6th Jan

Kyoko was rudely awoken by the apartment phone buzzing. She disentangled herself from the sofa and Ren, where they had fallen asleep reading scripts.


"There's a delivery for your apartment. Is it okay to send it up?"

"Yes of course."

She waited by the door, checking through the peep hole for the courier.

She took note of the face, uniform and logo before even opening the door. The buildings front desk will have done identification checks but one could never be to sure. The courier bowed as Kyoko opened the door and handed over a large parcel and a note. She thanked them before closing and re-locking the door.

"Who is it from?"

Kyoko jumped. She hadn't realised Ren was awake. She sat back down on the sofa and handed over the note.

"Ah it's from my mother. It says 'saw this and thought of you, love Mum."

"Oh it must be for you then. Here."

Ren opened the box and laughed.

"Well it's definitely not for me. Take a look."

Inside the box was a pale blue dress. There was another note tucked inside.

'This is something from my new collection. I'd be honoured if you would wear it to the release party on Friday. Tell Ren he has to wear a tux. With tie.'

Kyoko snorted and handed over this new note to Ren while she took the dress out of the box. It was off the shoulder, with a peasant top bodice and long flowing skirts. Metallic thread was woven through it causing it to glitter in the light.

Ren made a noise of disgust.

"She knows how much I hate wearing a tuxedo. She's doing it on purpose. I'll look like a penguin!"

"But a cute one."

He bumped her shoulder.

"Your mother is a wonderful designer. This dress is beautiful."

Ren shone with pride.

"She's always been very talented. Just fair warning, we may get a lot more deliveries."

She placed the dress carefully back in the box.

"I'm going to hang this up and then start breakfast."

"I suppose I should check the post. I haven't in a few days."

He walked out to Kyoko scolding him for not collecting it regularly.

As she was cracking eggs in a bowl he came back in with a face like thunder. He snatched up his phone and began pacing as he waited for whoever he was ringing to pick up.

"Lory. We have a problem."

Kyoko wiped her hands on a towel and watched him. He was clutching the mail so tightly it had crumpled.

"They know she's here. Yes. No. No. Yes."

Kyoko walked up to him and tried to take the mail from him but he held it over his head. She leveled him a look and with a sigh he handed it over.

'FuCKiNg SLUT! SpReAdInG YOUr LegS For HIM! WhORIsh CuNt! IM GoiNG To SLiT yOUR thRoAt In yOuR SleeP!'

'1,2 I'm coming for you 3,4 better lock your door 5,6 break your bones like sticks 7,8 put your head on a plate 9,10 youll never touch ren again'


They were made from cut out letters or scrawled in blood red marker. They were all mixed in with the normal mail.

"I haven't checked in a few days. Hang on"

Ren riffled through the other post after prising it out of Kyokos death grip.

"It's all dated within the last 3 days. Yes. Yes. Shaking and pale. Yes. I think that's wise. We'll be in soon."

He looked at Kyoko as he hung up. She was still staring at her hands where the notes used to be.

"Kyoko we have to go to Lorys office. He wants these notes so he can give them to the police."

No response. He gently placed a hand on her cheek.

"Kyoko please."

She stared through him with a blank glassy stare. He thought about who would be best.


"Yes Tsuruga-san?"

"Could you get Kyoko dressed so we can get to Lorys office please? I'm guessing she's a bit shocked."

"She's completely shut down. I will take charge for now and relinquish control once she has some."

He nodded and stood up.

Mio swept off to Kyokos room and came back out not long after Ren had dressed.

"Something is certainly wrong. She almost said yes to Setsus clothing option."

This worried Ren more than anything.

He escorted Mio down to the car, ears straining for any out of place noise, eyes darting searching shadows. When they arrived at LME they were escorted from the car to Lorys office by Kyokos guards and Sebastian. Everyone else avoided them, put off by the aura Mio was projecting.

Julie and Kuu were already there and Ryu and Yashiro were just behind them.

Upon seeing Julie, Mio turned to Ren and simply said ' she's back' before her entire posture changed and she burst into tears, throwing herself into Julies waiting arms.

