As Rain Falls

Author's note: I've been having writer's block, so I know I've been rushing stories. I will try not to do that with this story.

Summary: Inuyasha goes into heat, but he doesn't tell anybody. When Kagome leaves town to do business, Inuyasha roams the forest in search of an herb to help. But when he get's a sniff of Sesshomaru's musk, impure thoughts scramble his mind. The only thing is, Sesshomaru's makes those thoughts a reality. What will happen, after he learns he got pregnant?

He was pressed against a bed frame, his bare skin erupting in goose bumps as lips dominated his own. Rough hands turned him around, forcing him against the bed frame painfully as hands slid down to his hips. A small gasp escaped chapped lips, Inuyasha forced down onto the bed as a hand held him down by his neck. His hair splayed over the bed, his body thrumming with anticipation as he felt a smoldering heat rub between his cheeks.

Inuyasha opened his eyes, groaning softly as he turned onto his side. His ears twitched with every sound, his eyes closing as he tried to pull himself back into the land of slumber. The sound of the shoji slamming open made him bolt straight up, Inuyasha frowning in anger and irritation as Kagome walked quickly to her bag.

Inuyasha wondered if his wife was ever quiet in the morning.

"Inuyasha, I have to go to a village a couple days away to help Sango give birth. Do you want to come?" Inuyasha sat up, bringing his knee to his chest. He rested his arm on it, shaking his head as Kagome looking to him with a frown of confusion and worry.

"Are you sure?" Kagome asked, Inuyasha nodding with a tired frown. Kagome walked over to him, kissing his forehead. Inuyasha turned his head up, giving her a small kiss. Kagome pulled away with a smile, grabbing her bag and leaving the hut. Inuyasha laid back down, smelling the sweet scent fill the room.

It wasn't Kagome though.

Inuyasha got up from his futon, putting it away. He grabbed tetsusaiga, strapping it to his waist. He sighed softly as he stepped out of his hut, shutting the shoji behind him. He walked over to the river, rinsing his face of sleep.

He got the occasional hello and smile, but Inuyasha didn't reply in turn. His mind was distracted by the dream he had, by the scent he omitted. Humans couldn't smell it, but to him it was suffocating. He walked to his forest, too tired to jump around like he usually did.

His stomach hurt from hunger, but Inuyasha couldn't concentrate on food at the moment. He walked aimlessly towards the smell of a hot spring, wanting to bathe away the sweet scent that eroded his nose. His scent was too sweet for most demons, which helped him avoid any confrontations, but sometimes Inuyasha wished he was dominated to make the pain stop.

His heat was more of a demon than he was.

Inuyasha heard the demons in the forest take in a breath of his heat only to grunt in disgust, his half human heritage a stench they didn't wish to breathe. Inuyasha would do the same thing he always did, which was bathe away some of the scent and find the herb to curve his heat's intentions. Due to being a half blood he wasn't fertile, unable to carry his own or to impregnate other's. It was convenient, since he wasn't sure he wanted to have pups with Kagome any time in the future. The last thing he wanted was for them to carry his painful heritage.

Inuyasha sighed, stopping in his slow strides. He jumped up into the air, landing lightly on a tree branch. He jumped to another one, jumping into the air. He felt the wind brush against his skin. His clothes caressed his body, Inuyasha breathing in the air deeply. He fell down to a tree branch, jumping back up into the air with a grunt. Inuyasha jumped through the air for what seemed like forever, falling down to the ground by the hot spring.

He sighed softly, smelling the air for other demons. When he didn't smell any dangerously close he went closer to the hot spring, undoing his obi. He placed it on a rock by the spring, slowly undressing himself. He took off his hakama, looking down to his thighs. He frowned at the bloody discharge he saw there, slowly taking off his fundoshi.

He placed it down on the rock, sitting down on a rock and scrubbing himself with a rag he had from Kagome's time. He slowly slipped into the water when he was sure he wouldn't paint the water red, the pain in his stomach lessening. He relaxed back against the edge, his body shaking as he fought his urges.

After so many years of fighting it, he didn't really care any more about finding release from it. Inuyasha soaked himself as much as he could before he became uncomfortable, the heat only adding to the strain between his legs. He stood up and cleaned his fundoshi in a nearby river, redressing once he was sure the fundoshi was usable again.

Inuyasha set off to look for the herb next, the specific herb found near Sesshomaru's castle. Inuyasha hated tacking the long track there, but there had never been confrontations between him and the man. Even so, the closer he got the more demons desired him. Most demons hated his existence, but as a half breed, if he mated with a powerful full demon his pups would be full demons.

That was if he was fertile anyway.

Since he couldn't impregnate Kagome, it was proof he couldn't carry his own. He was one of the few half demons who weren't grotesque or power corrupt, which made him a unique half breed. Inuyasha touched his neck, the beads lightly brushing against his kimono. Kagome trusted him enough to allow him to take them off when he wanted, but he chose to keep them on. For some reason, she always seemed calmer around him as long as they were on.

