Transformers Prime: Burnt

Ok so this is my first fanfiction so please go easy on mistakes. I know there are some fanfics like this one but this will be different, it just needs some time. Ideas are welcomed.

Disclaimer I do not own Transformers Prime.

'how did this happen'.

That was the thought going through Jack's head, as he sat inside a glass cube inside of the medical ward of the nemesis.

He began to recall the events leading up to his current predicament.

It started when the decepticons had placed a fortress in Jasper. After using Raf, Miko and himself as ransom against the autobots to take control of the Omega Lock. Then they attack the autobot base and Optimus had ordered everyone to be ready to be ground bridged out of there.

So he and Arcee were ground bridged to somewhere random in the US, and began driving back towards Jasper. Jack asked why on earth would they regroup there and not somewhere else. But Arcee told him that it was the protocol that the autobots used on Cybertron, and that they were using the same protocol now.

As they drove towards Jasper Jack couldn't help but worry about his mom. Arcee tried to reassure him that she was alright as Fowler most likely got her, as well as Raf and Miko's families out of there. But this still did little to ease his worries.

Eventually they arrived in a small mining town and stopped to rest before heading out again. Arcee thought she saw something and told him to wait while she checked it out. As she drove off Jack began to think about his mother again.

He pulled out his phone and opened it up. Arcee had told not to use it as the decepticons could use it to track them. But he was so worried about his mother and he wanted to let her know that she was ok. He thought that one text couldn't hurt as millions of texts where sent ever minute around the US. So the odds of the cons finding and tracking his text was one out of a million.

Turns out he was that one out of the million as no more than a few minutes after sending the texts did the cons show up and began firing on him.

He tried to run to cover but the cons got a lucky shot as one hit right by his feet and sent him flying through the air before hitting the ground hard. After that one of the cons landed and transformed before picking him up. The explosion left him in a daze so he could run or even move for that matter. He faintly heard Arcee's voice call out for him as the con holding him entered a ground bridge.

Now here he was on the nemesis as a prisoner to the decepticons. He didn't know how long he'd been onboard now, all he knew was that he made a very stupid mistake.

He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the sound of the doors to the medical ward open. He looked up and say Soundwave, Starscream and Megatron himself enter the room.

Jack swallowed nervously. 'Why are they here'. Were they there to torture him for information.

He was relieved when they walked past him, with only Starscream even giving him a glance. He watched in curiosity when Soundwave deployed Lazerbeak and set it on the table to his right. Soundwave began working on Lazerbeak as Megatron and Starscream watched. Though the glass made it difficult to hear, he could still listen in on the conversation.

"Well, did any of the surveillance data survive?" asked Megatron, while Soundwave shock his head no.

"aaahhh, a shame, we might of a least learned of the direction of which Arcee fled."

Jack released a sighed in relief after hearing that. At least Arcee wasn't harmed or captured because of him.

"Clearly we need to improve on our methods of hunting autobots, and build off of the tactical advantage we manage to secure." Stated Megatron.

"Lord Megatron, I am ready to return to Darkmount. I am certain you'll want to see what I've uncovered." Came Knockout's voice over to coms.

"Soundwave activate a space bridge portal." Ordered Megatron.

Soundwave as always choose to remain silent but Jack could see a space bridge with coordinates come up on his visor. Just moments later a space bridge opened up behind them. With Knockout walking through.

"I find myself in urgent need of good news. So please knockout, tell me you found something useful?" said Megatron while walking forward slightly.

"Somethings my liege and… someone" said Knockout while gesturing to the portal.

Just moments after he said that Jack could hear the sound of a con walking through the portal. And as the sound got louder he could see the outline of this new con from behind the rest. As the new con walked through he could hear Starscream gasp.

"He… lives?" questioned Starscream.

The con was fairly large but not even close to Megatron, and was covered in dark purple armour. Jack could see he had a cannon for his left arm and only had one eye. Jack could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

'This can't be good.' Thought Jack.

"Shockwave" came Megatron's voice fallowed by a dark chuckle that made Jack worry even more for what was coming the Autobots way. "just the tactical advantage I need."

"Lord Megatron" said Shockwave fallowed by him bowing to his master.

As Megatron and Shockwave talked Jack watched on with concern as this Shockwave told about how he was left on Cybertron to him finding the omega lock. What made Jack really concern was how he talked. It was cold and as if all his thoughts were nothing more than calculations and statistics. He could barely hear any emotion in his voice.

When Shockwave mentioned him continuing with his experiments Jack knew he was a scientist. Then his blood ran cold, as he remembered Ratchet mentioning a con scientist once. And that he was responsible for many terrors that the cons had created over the years. But that Arcee had managed to offline him just before she arrived on earth. If this was indeed him then the bots were in really big trouble.

