2 years later...

Dick stretched his arms above his head and grinned like a Cheshire cat as pride overwhelmed him. The short chubby officer beside him rolled his eyes but gave into a hearty chuckle and nudged Dick's shoulder, "Cocky little git, aren't you Grayson?" He teased,

"Mm, not cocky if I'm good at what I do." Dick smirked, winking at his partner. Dick glanced over at the mugger who was being pinned against the hood of the police car while being restrained with handcuffs. The mugger glared up at Dick and bared his teeth,

"I'll get you, you stupid fucking cop!" He threatened.

Dick rolled his eyes and waved his hand at him, "Yeah, yeah; whatever buddy!" Dick shouted.

"Still. Good job, Rookie." Mason commented,

"Oh come on!" Dick protested at the name, "I've been in the job a couple of months now, caught more than... Zack over there, stuffing his face with donuts no less and yet, I'm still getting called rookie!?"

"Well then, you better hope that a newbie comes along soon, huh?" Mason joked,

"Whatever," Dick chuckled, shaking his head.

"Hey, kid. You coming for a drink? We're about done for the day."

"Nah, my girlfriend's bringing me coffee about now." Dick returned, adding a shrug into his utterance. Officer Mason nodded and had to double take at an approaching woman. He nudged Dick in the arm once more,

"Hey Grayson, I bet your girl's nothing compared to her." Mason paused while Dick looked where his partner was focused and smirked, "Kori Anders... Mm, mm, mm! Damn, she's the best looking cover girl for some of these crappy magazines in a long time!"

Dick was going to simply tell him that the approaching model was his long term girlfriend but he decided to have some fun with it and unlike most guys, he didn't get angry at hearing people talk about Kori that way. Actually, it made him proud to know that Kori was his and nobody else's.

Suddenly, Dick was brought out of his thoughts by Mason who was hitting his chest repeatedly and he was apparently drooling. Dick chuckled at his reaction to Kori's general appearance.

"Grayson... Is – Is she coming over here!?" Mason stuttered,

"I should think so," Dick smirked, earning a confused expression from the officer beside him.

Kori stopped in front of the two of them and beamed at Dick. She held out the coffee in her hand to him, "Black. One sugar. As always, I presume?" Kori stated,

"Mhm. It's perfect. Thanks baby." Dick answered, balancing it on the hood of the police car that he was leaning against. Dick hooked his index finger beneath Kori's chin and brought her in for a tender kiss. Kori giggled when Dick released her lips.

"She's your... You... Wait... She... You lucky son of a-" Mason stammered, bewildered.

Dick chuckled, "Kori, this is my partner Mason Rodgers. Mason, this is my girlfriend, Kori Anders."

Kori turned to face Mason with the signature smile that she gave when she was meeting new people, "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mason." She greeted,

Mason took hold of Kori's outstretched hand and shook it, "Uh... Yeah... You- You too... Uh... I gotta go..." Mason stuttered, releasing her hand and following the rest of the boys inside the tavern.

Kori turned back to Dick with question in her eyes, "That was strange, yes?" She assumed,

"He was just completely shocked that the beautiful Kori Anders is my girlfriend," Dick chuckled,

"Oh I see," Kori giggled. Dick grabbed Kori's waist and wasted no time in pulling her to him, causing her to squeak. He tilted his head with the intentions to kiss her but just before their lips met, Kori pulled back to look at him,

"Have you done well today, Richard?" Kori asked, a smirk playing on her lips,

"Yes. I promise." Dick laughed. Kori nodded and allowed their lips to crush against one another's in an expression of affection. Dick always enjoyed kissing Kori; no matter what she ate or drank, she always tasted sweet like strawberries and popcorn. It was delightful to say the least.

When they pulled away from each other, Dick offered Kori his hand which she happily took,

"Where'd you wanna go, Kor? I'm free for the rest of the day."

"Mm... I do not mind,"

"Well, wherever we go, I just wanna eat! I am so hungry!"

"You are always hungry!"

"I can't help it!" Dick chuckled, causing Kori to giggle in the process. They continued talking and giggling as they wandered down the street, hand in hand before picking a nearby cafe to eat in...