A/n: I don't know why this is happening or why this is happening now but this plot bunny was aggressively humping in the back of my mind, I know I should be working on my other fics but this needed to be written.

What we have here is an MCU crossover, it diverges from the glee cannon in Never Been Kissed but has some crazy AU happening undercover before that. Let me know what you think.

Kurt stumbled into the house and leaned against the door, he slid to the floor and a hiccupped sob escaped his lips, he covered his mouth and sobbed violently. The room spun just as it had a few hours ago, Kurt Hummel had been kissed. He had forgotten his role and he had acted impulsively by following Karofsky into the boy's locker room, shouting at the boy and standing his ground; Kurt had risked being found out just so he could stop feeling small. He had gone into that locker room with every intention of fighting the boy but no idea what the outcome would be; to say he was surprised by the events that had followed his entry into the locker room would be the understatement of the century.

The kiss had been unexpected and mostly unwelcomed, he didn't want to kiss David Karofsky but if the boy hadn't been such a putrid person then Kurt would have thought that he was cute and not minded making out with him, and now he would never get a second chance at his first kiss. He had acted hastily and had to give away a piece of himself as a result, his whole life he had hidden a varying portions of himself from the world but he had always thought that being honest and true to himself would have nothing but rewards- he had been wrong.

"Kurt," his father hugged him tightly, "I'm so sorry."

"Daddy," Kurt's sobbing halted, "Wait, how do you know?"

"I saw it on the news this morning," Burt shook his head, "I'm so sorry."

"On the news?" Kurt whispered to himself.

"Go pack a bag and meet me in the car," his father let him go and walked away.

"This morning?" Kurt asked himself, profoundly confused. Kurt looked around for the first time and saw the men packing everything they owned into boxes, carrying their belongings out to a truck on the curb that he hadn't noticed in his daze; Kurt wondered if driving home from school had been the best idea given his current psychological state but he quickly shook that feeling away, he had been sufficiently aware. Kurt walked down the stairs to the basement, his furniture was all gone and his room was all packed aside from his closet and bathroom. Kurt began to pack an overnight bag, pack his toiletries and grabbed his school bag; the movers would pack everything he left behind, he knew this dance well enough to do it through the fog in his mind.

"I'm sorry about your friends," his father said as Kurt got into the car, "but this has to happen."

"Why exactly is this happening?" Kurt wiped his eyes as his father followed the route he'd just taken from school, "Why are we moving again? I assume that's why those people were packing our stuff?"

"We're moving to Alaska," his father sat stiffly drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.

Kurt nodded, "I have fathomed that much, why?"

"We'll discuss this later," his father shook his head as he drove.

"The school year has only just begun," Kurt shook his head, "I don't understand why this is happening now."

The car came to rest in front of the school, "Go in and get your books, I already called the school."

Kurt nodded, "what do I tell people?"

"You don't tell them anything other than that we had to move," his father leaned over and opened the car door, "This is the only thing I need you to do for yourself, all of your stuff will be waiting when we get there but I need you to get your school books so you can start at a new school tomorrow."

"What about the life we have here?" Kurt sniffled.

His father groaned, "we'll start a new life where we're going." His father untied his seat belt, "we'll move to Alaska and have a great life like we did here, we'll open another garage and I'll teach."

Kurt nodded and got out of the car.


A year later:

Kurt kicked a pebble, "Let's move to Alaska, it'll be great." He pulled his coat tighter around himself as he grumbled, "we can have the garage and I can teach. Stupid dad with his stupid ideas. Stupid Thor with his landing in fucking New Mexico, couldn't have landed in Australia or France?"

Kurt kicked up a cloud of wet sand as he walked along the beach, he understood why they had moved out of Lima but it didn't mean he had to like it; it wasn't the first time they'd had to move but it wasn't something Kurt would get used to. The arrival of an Asgardian a few states away meant that they could find his father and end his self-imposed exile, it would essentially destroy his life and as a result they had to move to somewhere even more remote than Lima unless he wanted what happened to his mother to happen to his father.

If Kurt was honest with himself, this place was better than Lima in a lot of ways; his bullies here didn't require as much acting because they were more on the petty side than violent, the school district was technically better although lacking in an arts programme, and he got to wear layers almost all year round. There were many drawbacks as well; he didn't have a car anymore because everything was in walking distance, he'd had to leave all his friends in a one-line dismissal like Matt Rutherford, and the shorter days had made him so pale he glowed in the dark- which it almost always was.

