Corrin's knees nearly buckled as her stomach painfully lurched. She blinked confusedly a couple times, attempting to hold back the tears stinging at the corner of her eyes as the burn of nausea spread up her esophagus; a feeling she had become quite accustomed since she had found out about the pregnancy. Through her blurred vision, she could make out her ever-growing plump figure in the mirror, and the soft lilac color of Camilla's hair as her sister stood behind her, attempting to tighten the her old corset that she had be gifted Corrin at her sister's request for a new one as Corrin had claimed she felt she grew in bust size. Corrin once again blinked a few more times in attempt to regain sight, her vision clearing to grant her perception of her sister's lips form into a thin line as she attempted to concentrate once again on tightening the bodice.

Guilt mixed in with the already present nausea in Corrin's stomach, as she knew regrettably that the corset wouldn't fit due to her buxom chest and ever growing stomach, both of which Corrin attempted vainly to hide. She knew the request for one of Camilla's old bodices would only be for naught, and yet she still requested for one, just for one final attempt to disguise her stomach and to be fit comfortably if only for awhile. She felt like a terrible fool at asking her sister for one, as deep down, Corrin knew that the bodice would fail to accommodate her rapidly growing stomach, but she also felt awful indiscretion for requesting it and wasting Camilla's time in attempt to get it to fit. Not only that but she had wasted Camilla's time by making Camilla institute the journey over to Corrin's room. Corrin felt herself to be a ghastly stupid girl for all of it.

Camilla yanked at the laces once again, this time using considerably more force, causing Corrin to grab onto the side table beside the mirror for support in an attempt to stay grounded. Corrin's eyes watered once again, as her stomach preformed another painful jump, something of which Corrin responded to by protectively hugging her stomach. Camilla released the laces, giving Corrin a chance to breathe, a task in which was nearly impossible to do while the corset was being tightened. Corrin panted, wincing as she felt the pressure on her ribs alleviating slightly, in turn temporary curing the pain within her stomach. Corrin glanced at the mirror, viewing Camilla as she stood only a few steps back from Corrin. Her heart began to beat rapidly, echoing in her ears as she watched Camilla's violet eyes trail down Corrin's body, settling on her pudgy stomach in which half had began to bulge from under Corrin's bodice. Camilla's eyes narrowed, a hum resonating throughout the room as she carefully viewed her. Corrin swallowed hard. It was only a matter of time. She knew.

"I...ate a lot today..." Corrin blurted out, desperately turning away from the mirror. Corrin felt an obligation to keep the child a secret, she couldn't dare let anyone know of it's existence for fear of both hers and the baby's father's future. She saw Camilla sit out of the corner of her eye. Her heart pranged in guilt however at the lie, as she couldn't recall the last time she had lied to her sister.

Camilla's eyes flickered up to Corrin's face, unbelieving of the lie Corrin had so boldly tried to tell her. She could read the guilt on Corrin, a look she had become so familiar with seeing on her sister ever since Corrin was small. Yet, this wasn't the type of guilt Corrin wore for minor offences such as ruining the curtains as a child. It was far more grave than a child's guilt. It was the same look of guilt Corrin wore when she refused to side with Nohr. The look of wracking guilt, a heavy burden for one to carry. Camilla felt a flush of sympathy as she looked at the woman in front of her. She couldn't recall the last time she had seen Corrin look so small and afraid, Corrin seemed so unlike herself it startled Camilla. She could scarcely believe Corrin was with child, as she still saw Corrin herself as a little girl, especially with that expression plastered all over her face. S

"I told you darling," Camilla crossed her legs, sedately sipping at her tea. "Don't eat before a fitting. You know better." She reprimanded Corrin gently. She couldn't dare mention her knowledge of Corrin's pregnancy when she saw Corrin looking so broken before her at risk of her being even more upset, a sight Camilla could barely tolerate.

Corrin turned to face her. Vivid rose met vivacious mauve and all at once, Corrin felt as if her world would close in on her as a pregnant silence filled the room. She despised herself for what she did with Takumi, but hated herself even more for not telling Camilla, of whom she shared all her secrets with. She wanted to keep the knowledge of the baby all to herself; to not tell anyone, and mostly to protect it from how cruel and unforgiving the world was for if there was knowledge of her pregnancy amongst camp, Corrin knew would never be treated the same. People would look down on her as a whore, they would speak down to her, whisper about her as she passed. Love of a man would never be hers to hold, for who would want to marry a woman who had a child out of wedlock? She didn't dare think for a second Camilla would share this information, but she could barely bring herself to speak of the pregnancy, and yet, at the same time, she wanted to share the news with Camilla, to confide in someone, to share that deep down under the fear for her unborn child, she felt joy in the purest form at the thought of her child. That she could bring something good and pure into the world all of her own, as Corrin felt she needed to see the good again, as it was so hard to find it in such a precocious time. Corrin was unsure of what to say or do. Camilla had blessed her with the possibility of feigning ignorance to what was growing inside Corrin, for Corrin's sake, yet, the idea of lying to her sister was nearly debilitating to Corrin. Corrin felt her throat burn as she made her decision to tell Camilla the truth. It was not nearly as easy of a choice as Corrin had thought it to be, but Camilla deserved to know. She looked at her sister, her chin trembling as she began to speak.

"I'm so sorry Camilla..."Corrin rasped, the words just barely leaving her lips.

Camilla scowled as she saw the tears roll down Corrin's cheeks as her sister stood before her. She was reminded again of that small pitiful child that once stood before her, guilt wracked and so helpless. Corrin's eyes desperately searched Camilla's for forgiveness, something of which Camilla readily gave. She motioned for Corrin to move into Camilla's open arms, Corrin obliged, collapsing within her embrace and then onto her knees once she was within her arms. Corrin refused to cry further besides the stray tears she had let escape previous, she felt it useless to cry, and lacked sympathy for herself, as it was her fault for being careless. She would however, accept the warmth of her sister's embrace, and for a moment, forget about the child and it's bleak future. Corrin felt a multitude of regret. Something she could barely express. She felt regret for lying to Camilla, regret for bringing a child into the world during these desperate times, and most of all, regret for doing this to Takumi. She could only hope that he would be as forgiving as Camilla.