Just as the cons were leaving Shockwave looked over at him and stopped. Jack could feel that eye looking at him, and he could feel himself building up a sweat at the stair.

"I assume that this is the organic life form that currently inhabits this planet my liege?" asked Shockwave.

"Indeed. This one is one of the autobots human pests, we managed to capture him and will soon interrogate him for the location of the other autobots." Said Megatron as he walked up to Shockwave while looking at Jack.

"I find it improbable that this creature has the capability to dominate this planet. Or be of any threat to the Decepticon cause." Said Shockwave.

"The humans are more than meets the eye. This one is a prime example of this. As it was the one intrusted with the key to vector sigma by Optimus himself. Despite how weak the humans are they are resilient, and should not be underestimated." Countered Megatron with a tone of disgust at the human.

Shockwave merely nodded and began walking out with other and soon enough Jack was by himself once more.

Jack just sat there in the cube wondering what was going to happened to him. He had lost complete sense of time. He thought that maybe he was there for a few hours. But for all he knew, it could have been 30 minutes.

Finally, after what seemed like forever the doors to the medical ward opened, and in came two random cons. With one of them opening the cube and grabbing Jack roughly before walking out, with Jack in hand. During the entirety of the trip Jack struggled, even though he knew it was useless.

Eventually they ended up on the bridge of the nemesis, with the two cons approaching Megatron.

"Lord Megatron we have brought the human as you requested." Said the con that was not holding him.

"Hand me the pest, then continue about your duties." Ordered Megatron with the con holding Jack quickly dropping him into the large mech's servo, before bowing and leaving.

"Now boy why don't you make things easy for yourself and tell me what I want to know. Or do I need show that defying me is bad for your health?" said Megatron with what was clearly fake generosity.

Jack gulped nervously but other than that said nothing. Which lead to Megatron glaring down at the boy.

"So you wish to defy me then. Very well. Starscream take the pest to one of the prison cells, and show him some… Decepticon hospitality." Ordered Megatron.

"W-what? Master surely someone el…" started Starscream with Megatron cutting him off.

"Do as I command of you Starscream!" yelled Megatron with Starscream backed away in fear.

Starscream didn't need to be told twice as he quickly took the boy in his servo and left the bridge. Eventually Starscream left the nemesis and started to walk into Darkmount. Jack looked in complete awe as they entered the tower. It wasn't to long after that Starscream arrived at the room he was looking for and with no second thoughts he entered the room.

Jack gasped once they entered the room, because there in the center of the room was Wheeljack.

"Look wrecker I brought you one of your human pets to join you." Stated Starscream with a hint of triumph in his words.

Wheeljack glanced at the boy and after seeing that he was not harmed yet focused on glaring at Starscream.

Starscream roughly chained Jack up and began walking to the right of the room where Jack could see all kinds of tools. All of which he was sure were torture weapons. After a few moments Starscream turned around with a energon staff in hand, and began walking back over to them.

"So wrecker. Why don't you tell me what I want to know? Or do I need to be more… persuasive?" asked Starscream.

"I'm not going tell you anything screamer." Said Wheeljack plainly

Starscream growled in anger and raised his staff. But when he swung it down it didn't land on Wheeljack. It landed on Jack.

Jack couldn't hold back the screams of pain as energon ripped through his nervous system. After a few seconds Starscream pulled the staff back, with Jack coughing violently and his body twitching.

"We will see wrecker. Cause now if you choose to defy me its not you that takes the brutal punishment… but the pest." Stated Starscream.


Starscream swung the Staff down on Jack again, causing another wave of pain to course through his system. After another few seconds with screams filling the air, Starscream pulled the staff away. Leaving Jack gasping for air, and even a bit of steam coming off of him.

"Wrong answer wrecker". Said Starscream.

Wheeljack was quiet for a few seconds then glanced at Jack.

Wheeljack knew that the Autobot code was to never endanger human lives. But if he told Starscream anything it would only make trying to stop the cons harder.

But before he could think any further a voice filled the air.

"Don't… tell him…. Anything!" said jack as he continued to pant.

Wheeljack glanced back over to him with jack raising his head to look at him.

"I can handle it. so don't tell them anything, no matter what." Stated Jack with as much bravery he could muster at that moment.

Wheeljack looked at him as he thought it over. He knew the kid had now chosen to keep silent, but what about the autobot code about humans. If he told them, millions of humans could die. If he didn't, then one of there closest allies might. But the kid made his stance clear on this and Wheeljack was going to do the same.

"You heard the kid screamer, I'm not telling you anything." Said Wheeljack.

"Very well." Said Starscream with a hint of anger in his voice.

He then swung at the boy again.

So that's it for this chapter. I know its not very long and I will try to make them a little longer in the future, but I can't promise anything. Please leaving a comment on what you think of this so far and what you would like to see in the future. Until next time this the forgotten soldier 343 signing off.