Kyoko sobbed as Ren handed over the notes and caught everyone up. Julie simply held Kyoko tighter and tried to soothe her.

"I know you like your privacy but I'm recommending you get a security system with cameras. Just for now. The footage will only be accessible from this office, your home or your phone."

Ren nodded.

"I'll have it installed later today. Would you like me to cancel your work for the day?"

Before Ren could respond Kyoko shouted 'NO'.

"That's them winning and I won't let them win!"

She wiped her face, anger her main emotion now.

"I will not let them win!"

Lory looked proud.

"Okay. How about if the interviews and shoots are rescheduled for here today? I will have someone go and pick up the relevant people. You will be safe in this building."

Ren looked at her.

"Kyoko I…"

"Ren you will go to your shoots and filming. I will not leave this building, except for lunch where I will go escorted to that little cafe just down the road. I will then be escorted back and I will not leave again til you come and get me."

Ren looked conflicted.

Kuu spoke up.

"I will stay with her. Julie has been monopolising all of her time and I've barely seen her."

Julie poked her tongue out at him.

Ren felt better. While he didn't doubt Kyokos own self defence skills and she had her guards, he knew what his father was capable of combat wise.


Julie pouted.

"I can't. I have to work on the new line and get ready for Fridays release."

That perked Kyoko up.

"Julie, I loved the dress! Thank you and yes of course I'll wear it to your party on Friday!"

Julie beamed.

"Wait until you see the rest. I've outdone myself this time."

She glanced at her watch.

"Oh I must dash! So much to do. Kuu keep her safe and spoil her!"

She departed with a wave as Kuu shook his head.

Yashiro looked at his phone and started fidgeting.

"Yes Yashiro. I'm coming." He looked at Kyoko. "Promise me you wont leave alone."

"I promise."

"I'll look after her son. Don't worry."

Ren nodded and followed Yashiro from the room.

Lory turned to Kyoko.

"It'll be about an hour before your first interviewer arrives. Kuu, your guards and I need to have a talk. However, there is a little blonde girl a few doors down who would love to see you."

Kyoko bowed and sped out of the door, hurtling toward Maria.

Who launched herself at Kyoko the second she opened the door.

"Nee-san! I'm so glad you're okay!"

"How'd you…"

"8 year olds hear everything."

They chatted about everything and nothing as Maria gathered ingredients. She informed Kyoko that she was going to put a curse on whoever was trying to hurt her. Kyokos heart melted a little. That was quite cute.

She watched as Maria mixed and chanted. Kuu stuck his head round the door and watched on in morbid fascination and Kyoko had to stifle a laugh. He crooked a finger at her and mouthed that her interviewer was here.

"Bye Nee-san. See you later." Maria chimed, never taking her eyes off of her project.

Walking down the hallway Kuu had to know.

"I didn't say a word. How did she know you were leaving? She wasn't even looking at you."

"Maria-chan has exceptional hearing. She probably heard me get up."

Kuu had wide eyes.

"Plus she is the Presidents granddaughter."

Kuu nodded as if this was the wisest answer he had ever heard.

"How are you Kyoko?" Kuu asked as he threw an arm around her shoulder and pulled her in for an awkward hug as they continued down the maze of LME hallways.

"I'm okay Otou-san."

He stopped and pulled Kyoko around so he could look her in the eye.


"Really. Okay so maybe I'm a little scared but I have you, Ren, my guards, Sebastian. The President is on the case. There are a lot of people on my side so I know it wont be long before we catch whoever is doing this."

Kuu pulled her into a hug.

"I'm so proud of you."

"And when we do catch whoever this is… I'm going full Mio on them."

This made Kuu laugh so hard he had to lean against the wall. In stuttering breaths between laughs he told her where she was to go and to leave him behind. He'd catch up when he could breathe again.

She shook her head at the grown man knelt on the floor, banging a fist against it, laughing so hard he was turning red and drawing attention, and walked away to her interview.

She spent the rest of the morning with interviewers and waited patiently in the LoveMe room for Kuu.