"Hush was only a matter of time until you and Xander married anyway..."Camilla whispered, soothingly running her fingers through Corrin's white tresses.

Corrin froze. The terror she had felt earlier returned to Corrin once again as the words registered within her mind. How could Camilla forgive Corrin for the gravity of her sins when she found out? Not only had Corrin done something terribly foolish in the first place by getting pregnant, but she had been impregnated by a Hoshidan. She wouldn't dare speak a word of Takumi's, as she refused to stain his name, but how could she bear to tell Camilla that it wasn't Xander's child she was carrying? Would Camilla still be willing to forgive her if she knew? Corrin looked up to Camilla, attempting to string together words as the blank buzz of nothingness returned to Corrin.

"It's not Xander's baby Camilla..." Corrin whispered, fixating her gaze on the ground. She didn't want to see Camilla's face when she told her the news. Corrin couldn't stomach the thought of looking up and seeing the pain that she knew would be in Camilla's eyes.

It was Camilla's turn for her stomach to lurch as the news graced her ears from Corrin's lips. The shock beset her, if only for a moment as she sat placidly in the chair, attempting to make a decision with what to do with the news. She couldn't blame Corrin for falling in love with someone else, and in fact had her suspicions of the growing distance between Corrin and Xander. She sensed the lack of fondness her sister once had for her brother, and had often noticed Corrin acting peculiarly when she spot her by herself. Still, she mourned for the deceleration that it wasn't Xander's child, and for the most selfish reasons. Their baby would have brought Corrin truly back to Camilla, the marriage between her and her brother would have pledged Corrin's loyalty and attention back to the Nohrian family, and once again, they would reform as a family. It was all Camilla truly wanted, and had dreamed of since Corrin had left. However, as upsetting as the news was, Camilla wouldn't dare abandon Corrin and face losing her once again. She would accept the child, even without a blood relation, for it was part of Corrin, Corrin of whom Camilla loved so deeply and without reservation. She sat deep in thought, taking Corrin's hand in hers as she began to plan their next course of action. Corrin didn't want the army to know about the pregnancy, and rightfully so, so Camilla would assure the news wouldn't spread throughout camp, even if it costed her life. Whatever the cost, she would remain reunited Corrin, as Corrin belonged with her.

"Here's what we're going to do..." Camilla began, leaning forward as she whispered.

This was perhaps the longest period of time Takumi had spent with Corrin in weeks. She had continued to retreat to her room despite their talk previously, stating that she often preferring her own company whenever he attempted to speak with her, and had adapted a queer flighty disposition. She wasn't rude or cold, as Takumi was sure Corrin lacked a single mean bone in her body; but she came off as awkward, and almost dodgy as if she sat on crucial information she was failing to tell him.

It struck him as peculiar that she would request to fight with him in this battle, as he was certain that she was set on avoiding him, and yet, there she was, bloodstained with gritted teeth as she weaved in and out from transformations with her dragon stone in order to avoid fighting with a sword. Even this was strange not only to Takumi, but Corrin's fellow comrades as well, as they had sworn before that she much preferred fighting with her sword. Takumi had thought previous to this occasion that the stone was a last resort when she fought, as she had claimed it was a gross misuse of power and rather vociferate in nature. He wouldn't judge her though, as whatever made her come out from battle as victorious was a suitable way of bellicose to him. She seemed so stoic now in the way she fought. She fought with much more purpose, and more defensively, something he admired in her, as she managed to pull through and fight despite all the fatigue she had been suffering. She had improved as a warrior. However, he couldn't help but feel irked by her sudden gained ability as an assailant. He had sworn he would always be better than her, that he would prove himself stronger and more capable, as he knew he was the much better militant. He refused to lay in her shadow, but she was making it increasingly harder to prove himself. It was as if she wanted to push his buttons. He was conflicted, as he was unsure if he wanted to pursue something of a rivalry or a partnership with her. She set him at ease when she fought next to him, he even felt an odd comfort in fighting by her side, it was familiar and complacent. They knew each other's next move, their next breath, almost as if it were clockwork. He missed her in his own way, something he would never openly admit. Partially due to the fact that he hadn't realized himself just how much he missed her. He thought it had been strange without Corrin around. As it felt like she was always by Takumi's side previous to distancing herself from him. Even when he slept, it felt like her latency lingered.

When she failed to be in his company the lack of her presence was an astronomically large force. But even when she was there, she wasn't truly there like she used to be. Ever since her fall, she had retreated more and, taking on an entirely new nature. She had transformed into a more quiet, thoughtful version of herself, almost aseptic as they walked side by side. His questions were often met with short one word answers after thoughtful hesitation and silence on her part as if she wanted to say something deeper or more sententious but she couldn't exactly express it. Takumi was unsure about how he felt towards her sudden change in behavior. On one hand, her incessant blathering formerly was a nuisance at times,but it was something he had come to like quite a bit about her. He liked that she talked so comfortably and freely, as he felt he could follow suit when she was so gratuitous in speaking. When she was quiet, there wasn't much they could talk about, and Takumi would find himself retreating into himself with a lingering feeling of dejection. He had grown fond of her.

