious look as if he expected Merlin to be hiding something from him. He wasn't wrong but he definitely did not need his help with this. "I heard about what happened with Arthur at the tournament. I assume you had something to do with Sir Geoffrey's momentary slip with his sword." Gaius said, giving him a knowing smile. Merlin just smiled back.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Right. Sure you don't. Well done for taking care of Arthur yet again, I swear that boy would be in the burial chamber bellow the castle right now without you." That had stung quite a bit. Not that Arthur couldn't protect himself, but rather Merlin's duty to him. He was his protector, not his lover and this was just another reminder of that. "I trust you remembered to give Hugh his vial that he paid for."

"What?" Gaius gave him an exasperated look.

"The vial, boy. The one with the little 'A' written on the cork."

Merlin winced apologetically. "Sorry, with everything that happened I kind of forgot?" Gaius shook his head disbelievingly.

"Trust you to forget the one thing I asked of you." Merlin paused for a second, a horrible feeling creeping up inside of him.

"It's not like I haven't been busy!" Merlin yelped in startled outrage. But then he had a sudden thought as he recalled a vague wisp of a memory from the day before. Feeling a horrible sense of foreboding wash upon him. "Gaius… what was in the vial?" Merlin asked, his voice now serious.

"That's none of your concern. You better go and give it to Hugh before he comes here causing a fuss. That was expensive stuff, Merlin" Gaius said angrily.

"No- Gaius, you don't understand. It's important. What was in the vial?" Merlin felt his voice crack slightly, waving his hands about as he spoke, a nervous habit of his. Gaius looked at him suspiciously for a moment.

"What do you mean 'was'? What have you done? Merlin, did you drop it?!"

"No- not at all. But what does it do?" Gaius crossed his arms and turned his body towards Merlin fully giving him a truly annoyed look.

"That my boy is between the physician and patient and as you are neither you should keep your nose out from where it doesn't belong." Gaius scolded.

"Gaius, I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

Gaius gave Merlin a calculated stare for a few moments before he said "Very well then, not that it's any of your business but- it's a… or should I say was a very powerful aphrodisiac." Merlin felt his jaw drop open. "Helping a man to … urm. How can I say this?" Gaius paused for a moment before settling on "Get it up?"

"Why the hell did Hugh want that. He's so old! He's older than you!" Merlin whined out in a panicky shout, his voice straining and going up a few octaves. Gaius tried very hard to ignore that last comment. He wasn't that old, thank you very much.

"Well, that's exactly why he wanted it. That's also why it was so potent and expensive." Horrible images filled his head of Hugh, the wrinkly old man doing god knew what. And with, blimey… god knew who! Ew. Merlin pulled a face, horrified. "I hope that satisfied your curiosity, Merlin."

Merlin swallowed before continuing, being mindful on how to word the next question. "How would it effect someone… say… around my age?" Now it was Gaius' turn to look horrified.

"Merlin, tell me you didn't."

"I didn't?"

"I'm being serious" Gaius snapped.

"I did not drink it, Gaius."

"Then why do I have a feeling that you already know what it would do to someone your age?" Gaius gave him another suspicious look and then it changed into one of realisation and suddenly Merlin felt very uncomfortable. "Please, for the life of me, Merlin. Please tell me that Arthur didn't drink it." Merlin felt his cheeks prickle with the amount of heat he felt in them and Gaius gave him a look of resignation, slumping on a nearby stool.

"I don't know." Came Merlin's quick reply. "You tell me what it would do and I'll… confirm it or not." Gaius let out a large sigh, looking down at his hands.

"Well, he definitely would not want to leave his room for a long time. No doubt it would be damn near painful too, especially as there wouldn't be anyone to help… relieve his symptoms." Gaius' eyes widened for a moment and then looked at Merlin quizzically, remembering the limp he came in with earlier. "He didn't have anyone to relieve his symptoms, did he?" Merlin was sure that his entire person must have been bright red. "Oh, Merlin. What have you gotten yourself into now?" Gaius' face morphed into one of pity. "Surely you know nothing good can come of this."

"I know." Merlin croaked out quietly, looking down at his boots trying to fight the prickle behind his eyes, a mixture of shame and self-pity. Neither one of them spoke for what felt like minutes.

"That potion is coming out of your pay." Merlin laughed slightly, grateful that Gaius was at least trying to lighten the mood. Merlin looked up when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "My dear boy. You don't like making it easy for yourself do you?" Just like that Merlin knew that Gaius had known his feelings for the prat. He could feel himself losing the battle against the treacherous fluid behind his eyes as Gaius drew him in for a hug.

"Stupid destiny." Merlin grunted, clamping his eyes shut and prevented any more tears from escaping and buried his face into Gaius' shoulder. He needed to be strong, especially if he was to face Arthur.