Inuyasha missed the beads when he lost them during the confrontation between him and his father's own sword, because they made him feel like he could do anything as long as he had that bond with her. He hated being sat, but it kept them close throughout the years. Now they were married and even shared bodies, a bond stronger than any other.

Inuyasha stopped, suddenly feeling the urge to go to her side. He shook his head, knowing it was just his heat talking. He wanted to be close to his mate, but he also knew he had to find the herb so his heat could end. The last thing he wanted Kagome to see was him fighting off a demon because it wanted to mate with him.

Inuyasha shook his head, walking a tad bit faster so he could get to the herb before the end of the day.

He didn't want to jump up in the air because then his scent would be carried with the wind, and the last thing he wanted was to be confronted by a powerful demon. Or worse, a demon lord that trespassed into Sesshomaru's lands. Inuyasha was sure it was the demon mating season now, which was the only reason he was in heat.

He kind of wished he went into musk instead, but as a half demon he wasn't given a choice. It was his marking as a lower species. Inuyasha frowned as he walked just a tad bit faster, hoping he didn't confront anybody.

He walked till the sun was low in the sky, his stomach groaning in hunger. He ignored it, since he could go days without eating. That didn't mean his stomach wouldn't remind him to eat.

"You smell so good." Inuyasha froze, taking out tetsusaiga. He sniffed the air, the smell of a demon's strong musk catching in the air. Inuyasha turned around, facing the demon who stood in the bushes. Sure enough, he was screwed. The demon was a powerful fox demon, though luckily it wasn't a lord.

Inuyasha wondered why he had to deal with such a pest, the demon reminding him of Shippo. He raised his sword, charging forward before the demon could speak. The fox demon released an illusion, but Inuyasha saw right past it.

Thanks Shippo.

Inuyasha swung his sword down, slicing the demon's stomach and chest open. The fox demon was in shock that Inuyasha saw past his illusion, Inuyasha growling in defiance. He swung his sword to the side, the fox demon's head falling to the ground. Inuyasha sighed, sheathing his sword. He kept a hand on the hilt though, having passed into dangerous territory now.

Every year he had to make this trip, and every year he made sure to get rid of the demons in his way. His heat made him stronger, since his body didn't want weak demons. Even though he was infertile, his body was trained to only want powerful demons. If he could kill it, he wouldn't even try to submit.

He continued to walk towards where the herbs were, wanting to stop to clean his fundoshi when it started to stick to him. It was a bad idea here though, this area full of demons who would take advantage of his naked body. Inuyasha frowned, having known this by experience. He had barely managed to kill that demon a hundred years ago.

He wouldn't have that be repeated.

Inuyasha kept walking even when he became tired, his heat taking a toll on his body. He couldn't stop though, not until he ate the herb that would take away his heat.

"So sweet…" Inuyasha pulled out his sword without thinking, seeing a tail come towards him quickly. He jumped away, the tail crashing into the ground. Inuyasha fell to the ground, looking at his opponent. He almost froze in fear. The demon was a dragon demon, his power borderline lord. Inuyasha shook away the feeling this demon gave him, growling in defiance and anger.

That tail could have immobilized him if he hadn't moved. It was obvious this demon wanted to mate, whether it be with an unconscious woman, or an injured demon. Inuyasha knew he had to be careful around these types, raising his sword. The demon grinned, sending his lizard like tail towards him. Inuyasha jumped back, raising his sword over his head.

"Wind Scar!" Inuyasha slashed his sword down, the dragon demon's eyes widening at the wind and lightening that tore through the ground. Inuyasha was even shocked when it tore through a solid few acres of land, his powers increased significantly. Inuyasha fell to the ground, the dragon demon missing its tail.

Inuyasha kept a solid frown on his lips, angered that the demon managed to dodge it. The dragon demon looked to him with a grin, Inuyasha fully prepared to fight him till the death.

He would not be mated by a demon that lacked thought.

The demon's tail grew back within seconds, Inuyasha forgetting that small detail about this type of demon. He got into his fighting stance, keeping the tip of his sword at ready. The demon charged forward, using it's tail as it's sword. Inuyasha moved swiftly and quickly, his arms going through the motions of a routine he practiced daily.

He had become a greater fighter over the years, good enough in his skills to match Sesshomaru. Their power difference was still great, but Inuyasha refused to give up without a fight. Inuyasha was about to do wind scar, his eyes looking to something that slithered quickly to his feet. He couldn't jump fast enough, the demons second tail grabbing his ankle and slamming him onto the ground.

Inuyasha grunted in pain, his sword still held in his hand tightly. He raised it, the demon catching it with his first tail. Inuyasha growled up at the demon, the demon's eyes flashing red. Inuyasha wouldn't submit though, letting go of his sword and slashing his claws against the demons body.

