"You whore! He's mine! I'm going to..."

Kyoko stopped reading. At least the threats in this letter were original. All the other letters just told her what she already knew. She knew she wasnt good enough for Ren, but he was adamant that she was good and pure and that he was the one who didn't deserve her. In the end they both agreed that the other was too stubborn to give way in this arguement but Ren was making progress. Kyoko no longer vehemently denied compliments, instead accepting them... though she had discovered two new shades of red.

She took another look at the letter. It was very crass. Ripped out letters from magazines, messily applied and signed by 'your doom'. The grudges stirred as Kyoko breifly thought of Sho, but remembered he preferred to make an idiot of himself very publicly and he always wanted her to know it was him. The grudges, soothed by their mistresses logic, settled down.

She sighed. How did these people even know where she lived?! She shuddered, grateful she was always the one to get the post. She was imagining the reaction of Okami or Taisho if they saw that Kyoko was recieving this kind of mail. They must never see! The language alone! Kyoko started to get angry. These people were causing problems for the lovely couple at the Darumaya. She was back to lying and hiding things. She didnt want anyone to worry and she didnt want to be a burden to anyone.

A small voice in the back of her head that sounded suspiciously like Mio, chimed in with 'what would Ren think?"

She paled. Ren would be furious. Not only because she was getting this kind of mail but that she was hiding it from them. She zoned out, thinking about how angry he would be, the lecture he would give and how bad she would feel.

The shadow watching her grinned. "what a beautiful shade of white!" The shadow was amused that their simple letter had caused this reaction. (If only they knew what was actually going through her mind). Kyoko would learn. She didnt belong with Ren, they did, and no two-bit, low rent "actress" was going to stop them being together.

Kyoko was still and pale, though she was now having a Kyoko convention.

"i think we should tell nii-san. he'd sort it out." said setsu.

Natsu scoffed "yea by killing them maybe. Let me have a go. I'll take it to level 7!"

Mio sat in silence. Kuon was watching her.

"what ya thinking Mio-kun?"

"don't call me that brat. you will address me properly"
"fine then hongo-san. what are ya thinking?"

Mio glanced around, realising she was the only one with an ounce of sense.

"i think we should tell the president. he has the resources to sort this out and then Mistress can get back to work"

Kyoko slowly returned to reality. Mio was amazing! Always so logical and smart (and yes the fact that she is Mio is completly lost on Kyoko).

The president would know what to do! She put the offending letter in her bag and threw the rest in the incinerator. She unlocked her bike and as she headed for LME she thought about how all this had come to be.