Together, their chemistry while fighting was electric. As if sparks flew by when they worked together as a team. They were near indestructible with his red hot anger and passion as he sought to be better than her, and her own determination and ferocity to protect not only herself but child. Corrin had still failed to tell him about the ever-growing thing in her abdomen that was becoming increasingly harder to disguise. She had dawned new clothing in an attempt to disguise her appearance, her armor had become bulkier and larger, her garments long and flowing. Although that was only the physical aspect of it. She knew she couldn't keep it a secret from him much longer. He deserved to know of the child he created, though Corrin planned on having him know when she told him that he could have no part in raising the child if he so wished. She suspected he wouldn't, which she surprisingly didn't mind too much. She liked the idea of having something all of her own. As she had never gotten to experience the pleasure of true ownership before, of having something in which was truly hers, and only hers. Everything in Nohr was Garon's; her bed, her doll, her life. It all belonged to him, and even now, she never felt free of that control. This baby would be hers and only hers if Takumi didn't care for it.

She would die to protect the growing life inside her. And when she fought, she showed that. Even as she felt physically weakened with each passing altercation in battle, as the transformations were too strenuous and physically exhausting. Corrin would persevere for the sake of battle and to maintain the image of her as an efficient fighter, but was quickly coming to the realization she couldn't sustain that image much longer. She found herself aching for the time of solitude when it would be just her, Camilla, and the baby in the deeprealm that Camila had spoken of previously in Corrin's room. As pressing and urgent as the war was, Corrin could escape to the realm for a short time to give birth under the pretext of training, only missing a small period of time where her army resided in Corrin's realm. There the baby could be safe, and truly, that was all Corrin could hope for her child. A safe future in which her baby could grow strong and resilient.

Takumi glanced at her, attempting to gauge her stamina and health. She looked as if she had been run into the ground the way the dust and sweat had crusted on her skin. She was being stupid fighting in such a compromised state, this he knew as a certainty, as he was the one who had to listen to her complaining on the road to the fight just how tired she was. Her face clearly showed it in the moment, as she absconded into a defensive position for another transformation. The stone burnished brilliantly, blinding both Takumi and her surrounding foes briefly as she transformed. When the gleam of the light vanished, she stood now transformed, majestic and untamed as she let out a beastly uproar before indiscriminately charging forward clearing enemies with the butt of her head. Takumi remained a small distance behind her, firing arrows at enemies that had failed to die at Corrin's hands. He felt a swell of pride for this, as they were seemingly reaching a record kill count when working as a duo, something he was unsure of if he could achieve if he fought beside anyone else.

They continued fighting like that for a time, although it was becoming increasingly more unambiguous that Corrin was growing more and more weary. As she had faltered more than once in this period of transformation, which as a result, only made Takumi feel more perturbed. He didn't understand her insistence to go on like this, as a wrong move could be fatal to her if she chose to continue fighting. He stayed close to her side, displaying a degree of caution as he moved promptly and rapidly to avoid any injuries on his own behalf. It seemed as if the traducers never ceased to appear. When they killed one, another would come and take it's place, this one even stronger than the last. If he kept a good distance, he could keep the problem relatively under control, but Corrin would have to take the brunt of the hits. She remained strong and fierce, standing her ground long enough to protect Takumi. She could feel her control slowly slipping, a foreign eerie feeling, as she never lost control of herself in that form.

A dark mage lurked in the corner, caliginous magic dancing from his finger tips as he hissed in an alien tongue, watching the young duo fight, the boy and girl both respectively taking turns playing defender. From here, they remained unaware as he gathered his powers, all working up to one final spell to unleash, especially upon the boy, who seemed to be fighting off the forces in order to protect the girl. The girl herself would be easy to take down, she was already weakened enough, only a few spells would do. He suspected Anakos would be especially pleased given his plans would succeed. The mage sent the spell, vivid as a comet at the man as he shot an arrow.

Corrin titled her head, sensing a dark ominous presence, spotting the mage out of the corner of her eye. The ground began to shake as she howled out, leaping in front just in time to shield Takumi. The force of the magic hit Corrin in the chest, knocking her to the ground. As she fell, her arms instinctively covered her stomach, desperate to protect her baby.A darkness began to consume her eyes, as she shut them tightly, her skin screaming out for relief against the burning sensation on her chest. She hiccuped and gasped, feeling a tightening in her ribs as she writhed on the ground in agony. She hadn't thought of saving him. It came as a second nature to her, to protect him. She didn't regret it for a second though, not if he was safe.

Takumi turned around just in time to view her, once again a human hit the ground, laying there in a beaten twitchy mess. A scream carried across the field, ear piercing and blood curdling. Takumi didn't even realize he was the one who had emitted the scream. Red clouded his vision as he shot forward blindly, piercing the mage. Corrin laid still, fear surging through Takumi as he slung his bow across his back, taking her in his arms as he emitted another blood curdling scream. She managed to look up at him.

"Tell're safe..."She whimpered. Takumi's mouth ran dry. He felt just as she must have holding their mother. Corrin bowed her head, her eyes fluttering shut.

"...Don't...take my baby...don't...hurt it..."She whispered.

The last thing she was was the tears dripping from Takumi's amber eyes as he stared down at her and then the darkness. She supposed she didn't mind dying like that if the last thing she would ever see was his eyes. Though she was upset she'd never get to meet her baby. Perhaps her mother would be waiting for her. Corrin shut her eyes.

She could hear the sound of a heartbeat, not of her own, a small distant sound.

When Corrin awoke, the small amount of light that dimly illuminated her room nearly blinded her, sending her a searing headache. She raised her hand to her head, desperately trying to alleviate the painful throbbing. She could barely recall what happened after the transformation besides the blinding white light and then nothingness and the steady hum of a pulsing heart. Gratitude didn't fail to escape her as she looked up at the ceiling, attempting to recall the events of the last battle. She had been in the favor of fate that day and managed to escape with her life. For what reason, she didn't understand. If she could trade her life for her mother's she would have, but it seemed that chance had other plans.