Waiting for Kurt at the edge of the beach, leaning against his bicycle, was the only friend he'd made since moving here; Charlie Scot-Harrison. For all intents and purposes, their friendship shouldn't work; Charlie was popular material and a star sports player while Kurt was still himself minus Glee- not that he hadn't tried to get one going up here. They did share the bond of being unique within the student body, Kurt had taken on the moniker of being this town's 'only' gay kid and Charlie was the only African-American student at their school, but their friendship was forged on their shared interest in the growing population superhumans.

Kurt had been filing newspaper articles that related to past events that would make more sense under the lens of current events when Charlie had stopped next to his table in the cafeteria, the boy peered over his shoulder and Kurt had expected a snide comment about how nerdy he was but instead he got an excited question about the new masked crime fighter who had a spider themed suit. They had bonded and made quick friends; in the same way he had discovered that his mutual interests with Noah Puckerman extended beyond the contents of a dumpster; he found that the more time he spent with Charlie, the more he grew fond of the boy.

"You see the redesign of the Iron Man suit on last night's news?" the boy smiled excitedly, practically bouncing on the spot.

"Indeed I did good man," Kurt nodded with a small smile, "It might be my second favourite."

"After the one he used in South Africa to stop the Hulk," the boy's grin grew as he nodded his head in agreement, "that one will always reign supreme."

Kurt mused to himself as they walked up to the school, "Do you think we'll ever be that lucky?"

"To have our city destroyed by The Avengers?" Charlie scoffed, "Boy bye, you know this probably technically isn't even a city." He leaned down to chain his bicycle, "we'll be lucky if a small time villain decided to test their destruct-o-ray on us like they did Alderon."

"They can destroy cities in Africa and Europe but not this one," Kurt rolled his eyes, "not that I'd want them anywhere near here because then my dad would move us to the moon but it would be nice to meet them."

"You just want to flirt," Charlie nudged his shoulder.

"Me? Never," Kurt feigned surprise, "/I want to ask them some questions without having to move."

"What's your dad's deal with that anyway?" Charlie quirked a curious brow as he got his books out of his locker, "the man is straight up paranoid about this shit. Is he some kind of Hero hater?"

"Don't make me say it again," Kurt rolled his eyes as they moved toward his own locker.

Charlie matched his facial expression, "it's complicated."

"He just wants to keep me safe," Kurt shrugged as he got his math and physics books, "we both said it, these people destroy cities and he doesn't want to be a part of that."

"I think he's secretly a supervillain," Charlie teased, "on the run from the law."

"I think you're not funny," Kurt slammed his locker, just missing Charlie's fingers, "but my dad isn't nearly that interesting."

"Have you ever heard him say 'Hail Hydra'?"

"I hate you," Kurt responded, "Besides, all the Hydra documents are on the internet and he isn't mentioned once." Kurt took his seat in home room and Charlie sat down on his desk, "also the wrong part of Europe."

"We have people who are affiliated with the Nazis and Hydra here in the land of the free so why not in the land of…" the boy faltered, "what is it the land of?"

"And how the fuck should I know?" Kurt growled.

"It's your heritage," Charlie shrugged, "Your dad is a FOB, you're first generation."

"That's probably the first and the last time my dad was referred to as 'fresh'," Kurt giggled.

"Get a room Homos," one of the hockey players shouted at them across the classroom before high-fiving his friends.

"Get a brain dick-head," Kurt snapped back, to the delight of the entire home room.

The jock got to his feet, "What did you say?"

"It was more for the enjoyment of the audience as one does require a brain to comprehend sound," Kurt pursed his lips and turned back to Charlie.

"Do you want to take this outside?"

"I don't want to take this anywhere," Kurt shook his head, "I'm actually quite happy exactly where I am, but thank you for the offer."

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"Kurt Elizabeth Hummel," Kurt smirked.

"Look," Charlie got to his feet, "we don't want trouble Chad, you go sit down and I won't take your spot on the Hockey team and cost you all of your potential scholarships."

"Potential means possessing the capacity to develop into something in the future," Kurt interjected.

"Go sit down Chad," Charlie pointed to the vacant seat.

"Yes Mr Reid," the teacher glared, "Take your seat. Mr Hummel, a word when the warning bell sounds."

