"Man, what the hell just happened?"

I said groaning in pain.

It happened so fast that I don't really know much of what happened. I pause for a moment, wracking my brain to recall what happened.

Suddenly, like slamming into a brick wall It soon hit me. I started to remember, my father and I got caught in a storm not too long ago and we were shipwrecked.

At least I think it wasn't that long ago. I'm not sure, my head was still spinning and felt fuzzy after being knocked unconscious.

Not wasting any time, I tried to get up and walk out of the wreckage, only to collapse in pain. My legs were hurting like crazy. Like they have been busted to the point that I could not even move. Fearing that my legs were broken beyond healing, I slowly started to tear off both of my pants legs to inspect the extent of my injuries. Thankfully, they were just severely bruised and roughed up. I do not know how I got away with just bruising after being in a shipwreck, but I didn't question it either.

Despite how much pain I felt, I quickly got up and limped my way out of the wreckage. As I exit the wreck, I squint my eyes due to how bright the sun was shining, I bring my hand up to shade my eyes from the harsh sunlight.

Once my eyes had adjusted and I was able to see properly, I began to assess my surroundings. I was shocked to my core on how much damage the storm and waves have caused to our boat. There was debris everywhere.

How the hell did I survive this? I thought to myself.

Eyes widening in realization that my father wasn't anywhere in site I called out


After a few minutes of hearing nothing, once again I cried out,


After no response for the next minute or two, I decided to head out and look for him, even though my injured legs cried out in protest. The weather, hot as hell, and the humidity worse than a Costa Rican rain forest, which is saying something, and my thirst driving me crazy due to the heat, I pressed on further in hope of finding my father.

It did not take me that long to notice that the ship was split in half, which got me thinking that the other half is somewhere further down or in the ocean.

Immediately I hastened my search for my father praying to whatever god that may be listening that he is still alive.

My search lasted a long time, and my battered legs were on the verge of giving up. But right as I was about to sit down for a short break, a glint of glass or metal shining in the distance caught my eye. Low and behold, it was the other half of our boat.

Without thinking a second about my legs, I ran as fast as I could towards the other half of the wreck. I could not believe how lucky I was able to find the rest of the boat. Deep down, I had a feeling that my father would be there waiting for me.

"DAD! HOLD ON. I'M COMING!" I shouted

However, as soon as I got there, my heart was torn apart. My fathers' body was lying there, motionless with a piece of broken wood speared through his stomach.

Tears started to form in my eyes, I was alone. My adoptive father, who was the only one left that I called family, was dead.

Ever since my Mom and real Dad died during the incident that the news called "the Jurassic crisis". I had to move in with both my Uncle and cousins' place. Not that I was complaining or anything, I had a great time there. The only catch was that my Uncle was also working at that same park my father did to make sure what happened to him does not happen again.

Trying to forget those memories, I decided to salvage the wreck to see what I could find, and maybe with any luck, something to eat and drink. Sure enough, I was able to find two things: my backpack and my water bottle. The problem was that said bottle was punctured somehow and filled with saltwater.

"Well then, that's that" was all I said to myself.

After discarding the useless bottle, I continued my search for anything useful. After a good few minutes of searching, I ended up finding my father's bag. But all that was in there was his pistol, which would've come in handy, however the gun was jammed and full of sea water, sighing to myself I threw the broken gun into the ocean out of frustration. I resumed my search, this time, thankfully I did find something useable. Some granola bars, and unfortunately, that was it. I checked on the dates to make sure they were not expired, luckily, they were not.

After that, I searched my bag for anything. I found a Velociraptor plushie (don't ask), more granola bars, and a photo of my family. I gently picked up the picture of me, my father, uncle, and cousin, right in front of the Visitor Center, a soft smile made its way on to my face as I remembered that day.

However, memories started to come back to me about what happened to my father and uncle and why my cousin had to drop me off at the orphanage. My life there was a complete nightmare, something I would want to forget no matter what.

I put the photo into my bag and did a final search through the wreckage. Once I finished searching, I turned to face the wild looking forest. Deep down, I was scared to go in, not knowing what could be living in there. The odds of me surviving were exceptionally low, and from what I have seen so far, I did not like my chances. But now was not the time to cower in fear. Now is the time to find either a village or any shelter that I can find. It's a matter of life or death, eat or be eaten...you get the point. So, I took a deep breath and started heading into the forest.

My name is Carlos, and this is my story about how my life went from one of the worse events to ever happen to me, to a fantastic turnaround that changed my life forever.