Part 8

Zosia came into work a week later on an early. She was sat at the nurses station rubbing her stomach.

"Zosia, your looking rather pale are you alright?" Jac asked looking at her

"Bit of morning sickness I think it will pass"

"Good because we need you on the ward today, Mo and I are doing a hertzig"

Zosia nodded "Sorry" she said as she got up quickly running to the toilets making it just in time to throw up.

"Ah the good ole morning sickness" Mo smiled as she looked in the mirror whilst washing her hands.

Zosia sat against the wall catching her breath. Mo bought over some tissues from the side and gave them too her. Zosia smiled weakly and wiped her mouth.

"Better?" Mo asked

"I'm still feeling sick" Zosia said.

Jasmine burst in holding onto the sinks.

"Jasmine?" Mo asked looking around.

Zosia stood up going to wash her face and arm.

"Mo, I'm really not feeling good, I feel really faint" Jasmine said

Zosia sighed going over to her and grabbing her wrist taking her pulse. "Pulse is fine"

"Right how long have you felt faint?" Mo asked listening to Jasmine's lungs

"Very suddenly, had a run in with Jac" Jasmine said

"Okay so it's a panic attack" Zosia said

"No its not" Mo said putting the stethoscope back round her neck. "Zosia can you lead her to a bed, u's and e's, oxygen and organise a chest x-ray please"

"Really?" Jasmine asked

Zosia sighed "Come on" she said leading her to a side ward bed.

"Sorry Zosia" Jasmine said to her

"Don't apologise im not interested" Zosia said putting an venflon cannula into her arm, not bothering if she hurt her.

"Owh, Zosh" Jasmine frowned

Zosia ignored her and continued to take three tubes of blood.

"Right I need you to do this when you can" Zosia said giving her a sample bottle.

"Well thanks for the great bedside manner" Jasmine sighed

Ollie came rushing in "Jasmine!"

"Oh look lover boys come running, I'll leave you too it" Zosia said walking back onto the ward, receiving looks off Ollie.

About an hour later, Mo and Jac were in theatre. Zosia had just got the results from all the tests for Jasmine.

"Are those her results?" Ollie asked looking up from reading a file.

"Yes but you know the rules"

"Shes pregnant Zosh" Ollie said pleadingly

"Erm…shes not" Zosia said "What she actually does have is a blood clot on the lungs, which has caused a panic attack and breathing difficulties" Zosia said giving in and passing him the results "Hcg levels are completely normal…well, at least I never lied to you" Zosia said walking away.

Ollie went straight over to Jasmine "You lied to me"

"What?" Jasmine asked getting short of breath

"You told me you were pregnant, your not!" Ollie shouted at her.

"Ollie i…."

"I don't want to hear it. You've got a blood clot in your lungs. So your get a course of Heparin for 24 hours and then discharged with regular blood tests, you should be fine to be back at work within the week, however you are no longer an interest of mine" Ollie said taking her file and going back onto the ward.