This is a story of becoming more. A boy wished to be more than just a simple human, he strived toward being something greater. His young mind though could not understand the limits of his body. Every day he would try to become stronger, smarter, faster, an attempt to become beyond what is natural. Unfortunately, his efforts were futile, the words of the doubters corrupted his mind, and forced him to relinquish his plan and just become a part of the regular human cycle. He did his work with no passion, his heart beating at a slow rhythm as he wished for more than just a dull world to live in. At the age of 18 he finally abandoned his home and went to explore the world, hoping to find grand adventures...yet all he find was a world of despair and sickness. With his own two eyes he saw the horrific truth of what the world truly is, a barren wasteland filled with pain and suffering.

He contemplated about his life, standing on the edge of a cliff, looking at the blue ocean, hearing the waves crash against the cliffside. Just before he could take one more step to end it all...he heard someone yell at him to stop. The young man looked behind him yet saw nobody. He believed what he heard was a work of his dulled imagination, but no matter what it was, it convinced him to step away, and try to return home.

Once at the land he called home, he had heard news of strange phenomenons in a small town not far from where he is. He thought it would just be some false rumours, but a spark in his heart told him to go. It was as if the innocence of his youth was leading him as he went to investigate. He finally found the mundane looking area callted "Beach City" and felt a warmth spread slowly through his body.

He could not understand it, but something about the place screamed "adventure" to him. He scoured the town carefully, talking to the citizens and mayor too, yet found nothing. Of course, the place seemed surprisingly peaceful and happy. Everyone seemed to know each other and had happy bonds. Yet this wasn't what the young man yearned for. The waves of depression started to crash into his mind yet again, distorted voices of the past discouraging once again, and making his view of the world slowly turn gray again. He thought it was all over...until a bright flash of light snapped him out of it.

He searched around until he saw a strange area, a large fence covering the mouth of a cave, seemingly separate from the citizens of Beach City. Every logical nerve in his brain told him to stay away, for fear that he would be either hurt by unsavory people, or disappointed once again. Hqe was just about to turn away until he saw a bright light glow from within the cave. With a pit of fear in his gut, yet adrenalin coursing through his veins, he finally climbed over the fence and toward the cave. He didn't know what would happen, would there be something undiscovered, pirate's treasure, alien life, an infinity stone that alters continuity? His ideas became more ridiculous as he went closer, he felt as if his child like wonder was coming back. What he found though…is a mystery for now. The tale of this young boy will continue next time.