AN: This starts at the church scene between Olivia and Jake in 5x18. I believe every word Liv said to Jake was the truth, even though she was pressured to say it by her father. This takes a different turn :P

"Good luck becoming Vice President, Jake. You'll need it."

Olivia had just finished ripping Jake's heart out. She didn't want to, and if her dad wouldn't have threatened his life, she probably would've run away with him…again. But she cared enough about him to not want him to die so she had to do it. But she wasn't in love with him. No matter what Jake claimed to be true, she did not love him. She never told him that she loved him, or confirmed when he basically begged for her love.

She loves Fitz. Every word she had just said to Jake had been nothing but the truth.

Do you honestly not know by now? I'm in love with Fitz. I don't love you, Jake. I love him. When I'm with you, all I think about is him. Fitz is who I choose, he is who I will always choose. You are just a lesser version of him, a sad reminder of the man I truly deserve.

She knew that was awful to say to a man who loves her. But it was the truth, it will always be the truth. Olivia didn't understand how Jake wouldn't realize that she would always want to be with Fitz, after declaring her love for him over and over again.

Still, she felt terrible and she had to get out of there. So she turned around and tried booking it out of the church as fast as she could. She was trying not to cry when Fitz, the last person she needed to see right then, came out of nowhere.

"Liv?... Everything okay?" Of course he knew everything wasn't okay. He could read her face like a book.

"Everything's fine," Liv replied shortly and kept hightailing it out of the church.

Watching her walk away, he felt all the air leave his lungs.

He had heard every single word she said.

He didn't know what to do or what to think. Hearing Liv say those things was everything he's ever wanted. He kept hearing her voice over and over again say, I'm in love with Fitz.

He felt paralyzed with happiness. He was so caught up in his emotions, his own joy that he didn't hear the footsteps approaching behind him. He turned around and Jake was rapidly walking towards him, steam practically coming out of his ears.

"Hey, man. I didn't know you were behind -"

He was cut off by Jake's fist swinging at his face and landing a blow on his left cheekbone. Fitz touched his face, and when he looked up Jake landed another punch right to his nose. Fitz felt his eyes water and put his hand up to cover his nose. When he pulled it away, it was covered in his blood.

"What the hell," Fitz seethed.

Olivia was about to walk out the doors of the church when she thought she heard Fitz. She had a feeling something was wrong. She felt it in her gut. She felt an inner-battle like no other, but her gut pulled out on top so she turned around and slowly started walking back down the hallway to find Fitz.

At the other end of the hall, Fitz had just shoved Jake exclaiming, "What is your problem?!"

"You get fucking everything!" Jake yelled before he shoved Fitz to the floor. Fitz tried to open his mouth to try to talk some sense into Jake, when he was again cut off when Jake kicked him right in the ribs. Fitz groaned as Jake landed two more blows to his ribs. He let out a strangled moan and noticed there was a trickle of blood leaving his mouth, possibly from the blow to the nose?

Jake continued kicking him, letting out phrases about how he gets everything and how much he hates him. By this point, Fitz had definitely felt a rib or two break and he was starting to cough up blood.

The guys eventually came into Olivia's line of sight and then she booked it back down the hallway. When she reached the fight, she shoved Jake and hissed, "Get off!"

Finally, a look of embarrassment crossed Jake's face and he immediately tried apologizing to Liv, "I don't know what came over me-"

"Don't," Liv was extremely flustered, trying to deal with Jake while at the same time, trying not to look at Fitz writhing in pain on the floor next to her. She quickly instructed Jake, "Get your ass to your wedding, tell them Fitz had an emergency in the situation room, and get out of my sight," she lowly spoke.

When she knew he was going to follow her instructions, she quickly got on the floor next to Fitz and cupped his face. His blue eyes stared pleadingly up into hers with tears involuntarily swarming them, from the excruciating pain in his nose and ribs. After a moment, she felt wetness on her hand and when she looked at it, there was blood from the punch Jake landed to his cheek.

"Olivia -" Fitz tried to speak, but ended up coughing and grimacing. Liv felt her stomach drop when she noticed the blood coming from his mouth when he coughed. Just then, his eyes started to close and Liv knew his body was trying to slip him into an unconscious state.

"It's okay, it's gonna be okay." She tried convincing herself, more than him. She pulled out her phone and quickly texted Abby: Fitz is hurt. Needs to be private. He needs to get to the hospital, fast. Please help.

After she threw her phone aside and looked back down at him, he appeared to be unconscious. "Hey, wake up," and when his eyes fluttered open her eyes filled with tears and she tried to say with a strong voice, "help is coming. I need you to stay awake."

His perfect face looked so beat up, a gash on his cheek and blood trickling from his mouth and very swollen nose. She could tell he was in inexplicable pain and she knew he was trying to appear strong for her.

"My head…" Fitz groaned out, "it hurts." And Liv immediately recognized that those two powerful blows to his head probably shook up his brain. The same brain that had a bullet shot into it a few years prior. Liv is no medical doctor, but she knew that that was probably not the greatest thing for him.