Corrin inhaled, taking a second to taste the air. It was fresh, leading her to believe that someone had opened the window. She glanced around, her vision clearing as it registered to her that she was in her own room, laying under the comfort of her own bed sheets, yet, she couldn't recall how she ended up in her bed. The only possible answer was that someone had moved her from where she had fallen, and to that person, she extended her wholehearted indebtedness. She would make use of the second life she was seemingly granted and repay the person however possible.

With an aching neck, she looked around, viewing the all familiar surroundings of her room. She glanced once again at the window, reveling in the cool breeze and then looking to her other side where Takumi sat by her side, his fingers intertwined with hers. His other arm laid across his chest in an all familiar bitter defensive position. She gazed upon their hands for a second, considering the size distance and how they had seemed to intertwine so perfectly. From their hands, she turned her gaze to his face. His chest gently rose and fell as he slept, his head bowed. She smiled, unaware that he could look so peaceful. His face lacked any deep or harsh lines that she had become so accustomed to seeing on him as he frowned. He gave off a certain youthful innocence when he slept.

She attempted to sit, crying out hoarsely in pain as the tightening feeling in her ribs returned. Her hand automatically went to her chest, her fingertips brushing against the purple bruise that extended from her collar bone to the bottom of her breast. She hissed, withdrawing her touch as she viewed the contusion. It was the color of a deep purple wine with slate markings. She almost couldn't breathe even thinking of the hit it had caused her so much convulsion. Corrin grasped at the bed sheets, her hand traveling to full stomach, attempting to assess if there was any difference in the size of her stomach. She had nearly forgotten about the baby, was it hurt? She felt strangely at ease about the answer, as she had felt herself more in tune with her body ever since she became pregnant. She had managed to protect the baby despite her fall, which is all she could ever dream for.

She hadn't even thought of what she was doing when she leaped in front of Takumi. She just knew she felt the same all familiar gut instinct to protect something precious to her. The idea of Takumi dead in front of her, his blood on her hands was nearly debilitating in thought. She wouldn't loose another family member. Her mother's death still hung over her, the event haunting Corrin as she slept. She could only imagine how she would feel if Takumi died. How his brilliant fawn eyes would haunt her every move, his kisses now a distant memory. She could never forgive herself for his dying, not in her lifetime.

She looked to Takumi, extending her hand towards his face in order to inspect him. He gently stirred, causing her to withdraw her hand suddenly and continue her inspection from afar. She pursued her lips quizzically as she looked at the elegant cupid's bow of his, his mouth pulled into a more gentle version of his usual scowl even as he slept. He looked strangely disheveled with his hair down and only a button up shirt and loose pair of slacks. She couldn't tell how long he had been in that chair. She thought he must've been there for days based on his appearance.

"Heh." She chuckled only briefly, leaning in further to look at him.

The realization dawned upon her that she had never truly viewed him before, only dismissing him as handsome from afar. Even when making love, she kept her eyes closed while he was just inches from her face memorizing every last detail about her. The way she would squirm under his contact if he touched her just right. He could draw her simply from memory, whereas Corrin's memory of Takumi's appearance would fade and become a distant blurry retentiveness. Corrin sighed dreamily as she committed his face to memory. She wanted to remember, in case he ever did leave her, if he ever did die, so she had something of him. She wanted to remember the crooked bridge of his nose, the way he looked when he smiled, as his teeth were so perfect and white, or even the peaceful expression he wore so well as he slept.

Corrin leaned in, attempting to come to a type of conclusion. She decided he was the sort of refined handsome, almost beautiful in appearance, with boyhood still lingering on his face. He was the type of rugged unteachable beautiful kind of youth that seemed to suit him so well in a way. It seemed so odd to Corrin that he looked so young up close. She supposed he had to grow up so quickly in order to be as strong and capable as he was, he still was in a way, just a boy. He could barely be nineteen by now. She couldn't quite recall the age they celebrated at his last birthday, even her own age of scarcely twenty slipping from her mind at the moment. Or was he twenty and she was twenty one? The war had seemed to have aged them, so she couldn't quite be certain. Though she felt somewhat confident that he was nineteen based off of a claim he had made months ago. Everything was such a blur now to Corrin, she wondered if she had officially lost her mind.

Corrin sighed, leaning back. She envied his long dark eyelashes and high elegant cheekbones. She wondered if the child would inherit his features or hers. Or perhaps it would be a combination of both. She thought she'd prefer that, although it would be tough to decide who the baby looked like when it came out, as all babes looked so similar when they were newborns. She gently rested her free hand on her abdomen, that of which she realized had just grown slightly once again. Her eyes wandered down to his shiny silvery tresses cascading over his shoulders. Would the baby have Takumi's beautiful silky hair? She hoped so, as she never cared much for her own hair. She much preferred the feel of Takumi's.

She yearned to reach out and just feel his hair in between her fingers. She ached for things to go back to how they used to be. When he would smile a rare brilliant smile just for her when he thought no one else was looking. She secretly called it her smile, as she was certain he reserved it just for her. She had developed a loving adoration for it, although she most likely would never see it again at the cost of telling him the news about the baby. Each time her heart fluttered as she thought of her baby, it would sink the next moment as she thought of Takumi and how he'd react. She would miss his smile, as she predicted he would never give her the same type of loving approval again once he knew.

The door opened, taking Corrin out of her reverie. She jolted upright, concealing her stomach by pulling up her blankets and then for further measure, folding her hands in front of her stomach. Azama popped his head in, nodding approvingly as he spotted Corrin awake and alert for the first time in two days. Corrin herself felt relieved to see him, as she was still confused about the events that had transpired after she lost consciousness. She hoped Azama could help her out in her understanding of the events. She flashed a polite corteous smile as, he walked in, shutting the door behind him softly in an attempt not to awaken Takumi. This was the first time he had seen Takumi asleep since Corrin was injured, it was a nice change of pace, as Azama didn't want to treat both her and Takumi at the same time. He had much better things to do beside treat two imbeciles who were injured at their own hands.

