Hey guys thank you for the views and favorites. Hopefully you all enjoy this fiction so far. Shout out to LeafRanger for the posotive criticism and the help. Please peeps give me some reviews so that I can develop my wiriting and give yall the best story I can! Thanks in advance and her we go...

Chapter 2: Warehouses

Wyatt sat quietly in the corner of the average sized bed room. Harry was sleeping rather fitfully in the bed resting in the center of the bedroom against the walls opposite of him. Harry had been been sleeping since Wyatt had picked him up from the Dursleys, Harry's aunt and uncle's home.

"No...No...Who?...Why?..." Harry was mumbling incoherently in his sleep.

Wyatt's brows furrowed together and he gained a quizzical look upon his face. How could a seven year old boy be having such nightmares? He thought to himself. Harry had began to become more restless and started to thrash around just a bit more. He decided it be best to finally wake the boy up than rather let him suffer throught whatever he had been dreaming about.

"Harry wake up. Its time to wake up kid." Wyatt said as he jossled Harry's shoulder in an attempt to stir him awake. "Come on kid you need to get up." He shook him a little harder without trying to frighten him. As he finished his sentence Harry shot up and instantly brought his arms and hands to his face to cover himself up like he was guarding a barrage of blows to his head.

"I'm sorry Uncle! I'm sorry please don't punish me I'll get up and do whatever you need. Please don't hit me again!" Harry yelled loudly with his eyes squeezed shut and a complete look of terror on his face.

"Harry it's quite alright. Nobody is ever gonna hurt you again I promise you." Wyatt spoke gently and stirnly as he placed both hands onto the young boy's shaking shoulders. "Your far away from those people and your not going back there." He was trying whatever he could to calm Harry down. Jesus what did those basrtards do to you?

"I..I'm safe?" Harry spoke quietly as he registered what the man was saying. Slowly he opened his eyes and lowered his arms beginning to look around in a confused manner. "Where am I? Who are you? Where did you take me?" Wyatt noticed the fear beginning to creep back into his voice the longer his sentence ran on.

"Keep calm Harry. I'm a friend and I only have the best intentions for you." He said as he raised his hands up in a manner to slow Harry down. "You and I have a lot to talk about and I have a lot of things to tell you. But first, when is the last time you had a decent meal? It doesn't seem my damn sister and her fat pig took very good care of you."

Harry looked at the man and looked down to floor showing how embarressed he was. "I haven't eaten in...one, maybe one and a half days. Last night I took a bite of some stale bread I was hiding in case my stomach hurt too badly." Harry's eyes suddenly went wide and his eyes snapped at Wyatt with a look of shock plastered on to his face. "You just called my Aunt sister didn't you! There is no possible way! There was only her and my mom! Your lying to me!" Harry started to get a little upset. "Don't mess with me! Theres nobody else! I don't have anyone else! I only have them and they hate me! DON'T TRY TO MAKE ME FEEL BETTER THEN LIE TO ME!" Harry was standing on the bed at this point his hand balled into fists and his eyes squeezed shut once again. The room began to grow with tension the angrier Harry had gotten. Wyatt took a step back from the bed with a small smirk on his face as he watched the boy before him.

Harry then screamed from the top of his lungs as a wave of fire shot outward from his core in all directions. Wyatt took half a step and leaned forward as he clapped both hands together with his finger tips pointing evenly at the wave of fire. The wave simply split around him and incinerated the walls of the room room hehind him along with pretty much everything else. Harry had collapsed onto his knees on the bed after the wave was released, his eyes wide.

"I...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to...I'm...I'm just a freak..." Harry looked down at the sheets distraughtly. He waited there waiting for the man before to retaliate and beat him just like his uncle had before, but it never came. Wyatt had taken a few steps forward again and reached out placing his hand onto the boys head.

"Now that...was impressive there Harry." Wyatt said to the boy with a large grin. Harry looked up to him with a look of bewilderment. "Its quite alright Harry, your not the only FREAK here." Wyatt too his hand from Harry's head and held it up in fron of the boy as if holding a ball. Abruptly a flame sprung to life around the man's hand dancing and swirling about. "Pretty neat huh? Flame magic. Pretty powerful stuff right here bud." He spoke to the young boy as th eflame died out almost as quickly as it came to life.

"There...theres no way." Harry look on in amazement as the flame died down and the mans hand was left unburned. "Magic isn't even real. My uncle always said freakshow magic isn't even real whenever I did something strange. That was what i was doing? I was doing magic?" Harry looked at Wyatt with his mouth gaped open.

"You my boy, are going to have one hell of a time with me." Wyatt said gaining his grin again. "Yes what you just did and every other time was magic Harry. And to answer your question earlier, yes I was speaking about your Aunt Petunia, my half sister. Which...also makes your mother...my half sister. I did not know either sadly. That is a rather..complicated story honestly." Wyatt rubbed the back of his head and looked away from the boy. "I am your uncle Harry. I know you have no idea who I really am, and I have no prrof really to back up my claims, but I am and i wish i could have found you sooner." He look back at the boy seeing his eyes start to flicker with light.

"Your my uncle?" Harry spoke and looked down as tears began to build up in his eyes. "I thought...I thought that they were all that was left." He looked back at Wyatt witha lone tear running down his cheek. "I never met my parents...did...did you.." Harry spoke almost desperately.

Wyatt frowned. "No I'm sorry Harry. As i said i never met neither of my sisters. Well, until recently I met Petunia. What did they ever tell you about them. Or rather yourself?" He asked bringing a hand to his chin as he rubbed his goatee in a thoughtful manner.

"They told me that my parents were killed a car crash because my father was drunk." He said through his teeth. " Thats how I got this scar." He pointed directly to his scarabove his right eye.