"Iron reaver soul stealer!" The demon roared as the attack hit, Inuyasha released. He jumped to his sword, slashing it down. He yelped when he was pinned down, his sword knocked away. The two lizard tails pinned down his arms, the demon growling down at him with blood dripping from his face and chest. Inuyasha suddenly felt fear tear through him, the demon tearing off his obi. Inuyasha tried to kick it off, the demon grabbing onto his hakama.

Inuyasha didn't want to be raped like this.

The demon went suddenly still, looking down to its stomach. Its tails went still as a sword protruded from its stomach, Inuyasha kicking it further onto the sword and jumping back. He landed by his sword, holding his hakama up with a hand. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw Sesshomaru, the demon lord slicing the dragon demon in half.

Inuyasha swallowed thickly, Sesshomaru looking to him with stoic eyes. He leaned down, grabbing Inuyasha's obi. It had mended itself back together, Sesshomaru throwing it to him. Inuyasha wrapped it around himself, staying silent as he fastened his hakama. He reattached his sword sheath, picking up his sword with shaking hands.

That had been too close for comfort.

"What are you doing here Inuyasha?" Sesshomaru asked stoically, Inuyasha looking to him with a frown.

"There's a herb around here that will stop my heat," Inuyasha told him plainly, knowing well Sesshomaru was as dense as he was powerful. Sesshomaru grunted, walking over to Inuyasha. Inuyasha took a step back, getting a strong whiff of Sesshomaru's musk.

It made his thighs shake in need, turning his head away as Sesshomaru smelled him. Inuyasha could only imagine what Sesshomaru could do to his mates, if he had any that was. The demon lord was desired by most demons, though Inuyasha had never desired him.

Not until now anyway.

"Follow me." Inuyasha frowned as Sesshomaru turned away, walking towards the direction of the herbs. Inuyasha sighed, sheathing his sword. He tried to stay close; hoping the smell of Sesshomaru's musk would ward off other demons. Inuyasha followed him all the way to the herbs, a couple other demons in heat picking the herb a couple yards away.

It was a large patch of clearance, the area covered in the herb. You could make raspberry herbal tea with this herb, and it was mostly found in the mainland. They only grew here on this land, and Inuyasha hoped one day it would be more abundant. The few demons who came here for the herb ran away at the sight of Sesshomaru, fearing he would mate them.

"It is almost night Inuyasha. Get what you need." Inuyasha looked to Sesshomaru with a frown of confusion, the full demon seeming off for some reason. Inuyasha took a step towards the clearance, Sesshomaru merely watching him silently.

Inuyasha collected as much as he would need, Sesshomaru standing guard. This made Inuyasha cautious and curious.

"Why are you standing there?" Inuyasha finally asked, his tone as harsh as always. Sesshomaru looked to him, Inuyasha standing up from his kneeling position.

"I will not allow our father's bloodline to be tainted any further," Sesshomaru told him, Inuyasha rolling his eyes as he took off his kimono and placed the herbs in there. He wrapped it up, grabbing more than usual so he wouldn't have to come back here for a couple years.

"Oh thanks for caring," Inuyasha said sarcastically, moving to walk past Sesshomaru. A hand against his chest stopped him.

"You will stay in my castle till the herbs kick in." Inuyasha was about to protest, but it was actually a good idea. He tsked, putting a hand on his hilt. Even though it was a good idea, he wouldn't roll over so easily.

"My idea of safe, isn't exactly being near you," Inuyasha said brashly, Sesshomaru looking to him with a frown of irritation. Inuyasha yelped when his haori was grabbed and he was dragged, his feet clumsily trying to keep up.

"I can walk!" Inuyasha yelled in anger, slapping Sesshomaru's hand away. Sesshomaru turned around, moving in close. Inuyasha felt light headed from the smell of his musk, Sesshomaru smelling enticing. Sesshomaru's face obviously said irritation though.

"I will not allow you to taint his blood more than your human mother already has." Inuyasha felt his cheeks get warm, the smell intoxicating. Sesshomaru's eyes trailed to the obvious red in his cheeks, his eyes darting back to his eyes. Inuyasha took a couple steps away from him, but Sesshomaru followed.


Inuyasha touched a hand to the hilt of his sword, Sesshomaru pinning him against a tree. Inuyasha turned his head away, Sesshomaru smelling him again. Inuyasha grit his teeth when Sesshomaru pressed against him, feeling his hot member against his stomach.

He guessed even Sesshomaru couldn't control his musk so close to him.

"You will come with me until this passes Inuyasha, or I will take you instead." Inuyasha took in a sharp breath, Sesshomaru moving away from him. He turned away and started to walk again, Inuyasha looking to him with a frown of anger. He growled in defiance but followed Sesshomaru anyway, wanting for this just to pass.

He wanted to return to Kagome as soon as possible.