Wouldn't That Save You?

(I don't own the Flash)

Chapter 1


I stood in front of my mirror, applying one final coat of hairspray and carefully applying my eyeliner. Tonight I was going out. I was going to find some random guy and get over my ridiculous feelings for Barry Allen.

Ever since that 'kiss' in the lab I had found myself struggling to be around him and when Ronnie came back I thought that they would go away, I mean my fiancé was back I should be the happiest girl in the world! …. But even as I married Ronnie I still those feelings nagging me in the back of my head and I hated myself for it.

And then Ronnie died and I was heartbroken all over again, no matter what I loved him and he was just…. gone.

And now 1 year later I was having trouble with those feelings all over again and Barry…. Barry was still pining after Iris. The love of his life.

I shook my head and refocused on my make-up, I was not going to cry again.

As I entered the club I immediately regretted not inviting Cisco or someone to come me, the club was dark with flashing lights all over the place and there was some fake smoke drifting over the dance floor where people were gyrating all over each other. Even the bar was surrounded by people, I somehow managed to squeeze through the mass of people and get to the bar where I ordered a vodka and lemonade.

"Hey beautiful" I heard a voice from behind me murmur, I turned my head and there was a guy behind me. This guy was ridiculously good looking, he looked like he just came out of a romance novel with his tousled auburn hair and glittering blue eyes. He was perfect.

And I felt nothing.

Because no matter how nice the auburn colour of his hair was I only wanted to see the brown hair of a certain speedster and no matter how much his blue eyes sparkled I only felt my heart stop when I saw a pair of green eyes that made me feel like I was at home.

I gave him a quick smile and turned back to the bar, taking a big sip of my drink and looking around the club.

And then my eyes crossed paths with a certain pair of green ones and I froze.

Of course he was here

I quickly looked down at my drink silently cursing myself and praying he hadn't seen me. After a minute I looked up and he was staring at me, I gave him a quick awkward smile and wave and was about to shout out to him when a hand landed next to me.

I turned and Mr Romance Novel was standing there "Hi" he smiled showing me his perfect white teeth "I'm sorry but you're gorgeous and I was hoping you'd let me buy you a drink?"

I flushed red and quickly glanced back over to where Barry was. He was gone. My heart sunk, I grabbed my drink and downed it in one go "Actually" I said turning back to Mr Romance Novel "A drink is just what I need right now thanks"

He let out a small laugh and ordered me some cocktail with a sleazy name while I tried to force all thoughts of Barry from my mind.

I settled into some small talk with Mr Romance Novel whose name was actually Dave while sipping at the blue drink he bought me for a while until the music sped up and everyone rushed to get on the dance floor. I looked over and saw Barry dancing with some blonde girl who looked like she belonged on a magazine.

Suddenly I felt sick to my stomach and lurched off my seat, grabbing my bag as I staggered towards the exit. I heard Dave calling out to me and his hands grabbing my wrist, pulling me to the darker part of the club near the lounge area.

What was happening? It hurt seeing Barry like that but it never affected me this much, the room was spinning and all the colours were too bright. I tried to blink away the dizziness and pulled at my wrist trying to clasp my hands over my ears to stop the ringing but Dave's grip just tightened.

The drink!

He pushed me against a wall while I tried to push him off me but I was so tired and I just wanted to sleep "Stop…. please" I slurred

"Shhh baby, you'll have fun I promise" he whispered pressing his mouth against my ear while I tried to wriggle away from him. He tightened his grip on my wrist and I winced, knowing there'll be bruises there tomorrow.

"No... I… I don't want to… please stop" I cried out trying to push him off me with my free hand but failing miserably

He backhanded me across the face and then slammed me up against the wall squeezing my side too tightly "You little bitch, you think you can tease me and then say no. You wanted this, I knew you did from the moment I saw you."

His hand was just starting to snake up the blue glittery dress I had picked out for tonight when he was ripped off of me and I slumped to the floor not being able to keep up my own weight.

My vision was suddenly obscured by a pair of frantic green eyes.


Barry's POV

I watched as Caitlin turned back to the guy she was with and quickly grabbed my drink, going back to Patty not wanting to see anymore.

I tried to push all the jealous thoughts out of my head as Patty and I talked with the few other work people we had gone out with but all I could think about was Caitlin back there with that sleazy guy who looked like had stepped out of an erotic novel.

Suddenly the music sped up and Patty grabbed my hand "c'mon we have to dance I love this song"

I let her drag me up to the dancefloor and tried my best to just concentrate on her but then I looked at the bar and I couldn't see Caitlin anymore. Had she gone home with him?

I gently pushed away from Patty and looked around. I started to push through the crowds of people, I don't know why but a feeling of dread passed through me and it just fuelled me to find her faster.

What I found will be burned into my memory for the rest of my life, I would have nightmares about this for years to come.

Caitlin was propped up against the wall, eyes half closed and hands limply trying to push off the body pressed against her, she was crying and I could see his hand starting to make its way up her dress.

I ripped him off of her "Hey get your fucking hands off of her!" I shout decking him once before going to Caitlin who was crumpled on the floor, eyes slightly glazed over and head lolling around.

"Cait? Caitlin are you ok?" I tilt her head up with one hand, trying to get her to look at me but her eyes are unfocused "Cait talk to me okay, focus on me" I shout for an ambulance and then turn to face the guy who had his hands on her.

Patty and another person from the club are restraining him "What did you give her?" he smirks at me and if it wasn't for the limp girl in my arms I would have happily punched that smirk off of his face "Tell me what the fuck you gave her or so help me I'll-"

"Barry!" Patty interrupts, looking down at the girl in my arms, Caitlin's eyes have closed.

"No, no Caitlin? Caitlin open your eyes! C'mon look at me!" I gently slap the side of her face, hoping to rouse her but she stays unconscious.

Patty manages to get the name of the drug out of the sleazebag as the paramedics are arriving, I mouth my thanks to her and focus on the girl in front of me being worked on.

"She's stable but we need to get her to the hospital as soon as possible"

I go in the ambulance with her, leaving Patty to deal with the legal stuff and once we arrive they whisk her away, leaving me to my own thoughts.

Could I have stopped this?

What if she didn't make it?

I phoned Cisco and explained what was going on, telling him to hurry to the hospital and to bring Wells with him before collapsing into an uncomfortable chair in the waiting room.

It was going to be a long night.


Reviews please!