Disclaimer: I never own Frozen and any other Disney characters.

"We all have our time machines, don't we. Those that take us back are memories...And those that carry us forward, are dreams."

-H.G. Wells-



The first time she made a jump, she was 8 years old.

At that time, she had done brush her teeth and put her pajama on. Her parents were downstairs and since she had been 7, they had stopped tucking her in before bed.

It didn't bother her. She was a big girl now. Or that was what she had been telling herself.

She threw off the cover of her bed and was about to jump in when she felt a tug pulling her body backward. The tug became a harsh jerk in next second that made her lose her balance and fell on her back.

She thought she was falling, she barely closed her eyes to prepare for the pain.

But she wasn't actually falling. It was the weirdest feeling.

Then she opened her eyes.

Her bed had disappeared. Her bed and her precious teddy bear on it had too, disappeared.

She even wasn't in her room anymore. The place she was standing was way bigger than her bedroom. It was bigger and filled with people. Big people, adults.

She felt like she was going to be sick.

The big people were all dressed up. At least that what she was thinking since it was her first time to see women wore funny dresses like in old movies her mother really loved to watch. Funny gowns, funny hats with bird feathers.

She smiled upon the sight.

The men dressed in suit, like her dad's attire every morning he wore to go to work. The difference was their suit had split on the back that made it look like two tails.

The room had unfamiliar scent in it. She scrunched her nose. Too sweet, too much flowery, and it made her very dizzy.

And now those big women and men were all looking at her direction.

She knew she was in trouble. From the look of it, she was in the middle of adults party, and she was a child. A child could never participate in adults activity.

She had to run.

She frantically searched for an exit door. She wanted to go home, she wanted her bed, she wanted her teddy.

She wanted her mom.

Then, the moment she turned and ready to bolt out with tears in her eyes, a pair of cold hands grabbed her waist and lifted her up.

"I finally found you, my angel." A feminine voice whispered softly in her ear.

She looked to the one who had caught her. Were they going to be punishing her since she had been sneaking in to the adult's party?

However, the moment she saw the person, she felt strangely safe.

A woman, very beautiful one, more beautiful than those she had watched in TV, was looking softly to her. A gentle smile and genuine happiness reflected in the bluest eyes she had ever seen. She loved blue, and she decided that the pair of blue would be her new favorite.

The woman who she guessed possibly a bit younger than her mother set her down while kneeling in front of her.

"Who are you...?" She was too curious to not ask.

"You can call me Elsa, my dear." The woman brushed a lock of her hair from her face. She felt immediately a need to brush her hair since the woman in front of her had very nice yellow-almost white colored hair.

"Elsa..." She tried the name with her lips. "Elsa..."

The woman, Elsa's smile turned into beam. She felt her heart jumped and suddenly her face felt hot.

"You are truly adorable, Anna." She said with her hands still clasping gently on her arm.

Elsa already knew her name. "How do you know my name?"

"You told me a long time ago." Elsa answered with playful smile. "Let's go. The show is about to start." Elsa rose from her position and led her to one of the big doors. Now Anna knew that those she had thought as walls, were actually a pair of high double doors.

"What show?" She noticed the other adults were walking to the same direction.

"You'll see," Instead of heading to the row of seats in front of them, Elsa led her to the stairs. They climbed until one of a young guy in suit gestured her to enter a room with VIP written on its door.

She read a lot and knew that they were in VIP box which reserved for only certain people with high privilege.



"Why those big women are wearing funny looking dresses?" Anna pointed to women who sat on other VIP boxes.

Elsa waited until Anna had comfortably sat while responding, "Do you think what I am wearing is funny?"

Anna saw Elsa's dress, a light blue night gown that somehow seemed like those models were wearing in, she believed as 'runway'. Anna liked Elsa's dress. It wasn't funny.

"No, you are beautiful. No matter what you're wearing" She said honestly with a slight shrug.

Elsa looked startled for a moment as she shifted on her seat. "I'm sorry. It's been a while. I almost forgot how a teaser you are."

Anna pouted, "I am not a teaser! It's true! You are beautifuller! I meant, not fuller. It's not the right word. Beautiful as in very very nice!" Through the struggle to gather her vocabulary she heard Elsa was chuckling. Her voice was like nice melody in her ear that seemed unbelievable.

Anna by no meant a stupid child. She had read a lot, more than children in her age in general. Vocabulary was not her problem. However, tonight Anna had no idea why she had experienced difficulties in forming words with Elsa.

"Yes, my adroable one." Elsa lowered her head and gave a brief kiss on Anna's forehead.

That rendered an 8 years old Anna speechless.

"Now, the show is starting."

"You haven't told me what show." Anna grumbled in her breath.

