CHAPTER 12: Is 7 ok?

Katelin was awakened by the quiet noise of the running shower. She always hated mornings but this one was the worst of them all. The pulsing pain inside her head was unbearable, let alone this terrible dryness in her mouth. Opening her eyes, Kat spotted a bottle of water and some hangover pills. She had no idea what was happening, but she thought that it can't be worse, so she took the pills and drunk the whole bottle. This helped her freshen up and, more clear-headed, she looked around the room. With a dismay she realized that it wasn't hers and begun wondering how on earth she found herself in Pietro's bed.

She sat quickly and didn't move for a good few minutes trying to remember what happened last night. But than her reverie was disturbed by Pietro, going out of the bathroom. He was half naked, his lower part was covered by a blue towel. Kat turned her eyes towards him and froze, to scared to move.

-Oh, did I wake you up? Sorry, I didn't mean to - Pietro smiled, shaking his wet hair and completely casually tightening his muscles

-What is happening? - Kat whispered with a shock.

-What? - Pietro seemed taken aback with her question.

-What am I doing in your bed? - she took a look at herself and realized that she was only in her underwear. Quickly gathering the coverlet from the bed, she tried to cover as much as she could.
Before, she was the Queen of Awkwardness, but that day she was promoted to the rank of the Empress.

-What's the last thing you remember from last night? - Pietro asked gently.

-Everything. Except the moment that... oh God. We didn't... No, no, obviously, we... did we?

-Well, I didn't realize that you were that drunk - Pietro smirked.

That was too much. Kat lied down on the bed, hoping and praying to find herself in the darkness, so nobody could ever find her again. Pietro, on the other side, did't share her pathetic mood and laid beside Kat on the bed.

-I'm terribly sorry that it turned out like this - he said with amusement, suppressing a laughter, which made Kat feel even more pathetic.

-Kill me.

-Oh stop it - Pietro grabbed Kat's shoulder, forcing her to turn and look at him - There's absolutely no reason to kill you, not yet - he smirked.

-So we didn't! - Kat lifted herself up again to find herself above Pietro.

-So, is it a good thing, or..? - Pietro tried to sound confused.

-You're having fun right now? - Kat seemed to be done with his shit - Because I'm not - she tried to punch him in the shoulder, but obviously Pietro was quick enough to catch her hand.

-Ok, ok. I'm sorry - he managed to tame his merry mood and sat beside her to be able to look her straight in the eyes. He was still holding her hand. - Nothing happened last night... Well, by nothing I mean...

-Yes, I know - Kat interrupted quickly with a grin lighting up her face. - I do remember some things. So could you enlighten me and say how I ended up here?

-I've just assumed that it's time for sleep.

-Was I really that drunk?

-Actually, I was amazed how much you drunk. It was pretty impressive - he laughed.

-There some things you still don't know about me - Kat answered giving him her most charming smile.

-That's terrible. Well have to fix it. Is 7 PM ok?

-Did you just ask me out? - Katelin tried to hide her confusion and excitement. This was the last thing she would expect from him in this moment.

-Depending if you say yes or no.

Pietro was so charming that Kat did't manage to hide her blush. She chuckled quietly, lowering her sight and biting her lip. Her thoughts were racing through her sored head and a part of her still couldn't believe that that's happening. Pietro's behavior has changed so dramatically throughout past weeks that Kat started wondering if this is the same person.

-First tell me, why did you hate me? - Kat asked all of a sudden.

-Excuse me? - this time, Pietro didn't have to pretend being confused - What makes you think I could ever hate you?

And how on Earth can I talk to him seriously while I cant contain my crush on him?! - the inner Katelin shouted.

-So how would you call your behavior when we first met? You were so cold and snippy. I thought that you're mad at me, but I never did a thing to you.

-Kat, I'm so sorry, I never thought that it will affect you that much - Pietro's voice turned even warmer as he took her other hand. - I was still dizzy after the serum. I wasn't myself.

-And are you now? - she gathered all the strength to lift her sight and look Pietro in the eyes.

-You aren't the easy type of girl, are you? - Pietro grinned again. - Look, when I'm with you...

-Ok, seven it is - Kat interrupted him quickly. She hated when guys turned pathetic trying to express their feelings for her in the most poetic way they could. But there was more to it. She was still afraid, she wasn't ready to hear these words coming out of Pietro's mouth. - But what about Steve, will he let us skip the training? - she quickly changed the topic.

-He won't have to know. I'll tell him that we have a more... individual training - and so the little, nasty boy was back.

-Ok, Mr. Conspiracy, any clues to where we might me going?

-You want me to tell you and spoil the surprise? Never! - Pietro laughed sincerely.

Kat derived a great pleasure watching him laugh. His perfect smile, perfect teeth, perfect, cute dimples... Just watching him, being with him made her forget all the months she was kept at Hydra. It's like she left all the pain outside his room. No problems, no lies, no doubts.