She quickly maneuvered herself behind his head and cradled it into her lap. At that exact moment she got a text from Abby that read: Help will be there in 10. When she finally felt a brief moment of relief, she realized that they were probably causing a huge scene. She looked around, but luckily no one was to be seen… doors were closed and apparently conversation was so lively that no one heard the slight ruckus.

When Liv registered that Fitz had been clutching her thigh and rubbing it slowly with one of his hands, she looked down and was instantly met with his beautiful blue eyes. She lifted one of her hands to his hair and started running her fingers through his waves.

"You really managed to get the shit beat out of yourself," Liv whispered, teasing him.

Fitz started to laugh, followed by a grimace, and then let out in a voice trying to mask the pain, "I could've taken him if I wanted to." And when Liv just smiled and sort of chuckled at him he finished, "I'm serious. I've done it before."

"Alright, big guy." Liv said, still running her fingers through his hair.

She looked at her phone again and only three minutes had passed since Abby said 10 minutes, and when she looked at Fitz again he was starting to lose consciousness for the second time.

She ruffled his hair around and said nervously, "Fitz, wake up." When he didn't move at all, she waited a moment before moving her hands to his shoulders and roughly squeezed when she said a little more desperately, "Wake up!" When he didn't make any movement or sound for a second time she let out hopelessly, "Fitzgerald Grant, wake up right now!"

Still nothing.

She accepted defeat. She couldn't do anything. The only thing keeping her from losing her mind was knowing that he was still breathing. She was making sure of that. Liv started to weep and she grabbed one of his hands in hers and brought it to her mouth.

"Please wake up, please wake up, please wake up," Liv repeated over and over again into the hand she was holding. She was kissing his hand repeatedly when she felt it lightly squeeze her hand that was holding his hostage.

"I'm awake," Fitz barely got out.

Liv let out a strangled sound of relief, "Just one minute. One minute and help should be here." Liv told him.

Fitz swallowed and cracked a smile, "One minute. That's doable."


It took Abby ten minutes to contact James Madison hospital and lock down a floor for Fitz. Fitz's secret service was there, and when it was realized there was nothing they could currently do, they let Liv hold Fitz until they could set their plan in motion once they received the go-ahead from Abby. Originally they were going to essentially help him, more-so carry him, out of the church and to the presidential limo. But when it was realized that he could have a possible brain injury, they knew they needed to get him on a stretcher in the ambulance, just to be safe.

Mark, one of Fitz's agents, walked over to where Fitz and Liv were positioned on the floor and hesitantly said, "Sir, we're going to have to get you on a stretcher."

"I'm fine to walk," Fitz told him, not knowing if that was true or not and sounding half alive.

"Sir -"

Fitz interrupted him, "No stretcher."

"Fitz, you could have a brain injury. You need to get on the stretcher," Liv said with no room for negotiation in her tone.

Fitz nodded at her and then Liv nodded at Mark so they could get the plan in motion.

After a very complicated few minutes of making sure no one saw Fitz on a stretcher, they were finally out at the ambulance. They were able to make sure everything was going smoothly because even though Fitz really needed medical attention, his life wasn't in jeopardy at that exact moment.

Olivia pulled her car keys out of her purse and told Fitz, "I'll meet you at the hospital," running her hands through his waves again. She didn't care if any of the agents saw, they knew enough about the two of them to be surprised.

"You're coming with me." Fitz said, sounding a little more scared than he would've liked to.

"I can't."

"Everything is secure, Liv. You can."

"I can't, Fitz." Liv let out with a strange tone in her voice.

Fitz felt her hands start to shake where they were rested on the sides of his face. And that's when he remembered - what she had gone through when she was taken. Being buried under her neighbor's dead body in a body bag in an ambulance.

A knowing look spread over Fitz's face and he moved his hands to grip hers that were resting on the side of his face. He slightly nodded at her to let her know he understands.

"Okay... " Liv started, the two of them nervously squeezing each other's hands. "I'll be there soon." Fitz couldn't miss the trace of panic in her voice.

After a few seconds Fitz whispered up to her, "Kiss me." When she couldn't make out what he said, she lowered her head so their faces were only a good 6 inches apart. "Kiss me," he quietly repeated.

"We can't kiss out here," Liv said with barely any conviction in her voice.

"Please, Livvie. What if I don't make it," He said jokingly.

"You ass, that's not funny."

Mark interrupted, "Sir we're ready to head to James Madison. We need to get going."

Liv quickly lowered her lips to Fitz's, pulled back and looked into his eyes for a few moments and they just felt it. That undeniable connection that was just - them. Liv pressed another, more desperate, kiss to his lips and then ran off to her car.

Fitz touched his lips and then looked over at Mark with wide eyes. He looked like a 15 year old boy who just kissed a girl for the first time. Mark smirked at him and raised his eyebrows.

"You ready, Romeo?" Mark said jokingly to Fitz as he moved to get him onto the ambulance.


AN: Alright there it is! Leave a review if you would like me to continue :)