"Wait...relaspe," Cyborg waved his hands in front of Beast Boy after hearing the story he gave, "Raven is doing what?"

"Summoning a demon with the hot nur-Harley Quinn!" Beast Boy exclaimed with a loud voice...too loud.

"Quiet down," Robin ordered but he kept his tone soft, not on purpose though. His mind was still trying to rack around what was going on with him, it was stupid and pathetic. It was...immature.

He was acting like a teenager and he hated it.

"Right sorry..." Beast Boy nodded before turning back to Cyborg, "But yeah that's what I heard."

"Why would she be summoning a demon? Would that actually work?" Cyrbog questioned out loud and Starfire gave him a curious look.

"What is...a demon?" she questioned but she didn't seem entirely confused about it. More like she was wondering the earth definition.

"A creature from hell that suck up kid's souls!" Beast Boy exclaimed as he turned over to Starfire.

"I don't believe they only suck up kid's souls..." Robin murmurred as he was finally forced to push away the teenager part of him now. He had a mission to focus on, it was most important. His feelings...whatever they were could be thought about later.

"Well, I don't really know what they do," Beast Boy shrugged.

A frown curved down Cyborg's lips, "But they're not supposed to be real like ghosts."

"Ghosts are real!" Beast Boy interrupted but he was ignored.

"They're just legends to scare people," Cyborg mumurred.

"That's not entirely true..." Robin confessed as he glanced at them but he was hesitant to offer up an explanation. He wasn't sure what was going on with Raven right now, but he still knew that it wasn't his story to tell.

"Oh?" Cyborg turned to Robin, not even bothering to hide his skepticism, "Are you trying to tell me demons from Hell exist?"

"Whether they come from Hell or not, I don't know.." Robin let out a sigh before looking back up at him. "Yes," he stated, "I do know they exist but don't ask why because I can't tell."

Cyborg frowned. "That's believable."

"Was that sarcasm?"

"It wasn't not sarcasm."

"You're a jerk, you know that?"

"You're a brat."



This time, the fight went on longer than it should've. There was no Raven to stop the useless bicker, only Starfire and Beast Boy who just watched them curiously.

They really needed to get Raven back.

When the bickering ended, Robin sighed before turning his gaze over to Beast Boy.

"Did you hear where they were heading?" he asked as his hands slid down to his side in a comfortable fashion.

The green haired boy shook his head, "No. Only what they were doing. I don't know how they're doing it either but it seemed that Harley was trying to get more of a payment from them." His finger tapped against his beastly chin, trying to pull the memories from his mind to make sense to them.

"...Payment?" Robin raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I guess they were paying them but I don't think it was with money," the gem flashed in the boy's head, "She kept dangling a necklace in front of him, like she wanted another."

"A single necklace?"

"Yep. With only one gem, it wasn't even pretty looking. I have no idea what is was worth."

"That...is...strange," Robin nodded as his hands subconciously moved to his chin, "They're crazy but they normally like getting money for crazy.."

"Was the gem a giant diamond?" Cyborg popped in and Beast Boy shook his head.

"A necklace is a type of jewelry...no?" Starfire interrupted and the group turned to her.

"Yeah," Robin nodded before turning back to the others.

"Back on my planet, sometimes jewelry was blessed or...well cursed. They had certain types of abilities they granted the user," Starfire added in, a little less confusion in her tone as Robin turned right back to her.

"Are you suggesting it's...magic?" Robin questioned but his tone wasn't condescending, it was genuinely curious. Magic wasn't out fo the question, he had met people that could use it. Raven could use it.

"...I...suppose," Starfire nodded but seemed confused with the word itself. Robin assumed it wasn't something well translated from her language.

However, the definition was a little..complicated to explain and they didn't really have the time.

"If they're working with demons it could be," Robin nodded.

"But they aren't because demons don't exist!" Cyborg yelled out as he threw his hands in the air. A few passerbys glanced their way but none really cared. Cyborg...had a bit of a reputation. However, that seemed to be working more in their favour. At least at the moment.

"Calm down a bit," Robin mumbled while the passerbys went on their way. He was more concerned about all the cameras Ms. Waller would've hid around the school. Something was up with her as well.

"But...they don't," Cyborg mumbled until his bottom lip puffed out into a pout.

"That's not exactly true," Robin replied while pinching the bridge of his nose. "I haven't seen one in person but I know they exist."

"They don't exist. That's impossible."

"You're a cyborg, Beast Boy is green and can turn into animals, and Starfire is an alien. Why can't they exist?" Robin turned down a different route instead to try and reason with him.

"Because... science," Cyborg murmurred as an attempt of an arguement. It was a failed attempt, but one nonetheless.

"That..." Robin paused short and shook his head, "Okay well for now just pretend they do exist or we'll be here forever."

"Fine." He hung his head, finally giving in even if he still didn't believe.

Robin turned his head back to Beast Boy, "Okay, so do you have any idea on where they might be going?"

"...No not really. They may not have left yet?" Beast Boy answered with a shrug to show that it was only a guess.

"...Great." Robin's frown grew more on his lips.

A demon, summoning a demon. Of all the things he thought may have been wrong with Raven, that was not one of them. However, at the same time that was a little surprising that he didn't guess it.

"Well then let's search for them." Cyborg nodded and started to head over to the nurse's office, since that's where Beast Boy claimed to have seen them last.

Robin followed in behind then Starfire and Beast Boy joined along with the group and once the silence started, Robin's thoughts came back.

Starfire wasn't far behind him, if he stopped she'd run into him. That image still had his heart racing like normal but imagining it as Raven happened to give that to him as well.

It was a strange feeling, to have both of them on his mind. He tried to sort them out but his hormonal, teenage body wouldn't let him.

No one threw the strange group of four any glances despite their appearances. It was more normal to be abnormal in the school, which actually meant Robin was the odd one out. That didn't bother him, of course, but it was strange for Raven. She still acted like she was different, like she was wrong compared to everyone else. He hoped that when he saw her again, he could tell her otherwise.

"Well they're not here anymore," Beast Boy exclaimed as he poked his head into the nurse's office again. "It's completely empty."

"But there's still school," Cyborg added in with his own frown, "Can they really just leave like that?"

"Can we just leave like that?" Beast Boy asked with a hopeful glint in his eyes.

"Not without getting expelled," Robin pointed out. Considering how much trouble they've been getting into, he doubted they'd get another 'slap on the wrist'. "And it would be hard to leave without anyone noticing."

"Right..." Beast Boy murmurred, "But what about Raven? Are we really just going to leave her?"

His hope suddenly turned into a type of sorrow. Perhaps, a fear in him where he thought he wouldn't get his friend back.

No..his crush back. Robin remembered Beast Boy had a crush on Raven.

"Of course not," Robin found himself saying before he was even able to think of a plan, " Because we're gonna sneak out."