It was customary for mated couples to be allowed three days of confinement, whether they be married or simply mated and so when Dean came back, he was the bearer of blessings and happy messages, as well as a voluminous fruit basket. When he asked the origin of the present, Dean had to blush and after many inquiries finally recounted his fortuitous meeting with Mrs Harvelle, who insisted on knowing the reason for his merry disposition and would not let him see Mrs Novak until he had confessed all. The result of this encounter was that everyone in the house was now informed of the mating and it even transpired that Ellen was in the midst of writing to her daughter about it.

Castiel had to laugh at his mate's sulkiness, which led to Dean refusing to tell him anything else until he had been caressed and kissed out of his mood. When he was satisfied, he took Castiel in his arms as he had the night before and took him inside the Campbell's house, of which they now had the reign till Gabriel and Sam came back. This change of quarters was for the better as it provided them with a softer, more comfortable bed, as well as servants to provide the minimum that was required for them to continue their intimate discoveries.

But as passionate as lovers can be, they will require pauses and thus began their discussions on the subject of their future. Castiel was very curious about Dean's new profession, so on the fourth morning, they walked to the town. Castiel was pleased to see alphas turn away as they advanced, in deference to the smell of his alpha on him, an experience that proved agreeable both for his own feelings and for the way he could see his companion marching with an added pride in his steps.

When they reached their destination, Dean gestured to an old but impressive building, asking:

"Do you know where we are?"

"As a matter of fact, I do, alpha. 'tis one of your brother's properties. He told us that no tenants could be entertained until diverse reparations were undertaken."

"Indeed, and they will be soon, for I have use of it."

"Will this be our home?"

Dean smiled at Castiel's surprise tone and produced a key from his coat. He opened the gate and walked to the door.

"It will be our home if you agree to be on my side when I turn this place into a school."

"Really, but the town already has such an establishment."

Dean turned and took his hand in his, his enthusiasm so great, the pressure Castiel felt was almost painful:

"It will be a special kind of school, for Omegas only. When I was young, I worked in a shelter in London where they took in orphans and gave them food and lodgings. They also prepared them for professions but sadly could not provide education. I intend to change that state of affair and allow the pups to live in healthier conditions outside the city, as well as offer them the opportunity to learn and become more prepared for their future. My brother agreed to finance the project and has offered me the position of headmaster, but I have refused."

Castiel was so confused, he could only listen for more informations, which Dean provided instantly:

"Mrs Mills will be better suited for the task. I would rather be in charge of the pups' well-being and act as a counsellor. Sam calls it "Being the Dean", which he finds very funny."

Castiel was in such awe that he forgot to tease his mate and instead rejoiced in such a useful project. He started occupying his time with ways to be of service as well and came up with many ideas. The journey back was well spent on conjectures and debates with his beloved.

They later went to visit the Harvelle household where Castiel was taken to task by his mother for his secrecy regarding his feelings for Dean. After much teasing, her tone changed to a more serious one as she said:

"I must apologize for forgetting about your emotional needs because I was so focussed on your brother. I do feel I should have taken better care of you even if you were not as vocal in your self-expression. It is but a blessing that you are nevertheless mated to the best alpha I have ever met and I commend you on your choice of partner."

Such maternal approval proved too much to bear and Castiel found himself crying tears of joy and relief for a long moment. When he was managed to compose himself, he was then met by Colonel Singer who told him thirteen words at most, all of which spoke of his pleasure at their mating.

They retired to their bedroom as soon as propriety would allow and united once more, for Dean had assured Castiel that the first pup he intended to take care of would be theirs.