Last Call

"WooooHoooo!" The cute little redhead howled. "It's my 21st birthday and I am sooooo drunk!"

Ah, the mating call of alcohol. Zero inhibitions and boy did this girl have them in abundance, but hell when she was stripped of them… she was a "Grade A" Wildcat. There had been many men that could sincerely call themselves her friends. Although, they also did not strive for that position, they wanted so much more from her, only to be cordially escorted into that Friend Zone as soon as the first thought of seduction had entered their minds. Crash. And. Burn. Yes, many of them were intimately familiar with that phrase.

"Are you having fun, Hikaru-kun?" She purred a little too closely to his ear, and he blushed.

He nodded, blushing fiercely. "Happy Birthday, Kyoko-chan." He congratulated in a stammer as she pulled away and moved on to her next victim.

He watched as she glided gracefully to her next target like a sensual feline, and sighed out. There is no way I ever had a chance at that. He took another swig of his drink.

"Immortal Butterfly… She's a fairy." He heard a female voice comment next to him.

He turned to the female sitting next to him. Chiori Amamyia. "Sorry?"

"That's what she is. She's a fairy." She smiled and shook her head, taking another drink of her cocktail.

He chuckled wryly. "More like Queen Of The Night." He shivered a little at the thought. "Well, when she's around Hizuri anyway." Yes, many had seen that look on her face and in her eyes. The look of pure sin when the man hadn't been looking. He was definitely not aware of the sensual creature lurking beneath that innocent façade, but Hikaru had seen it once before and it had left a deep impression upon him.

Chiori giggled. "I wonder if he's ever caught her with that look." She pondered as her index finger circled the rim of her cocktail glass.

"Mo, what look?" Kanae asked as she plopped down on the bar stool next to her compatriot.

Chiori glanced at Hikaru and smirked, then nodded in Kyoko's direction.

"Ah~" Kanae held up two fingers to the bartender and pointed to her companions for the conversation. "The soul-melting, eat-you-alive look." She smirked at Hikaru's blush. It was refreshing to see a 26 year-old man still so innocent. He seemed like the type that would definitely mate for life. Not that she was looking for anything like that at the moment, or ever. She'd just had her 22nd birthday and she wanted to enjoy her youth a bit longer.

"Oh… Looky there~. It looks like the predator has decided to move in for the kill." Chiori nodded in Kuon's direction to point out that he'd heard the mating call and was making his way across the dance floor to the energetic little carnivorous butterfly in answer to it.

Kanae chuckled. "Looks like the guest of honor is about to make an exit soon." She gave a little amused snort. "I don't think that Murasame-san would be able to handle that anyway." She commented as they enjoyed the sight of the furiously blushing, known playboy.

"I would have to agree with you on that, Kanae-Sensei." Chiori teased her friend that was well versed in the couple.

"Oh… Oh… Would you look at that? She nailed him! I never thought I would live to see THE Great Kuon Hizuri frozen in time like that." She giggled.

Chiori gasped. "I have to say… bright pink is actually a good look for him."

Kanae covered Chiori's eyes. "This is not something that should be witnessed by the youngsters of our group." She teased as Chiori pried her fingers apart so she could watch the pair, now sharing a rather steamy kiss on the dance floor.

"When is the wedding?" Chiori asked taking another sip of her drink.

"Wedding? Whose wedding?" Yukihito asked sitting next to Kanae and ordering another drink.

"The Royal Couple…" Kanae rolled her eyes to the direction of the pair making out on the dance floor maybe a little too passionately.

Yukihito squeaked at the sight. "Oh my god! What are they doing?"

"Rehearsing their scenes for their next porn if someone doesn't throw some iced water on them here soon." Chiori smirked.

"Ah…Mo! There we go." Kanae sighed in relief as the pair separated and started to leave the dance floor. "Looks like the party's winding down." Kanae commented as the small group of friends watched their favorite couple leave the specially reserved bar.

"I give them four months." Chiori took another drink.

"Four months for what?" Yukihito and Hikaru asked.

Kanae rolled her eyes once again. If she had to do this anymore tonight, she'd get the spins. "Mo! Four months for her to find out she's pregnant after tonight and for Lory to throw them some really over the top wedding for all of Japan to celebrate in the name of love."

All four groaned at the slight premonition.