The jock turned around, "not worth the trouble."

"You don't play ice hockey yet he's afraid you'd take his spot," Kurt smirked, "You have got to teach me how to do that."

Charlie turned to Kurt and leaned in close, "only if you teach me how you take a punch like you do."

"I fainted the last time I got punched," Kurt shook his head.

Charlie chuckled, "I was there, I wish I recorded it so I could send it in to the academy for an Oscar nomination, best actor."

"My life's dream has always been to thank the judges for picking me," Kurt fanned away imaginary tears, "my parents whom I love, I love the you Houston."

"Solid Beyoncé reference," Charlie fist bumped him.

"Every Superhero boffin should pay homage to the original superhero," Kurt kissed two fingers and lifted them to the heavens, "hail Beyoncé Carter, of the House Knowles; Mother of Blue Ivy, breaker of Superbowls, Queen of the Bey Hive, Artistic Genius and moulder of a generation."

"I thought you weren't a geek," Charlie smiled.

"Game of Thrones transcends geekdom," Kurt shook his head, "Beyoncé is basically the real life Khaleesi."

Charlie rolled his eye and the warning bell sounded in the background, "what was it you wanted me to teach you?"

Kurt sashayed to the desk, "Yes Miss Daniels."

"I saw that you and Mr Reid were having quite the heated exchange," she pulled her spectacles down the bridge of her nose and looked him dead in the eye over the top of the frame, "if you feel in any way targeted by his attention you should discuss the matter with a member of the faculty."

"I'm fine," Kurt nodded politely, "but thank you for your concern."

"We have an open door policy," the woman returned to her reading, "at your leisure."

"What were we saying a few moments ago?" Charlie quirked a brow in his direction, "Something about wanting to learn to play sport like I do?"

"How's about you teach me how to shut the fuck up instead?" Kurt smiled nervously.

"That sounds like a plan to me," Charlie smiled.

"You want to take a swing at AP Calculus BC?" Kurt shook his shoulders, sulking.

Charlie swung his arm around Kurt's shoulders as they walked to their first class of the day, "What I want to do is go home."

"You mean… cut school?" Kurt's shoulders stiffened and his eyebrows shot up to his hairline.

"You know you want to do it," Charlie crooned in his ear, "we could read more."

"You almost had me," Kurt untangled himself from the other boy and led him into their first period class, "till you mentioned reading."

"Damn," Charlie fell into his seat, "We can't read without school."

"Yes," Kurt smiled as he took opened his maths books, "we can't read without school."


"And my mom keeps riding me about college scholarships," Charlie explained, pushing his bicycle beside him as they walked, "she said it's not about affordability, it's about knowing the rewards of hard work, I'm counting on a sports' scholarship because my grades are average at best."

"Above average," Kurt corrected him, "You'll get into a good college."

"Good college," Charlie let loose a manic laugh, "my family has been going to top tier schools for as long as they've been letting black people in."

"Not my fault you guys are fancy," Kurt shrugged.

"Says the guy who reads college level papers," Charlie teased.

"Only to understand the way the world is changing right now," Kurt lifted his hands in surrender, "but physics is so hard and it requires so much math."

"You're telling me?" Charlie groaned, "calculus is Satan's way of entering the world, legit."

They came to rest at the edge of the beach, "I just want the future to go on vacation for like another year."

"It's called a gap year," Charlie shifted from one leg to another, "you have that option."

"But it would be so boring," Kurt groaned, "I like being active."

"Still nothing on that internship?" Charlie placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Nothing," Kurt sulked like a child who was being deprived of their toys, "Stark Industries is so rude! Sure I want to use them for their intelligence and to get more knowledge," Kurt stomped his foot indignantly, "the least they can do is let me have my way."

"So rude," Charlie's voice was flat.

Kurt rolled his eyes, "I'm going home now."

"Don't be sad, don't be blue," Charlie called after Kurt as he stormed off, "Frankenstein was ugly too."

Kurt flipped his friend a bird, "Die."

"I'll see you tomorrow," Charlie called out after him, "Text you later."

Kurt trudged down the beach, he put his headphones on and was greeted by the sweet crooning of Lana Del Rey. Kurt sang along to the music, leaving his footprints in the sand as he went along; the school day had been long and draining, being an open book was tiring but it was the best way to go about matters if he didn't want people looking too hard into him.