After Gwen had nearly walked in on a naked Arthur, he had run to the bed with a speed he didn't know he possessed and dived under the covers, making sure that he was decent before allowing her to come in. She planted his breakfast on his table and explained that Merlin was with Gaius, not looking at him directly as an innocent blush covered her cheeks. Arthur wanted to scream himself ragged. Merlin had done exactly what he had told him not to and had sent Gwen to break the news. Arthur clenched his jaw and tried very hard to control his breathing so not to alert Gwen to anything being off. He knew that it was Merlin's way of being Merlin. A tease. Maybe he wanted Arthur to follow out with his threat.

"Thank you, Gwen." She gave him a cheerful smile. "If you see Merlin, do tell him to come here immediately." She simply nodded and bowed, leaving and quietly shutting the door behind her afterwards.

Arthur got up and pulled on his breeches from where they were laying on the fur rug next to the fire, they had been taken off in a rush last night. He made a quick job of tying his laces up as he walked over to his strangely large breakfast. Maybe Merlin did mean to come back, there was more than enough on this plate for two. Arthur furrowed his eyebrows at his food before he began picking at it, eating nibbles at a time, trying to work out Merlin's plan. If he had one. Maybe Arthur was overthinking it all and Merlin had simply been requested by Gaius to help him… but when Gwen had explained, it hadn't sounded that way. To say that Arthur felt a little annoyed was an understatement, if anything he felt slightly hurt by Merlin's unwillingness to return straight away. He could have at least explained to Arthur before he left that he was needed elsewhere, especially after what Arthur had implied that they do on his return.

Arthur was left to ponder on his thoughts for quite a while longer, getting properly dressed and sitting back at his table where his breakfast still laid mostly untouched, until there was a knock on the door. A servant with a message from his father.

"The King requests your presence in the smaller dining hall, Sire." The servant said in a rather annoying tone that reminded him too much of George.

"I'll be right there." Waving him off, the servant simply nodded and left promptly, leaving Arthur to his thoughts again.

There was one other explanation that would also explain Merlin's lack of appearance. It had been well over a candle mark since he had gone to retrieve their breakfast, the food now cold. That explanation being Merlin didn't want Arthur, that he never truly wanted Arthur but felt some stupid kind of idiotic obligation since Arthur had confessed his need for him. Arthur felt his heart drop and his insides become icy cold, as cold as the depths of winter at the dead of night without the heat of the sun. Panic spread like wildfire inside Arthur, had he unknowingly raped Merlin because the idiot didn't want to let on he was unwilling? Arthur got up from his chair and began pacing. Remembering the initial rejection in the bath tub, the hesitation before Arthur took him to his bed. He protested slightly this morning and even 'accidently' head butted him- was that a ploy? Arthur couldn't sit on this. Couldn't not act with these thoughts racing through his mind- his very being. So he did the only rational thing he could do.

Arthur turned around and strode with purposeful strides until he reached his chamber door, opening it to find the guards stationed there. "I need you both to fetch my bloody manservant. Get more guards to help you if you must. But-" He paused a moment to give both guards an intimidating stare. "If he isn't here by the time I'm back there will be hell to pay. Do you understand?" Arthur snarled. Angrier than he meant to let on, mainly because he didn't do well with his emotions. Especially when he panicked. This was entirely Merlin's fault.

The guards both nodded and scarpered, not wanting to be on the other side of the Prince's wrath. Arthur did have one hell of a reputation.

Merlin had planned to go back to Arthur's chambers straight away but instead had decided to stay and help Gaius with his preparations for his journey tomorrow, filling vials, grinding plants and herbs down to make a particular disgusting paste which smelt fouler than Arthur's sweaty socks. If he was going to be honest with himself, he knew he was stalling. He didn't want to go back to Arthur, not yet. He knew it was cowardice but he wasn't ready to reject the prince because he wanted more than anything to forget all about the future and what it would bring, Arthur's duties to the kingdoms and instead… just live in the moment. Be able to enjoy every minute he could get of Arthur. Every passing moment.