As Pietro stopped laughing, he noticed that Kat was still looking at him, grin still residing on her face. Without second thoughts he took her chin and moved closer to Kat's face. She could feel his breath on her mouth, second before their lips joined into a gentle, yet passionate kiss. Kat's heart stopped, he was so decided and intimidating that she could do nothing but submit to him.

Suddenly, then the door opened sharply. Both Kat and Pietro immediately turned towards the entrance just to see Wanda standing there, not sure what to do. Without a word, she retreated, closing the door behind her.

-Я ебать! - Pietro hissed. In a blink of an eye he dressed up and ran out to find Wanda, leaving Kat alone.

She really wasn't sure what to do. Run? Stay? Run? Find them? Or maybe run?Unable to find any plan she started to laugh hysterically. It was a mixture of laughter and cry. After a second, when the whole situation occurred to her, she immediately stopped. Wanda found them kissing on the bed, while Pietro was half naked and she was only in her lingerie.

I need a gun.

Wanda, all happy and cheerful, was walking through the corridor, when Pietro appeared right in front of her and pinned her to the wall.

-What the fuck was that?

-I'm sorry, I wouldn't even think that I might be... interrupting something - she grinned, unable to tame her satisfaction.

-Nothing happened - Pietro stated slowly.

-So can you tell me what was Kat doing in...

-Nothing happened, Wanda.

-What are you waiting for then? - she asked directly.

-I'm not sure if I understand the question.

-We both know what type of a guy you are - Wanda said giving him a meaningful look. - And we both know what would you do with a regular girl in your bed.

-But she's not... She's not a regular girl, ok? - Pietro admitted letting his sister go. -But it doesn't change the fact that you will tell no one about this. Not even Vision. And I'm not asking.

-Fine, big brother - Wanda smirked. -Just don't ruin it, ok? - she added, leaving Pietro on the corridor.

Kat was just putting her blouse on, when Pietro returned.

-Ehm... Sorry about that - he muttered.

Because Kat had no idea what to answer, the awkward silence started.

-It's fine - she finally managed to say, instantly biting her tongue.

Geez, you really know how to talk to men.

-I think I should be going. You know, training and stuff...

-Yeah, of course. Don't want to get late, right?

-Right - Kat mumbled leaving Pietro's room.

As soon as she closed the door to her room behind her, she lied on the bed and shouted in the pillow, as loud as she could. She was screaming as long as her breath allowed her to. Once she was done, she headed to the shower, trying not to think about anything. Obviously, it worked perfectly.

You fucking idiot. What have you been thinking? You are cursed and the fails won't seem to let you go. And since Pietro wants to be around, you are dragging him to your shitty world. What the boy did to you do deserve such a miserable fate?

That was the only matter she could about through the day. Breakfast, training, gym, dinner, training... In the evening, she finally got some time for herself and decided to get a book from the library and read quietly in her room. It turned out to be a fantastic idea, the only good one this day. She drowned in the story, forgetting about the surrounding world.

-Watcha reading? - she heard from behind. This scared her so much that involuntarily she hit the speaker with a sound wave, making him hit the window, few steps behind.

-I am so sorry! - Kat shrieked as soon as she realized who she hit. - Pietro, I didn't mean to! God, are you ok? - she run towards him dropping the book on the floor. Surprisingly, Pietro wasn't upset at all. More amused.

-Steve trained you well - Pietro laughed.

-What are you doing here? - Kat was still in shock.

-Well, it's seven.

He was right. It was seven.

As an answer, Katelin sighed loudly, helping Pietro up.

-Having second thoughts?

-Me? You should be the one having them!

-Could you please explain?

-You're serious? Can't you see all the fails I encounter? Wherever I go, fail fallows. I'm not a normal person!

-Thank God for that - Pietro interrupted. His eyes met with Katelin's amazement. - You think I would give up on you because of a fail?

-Well, all the other guys did... - Kat admitted quietly.

-But darling, I'm nothing like the other guys.

Kat was sure that he used his most sexy voice on purpose. Her knees bent and heart begun to beat faster. She had to lean against the couch not to fall down. Again, he left her speechless. But he couldn't be more correct. She has never met a man like him and was sure that she never will.

If life gives you lemons, make a lemonade. Kat remembered a saying, her mother always used to repeat. Hell yeah, I'm gonna turn him into a most divine lemonade ever.

-If you're willing to take the risk, I'll follow - Kat giggled.

-And that's more like it. Come, I know a great place in the city.

-City? We're going out?

-Unless you want to spend our first date sitting in the facility and eating the remains of today's dinner.

-Right, city sounds fun. But this would mean that you have to give me a minute, I can't go out looking like this...

-Women... - Pietro sighed. -Fine, I'll be back in an hour - he joked.

-I'm pretty sure 15 minutes will do.