"I'm surprised you and Mitama don't spend more time together." Azama remarked smartly, barely in a whisper. Corrin sleepily rubbed one eye.

"How long was I unconscious?" She inquired. She was eager for answers.

"Two days. Almost three. Just a day short of my daughter's record of uninterrupted sleep." He replied, now at the foot of her bed.

"And how did I-" Corrin began.

"You fainted, your brother started screaming like a girl around a mouse in a closet and Ryoma rushed over as quickly as possible. Takumi carried you back to safety." Azama explained as he mover in closer.

Corrin nodded, his words still ringing in her ears. She couldn't help but feel like a burden. Because of her, she compromised not only her baby's safety but Takumi's as well. She couldn't begin to express how she felt. Her hand subconsciously wandered up to her chest, pressed against the large swollen bruise.

"You only came out with a bruise somehow...I suppose that ugly bulky armor you wear saved you." Azama mused, crouching to be on eye level with the the blemish. "It'll heal...eventually."

"Hm…" Corrin hummed thoughtfully, looking once again at her lover.

"He hasn't left your side." Azama interjected, watching the surprise grow on Corrin face.

There was something behind her expression Azama couldn't quite place. This was about the fifth time since he entered the room that Corrin had started gazing longingly at her brother. He had seen the amount of admiration and love siblings had for each other before, but this was beyond that. Azama looked at the pair for a second, hesitating to speak as he tried to place the feeling and emotional she held for her brother. It was unlike anything he had ever seen. She caressed Takumi's face gently with a loving tenderness as her hand trailed up to push his bangs out of his eyes. She tucked the hair behind his ear, smiling softly.

Takumi's eyes opened wide and bloodshot, his his shoulders jolting forward in surprise. He looked around, slightly confused before relaxing slightly back into the chair. He looked like death. He was clearly sleep deprived, and was in need of a good bath and rest. He could scarcely remember dozing off, although it didn't surprise him that he had fallen asleep. Ever since she had fallen like that infront of him, life had been a never ending nightmare of waiting and hoping by her side. Every movement would give him a sense of false hope and excitement that she would be OK. She had shown such little improvement he was starting to become truly concerned about her. He glanced side to side until Corrin settled into his line of vision. His scowl pulled up into a grin as his eyes met hers, his heart skipping a beat. She returned the smile shyly.

"I'm sorry I woke you." She mused, biting her lip.

"You're awake." He said breathlessly. He was so relieved.

Azama looked at the two with an eyebrow cocked in confusion. It was as if he wasn't there as soon as they saw each other, like when their eyes met, they were transported into their own little world. The two were close, he knew they had become as such based off all the times he had seen them together, but now they seemed too close. It was bizarre, but yet didn't want to judge them yet. He would give them the benefit of the doubt for now and just hope they were expressing recognition for saving each other. He had good faith in both of them and their moral integrity, although something nagged deep inside his stomach. If he was right though...and there was something more, he could only pray that the child would be a healthy one.

"Ahem…" Azama cleared his throat, crossing his arms as he eyed the pair suspiciously.

They both respectively jumped back, their eyes darting around in shame as their cheeks heated, a flush apparent on the full apples of Corrin's cheeks. Both Corrin and Takumi felt their heart sink. For once, they both were foolish, and so careless in their actions in front of others. They had kept such a convincing facade previously, it made them being caught that much more flagrant. Especiall for Takumit. It was so unlike him to throw caution in the wind like that, he was always a step ahead, even as a child. He had little excuse for becoming so careless. Excitement had seemingly taken a hold of Takumi and as a result, he had forgotten who he was. Corrin had a talent for making him lose all sense of himself, something he both loved and resented about her. With her, he could be a better kinder version of himself, he could see the goodness that Corrin could see, but he could also see the goodness she saw to a fault. That she was too good, too trusting, she never raised her guard, and she had begun to rub off on him. He himself would forget to think at times under her influence.

"I brought you some raspberry leaves to chew on Corrin. They should help with your nausea." Azama explained as he shoved a fist into his pant leg, reemerging with an open palm of plant leaves.

"Thank you Azama…" Corrin mewled graciously.

"Well, I just wanted to see if you were awake and give those to you...y'know. Hopefully I won't have to waste my time with checking in on you to find you snoring now. It's not very ladylike of you. " Azama said awkwardly. Corrin gave a smile and nod, her big rose orbs peering up at him.

"Thank you Azama…" She whispered, clasping his hand in hers as an extension of gratitude.

"Yeah yeah." He muttered as he withdrew his hand, wiping it off on his pant leg before exiting swiftly. He peeked over his shoulder one final time, viewing them sitting together like a disheveled tired messy, yet perfect couple. He smiled to himself.

Takumi cracked open an eye, yawning audibly, catching Corrin's attention. She lifted the blanket she currently laid under, inching over to the edge of her bed in order to make room so he could lay beside her. He slowly rose, his back cracking in a plea to be out of the kitchen chair he had been sitting in over the span of the last couple days. He flashed her a weak, tired smile before nuzzling in next to her. Corrin leaned on one elbow, watching him contently as his tawny brown eyes fluttered shut. She liked watching him when he was so undisturbed, his beautiful long lashes would oscillate, just like butterflies. She smiled serenely, slowly making her way out of the bed in order to tuck him in. Her body ached as she stood, her feet confused by the sudden change of weight, as they had seemingly become accustomed to her laying in bed, but she managed to stand, even on unsure Bambi like legs. Corrin pulled the blankets up to his shoulders before placing a gentle kiss on his temple. As she leaned in, she could feel his warm breath hit her face as he drifted off into a slumber.