After what must have been well over an hour and numerous firm looks from Gaius which practically shouted 'what are you doing, boy?', Merlin got up to leave. Raising his arms above his head in an exaggerated stretch as he walked across the room, trying his hardest not to limp or wince in front of Gaius to avoid making things too awkward. It was bad enough that Gaius had a vague idea what they had done last night, no need to dangle further evidence right in front of his face. "Well, I better not leave Arthur waiting any longer." Merlin tried to smile at Gaius but it came out looking more like a grimace than anything. The old man gave him a small, sad smile in return, understanding how difficult this was for the young warlock and looked back down at what he was doing. Merlin left the room without looking back, knowing that if he did it was likely that he would lose whatever courage he had left and hide in his rooms until Arthur sought him out. He let his feet carry himself in the direction of Arthur's rooms, lost in his own thoughts. How was he going to break this to Arthur- going on the gumption that he still had to? There was still the slim chance that Arthur didn't actually want him, that it was just the effects of lust and desire from that potion Gaius had concocted. Perhaps even this morning was just the remnants of that draught. Merlin being in the right place at the right time from the very start. Despite all of this, Merlin didn't regret any of it, he'd cherish last night for the rest of his life, every touch that Arthur had granted him. He swallowed back the emotion building in his throat. Every kiss.

Merlin was still looking down at his feet when he turned the corner so he didn't see the three guards spot him from the far end of the corridor. "Merlin!" a sharp voice called, bringing the warlocks attention to them as they were briskly walking in his direction. "Come here!" The guard called again only this time sounding unforgiving, sending icy cold chills down Merlin's spine. The three men began to break into a run and sent Merlin spiralling into flight mode, turning around sharply into a sprint in the opposite direction whilst his pursuers shouted for him to stop that very instant. This of course attracted the attention of other guards in the nearby area, all of whom decided it was their duty to also join the chase.

Que the Benny Hill music.

Merlin's whole bloody body hurt and ached, his arse most of all. He ran as fast as his legs would carry him, up flights of stairs and down corridors, he could hear them behind him- there must be 6 of them on his tail now at least. And for what? What the hell had he done? Nothing to the best of his knowledge. Unless… unless Arthur had somehow worked it out and blamed him. It was in his bag and it could easily be seen as if Merlin was trying to seduce the Prince. Uther would have his head if he ever found out.

Merlin ran past a group of 4 guards who were chatting idly, he'd been too deep in thought to notice he was running towards them and nearly tripped over his own feet when he practically ran through them. Funnily enough they just seemed to watch him and his pursuers run past- as it was perfectly normal for Merlin to be chased by a bunch of other Camelot guards. At some point the onlooking guards' minds had caught up with what was happening and also joined the chase. Perfect. He could still hear them shouting at him to stop when he ducked under two servants carrying a large chest between them of some visiting noble or something, in a graceful move that was so completely and utterly unlike him. The guards however, didn't do so well as they crashed into the servants, creating a giant pile as each and every one of the guards fell over one another.

Turning his head around to let out a laugh at the mess of guards, he ran straight into Sir Leon and two other Knights with a 'umphh'. Looking up immediately at Leon's confusion when one of the guard's yelled out underneath the chaos of bodies "Stop him- The Prince wants him!"

Merlin dodged Sir Leon's skilfully quick hands and made a run for it- only this time being pursued by Camelot's Knights. "Shit" Merlin let out in a huff and continued to run as fast as he could, his chest tightening as he fought for breath. As he came down a particular corridor where the windows were left wide open, seeing this as his only chance, Merlin discretely used his magic. Eyes flashing gold to create a giant gust of wind, causing the heavy pendragon red drapes behind him to float out, blocking the knights path and consequently making them trip over the rich fabric. He could hear the knights cry out as they fell but didn't dare look back as he ran up the servant's stairs and practically flew into an open cupboard closing it quietly behind him. Merlin really was Camelot's biggest idiot.

Merlin didn't move straight away after Sir Leon and the other knight's ran past his hiding spot but instead stayed put, sitting on an upside down bucket. Using the time to recover and regain his breath. He needed to work out what on earth was going on and why he was being chased all over the castle and the only way to do that was to talk to Arthur. If this was what Arthur had meant by 'regretting it' then Merlin would be having some very stern words with the prat. Either way, somehow Merlin was going to have to sneak past all the guards and get into the prat's chambers unnoticed. Brilliant. Merlin let his head rest back against the shelves trying to work out a plan of sorts or at least a half-baked one.

It was a while before Merlin came up with anything that would possibly work and even that was very risky. His amazing plan -that he had spent all of 5 minutes on- was to basically just make a go at it. Run, sneak, hide, whatever he could do to at least get close the Prince's chambers. Once there, he would hide underneath the prat's bed or if he was already there then he would… Merlin scrunched his eyebrows in deep thought. He would think of something to get the prat to listen to him once he was there. He definitely couldn't use magic, he liked his head where it was, on his shoulders. Getting up from his bucket, he slowly opened the cupboard door and peered out, checking for guards, Knights and anyone else that would chase him to throw him into the dungeons. This was going to be easy, Merlin lied to himself as he left the safety of his hiding spot behind and quietly snuck down the stairs he came from.

AN: Please feel free to comment, follow or favourite. You have my permission to swear at me for taking this long to upload.