Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans.

Author's Note: Wow, this is probably like one of the most cliché plots I've ever written but I like to think of it as golden plot. It's just so 80's teenage love story or something XD Anyways, originally written in 2014.

The ear splitting sound of the alarm clock had been disrupting the peace and quiet of the early morning for roughly an hour now. The dark haired boy beneath the mess of sheets on the bed barely even stirred at the noise. He was in such a deep slumber; he was practically dead to the world.

Suddenly, the boy woke with a start and his eyes slowly opened. He squinted as he tried to adjust to the morning light that was pouring in through his bedroom window. He couldn't even begin to think as the constant ringing of his alarm was making his head pound.

With a growl, he slammed his hand down on his alarm clock, knocking it off his bedside table in the process. He groaned. 'I knew should have skipped the jelly shots.' he thought, grimacing at the memory of the previous night.

Richard Grayson was the type of guy to do things such as this. He would party on a school night and put the consequences of the following day completely out of his mind. He was in the type of clique that would typically be labelled as 'Popular' which matched up well with him considering he had a millionaire as a father and was attractive enough to have girls drool over him.

His eyes widened all of a sudden as realisation hit him. He fumbled for his phone and glanced at the time. It read: 8:00am. As homeroom was starting, he was yet to move from his bed. Great.

"Shit!" He cursed, grasping the fact that he was late for school... Yet again.

He frantically threw back the covers and got to his feet. Dick proceeded to grab a random outfit from his wardrobe and he yanked all of the articles of clothing onto his body. He slipped his feet into his shoes whilst he fixed his hair in the mirror.

Finally, he grabbed his bag and shrugged it onto his right shoulder. He sprinted down the stairs and through the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water and an apple from the bowl on the counter. He nodded to his butler who was also a long-time family friend.

"Master Dick-" Alfred was cut off by a wave of Dick's hand as he headed out the door,

"Sorry Al! I gotta run!" He informed him, slamming the door behind him as he finally left the building.

Alfred rolled his eyes and waited for Dick to return. The ebony haired boy soon fulfilled that prediction and hurried back inside, frantically turning every which way as if he was searching for something. Alfred cleared his throat and held up Dick's car keys.

Dick sheepishly grinned and took them from him, "Heh... Thanks..."

With that, he rushed out again and got into his car, preparing himself for the drive to school.

Dick groaned as he arrived outside the door that led into homeroom. He peeked through the small window of the door and noticed that his teacher had his head in a newspaper.

Sensing his chance, Dick slowly and silently pushed the handle down and slipped into the room. He bit his lip in concentration as he tried to tiptoe to his seat. He was halfway there when he froze on the spot,

"Mr Grayson, we can all see that you're late. Just get to your seat." The teacher said behind the paper he was reading from.

Dick grinned sheepishly and gave his teacher a two finger salute, "Right," He stated, sliding into his seat. He turned to his two best friends who were cracking up at Dick being busted once again. They had only just returned from a short break and yet Dick was already carrying on his daily routine that he swore by before the break.

"Mornin' sunshine!" Vic chuckled, noting the lack of colour in Dick's face,

Dick glared at him, "I never wanna go to a party on a school night ever again," He grunted, leaning on his elbow, sleepily.

"I'd call it a successful night for you, including that girl you got with." Vic commented,

Dick smirked and shook his head at Vic,

"Who was it?" Wally wondered,

Dick concentrated but soon gave up, "I have no idea... I can't remember her name." He sighed,

Wally laughed, "Successful indeed,"

Dick smiled, "Mm... I just wish I didn't wake up with an insane headache."

Suddenly, the bell sounded and Dick cringed and covered his ears, "Now that is going to piss me off today." He murmured.

The three boys collected their things and threw their bags onto their shoulders. They slowly filed out of the room with the rest of the students in tow. Each and every one of them was headed for their first lesson of the day and approximately none of them had very happy expressions upon their faces.

"I bet having maths first really perks you up, huh Dick?" Vic said, sarcastically.

Dick rubbed a hand over his face and groaned. He hated maths. Actually, 'hated' was an understatement. He physically detested maths. He would much rather sit and stare at paint drying on a wall than do any maths work. Alongside that, his teacher had made it very clear at the end of the last lesson before break that he was failing maths. She had instructed him to study specific areas of maths in the two weeks but... that just didn't happen. He didn't really remember why he had to study. There was definitely a reason for studying but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

He was so indulged in his own thoughts that he wasn't paying attention to where he was walking. He bumped into a girl who was a lot smaller than he was and a lot more petite. They both stumbled back a little but the girl groaned as her books fell to the floor. He couldn't see her face at all because she had her head down but he noticed that her hair was dark red and really long, too. He immediately felt guilty,

"I'm really sorry..." Dick apologized, watching her as she crouched down to retrieve her books.

