This was an idea I had after seeing the Star Wars Special. Starts right when Isabella kisses Phineas, and just goes on from there. I've decided to use Cartoon Network and Disney XD's Lego Star Wars Storyline (Padawan Menace, Yoda Chronicles, Droid Tales, and Freemaker Adventures) just because I always liked their version of events.

Update 2/20/17:

Chapter one has been tweaked a bit to make it more appealing. Recently, I noticed a lot of visitors only got as far as this chapter before pulling out, simply because this chapter is poorly crafted, as are chapters 2 and 3. I'm going after those next, and as for this one, it is slightly modified to make it flow more smoothly.

Update 4/20/17:

More tweaking.

Update 8/06/17:

I suggest you just skip ahead to around Chapter four. That's where the quality of writing and the plot begins to improve. If you think you can really pick the plot up, skip all the way to chapter 9 (where the quality of writing is far better than the first five or so chapters). For the main SW and P/F cast, nothing realy major from that point onwards is affected by anything previous, and Ferb's side of the story is easy enough to pick up on, I suppose.

The ancient cavern in the Masassi temple was full of rejoicing soldiers, pilots, and technicians. Amongst the partygoers in the temple was Isabella, a young pilot. By human standards, she was young to fly a ship, let alone own one. She had her eye on a young boy, Phineas, dancing roughly three meters in front of her.

"HEY FARMBOY!" She shouted, her target coming over to her. "We're not related,are we?"

"Oh, no." he responded, his unbridled enthusiasm still there. "I only had the one sister,-" he gestured to his older sister, dancing with two younger boys who had been her partners when she served as a stormtrooper in the Imperial Navy.

"Good." said Isabella, grabbing his shirt, kissing him.

"So, Candace," Baljeet inquired. "What are your plans now that you have left the empire?"

"I.. don't know." Candace said. "I mean, I probably should get Phineas and that Ferb guy, and take them home, but joining the rebellion seems appealing." She looked over at her younger brother, Phineas, dancing with that pilot girl. She had seemed so uncaring at first when Phineas had told her the story of how they got to the Death Star as they ran to the hangar. Then, she appeared out of the dark nothingness of space, and whisked them away from the battle station just before it exploded.

"Mom remarried?" Candace asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically.

"Yeah, funny story." Phineas said. "She-" The rest was drowned out by the roar of a ships' engines as The Centennial Chihuahua landed in the hangar bay.

"Farmboy!" the girl had shouted. "Need a lift?"

Looking back on it now, Candace could finally appreciate how surreal the experience had been. After being reassigned to the Death Star, she and her comrades, Buford and Baljeet, were fortunate enough that their Commander had kept no record, written or otherwise, of who had been assigned sock detail, and Darth Vader's anger on his lack of socks seemed to have dissipated with his strangling of the commander. Then, she was the only trooper who some lieutenant had ordered to stay an guard a post while the rest, even Buford and Baljeet, had gone off to fight some rebel insurgency in a prison block. She had amused herself by taking her helmet off and then putting it back on again until Phineas and the pilot girl had shown up. While chasing them she had slipped on some sort of trash juice, and nearly fallen off a catwalk. If Phineas hadn't grabbed her, well, she shuddered at the thought. She had stood there in shook, replaying the event over and over again in her mind.

"Candace. CANDACE!" Someone was shouting her name. Candace shook her head as her mind was jerked back to the present.

"Uh yes?" she said to Baljeet, who had been calling her name.

"Were you listening?" he asked.

"Uh, yes?"

"Oh good! Then you heard all my advice on what to do with your choice dilemma!" He exclaimed cheerfully, before disappearing into the crowd.

"Baljeet wait!" she shouted, but it was no use.

Now what do I do? She thought, hurrying after her young comrade.


"So, we can join?" Phineas asked again, scarcely believing what his sister had told him twice already.

"Yes Phineas. she repeated. "You can join."

"Here are your assignments." a lieutenant said, passing them tablets before mooing on to the next group.

"We have been assigned as gunners on the Tantive Five." said Baljeet, indicating a Blockade Runner behind him parked amongst the fighters and transports.

"My ship's been assigned to something called.." Isabella squinted at the tablet. "Rouge Squadron?"