When he awoke, the window had been shut, closing out the cool night air. The only light in the room came from the burning of candles, that of which had been lit from all around him. He looked around, recognizing the surroundings of Corrin's room. He had forgotten for a brief moment where he was, and was hardly able to recall falling asleep. It seemed as if the days that had passed were really an eternity. A lack of sleep made each passing day seem much longer than it actually was. Takumi pushed the blankets down and put his weight on his arm, rising slightly to gain a better view of his surroundings and attempt to locate Corrin. He looked at the window, the stars had begun to come out. It was dusk now, so he figured he had slept for several hours, as it was in the morning Corrin had woken up. Takumi pondered his sleep while he sat up, as it was a peculiar dreamless sleep,something he never got to experience. Ever since he could remember, he always had nightmares. It almost scared him more not having them.

He spotted Corrin sitting at her table, chewing her raspberry leaves placidly, only stopping to occasionally sip some tea. She looked much more put together than when she had woken up. She had combed her hair and washed the sleep off her face. She appeared much more fresh and clean, something Takumi hadn't seen out of Corrin in what felt to be a very long time. She had taken to looking messy and disheveled over the last couple of weeks, not even bothering to brush her hair. She looked so much more becoming when she took better care of herself. He felt her to be particularly beautiful when she sat there with her long locks thrown over her shoulder, cascading around her full round face. She sat there with that same tranquil expression he had become so used to seeing, which surprisingly fit her quiet well. She reminded him so much of her mother when she looked so calm. He couldn't help but stare when he found her so striking. He found her to be very pretty. A very ethereal type of beautiful, but almost not human in appearance sometimes. Especially when her ruby eyes looked at him, as her pupils seemingly had a habit of dilating into slits if only for a brief second. There along with her long slender nose and cool pale skin, she seemed to be unlike anything he had ever seen before, to him she was a natural beauty but not of conventional human standards. He found himself pondering as to why she looked in such a way at time, especially in this particular moment when she seemed unearthly sitting there, as he was sure he never exhibited any of the odd looks or behavior that Corrin had. It seemed even more strange to Takumi as they both came from the same blood. The more he thought about, she didn't look like any of their siblings, and had such a strange hair color. She didn't even resemble Mikoto aside from her eyes and a beauty mark on her chin, otherwise bearing scant resemblance to her mother. Corrin was perhaps more like a beautiful creature rather than a person at times, especially when the light of the candle hit her face, illuminating her features. Her eyes flickered over to him, studying him curiously for a minute. Slits in the light of the fire as it reflected off her face.

Her pupils returned to their original state before she returned back to staring stonily ahead. He sat up, almost cautiously as he felt the familiar unease of her keeping a secret once again. He could tell as she was making that strange face once again, the one she made when she lied since lying was so unnatural to her. Her brows were furrowed in deep set concentration and thought, her lips a thin line. He rose from the bed, and wearily took a seat across from her, allowing her to pour him a cup of tea and then slide it across to him. He looked at the yunomi cup, feeling the warmth through the ceramic material. He stared down at the dark amber liquid, watching the reflection in the drink blink back at him as the two sat in silence. He felt the tension build, thick enough to be cut with a knife. He stared at the cup, filled with boredom while she tore off a piece of bread, passing it over with some cheese. He inspected the intricate designs of the cups, feeling an eeriness as he attempted to locate where he had spotted those very same cups previously.

"Where did you get this stuff?" Takumi inquired, shoving the food in his mouth greedily. He had felt so sick while Corrin rested, that the thought of food barely crossed his mind.

"I went outside to get some air. Azura spotted me and was bringing food anyway…"

Takumi swallowed the last remnants of his food before drinking some more tea. He still wasn't quite used to the Nohrian type of food Corrin liked so much. It was entirely too rich and was far too foreign for his liking. More than anything, he hated change and difference, especially in the small things. He had a particular homesickness for the Hoshidan food, as no one in the army could make dishes nearly as well as they did at home. He missed Hoshido. He missed the food there, he missed his own bed, he missed the way Hoshido smelt and the way the stars looked at night. Corrin did provide comfort to him with her company in her own way. She had a near blinding sense of buoyancy that they would win the war and Takumi would get to return home one day. Though he felt once he was at home in Hoshido, it would scarcely feel like the home he was yearning for without Mikoto waiting for him, and Corrin most likely elsewhere. It would be for the best though, to have the distance finally end their torrid affair and they could be free of each other and their ever growing feelings. Takumi could finally fulfill his duties as a prince, and even make Mikoto and his father proud.

Where Takumi had seen the cups previously had become clear as he took one final look at the ceramic material. It had become apparent to him that he had felt so familiar with the cups as he had drank from them on more than one occasion was Mikoto's old tea set, the one she would take out whenever Takumi came to her with a problem. He could tell based off the soft baby blue color and the small flowers painted on the sides.

"How did you get these cups!?" He exclaimed breathlessly, nearly shaking in excitement. He thought there was nothing of Mikoto left.

Corrin glanced up before giving her own little chuckle, although remaining somewhat somber.

"Sakura gave them to me before I returned to Hoshido again. I haven't been able to bring myself to use them until as of late.I feel like more than ever, I need Mother around. Even the small reminders of her are important if it's all I have left." Corrin explained as she brushed some crumbs off the table.

Corrin swallowed hard. She was almost unable to even speak of her late mother recently. Whenever Corrin thought of her mother, she would think of all the things Mikoto would be missing out on in her grandchild's life. Corrin would think of her own mother, and how she wondered how she felt when she learned she was having Corrin. Corrin imagined Mikoto, radiant and glowing as she positively radiated grace and beauty. She wished Mikoto was here, to guide her, and grant her council in her time of need. Corrin looked at the cups, her sorrow becoming even more apparent to her.