Kurt was deep in thought when he fell over something, "Holy mother of megazon."

He looked back to see a large piece of driftwood, he got up but as he moved to kick it for tripping him he realised that it wasn't driftwood. Kurt moved closer and nearly fell over backward when he saw that it was a man, a dead man. Kurt pulled out his cell phone and dialled Charlie's number.

"I said we'd talk later," Charlie sniped, "but have you ever heard that absence makes the heart grow fonder."

"I just found a dead body," Kurt snapped back, he hung up. He moved closer but jumped back when he noticed that the man's chest was moving, he was breathing.

"Where that dead body at?" Charlie announced as he stopped his bike with a spray of sand.

"Watch where you spray that sand!" Kurt growled as he dusted sand off his sweater, "and there is no dead body, he's breathing."

"You didn't check if he was alive before calling?" Charlie shook his head and checked the man's pulse, "he has a pulse, it's slow but it's there."

"I figured out he was alive by looking at him, I can see him breathing," Kurt rolled his eyes, "I'd say he was surfing-"

"In this weather?" Charlie quirked a brow.

"Let me finish! But he's also not dressed appropriately," Kurt rolled his eyes, "he's wearing shredded slacks."

Charlie took off his parker, "Help me get him into this before he freezes to death.

"Anyone who washes onto beaches topless but who isn't dressed for surfing or swimming isn't someone I want to touch with my bare hands," Kurt held his hands up in surrender. Kurt watched as Charlie leaned over and moved one arm into a sleeve, when he turned the man over to get the man's other arm into the parker but he jumped back like he'd been bitten, "is he hurt?"

"You will not believe who this is," Charlie bounced excitedly as he zipped up the parker.

"Is it Miley Cyrus?" Kurt asked facetiously, rolling his eyes.

"It's Bruce Banner!"

"Bruce Banner?" Kurt moved closer and the moment he saw the man face up, his friend's claims were confirmed, "Holy shit, it's Bruce Banner! But he's been missing for months."

"And here he is," Charlie grinned, "help me carry him."

Kurt took a deep breath, "I'm going to do something but you have to promise not to lose all your shits."

"My shits are staying exactly where they are," Charlie rolled his eyes, "Focused on one of the smartest men in history, an Avenger in my town."

"We're taking him to my house," Kurt moved closer and bent his knees, "Lift from your knees." Kurt mumbled to himself as he lifted the man and held him over one shoulder, the words a thin veil hiding the reality.

"Oh my gosh," Charlie bounced on the spot, "you should join the wrestling team."

"I recently wrote a long list of things that aren't happening," Kurt rolled his eyes as they walked down the beach, "That's somewhere near the top."

"How are you doing this?"

Kurt shrugged, "I exercise?"

Charlie bounced around him, "what is your work out regiment?"

"Great genetics, Ballet, Krav Maga," Kurt rolled his eyes, "I get the feeling that you're not buying that I'm in great shape."

"Not really," Charlie shook his head.

Kurt rolled his eyes, "this feels a lot like you losing your shits."

"Okay," Charlie nodded sternly, "maybe I misplaced my shits temporarily but you don't know what this means."

Kurt opened the gate and moved into his back yard from the beach, "You're going to ask me a lot of very uncomfortable questions."

"What? No," Charlie smiled broadly, "we didn't find each other by chance, it was like destiny or something."

"If you tell me you're in love with me then you can't come into my house," Kurt chuckled as he moved Dr Banner from one shoulder to the other so he could open the kitchen door.

"No," Charlie chuckled, "but have you never wondered how I'm so good as so many sports? I'm on the football, soccer and field hockey teams, I play tennis, I swim, run track, take part in field, and I'm a kick ass gymnast."

"You dismissed my question this morning so I let it go," Kurt shrugged.

"I'm a mutant," Charlie explained, "I can imitate any physical activity I see."

"What does that even mean?" Kurt quirked a brow.

"I learned to play tennis by watching Serena Williams," Charlie explained.

"That's pretty cool," Kurt smiled as he laid Dr Banner on the couch, "I can't think of anyone better to watch in order to become a badass tennis God."

"I know right," Charlie high-fived himself.

"Do you know how to dance just like Beyoncé?" Kurt twirled on the spot.

"I'm not answering that," Charlie looked around nervously, "I've actually never been in your house."

"Haven't you?" Kurt's voice hit a high pitch on the last syllable.

