Johannes poked his Swinub's nose with a small smile on his face – it snorted happily in response. "Sure am glad I caught him," he said, rolling the pokemon over to scratch its stomach. "Way better than a souvenir, I think. Though you look like you're pretty happy with yours."

Beside him, he heard a musical giggle. Placid chimes came alive in his head. "I won't have to constantly borrow your own ill-fitting sweaters now," replied Viola. She leaned over to stroke the Swinub's stomach as well.

"Not that you cared though, eh?" He said, elbow nudging her side playfully. "I hope the weather back in Celestic isn't too warm for him though, I don't think he'll take to being shaved all that well. What do you think?"

The Gardevoir cuddled against him as a shiver ran through her. "I think despite the efforts of this purchase, I'm cold," she said. Johannes looked down at her, and the smug grin curling at the edge of her lips. He put an arm around her and pulled her closer.

"You're the one that wanted to sit outside, but I see your angle, don't think I don't," he said in mock exasperation. He looked down at her and smiled. "Clever one, aren't we?"

Viola beamed. "I haven't a clue what you're talking about Johannes," came the chimes. "What are you implying?" He lifted her chin and simply kissed her. Amid a fit of self-satisfied snickers as he pulled away, she added, "I was hoping it would start to snow – this was just a-"

"Just a very easy little plus you could sneak in," he finished for her. The researcher took a sip from his hot cocoa. "I'm sure you'll get your wish, don't worry. Your other one, I mean. I think you already got the first one." He felt her arm wrap around to his side and her head fall onto his shoulder. He smiled.

The waitress at the cafe had looked rather surprised when he'd requested to be seated outside, given the inevitability of more snow, especially after informing her that he didn't have a fire-type along with him to act as a natural furnace.

He glanced about the outdoor seating area at the other tables. Some bore a thick layer of snow atop them, while others were completely clean – and surrounded by a rather large damp patch caused by the excess heat radiating from their occupants. He chuckled at the sight of a table bearing a Charmeleon, Heatmor and Darumaka – all which seemed to be clamoring over a tray of sweets their (now thoroughly overwhelmed) Trainer was attempting to divvy up between them.

"Are you and your partner enjoying everything?" came a voice. Johannes turned away from the scene and looked up at the waitress attending them.

He nodded. "Everything's great, thanks. Uh, Viola, you want some more cocoa?" he asked, turning to look down at the crown of her head. She glanced up at the waitress and nodded enthusiastically before slumping back onto Johannes.

The waitress inclined her head and said, "I'll have it out soon."

Johannes thanked her and turned to look out at the looming figure of Mt. Coronet. He was grateful that Viola had successfully pestered, pleaded and pined to visit Snowpoint. The idea of being out in the cold for any longer than he needed be, never mind willfully sitting out exposed to the elements, was not particularly appealing. And yet here they were doing just that - and now, far from wanting to leave, he wished that their vacation wasn't already nearing its end. The wind picked up and brought with it snowfall. With a smile, he twitched his shoulder and whispered, "Looks like you got your wish." He put his arm around her and brought her closer. "Remind me to let you pick the next vacation spot too. Can't believe I almost turned this place down."

A soft array of colors and the feeling of flattered glee twinkled in his head. "I will admit, I have been deliberating on where to visit next a fair bit over the last several days. Perhaps Unova? No, wait, instead, what about Kalos? I've caught snippets of conversation here and there that speak of beautiful cities and countrysides alike in that region," she intoned. Viola gave the approaching waitress a smile as she set down a fresh mug of cocoa before her and thanked her telepathically. She continued, the feelings of glee pouring out of her now replaced with mounting excitement overflowing into the recesses of Johannes's head, "It would be wonderful!" She paused. "Though different," she belled, somewhat dejected. She pulled her head up from his chest and looked him in the eyes. "It's not like home, is it?"

A small frown formed on his face. "Us, right?" he asked. She nodded. "No, not quite. It's not unbelievably different though."

Viola's expression brightened. "So is it like Hoenn?" she inquired.

His peered into his nearly empty mug of cocoa for a moment and then set it back down. His tone was hesitant. "No, it's not like Hoenn either," he began. "Not quite Unova too. Definitely not Johto or Kanto. It's somewhere in the middle of it all. We'd be foreign but definitely not unheard of, the news of the ban was too well publicized. But if the rumors that Takuma mentioned were true we'd definitely draw some funny looks in Kalos. Not quite for the reasons you think either. More tangentially related." He paused and furrowed his brow. "That doesn't really matter though, don't worry about that Viola. The best way to put it I think is: rare at the most, uncommon at the least."

The pokemon took a sip of her cocoa and nodded. The pleasant array of colors and feelings had largely given way to dull blues in both color and spirit in Johannes's head. "I'd still like to visit the region," she said at last, "Would you?"

Johannes smiled. "I would. Besides, we've got a bit over a year before this job ends, and we can take a far longer vacation when that happens. Though being here in Sinnoh's felt like its own vacation." He paused and mulled the thought over. "Do you think that last fruit basket I sent Eric was large enough?" he asked. Viola laughed. "I mean it. I can't go more than few weeks without it hitting me that I got stupid lucky." He peered about. "And I really should have asked for another mug of cocoa myself." He glanced at Viola's, who responded by immediately snatching up the beverage and turning away from Johannes, soft laughter tinkling into the frigid air. "Oh come on Viola, don't be like that. And get back here, it's freezing."

She looked at him over her shoulder and stuck her tongue out. Playful chimes came to life in his head. "A toll. Only then will I "not be like that," as you said. Is that agreeable, dearest?"

Johannes rolled his eyes. "You know several years ago you were talking about how to properly ask for kisses," he said in mock annoyance. "And now-" A delicate finger came to his lips.

Lower, loving, almost sultry were the tones. "I demand them." She kissed him. Finally, she pulled away, a wide smile on her face.

"You got your toll," he said, smiling himself, "Now where's that sip you owe me?"

She kissed him again.