"Corrin?" Takumi called out. Her head snapped up, granting him her attention. He cleared his throat.

"After you transformed," He sighed, crossing his arms as he glanced up at her, giving her a look of intense seriousness. "You were talking about a baby…"

Corrin's chest tightened. He had known of course, anyone with eyes could see most what was happening to her. Yet he was calm but stern. This wasn't quite she had expected from him, did she perhaps overestimate him, and assume he knew the extent of what was growing inside her? Was he even aware there was a baby? She guessed the latter. She felt the dread of terror course through her body, the back of her neck breaking out into a cold sweat. Her mouth ran dry as her heart raced. She would have to tell him. There would be no more secrets, no more lies, for that was not her, and it never would be. It would take a tremendous amount of strength and bravery to tell him the truth, but she would tell him, and she would accept the outcome of his reaction, which would be pressumably bad. She just hoped his rage wouldn't be too overwhelming.

Her eyes watered, a tear ran down her cheek as she attempted to explain. To string together enough words to explain, even apologize to him. A lump formed in her throat, her vision blurring as she began to feel more tears fill her eyes. Would she lose him as a friend? A lover? As her brother? She couldn't tolerate the thought of loosing him in any form. His sterness transformed into concern, leaning forward with his hand across the table to take hers in his once again, where he felt it was meant to be. She couldn't bear to take his hand, a symbol of trust, and betray him further.

"...I'm pregnant…" She whimpered, burying her face in her hands. She didn't want to see his face.

Takumi sat quietly and unmoved at first, his hands buried in his face and tried to allow the words to register in his head. He rose, the blood rushing to his head all at once. A ringing flooded his ears, and spots plagued his vision. He heard the words she said, even saw them come out of her mouth, but they failed to seem real to him. He hadn't considered this happening, nor did he want it to happen. He grabbed the table for support, grasping at his chest. He was going to be a father, and her a mother. He would be a father to a bastard. An abomination. He began to shake, his fists balled up as reality finally began to take ahold of him. He couldn't decide what he was angrier about, the fact that she lied to his face so boldly time and time again, or that inside her was the evidence of what they had done.

He was enraged, he was bereaved, but most of all, he felt more scared than he had ever felt before. He didn't know what to believe, or to feel. He wanted to think she was lying, or that he was still asleep and was just dreaming. He couldn't father a bastard child with his sister. This was beyond the sin he had thought he committed. Rage filled him in his purest form, more animalistic than he had ever experienced before as he took ahold of the beautiful yunomi cup he had previously been sipping at and hurled them. They shattered, the tea inside spilling all over the wall and floor. She lifted her head, a small weak scream escaping her lips as she saw her beloved tea set break at his hands. He wanted her to feel the same amount of pain and rage he felt. He wanted her to hurt, and he knew exactly how to make her feel that hurt, to destroy what was most important to her.

"TAKUMI!" She screeched, pulling at her hair as she watched him grab another cup and once again destroy it. The ceramic shards flew everywhere, scattering across the floor.

She leaped up, running to him in an act of desperation to attempt to get him to stop his destruction. She clawed at his arms and back, desperately yanked on his arms, begging and pleading for him to stop, as he took the set off the table in one fowl swoop. She sobbed uncontrollably, watching helplessly as he destroyed the last remnants of her mother. He remained unmoved eventually causing Corrin to fall to her knees, shaking in despair as she just waited for him to stop. She covered her face, feeling trapped in the moment as she heard another cup break at his hands. He slowed, eventually, his chest heaving with his lip pulled into a snarl. His boots crushed the shards beneath him as he approached Corrin, dropping to his knees in order to meet her eyes. She had been crying, gasping for air which her face showed as it was puffy and red. They looked at each other in bitter resentment.

"How could you?" She whispered hoarsely. Corrin reached forward to pound at his chest to reflect her own furor upon him, something of which Takumi saw coming, ceasing the movement by grabbing her wrists.

"...If…" He panted, the look of venomous resentment he wore when they first met returning to his face once again. She could see it in the glare of his eye that he hated her more than ever. "...You know what's good for you Corrin, you'll get rid of that...thing." He snarled before rising, making a point of walking on the broken ceramic glass. He opened the door, looking at her one last time.

His heart went out to her, if only for a second as he saw her collapsed on the ground bewailing. She looked so pitiful and weak. But most of all she looked aghast. Just as scared as he was. She was no longer a fearless leader, but a scared helpless little girl in front of him. He felt the pain and regret of his actions as he saw her there, as he knew it was wrong of him to do what he did, but he wouldn't show her sympathy, or comfort her, for if he did, then she would think everything was okay. And it wasn't ok. And it wouldn't be for a very long time, for as long as she brought the abomination into the world, she would only be surrendering the army to the enemy.

Their eyes met a final time, hers pleading with his.

"No! Takumi wait! Please!" She begged as she crawled to the door, the shards slipping under her skin on her hands.

He slammed the door, rattling the furniture in her room. She was unfazed by this, and only brought her knees to her chest, hugging herself for comfort and warmth. She knew he would be angry. He had every reason to, but to break their mother's tea set nearly ruined her. She had nothing now. She had lost Takumi, and she had lost her mother. Even the growing life inside her felt poisoned and tainted when he looked at her like that. When he used her name in such a way it made her feel like a bug under his shoe, like she was worth nothing. He didn't really need to say anything more about the baby for her to know what he thought. She knew he wanted it gone, and she knew it wasn't just a threat to them but everyone else they loved. Deep down, she knew he was right, the child, as wonderful as it was to Corrin was a burden. It was too dangerous of a time to love, and she did love the baby, she had no question of her overwhelming love for it, and even found herself fantasizing about holding it in her arms for the first time. Everything she did, she did with a renewed purpose for her baby. She didn't need to see it, as she knew she loved it from the bottom of her heart.