"Does this have anything to do with how you can you lift a man larger than you are?" Charlie poked his sides.

"A little," Kurt smiled politely.

"Or is it more to do with why you moved here?" Charlie prodded him.

"I'm going to go get some towels so you can dry him," Kurt stopped at the door, "Maybe some PJs and crank up the thermostat."

"I'm going to stand here and do nothing," Charlie nodded to himself, "bask in the beauty of this interior decorating."

Kurt left the room and screamed internally; Bruce Banner was in his lounge but, on the other end of the spectrum, Charlie now knew a little bit too much about him and Kurt wasn't sure whether he could trust him. Kurt grabbed guest towels and a blanket from the linen cupboard, he grabbed a pair of his father's pyjamas and on his way back into the living room he turned up the heat.

"You know," Charlie chuckled to himself as he took the towels from Kurt, "I just can't imagine this guy tearing apart one of Africa's largest cities, he looks like someone's dad."

"He looks like someone's DILF," Kurt mumbled as he laid-out the pyjamas.

"What?" Charlie stopped drying Dr Banner

"If you're into that kind of thing," Kurt blushed and looked away.

"Which apparently," Charlie guffawed this time, "you are."

"I'm going to go make some tea," Kurt smiled to himself, "What kind would you like?"

"You have any of that cranberry stuff?" Charlie asked as he helped the man out of his rags, "I'm not that big on tea."

"Yes," Kurt grinned as he pulled the box of tea from the cupboard, "What would you like with yours?"

"What do you have?" Charles smiled as he helped the man into the fleece pyjamas, "Are these seahorses?"

"I like cute pyjamas," Kurt shrugged from the kitchen.

"I thought these were your dad's," Charlie shuddered.

"They are but I bought them," Kurt explained, he leaned into the lounge, "we have blueberry muffins, bagels and shortbread."

"Would it be selfish of me to ask for all three?" Charlie leaned against the counter.

"It would be," Kurt nodded to himself.

"I'll have a muffin with a side of the truth," Charlie grinned.

"I was in the moment," Kurt shrugged, "I love Summertime Sadness that much, that's why I fell."

"Cute but no," Charlie towered over him as he poured the tea.

"Then what truth are you alluding to?" Kurt snapped as he handed his friend a cup of tea.

"What can you do?" The boy took a seat at the breakfast bar and took a large bite out of the muffin, "how can you do it?"

"How can I do it? It's in my DNA," Kurt rolled his eyes, "I told you, and you saw me lift Dr Banner."

Charlie shook his head, "that was only the tip of the iceberg. What DNA is that?"

"My real dad is Steve Rogers and I inherited his super soldier powers," Kurt let out a laboured breath.

"You have got to be shitting me," Charlie clapped his hands excitedly.

"Of course I'm shitting you," Kurt rolled his eyes with gave a small smile, "He was a human popsicle when I was born, it's alien DNA."

"You're not funny," his shoulders slumped but perked up just as quickly, "what kind of Alien are you? You don't look alien."

"I assume there are a variety of ways that aliens can look," Kurt shrugged, "but I'm an alien hybrid."


"Kree," Kurt gave a small smile. The boy across from him's mouth hung open, "there are more alien races than the one that invaded."

"Dr Banner is behind you," Charlie squealed.

"Are these seahorses?" the man asked as with a small chuckle.

"I buy my dad's pyjamas," Kurt shrugged.

"Where am I?"

Charlie quirked a brow, "Southern Alaska?"

"Are you asking me?" Dr Banner retorted.

"It was meant to be a statement," Charlie shrunk like a violet.

"So," Kurt smiled, "Dr Banner, would you like some tea?"

"Do you have anything without caffeine?" he chuckled, "so, the Kree are an alien race?"

"Intergalactic empire," Kurt added, "my mother was a sleeper agent, she violated her oath when she married my dad, a crime for which she was tried and executed; high treason."

"So you're like a super strong alien?" Charlie bounced in his seat excitedly.

"In part," Kurt nodded as he handed Dr Banner his tea, "it's rooibos, caffeine free."

Charlie furrowed his brow, "What does that have to do with Thor?"

"What?" Dr Banner looked back and forth between the two, "Thor?"

"We moved here when Thor appeared in New Mexico," Kurt explained when he took his seat, "because it might have compromised my father's self-imposed exile."