He knocked on the door and held an elbow out for her. She tucked her hand into the crook and away they went. As they walked 3 people fell in silently behind them. Kyoko recognised two of them as her guards but didn't recall the third.

Kuu handed her a note.

As extra protection Sebastian has sent his protege.
Enjoy your lunch.'

Kyoko mulled this over. Lory must be worried if Sebastians protege had been added to her guard but she couldn't help but feel safe. If he was anything like the man himself she couldn't be safer.

It was an uneventful walk to the cafe where she was fast becoming a regular. She nodded to the host, who led them to two tables tucked discreetly in a corner. In seconds a server had appeared and taken orders before vanishing.

"This is a lovely place. Very efficient to." Kuu said as he looked around.

Kyoko nodded.

"They're quite used to celebrities coming in so they are quick and quiet and discreet."

"She didn't bat an eye at my order. That's professionalism."

Kyoko laughed. Kuu has literally ordered half the menu.

When it arrived it took 3 servers to bring everything to the tables and some tetris level skills to fit everything but it was achieved.

Kuu kept the conversation light and away from the darkness plaguing her. He asked about her roles, her current filming, if she was keeping true to his advice.

He enjoyed the animated look in her face, the passion in her voice and in her movements.

When finished Kyoko excused herself to the ladies room. As she was washing her hands, the grudges popped up and alarm bells began ringing in her head. She checked the bathroom twice but she was definitely alone.

She poked her head out of the door and saw no one. She contemplated shouting for Kuu or one of the guards but she had about 10ft to go before she was back in the main restaurant.

She checked both ways before exiting the bathroom and stayed close to the wall.

9ft. 8ft. Nearly there.

She stopped. Just ahead there was an empty doorway to her left. Another hallway to her right. The restaurant straight ahead. Both empty. Nothing out of the ordinary.

She checked again.

As she passed the empty doorway she moved to the other side of the hallway. The other hallway that she assumed led to the kitchens and store rooms was at her back.

The sound of running footsteps had her spinning around, preparing to flatten herself against the wall to get out of the way of the server if needed but whoever it was had stopped halfway down the hallway. And they were most definitely not an employee of this restaurant.

The figure was dressed all in black, hood up, face covered. Eyes filled with hate and anger. Kyoko stared the figure down. She made a mistake. She looked away from their eyes so she could take in as many details about them as they could. The build of the person rang some familiar bells but she dismissed it as having seen them before on the bridge.

The figure moved towards her and Kyoko fell into a defensive crouch without thinking.

"I was only watching you today, but here you are. Stupid enough to be alone."

Kyoko struck without thinking. One hand to their throat in a punch, the other towards their sternum.

The sternum punch connected but the throat didn't. Instead the figure grabbed her now outstretched arm and began trying to drag her towards the back entrance.

Kyoko struggled, digging her heels in. Whoever this was was strong.

Yelling for help, she decided to try for the hood, to get a good look at whoever this was but they punched her in the chest. She coughed but continued yelling.

"Shut up you stupid fucking whore!"

Staggered from the blow but still being pulled, Kyoko lost her balance and fell to the ground. The figure released her arm to avoid following her to the ground. Kyoko wrapped her arm around a pipe and held tight while kicking her feet out.

She scored a hit to the knee and ankle of her attacker but it only enraged them further.

"You stupid fucking cunt! I'm going to enjoy everything I do to you."

Something flashed.

A wicked looking fish knife appeared in their hand and Kyoko screamed.

They tried to kick her but she moved and they ended up kicking the pipe instead.


Kuu and her guards appeared. They raced towards her and the figure took off out the back door.

Kuu slid to a stop on his knees by her side while the guards tried to follow her attacker. They hit the door and nearly bounced back. One recovered quickly and raced through to the front to try and catch them while the other tried to get through the back. Sebastians protege phoned Lory.

"Kyoko-chan! Are you okay?"

She did a quick inventory. Sore arm from being grabbed and a bit breathless from the screaming and the chest punch. She stood up and Kuu followed, running his hands down her arms, as if to double check.

She laughed.

