A/N: Okay, folks, this is it! The final chapter. Once again, thanks to all who have enjoyed this story with me. I enjoyed writing it and I have some other things in the works, so those should be posted soon.


"Guide You Home"


Maura found that the past month with Jane had been one of the best she could remember and yet, everything seemed so normal. The only thing that had changed was the fact that she now woke up and went to sleep beside Jane instead of alone.

After having decided, and discussing and planning at much length, that Jane would come home to Boston, things happened quickly. From re-packing all of Jane's belongings, to notifying the FBI that their newest member was going to be no longer, the two weeks in D.C. were suddenly filled with much different activity than expected. Of course, many of those activities consisted of all the things new lovers do.

There were romantic dinners – usually with take out and lounging among the many brown cardboard boxes slowly multiplying and taking up residence in the sizable living room. But those nights were perfect – filled with once fleeting touches now turned to lingering ones, and soft murmurings of lovers' promises to one another. It was filled with laughter and the usual banter. It was filled with slow, unhurried love makings and at other times, hot and heavy passion.

And going home to Boston brought the knowledge that the bubble they'd been living in would be broken, filled with family and work distractions. Together they had decided to be upfront with their friends and family about their relationship's progress, for there was no reason to do otherwise.

Jane had been able to acquire a job with the Boston Police Academy, with not much help needed from Maura. Her credentials more than qualified for the instructing position, but her personal connections more than carried her through. Her legacy as such a fine cop and detective followed her. Maura had never felt such a sense of pride for another person than she did at the words the interviewer had spoken to Jane, praising her past career and assuring her in her new position.

When the time had come to leave for home, they found excitement, of course, but also a bit of melancholy. They had learned so much about one another in their two weeks alone, they had not only begun to discover one another as lovers, but also deeper on a friendship level.

Now that they were home, everything couldn't have felt more perfect. The dinner with their family and friends had gone rather smoothly, the only occurrences being that nobody seemed surprised at their announcement, but TJ was thrilled to see both of his aunts again, not having realized or caring like little children are prone to do that up until the announcement Maura wasn't really ever his aunt. It didn't matter – to any of them, because as far as they were concerned Maura had always been family and she always would be. Maura's heart had swelled with so much love that she actually cried at everyone's responses to her and Jane's blossoming love. She could remember only a few times when she felt so… included and wanted – all of them had occurred around Jane. She didn't want it any other way.

"Dinner went well, didn't it?" Maura spoke softly as she and Jane cleared the dinner table of the discarded dishes. Everyone had gone home, including Angela, despite many protests to help clean up. A look from Tommy and Frankie had shut her up suddenly, seemingly getting the hint as she bid her goodnights and her happy congratulations and moved on to the guest house.

Jane smiled at Maura from her place across the table as she balanced plates and cups in her arms, "Yeah, it did," she winked, "And trust me, Maura, nobody cared that you got a little emotional."

Maura blushed, that having been her next voiced concern, Jane was always one step ahead of her, "You think? I… I don't know what came over me."

Jane moved to take the small stack of plates from Maura and silently made her way over to the sink to deposit them there. Maura was beginning to think that Jane's lack of response was her way of dismissing any further discussion, but then Jane came back and stood in front of Maura, her arms wrapping around the blonde's curvy waist, "I do," she leaned in and kissed Maura softly, "Love."

Maura swallowed, feeling tears pricking her eyes once more, "I didn't expect them to embrace it so fully."

"Why not? They love you, and they have to love me," Jane chuckled at her attempt at a joke, "Of course they're happy we're together. From the sound of things they'd expected it for a while." Jane brushed a lock of hair behind Maura's ear and pulled her closer.

Maura hummed in contentment as she rested her head on Jane's shoulder, "Apparently."

They stood silently in their embrace for a long moment before Jane pressed her lips to Maura's head, keeping them there for a moment, "I love you," she murmured, finally starting to get used to speaking the words she'd thought for so long.

"I love you too," Maura moved her head so she could look up at the brunette, "Are you happy?"

Jane nodded affirmatively, "Always when I'm with you."

Maura blushed, burying her face in Jane's shoulder in a sudden bout of embarrassment at the sincerity of the taller woman's words. Growing up, Maura would have never believed anyone if they'd told her this is what her life would look like. She would have told them they were lying and listed all the reasons that it was an improbable turn of events. But now, she'd learned that sometimes life didn't go the way you once thought it would. That sometimes life had its own plan for your life. That sometimes the stars did align despite all logical improbability and sometimes… two people that were meant for each other really could be together.