But there had to be a sacrifice. Corrin had to wonder if the child be happy in the life Corrin was prepared to give it. She could only see the baby in secret, and the visits would be brief and sporadic. Corrin sobbed in despair as realization set in. She couldn't bear to let her baby live at the cost of others lives. The brief time she would take to give birth was too much time away, especially when she knew that the army needed her council and guidance more than ever right now. She tasted the air, it was bitter, a taste she nearly choked on. The few weeks she had spent with the baby inside her were so sweet, as she held happiness in it's purest form whenever she thought of the life the two would have together. She truly did intend to love it unconditionally and forever, but it seemed that forever would come sooner than intended. Corrin made her way into a chair, mentally preparing herself for the heartbreak she knew she would endure, but she knew what she had to do. She had chosen to fight for Hoshido and Nohr, to fight for goodness and worth, and knew the cost if she didn't continue to fight for them. She had made her decision, the hardest one of her life. In the morning, she would take the life of her child.

Corrin laid on the bed, a cold sweat breaking on her forehead and neck as she tried to summon the courage to do what she had resolved to do previously. Sleep had left her alone, plaguing her as even more restless and afraid than what she already was. She looked out the window, the sun had begun to dawn, the morning light casting an explosion of vivid orange and pink in her room, the sun beaming on her full abdomen. She glanced at the wagon wheel spoke, causing another ball of sweat to fall into her damp hair. She had left her room just as the sun had barely rose earlier that morning to retrieve the weapon. She wanted to feel the cool air on her face and spend time with the baby one more time before loosing it.

Corrin had walked slowly that morning, dragging her aching feet as she rested her hands on the bump on her stomach. She could taste the mildew of the morning shower that had come earlier, the first taste of an air that was pure, and wasn't filled with hate from the night before. She mourned in sadness as the morning itself was tragically beautiful. It would be a morning her child would never get to see. Corrin couldn't help but to think of all the things it would miss out on, her heart swelling in compassion and sympathy. She ached to meet another day, a pure one with no mistakes and regrets in it yet. She sniffled, trailing the path along camp as she viewed her surroundings, absorbing the beauty, as she needed to see some of it in the world at the moment. The light had hit everything so splendidly at this hour, it was almost criminal. She hoped if the baby were here, it would have like it.

She spotted it at the end of the path, nearing towards the end of her walk back to her room. Her heart stopped immediately.. A stray wagon wheel systematized itself in front of her, more opportune than she could have ever imagined. Guilt filled her already heavy heart as she cautiously approached it, knowing what purpose it would serve in just mere minutes. Corrin placed her foot on the wheel, keeping it steady in place before breaking off a spoke as she pulled up with force. She turned it around in her hands a couple of times, gnawing on her lip as she felt the tears well up again. She hid the broken wood, hugging it to her side before scampering back to her room, careful to keep her mind clear, as she couldn't let herself convince her to think of doing anything other than the task at hand. She had already persuaded herself out her decision more than once while she tossed and turned at night.

She had never thought herself to be a bad person or monster before this moment. Everything she had done previously was done with dignity, and without repercussion. This would haunt her for the rest of her days. She couldn't help but think of her own mother, how selflessly she had thrown her life aside to save her Corrin's life in return. She wished she could do the same for her child. Corrin didn't need to think or even consider loving the baby, she already did love it wholesomely without condition. That was why her taking it's life would hurt so much. She only had herself to blame for giving it life, and she only would have herself to blame for taking it's life. A life she so recklessly created then mercilessly took away.

She tightened her grip on the spoke, gritting her teeth. It was a simple item, seemingly light in weight, and yet, as she held it in the moment, it felt heavier than any other weapon she had even weilded. Perhaps it was the weight of what she had done and what she was preparing to do that weighed it down so much. She closed her eyes, whispering to herself and to the baby. She blessed it, for allowing her to be happy, for at least a little entire body trembled with fear. Her throat burned, as she realized all that was left to do was to carry through with it. Corrin spread her legs and attempted to muster the courage to take perhaps the purest life possible.

And then she felt it.

She felt the feeling of butterflies in her stomach not once, but twice. She dropped the spoke, haltering all movement as she laid there with the sound of her heart and her quiet breathing. She was still, watching her ownchest calmly rise and fall, anticipating the strange fluttering feeling once again. It was brief movement, as if her stomach was rolling. She had never experienced such a sensation before, the sensation of the baby moving inside of her.

She sat up, throwing the spoke away in disgust. She couldn't bring herself to do it, not when her own child had shown itself alive, and willing to thrive and live. Her love for the baby was far too strong to end it's life. She now understood her mother's actions truly for perhaps for the first time. She understood the sacrifice a mother was willing to make for her child, that there could be such love and devotion she didn't know was possible. No harm would come to the child, not while she breathed. Corrin was certain of that for she loved it for what it was. She knew the dangers of bringing it in the world, and for that she felt the utmost regret and sorrow for her child, but her child would also be the reason she fought. It would be her champion in the world as she found more of a reason to fight for a future. She was no longer contending for her life, but her offspring, so that it might have a chance in the world. So it could live to breathe the pure air while basking in the warmth of the meadow, So it could feel Corrin place wet little kisses all over her face, drowning it in her fervor and ardency.

As long as Corrin breathed, no harm would come to her baby.


Hello! I'm back after a long hiatus! I'm sorry I kinda dissapeared for awhile. Things became more hectic than I could have ever imagined, and then I went and fell, and gave myself as a concussion, which means I couldn't be near any electronics for awhile...any who...I don't know if I'll be pumping chapters out like I used to, but I'll definitely give an effort to be more active. Thank you so much for all your overwhelming love and outpouring support. I cannot properly express my gratitude to any of you, so I'll simply just say thank you.