"Now now, do not pout, my angel. Even though you are really cute when you are doing it."

Anna huffed.

"Its title is Flying Dutchmann."

Anna had heard about it before. It was in one of the cartoon she liked.

"Flying Dutchmann like in Spongebob?"

Elsa blinked, "In... what?"

"You know. Spongebob. The sponge from bikini bottom. His best friend is Patrick and grumpy neighbor squidward..." Anna explained. She realized that she was wearing her Spongebob pajama and decided to show Elsa instead.

"Here, my pajama is Spongebob. The yellow square one." Anna pointed the picture on her shirt.

Elsa still looked puzzled but then when she was observing the picture on Anna's clothes she laughed.

"Ah... I am afraid we will have no Spongebob here until at least a while."

"What? Why? Don't you guys watch TV? It's all around the world."

Elsa calmly replied, "my dear. Here is the time when things you tell me about have not existed yet. Also, as far as I love to hear about your time, you shouldn't tell me or anybody else... Keep them as your secret."

Anna now was confused. She didn't understand. "You said that they have not existed yet? Spongebob, TV?"

Elsa nodded, "Yes dear, because here, now, is August 1843."


Anna by no means a stupid child. She had read a lot of books and watch plenty movies. Her father had vast collection of books and her mother was a scientist, working in a well-known university in the country.

That was also the reason that she somehow knew that Elsa was telling the truth. Even though that, she was still shocked.

"... But I was born in 1995." Anna finally managed to speak after few minutes of silence.

"Yes, my dear. You are going back in time. By now you surely have read about time traveler's stories, yes?"

Anna nodded.

"That's what you are, my angel." Elsa's hand caressed her cheek gently. Her bluest eyes reflecting love like her mother always did when she was a child and able to do something to make her proud.

"You are a time traveler."


After the show was over, Elsa put on a light blue coat around her. It fit perfectly on her, made her thinking that Elsa had prepared these things especially for her.

"Now, what place do you want to visit in 19th century?" Elsa asked, brushing Anna's hair with her hand. In past hour, Anna assumed that Elsa really liked her hair. Elsa would touch it, either brushing it with her fingers, patting her head, or simply brushing away some red locks off her face.

"I-I don't know." Anna wanted to go home. She missed her parents and her bed. "I want to go home..."

At once she was enveloped with a hug. Anna felt safe suddenly. Elsa's scent reminded her of chocolate and other sweet scent that felt like home.

"My sweet sweet Anna... I'm sorry. You will be home soon." Elsa released her hug which Anna had already missed. "You will be back to your own time, do not worry. in the meanwhile, I want you at least enjoy my company here."

Anna frowned but then nodded weakly.

Elsa gave her that look again. A look of admiration and love... as far as Anna knew, only her parents would look her like that... but still it felt different when Elsa did it.

"In this time of year... have they invented chocolate yet?" Anna asked.

Elsa laughed lightly. Her voice had become Anna's favorite melody too. "Yes they have, dear. Of course you will hunt for chocolate no matter what time you are,"

Then Elsa led them outside the building. Anna's eyes widened. It was her first time to directly witness outside world in 19th century. The streets are mostly cobblestones, while there were no cars, there were carriages with huge horses. The streets were dimly lit and Anna guessed that in this time of year, they haven't invented lamp bulb yet.

One of the carriages stopped in front of them. The coachman opened the door for them hastily. "Good evening, Lady Elsa."

Elsa gave him a nod and helped Anna climbed the carriage first before she followed in and settled beside her.

"Are you cold?" Anna asked. She realized how cold Elsa's hands were.

Elsa shook her head, a flash of sorrow in her eyes. "No, Anna. The cold never bothered me... It's just the way I am..."

Anna snuggled closer to Elsa, "I like it." she mumbled softly.

Then they enjoyed silence that fell between them. Anna heard Elsa was humming a certain tune. Anna wondered if that was special tune in this century.

Anna felt her eyes drooping by time went on. It had past her bed time.

"Sleep, my angel." Elsa spoke quietly.

"Will you be here?"

"... My dear, here and now, past, and the future... wherever, whenever... I will be with you. I'll always find you."

With that Anna let the sleep claimed her.



The moment she opened her eyes, she was back in her bedroom, suddenly missing the coldness and scent of chocolates from her dream.


AN: I would love to hear your opinion about this. This has been my plot bunny for months and I hope now I have time to write it. Anyway, the history that will be put as plot here are not all real. Some transpired in real world's history, some are fictional history. Since the world Anna and Elsa live in are fictional, therefore perhaps I will pitch Arendelle universe and history too.

English is not my first language. I am in hunt for a beta.

Until next update, I want to hear what you're thinking. ;)