"Exile from where?" Charlie's grin stretched from ear to ear.

"Asgard," Kurt sipped his tea, "Ever hear of Váli?"

"A son of Odin and Rindr," Dr Banner began to explain, "born with the sole purpose of killing Höðr as revenge for his accidental murder of Baldr."

"Cool," Charlie grinned like a kid in a candy store.

"When your single purpose for existence has been carried out but you still have all eternity left to live," Kurt shrugged. He slowly sipped his tea, "He came here to start a new life, or have a life."

"He must be something," Dr Banner shook his head, "aged to maturity in one day just so you can kill someone, how is he?"

"He's better," Kurt gave a weak smile, "he doesn't scream in the night anymore."

Charlie got to his feet, "Thor is like your alien uncle."

"interdimensional," Kurt corrected.

"So your abilities are somewhere near those of Thor," Dr Banner's smile nearly matched Charlies.

Kurt shook his head, "Thor's powers are amplified by Mjölnir, I don't have anything that fancy."

"Now I have to ask," Dr Banner leaned forward, "how did I come to be here?"

"You washed up on the beach on my way home," Kurt explained, "based on how you were dressed I suspect that you must have been in your Hulk state recently because you were just wearing a set of oversized and wrecked pants."

"And you just brought me back here?" the man shook his head, "you're not afraid I'll destroy your house? Or eat you?"

"Does the Hulk eat people?" Kurt furrowed his brow.

"I've never read anything about it," Charlie scoffed.

Dr Banner nodded his head slowly, "what if I attacked you?"

"I think I can take you in a fight," Kurt grinned, "I'm a Krav Maga master, the green guy might be a challenge though."

"I read somewhere that being punched by The Hulk is like being hit with a bus," Charlie nodded excitedly.

"I was once hit by a car," Kurt shrugged, "I had to run home without being seen because I've never seen a doctor before and I don't want to freak anyone out by having four kidneys or a heart with three chambers."

"Your heart has three chambers?" Charlie squealed excitedly.

"I've never had an echocardiogram," Kurt shrugged, "it could have twelve for all I know."

"Dr Banner," Charlie pointed to the man.

"Not a medical doctor," he and Kurt chorused.

"Also, please call me Bruce," he sighed. He turned to Kurt and quirked a curious brow.

"You have a PhD in Nuclear Physics from Caltech," Kurt shrugged, "but you have at least three other postgraduate degrees from three different top tier schools."

"Kurt is amazing at research," Charlie grinned, "ask him anything."


"Not anything," Kurt shook his head.

"How many known isotopes of vibranium are there?" Dr Banner smiled.

"Technically there are two known naturally occurring isotopes," Kurt answered, "and one artificial isotope." The two stared at him, "I read in my spare time."

"What is it you read?" Bruce quirked a brow.

"We've read every one of the released SHIELD files," Charlie boasted, "Kurt does additional research where he can so that we can understand as much as possible."

"It started out as me trying to see if anyone was onto us," Kurt shrugged, "but it's actually pretty interesting stuff."

"That's admirable," Bruce smiled, "especially in people as young as you two."

Charlie's shoulders slumped, "We don't always understand what they mean but we geared our school subjects for it."

"Maths is so hard," Kurt groaned, "I think moving here might have made me into a nerd."

"You weren't always a nerd?"

"I used to be a different kind of nerd," Kurt shrugged, "I used to be a theatre nerd but when the possibility for us to be found was put onto the table and I moved somewhere with nothing to do, my interests evolved."

"How do you go from singing show tunes and performing in Cabaret to reading about the earths underbelly?" Bruce smirked.

"I was never in Cabaret," Kurt giggled, "I did play Jesus in a community theatre production of Godspell."

"How does that translate?" Bruce tilted his head curiously.

"Do you know how many solos Jesus had in that play?" Kurt mirrored the man's body language, "Do you know how many musicals I have memorised? How many Shakespearean soliloquies I know?"

Bruce shook his head, "you have a good memory, hence knowing all this stuff but hating math."

"You don't remember math," Kurt shook his head, "you know it. I don't know it."

"Yet you still got a good enough mark in Pre-Calc to get into AP Calculus BC," Charlie scoffed.

