A/N: Sorry this isn't an update per se. I liked the vibe the story had but I can't seem to get back into that feeling and every attempt to write it fails. So I'm dropping it.

I had the whole thing planned so if anyone wants to adopt this, PM me. You can change the plot to your liking too.

For those who need an ending, here is how the plot was supposed to go.

GoM could no longer visit for a period due to complication (school, basketball, something)

They came to tell Kuroko that they wouldn't be able to visit for a while

When the time came to leave, the door wouldn't open

Kuroko snapped and everyone was trapped inside

Everyone dies. Kidding. They don't. Kuroko just gets really upset and pleads for them to stay.


Akashi tells everyone to keep calm and explains that if they complied, Kuroko might feel better and let them out

A few days later, they convince Kuroko that they wouldn't ditch him

They promise to come back

Kuroko lets them out

x-X-x Coda x-X-x

They come back but Kuroko is back in his original position sitting in the bed facing them

Everyone panics and one of them goes to shake him, only to have them realize he was cold.

Kuroko is revealed to be a shell for a soul, as advised by Midorima's parents to Kuroko's parents

Akashi knows where Kuroko's actual body is.


Ending 1

Akashi had been trying to find Kuroko since they first encountered him in the basement. After researching, Akashi found out that Kuroko's family owns a security company but ironically, Kuroko had been kidnapped as a child.

They finally track it down to (pick-a-villain)'s basement where he's chained up because they have a grudge against Kuroko's parents since their security system failed to protect their own kid. So this guy steals Kuroko to 'return the favor'.

GoM steal him back and give the villain hell. Happy ending.

P.s. See the link to Don't Breathe now? =)

Ending 2

Kuroko's in the hospital and he was a living ghost who wanted some company. They come to visit often.

One day, he finally wakes up and is glad to see they kept their word about coming back for him.

Happy ending.

Ending 3

The GoM don't make it out of the basement. Right when they move to leave and find Kuroko's body, he wakes again. They stay with him forever.

Open Ending.

Ending 4, from Coda

The GoM don't come back. Kuroko disappears until another kid in the future comes to play, expecting a haunted house (Kagami/Ogiwara). The cellar door is shut and they have to live with him forever.

Open Ending.

A/N: Really sorry guys. Take care and try to stay home. Covid T.T