"God dammit." Wyatt sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Seriously? Thats what they told you? First I finally find you after years of searching, then I realize your being abused by our own family for christs sake, you have no idea about your heritage of your parents or how they really died and your completely unguarded. What is wrong with those damn wizards. Never made any sense to me about anything they do." He raised his arms over his head in a dejected manner.

"What are you talking about over there?" Harry spoke raising an eye brow at the man.

Wyatt pulled the chair in the corner closer the bed so he wouldn't have to speak very loudly. Sighing he spoke. "You, as your parents were before you, are a wizard, or rather father a wizard and your mother a witch, and not in the normal nonmag sense."

"Nonmag? What does that mean? Harry looked at him tilting his head a little.

"Non-magical Harry. It's what we call people who can't or don't know about magic. We tend to keep it very secret. We wouldn't wanna brandish ourselves and being with special powers for all the world to know now would we? Wyatt stated rather than questioned.

"Yea I guess that would make sense." Harry nodded understandingly. "How..how did my parents die?" He said as he got rather ckoked up.

"Harry...how do I put this lightly...your parents were...murdered." He clenched his jaw and looked rather angry. "His name was Voldemort. He was a bastard of a man, IF you could call him a man. He was a crazed psycopath hell bent on ruling the world. Cliche'd right?" He and Harry slightly chuckled at his attempt to lighten the mood. "Your parents stood up to him and his people. I guess he targeted them on your first birthday. Your parents tried to fight back, but he was powerful, frighteningly so. Your mother sacrificed herself when he attempted to kill you in front of her." He paused sighing in the process. His face seemed age as he thought to himself. "He then attempted to kill you, but whatever he tried to do backfired. He ended up getting killed himself and you received that scar in the process." He pointed to Harry's forehead. "Chicks dig scars right?" He half headrtedly smile.

Subconscienciously Harry gingerly raised his hand to trace the outline of his scar with his finger. "All because of one man?" He barely spoke aloud. He then looked up and bore straight into Wyatt's eyes. "Why weren't you there? Why weren't you fighting him too?" The anger began to grow inside of him once again. He tried to keep control this time as best as he could, he did not want another flame episode.

Wyatt could feel the tension build up in the room as Harry waited for an answer. He knew that the boy wouldn't be able to harm him, but nobody likes having to defend themselves regardless. "To put it simply as possible, I wasnt allowed Harry." He looked down at the ground in shame. Hoping Harry would be able to understand his predicament.

The answer not doing much to dispel his animosity, Harry leaned back to sit normally as his knees were tired and sore from sitting in that posotion. He bit his lower and stared off in deep thought. Wyatt had noticed this and waited for his reply. Geez this kid isn't a typical seven year old. Wild magic, mood swings, nightmares and now he looks like hes about to figure out the meaning to life.

Harry slowly nodded to himself as if he had decided something. "Wyatt, you said that my parents and myself were wizards, right?" Wyatt nodded in response and Harry took that as his cue to continue. "Your saying that...as if your not one..." Wyatt got a small smirk and slowly shook his head knowing what was going to be asked of him. "Then what EXACTLY are you then?"

"Damn you got a noggin on ya." Wyatt said with a wide grin. "I myself, Harry, are what you would call a mage." Wyatt leaned back in the chair and folded his arms still smiling. Note to self never hide something from Harry. The little shit'll figue it out anyway. He mused to himself

"Ok...so...what in the queens name is a mage?" Harry said throwing his arms up in disbelief. "I am just so damn lost now! What's the difference between a wizard and a mage!" Harry now had his arms out the side as he asked the question.

"Well.." Wyatt was rubbing his chin again thinking on how to differentiate the two. "Honestly I dont have too much knowledge about wizards...we tend to keep seperate from them. They're all smoke and mirrors, lets stay away from the world, blah blah blah." He started to rant to himself. "They completly shut themselves away from nonmag life and everything involved in general. We mages on the other hand dont have the means that they do to accomplish this. Our magics are fundamentally different, which I will be training you as a mage from here on out by the way." Wyatt said as he grinned and winked at Harry to which his face lit up. "You will learn all that soon enough,. Now..back to what I was sayin'...oh yea...We have entwined our culture if you will with the nonmags, we live within their society, hidden, but always there and ready. Sadly though...when Voldemort was running free our leaders...well they wouldnt stand to him. They claimed that it wasnt our fight quite yet. We are to only help the nonmags and not get involved with wizard affairs. Damn old farts just too lazy to act." He slammed his fist on the arm of the chair making Harry slightly jump. "Sorry Har didn't mean to startle ya." He apologized as he didnt wanna make the boy skittish.

"So...your gonna teach me?" Harry was now on all fours on the bed as he stared at Wyatt intently, a shimmer in his eyes making them shine brightly. Wyatt grinned at Harry and nodded. Harry now had the widest grin he could ever remember having. "Brilliant!" Harrys stomach decided now was the best time to growl as if it had never been fed before to which Harry sat back once again and blushed. "About that food again..." Harrys said cheekily.

Wyatt couldn't hold back his mirth and laughed loudly. "Ahhh Harry thats comedic gold! C'mon lets get you some food. We got a long road ahead of us bud. He sat up and made his way to the door as Harry raced over to his side. Wyatt placed his hand on the boys head as he opened the door for them to exit.

"Hey Wyatt?" Harry said to get his attention as they made their way out down the long hallway.

"Sup Harry? He said looking down at the boy.

"You American have one weird language" He said laughing.

"Coming from the bloody Brit." They laughed as they made their way down the hallway. This kids gonna be somethin' special. I'm calling this one right now.