"Iv've been assigned as your engineer." Phineas told the young girl. They shared a look. Candace wondered what the look meant. She had spent her whole life learning to read people, as it was hard to separate between sarcasm and seriousness in stormtrooper armor. Judging by Phineas' slight smile, and the slight tilt of Isabella's head, she guessed that something...nice...had recently happened between the two of them. She decided not to press further.

"Hey, where's Ferb?" Phineas asked, just noticing his step-brother's absence.

"Oh, he was so traumatized by the Sith-inator thing that I sent him home." Candace said. "I gave him a holo-recording of me explaining what had happened."

"Fellow rebels!" Princess Liea shouted. "With the death star destroyed, the Empire will surely hunt us down." She paused for effect. "We must evacuate!" There was some less-than-quiet murmuring. "We fear an Imperial counter attack may come from Naboo. A small portion of our fleet will head there to destroy it to allow the rest of our Navy to pass by undetected. My ship will land on the outskirts of Gungan territory to make contact with Boss Nass, the Gungan leader.

She continued. "Luke will locate the base, and Rouge Squadron will help us destroy any TIES they launch." More murmuring. "We need to move out. NOW!"

There was a flutter of activity as crews boarded their ships. Candace, Buford and Baljeet headed for the Tantive Five.

"It seems like just this morning that we were boarding that other blockade runner as barley competent stormtroopers." Buford said, almost wistfully.

"It was this morning, you idiot!" Baljeet shouted.

"I'm an idiot?" Buford said, grabbing Baljeet by his shirt collar. Candace sighed. Ever since the three of them had met, those two had been arguing. The day they had first been assigned to each other, they immediately started arguing over who should get the top bunk. Candace sighed again as they walked up the gangplank into the blockade runner.

"Are you my gunnery crew?" An Ithorian said, interrupting Buford and Baljeet's argument. Judging by his uniform, Candace guessed he was the Chief Engineer. An insignia on the right side of his chest designated his rank as Lieutenant, Junior Grade.

"Uh, yes sir." Candace said. "I'm Candace, and you don't need to know the names of those two." she gestured to her two friends, who were now on the floor of the airlock, rolling over each other. The Ithorian grunted, and gestured for them to follow.

"Your turret is up there." he told Candace, pointing in the general direction of the turret. "And you two," he told the two younger boys, "get that turbolaser." he pointed to another turret. Without hesitation, the two boys both tried to jump into their turret at the same time.

"You are in my way!" Baljeet shouted.

"Your way?" his counterpart shouted back, as they began fighting again. "I got here first!"

"They're always like this." Candace confided in the engineer. He grunted again.

" Might want ta' strap yourself in." He said in his strange Correllian accent. "Looks like we're about to take off."

"We're about to-WAAAA!" The rest of Candace's question was drowned out by her scream as she fell backwards during takeoff. Judging by the fact that she had landed on a semi-soft cushion strapped to the wall, she guessed that she wasn't the first new officer to do something like this. The Ithorian gave what might have been a chuckle. Or another grunt. Candace dusted herself off as she stood up.

"Better get to your turret." he said, before disappearing somewhere in the bowels of the ship. He popped his head back up. "You'll find a guide to operating your laser cannon on your seat." He disappeared again and Candace shook her head before climbing up into the turret.

"I wonder how Ferb is doing?" she asked aloud, to none in particular.

"Hey kid, take care of yourself." the Rodian said. Ferb gave him a thumbs up.

The Rodian turned his land speeder and headed back to Toshce Station. Ferb sighed, and turned towards his home. It felt for him like it was just this morning that he and Phineas had left for Mos Eisley, probably because it was just this morning. He gave a tentative step into his home, and sensed something, not his parents. A slow hiss echoed across the courtyard as he ignited his lightsaber.

Please review and tell me what you think.


-Bith: The species of the band that's playing when Luke and Obi-Wan first walk into the cantina in New Hope

-Modal Nodes: See Bith.

-Ithorian: Alien with 'hammerhead'.

-Correllian-Not a species, just a nationality of sorts. Star system in the core. Solo is a correlian.

-Rodian: Species of Greedo, the bounty hunter who tried to attack Han for Jabba before Luke and Obi-Wan hire him.