AN: It was late at night. I was dead tired from work. And when I become exhausted, everything around me becomes…..hilarious! At least to me, it does. Moral of this story: don't cook a grilled cheese sandwich late at night! It will turn into a rhyming drabble!


I didn't think I'd like you
I didn't know I'd care
You seemed so unappealing
It ended up a dare

That got me to attempt it
A kiss, a taste to gage
To see if all I'd heard was
The truth or just a rage

I sampled, then I melted
Or rather, it was you
A hot and steamy velvet
A goodness through and through

I gushed, "I think you're heaven!"
You smirked, "Of course you do"
I laughed, "You are one smug man"
You shrugged, "Your point of view

To me, I am a Veela
And you? My little Mate
It's natural to want me
It's not to hesitate

I blushed, "I thought you phony
An artificial fake
A cheesy gross impostor"
You frowned, "That's hard to take"

I comforted you after
You said, "It's not a game"
Velveeta –or– Velveela?
You smiled, "We're both the same."