"It is fine..." She replied. Dick didn't recognise her voice so it was apparent that he didn't know her. Her voice sounded quiet but sweet.

"Here, let me help you." Dick stated, crouching to the floor. He picked up a red book which had 'Chemistry' written on it and noticed another on the floor that had 'Algebra' printed on the front. His first thoughts were 'Geek' but he decided that he didn't know her so he couldn't exactly judge her.

The girl stood up before him so Dick grabbed the remaining books off the floor and stood up too. He slowly handed them to her and was about to look at her face until he felt someone slap his shoulder.

Dick turned away from the girl and grinned at his friend Garth. They high fived each other and Garth shook his head,

"Awesome party last night, right Grayson?" He boomed, reminiscence filling his voice.

"Yeah, man. Feeling rough today though," Dick chuckled. Garth laughed along with him but exhaled noisily,

"Ahh, later man. I'll see you at lunch." He told him, walking off towards his own class.

Dick smirked and shook his head. He remembered the red headed girl and turned back towards her but she was gone. He raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off, feeling that he would probably never see her again due to the overwhelming amount of students within the school. Though he kind of wanted to see her face; just out of curiosity.

He sighed and trudged into the classroom and took a seat at the very back. He didn't care where he sat in any other class but maths; sitting at the back was a necessity. The last thing he wanted was to be forced into participation of the tasks given by the teacher.

"So, welcome back class. I hope you all had a wonderful break." Mrs Bliss said, loudly. Dick closed his eyes and chewed on the end of his pen in an attempt to tune her voice out.

"And what better way to start your first week back than with a test?" She continued.

Dick's eyes opened immediately and the pen fell from his mouth. He remained silent as the rest of the class moaned and complained at the idea of a test first thing in the morning.

"I trust you all studied, like I asked you to." She assumed, eyeing Dick for a moment who ducked his head. He nodded to himself, 'That's what I had to study for... Oops.' he thought.

The blonde haired teacher made her way around the desks, handing out paper and question booklets as she moved. She arrived at Dick's desk and placed his question booklet and paper down a little forcefully. Dick meekly looked up at her,

"I expect you to get an A on this test, Mr Grayson," She admitted, staring at him in an intimidating manner.

Dick laughed nervously as she wandered away. Wally screwed up a ball of paper and chucked it at the back of his head, "Pst!" He hissed, causing Dick to turn around.

"What?" Dick replied,

"What was that all about?"

"Uh... No idea... I think she's losing it."

Wally nodded and chuckled. He shook his head and returned his focus to the questions in the booklet. Dick gulped and started at the front of the booklet. This was not going to go well.

The silence in the classroom was literally killing Dick. When no one was talking in the class, it made him feel uncomfortable and he always had a feeling that people were done way before he was.

It had been 30 minutes into the test and Dick had only done 4 questions and he still had 26 to go. He sighed and his shoulders slumped.

He suddenly heard someone get up and walk to the front of the class.

"Miss Anders... Flawless as always." Mrs Bliss praised her.

Dick furrowed his eyebrows. 'How could someone be done already!?' He mentally complained. He didn't look up at the girl who had been 'flawless' in the maths test because he knew it would just make him even angrier at himself for being so terrible at maths. Although, he silently hated on the Anders girl. He couldn't remember her first name although he really should have known it considering she had been in his maths class for the past two years... Or was she? Dick wasn't very sure. She was forever being praised but usually, Dick was so out of tune with the class that all he picked up out of it was 'Anders'.

Dick shook his head and narrowed his eyes at the questions in front of him. It was hopeless. He figured that he was never going to get better at maths.

Suddenly, Dick got an idea. He shifted his eyes from left to right to check that his teacher wasn't staring at him or anything.

'I bet the answers for these are online...' He thought.

Throwing caution to the wind, Dick secretly got his phone out of his pocket and began tapping away at the screen. He had just about made it onto Google when he heard,

"Richard Grayson!" Mrs Bliss barked, causing almost everyone to turn and look at him.

Dick fumbled with his phone and almost dropped it as her voice made his heart skip a beat with momentary fear. He really didn't expect to be caught that quickly.

Mrs Bliss stormed over to his desk and snatched his material away from him. She furrowed her eyebrows with anger and placed her fists on her hips, "Stay behind at the end of the lesson to deal with the consequences of your actions, Dick." She ordered, before turning and marching back to her own desk.

Dick visibly sank into his chair, not quite missing Vic as he shook his head at him before mouthing, "Busted," at him. Dick closed his eyes tightly and groaned. This was going to be a long day...