"I promise Otou-san. I'm fine. I did more damage to them. I got them in the chest, knee and ankle. I also think I caught them off guard. They said they were only watching me today."

Kuu looked at her and she just smiled.

"3 hits?"

"Yup and when I fell over I grabbed that pipe there so they couldn't drag me off."

He pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

"That's my girl! I'm so proud of you!"

The protege cleared his throat.

"The police are on their way. Lory-sama has requested for us to go straight to his office when we have spoken with them."

The man who had run around returned.

"They'd blocked the door with the dumpster."

All 3 men looked livid. A small timid voice piped from the the service hallway.

"Excuse me. We have security footage. All of the hallways are covered."

This garnered some confused looks. It wasn't usual practice to have hallways covered.

"The owner had a problem with an employee letting the paparazzi in through the back door. Or sneaking his friends in. Faking accidents. So the owner put in cameras."

Kyoko smiled.

"So all that?"

The waitress nodded.

"It's all on camera. You're welcome to the entire days footage. I hope it helps."

Sebastians protege walked over and asked her to show him the way.

When he returned Kyoko was just finishing up her statement to the police. She had told them everything and Kuu had punched a wall when she recounted how they had hit her and spoken to her. The protege handed over the footage to the police.

"Any idea who it is?"

"No. Something about their voice and build is familiar but I have been attacked by this person before."

"And you can't describe them?"

"Aside from the estimate height I've given you, they were wearing baggy clothes, hood up, face covered. I could see their eyes. Green and filled with hate."

The police nodded and with no more questions, they let Kyoko and the others leave.

The entire journey to Lorys office was in silence.

The first thing out of Lorys mouth when they arrived was,

"Are you okay?"

She huffed in frustration.

"I'm fine. If one more person asks me that I'm going to scream. I'm just very angry."

Lory chuckled.

"Fair enough, fair enough. Now, your guards."

"Are good. None of this is their fault. I was going to the bathroom for goodness sake!"

"I was going to say are very impressed with your skills. I do not blame them for this."


Ryu burst through the door.

"Kyoko! Are you…"

And stopped herself from finishing the question as Kyoko was glaring at her and Lory was making the cut gesture.

"I'm sorry Kyoko. I should have come to instead of staying and doing paperwork."

"Ryu-san. I was with these 4. We thought I would be safe. Plus I've seen paperwork mountain and honestly, if you hadn't come bursting in her I'd have sent a rescue team into your office to save you from it. Check you hadn't been smothered by it or something."

This made everyone laugh.

"I haven't yet phoned the others but I will do so and have them meet us here later where we can all get caught up at once. Hopefully with some more answers. Kyoko. The photographer for your shoot is in the studio downstairs if you'd like to head that way."

Kyoko bowed and left the room. As soon as the door closed Kuu and the guards all broke out talking. Lory raised a hand.

"No one faces any blame for what happened today. I would not expect any of you to follow an 18 year old girl into the bathroom. Or that her attacker would be brazen enough to try and take her from a public place. I will give everyone the warning about how she is and to not ask her if shes okay. Now, this footage."

Lory watched it in silence. Then rewound and watched Kyoko fight back. Twice.

He messaged and emailed and called his contacts in the police and PI's and anyone else he could think of.

Nothing. No leads. No clues. No idea.

He groaned in frustration.

The guards had left ages ago and Kuu sat in a corner, gradually making his way through the mound of snacks Lory had procured for him. A knock on the door.

Julie entered and started with,

"Why can't I ask if Kyoko-chan is okay?"

Lory simply raised a hand.

Yashiro and Ren came in shortly after with Ren's only words being "What now?"

Lory still didn't say anything.

Kyoko and Ryu returned and took seats.

Lory clapped his hands once and gestured to the screen behind him and pressed play.

I am very sorry that it has been a while since I've posted but I have been entirely uninspired. Add that to the disaster that is the Planet Earth right now... I am getting some more written but I cannot make promises on when it will be up. I am finding it very difficult to write right now but I will try my hardest to get more up!

Thank you for your patience and once again, I am very sorry.