"Says the guy who was in AP Calculus last year," Kurt rolled his eyes, "I only ended up in the classes I was in because there aren't as many Art classes here and I'd already taken all the ones you do have." Kurt let out a tired breath, "that's only a half truth, I was a different person before the world changed. Before people flying, throwing busses and the such became the norm; I wanted different things from life, now I don't know what I want."

"I lectured," Bruce confessed, "Before the accident, I was a research fellow before I received my funding from the desert base." He let out a tired laugh, "I taught Intro to Physics at some forgettable university."

There was an amicable silence as they thought of how their lives had changed in the time since their catalysing incidences; their origin stories were different and the narrative as to how they had gotten to this point in their lives had no parallel; Kurt had been born with his abilities but something very ordinary had catalysed his journey, Charlie too had been born with his abilities but it seemed he didn't have a catalyser, and Bruce had received his abilities in his attempt to make the world a better place. Kurt thought of the year since he and his father had moved north; the New Directions had gotten tired of trying to keep in contact with him, they had since gone to nationals without him and lost, and their live had gone on; his life in Lima was now only in his past.

"My life was beginning," Kurt let out a tired sigh, "I had just met this cute boy from private school, I'd just had my first kiss and there was this really hot guy who was new to the school who might have been interested in me." He reclined in his seat, "I was finally getting somewhere in the life I had, in that moment there were so many ways my life could have gone but now my life is going an entirely different direction."

"You think that's bad?" Charlie chuckled, "This has been my life, I didn't end up here because things didn't work out the way I liked, I didn't have a life that was blossoming- I was born here." He shook his head, "you two had lives before your abilities and despite your abilities; you don't have origin stories, you have stories. When I found out about my gift, I had to question whether I could still play sport.

My whole life I'd been good at sport but was it cheating to carry on playing at ultimate level when I knew I had gotten that way by watching sport on TV?" Charlie smiled broadly, "but the more I thought about it, the more I realised that I was still working hard. I acquired the skill, yes, but my gift didn't tell me when and how to use those skills or give me the muscle mass necessary to follow through; I was great and I put in the work necessary to be great." Charlie leaned against Bruce, "my life was pretty cool before the sky opened up, but it isn't a life I'd go back to."

Kurt nodded, "I think having to apply to college is creating a dichotomy within me; what I've wanted all my life versus what I want right now."

"My crisis is between what my parents think is best for me and what I want," Charlie slumped over in his seat, "I just don't know what it is I want to pose as a counter offer."

"You don't have to make a choice right now," Dr Banner shrugged, "Take it from me, I didn't decide what I was doing my PhD in for three Masters degrees. I didn't have anyone telling me what to study and I didn't really know what I wanted to do specifically but I felt I had to do something." Dr Banner stretched, "don't fall for that trap, take your time; I read somewhere that if you're alive now you have the potential to live till you're a hundred and fifty, that's without the whole being a demigod thing Kurt has going on- don't make decisions for the next hundred and thirty years rashly, and don't think you can't change your mind at any point and as many times as you like during the next hundred and thirty years."

Kurt thought about what he was being told, but it wasn't what he wanted to think about right now, "What's your plan?"

"I'm a Nuclear Physicist," Bruce furrowed his brow.

Kurt chuckled, "I mean, you've been off the grid since you guys destroyed Nova Grad two months ago." Kurt leaned in toward the confused man, "are you just blowing in the wind or do have a plan?"

"My plan is to keep the green guy under lock and key," Bruce shrugged, "beyond that I have nothing else planned; the other Avengers are probably still dealing with the fall out of what I did in Sokovia."

"What you all did," Kurt corrected, "was save people's lives, it might not have worked out idyllically but you're a hero and you can't let anyone take that from you."

"I wish it was that easy to believe," the man gave tired and broken chuckle.

"The thing about this is the way you look at it," Charlie rested an assuring hand on the older man's shoulder, "You can think about how the world sees you or the way you see you." Kurt watched his friend clap his hands, "check my flow, Kurt sees me as his goofy sidekick with the laughing and the weird long limbs and the being super excitable. I see myself as the protagonist; with my Denzel Washington good looks, my athletic and academic prowess," he chuckled to himself, "I'm practically a Mary-Sue."

"You could be delusional like Charlie," Kurt shook his head, "but you were right about the Denzel looks, killing it." Kurt and Charlie high-fived each other, "Some people will see you as a monster, others will see you as a hero. I think you're a hero, Charlie practically wet himself when you washed up on the beach, I'm sure the ladies love a cutie like you."

