Summary: "It's a shame, really... I quite liked you... Ah, well, curiosity did kill the kitty cat~."

(A/N): Just thought I'd tell you before you start reading, there isn't a happy ending. Don't say I didn't warn ya~.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler, nor do I own its characters, they belong to Yana Toboso. "She" refers to either an OC or yourself, your choice. If you're male/other, sorry, you can change the pronouns if you'd like.

She had been working at the Undertaker's shop for a few weeks now as an assistant of sorts. The pay was good and she had no problem ignoring the eeriness of the place. She dusted, swept, and occasionally helped with the "guests". Although having worked there for a while, there was one door she was never allowed to open. The only closed and locked door in the place.

Admittedly, this made her curious. What could possibly be behind that door that the Undertaker didn't want her seeing? Under normal circumstances, she would assume there's a dead body hidden away in a room behind that door. However, that could not be the case, given that this was a funeral parlor, there were already enough dead bodies all over the place!

She often found herself staring at the closed door as if it would magically give her answers, before snapping out of it and continuing on dusting.

Today, though, was the day. Undertaker had left to attend to some errands. Obviously, these errands were important or else she would've been sent to do them. Knowing the Undertaker, she probably didn't want to be doing the errands in his place.

She inserted the skeleton key into the lock and twist it, silently praying it works. She heard a click and opened the door.

She stared in horror at the motionless creature in front of her. It looked horrifyingly human, although its head was smashed in and it slumped to the floor. She covered her nose at the absolutely repulsive stench.

She heard giggling from behind her. "My~. I knew you were a curious one, dear, but I certainly didn't expect this from you." She whirled around. Her eyes widened and she gasped. She stared at the man that seemed to get closer, his eyes gleaming an unusual bright green from beneath his hair, making him look quite intimidating.

She backed up slowly, before stopping, barely moved from her spot as she remembered that thing. She glanced at the Undertaker's right, seeing an opening for her to make an escape. She zipped past him and stumbled up the stairs.

She reached the top of the steps and was about halfway out of the shop before the Undertaker suddenly appeared in front of her. She nearly shouted out in surprise. The Undertaker loomed over her, his eyes, notably gleaming more so than before.

Repeating her recent actions, she backed away slowly. Only this time, she backed into something and tripped. She fell into it and the lid slammed onto her.

She pounded her fists on it, desperately pleading for the Undertaker to let her out. "I do apologize, dearie~. It simply wouldn't do. You'd just run away from me~. It's a shame, really... I quite liked you. Well, anyways~, can't have you knowing about my 'pets', now can I~? Heh. Ah, well, curiosity did kill the kitty cat~."

Her shouts cease and so does the futile banging, as the Undertaker's shop is met with the sound of soft giggling.