Bruce chuckled nervously, "it doesn't really work with the ladies."

"Well," Charlie picked up the baton, "we know the men love you, ask Kurt."

"What am I being asked?" Kurt crossed his arms.

A malevolent grin flashed across Charlie's face, "nothing, not you."


Kurt sat at the head of the dinner table opposite his father, the man stared him down but Kurt didn't flinch, "Did you for a second consider what bringing him here would mean for us?" Kurt was silent, "Did you think about the fact that when they come looking for him, they'll find us?"

"Nobody is looking for us, they're looking for him," Kurt scoffed, "and when they find him, they'll be too distracted by Dr Banner to care about an old man and his son."

"Yes," Burt shook his head, a tired breath escaping from his lips, "a man who is very old Kurt."

"Your papers have been updated recently," Kurt argued.

"Yes," his father agreed, "but the people who are looking for him have advanced technology and will run our faces through the system, mine will flag identities dating as far back as files have been digitally logged."

"You're a little old," Kurt's voice quivered, "I'm sure nobody cares, it's not against the law to be old, believe me because I've checked."

"Asgard is too close to Midgard right now," His father's voice shook, "you know what those people did to me and I don't want to expose you to them."

"Why are you so sure that they would take you back with them?"

His father let out a tired chuckle, "because we all know how this ends."

"How do you mean?" Kurt asked, his brow furrowed.

"Ragnarok," Burt Hummel was tired, you could hear it in his voice, "when everyone and all of Asgard has been destroyed, I am destined to unite with my surviving brothers to rebirth the All Father." He leaned back in his seat, "without me Asgard cannot be born again."

"You know of your death?"

"In a manner of speaking," his father nodded, "I too would be reborn but this life would be gone, I would not remember the time I had with your mother or you."

Kurt thought about what he was hearing, "I think there's a large leap between having a house guest to the Asgardian apocalypse."

"Kurt," his father's voice was low.

"Stop saying my name like that," Kurt shook his head, mirroring his father, "I made a decision, isn't that how we do things?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You never consulted me or confided in me," Kurt snapped, "Mom told me everything about the Kree Empire and their culture. She told me they would find her, put her on trial and execute her." He bit on his bottom lip, "When I watched them kill her I knew that everything we had done had been with purpose, she told me how to survive them."

"I don't know what you want me to say," his father got to his feet.

"You were wrong to keep me in the dark about Asgard," Kurt shouted back, "you were wrong not to consult me about the move and you are wrong if you make me ask Dr Banner to leave."

"Watch your tone," his father snapped, "I act in the best interest of this family."

Kurt slammed his fist on the table, "And I act in the best interest of my sanity."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I had a life," Kurt snapped, "I was a person, had my shit together." He scoffed, "you didn't take that into consideration when you picked up my life and moved me to a school that was going an entirely different direction from where my life was going." His father moved to speak but didn't make a sound, he nodded, "Just let him work at the garage, he's proficient enough to pick up the work and you've been looking for a new apprentice."

"Why do you need him?"

"I don't need him," Kurt shook his head, "I need something to fill the void." His hands were shaking, "I have tried to fill my life; it created my need to go to the lengths I go to in everything I do, I was an amazing dancer in Oakland, a better performer in Lima and now I'm the king of the geeks but the one constant is the fact that my life has been empty since they let me go."

His father tried to reach out to him but the table was too large, "I'm sorry but every day and everything I've done since you came back alone has been to protect you."

"I can throw a car across a football field," Kurt chuckled, "I don't need as much protection as you would like to think I do."

"Your mother could do the same and they killed her," his father's face was stony.

"They let me go," Kurt gave a reassuring smile, "the Kree Empire doesn't want me, I haven't broken any oaths to them, nobody is looking for me; I'm impure, I don't qualify for imperial conscription."

"I don't want to lose you," his father sounded more broken than tired.

"I'm so much stronger than she was," Kurt growled.

"No matter how strong you are," his father shook with every word, "I could still lose you."

"If we don't have a healthy relationship then you will lose me," Kurt wiped away his tears, "regardless of what happens, I will leave you." Kurt stretched his hand out to reach out to his father, "How we treat each other will determine whether or not I return."

"I guess this means we're going to have to work on things from here," Burt smiled as he reached out for Kurt's hand, "but if your friend destroys my house then I will not be a happy camper."

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