Epilogue – 30 Years Later

Hermione sat twisting her hands together in the small, uncomfortable chair in the Medi-Witch's office in the Hogwarts infirmary, just waiting, waiting for news.

It seemed like she had been there forever, when a small wailing cry rent the air. Hermione Granger-Snape leapt from her enforced seat and rushed out into the ward, hopping from one foot to the other in a manner that belied her age.

Keenly aware that his mother was twitching outside, Auden had walked out from behind the hospital curtains that were around the bed, a shrieking bundle wrapped in an infirmary-issued towel in his arms. He wore a broad grin on his lightly freckled face, his curly brown hair bouncing around his shoulders.

"Here he is, Mum."

Her tall, handsome, magically-powerful son handed her the baby as if the tiny, newly-born wizard were made of the most fragile glass.

"This is Severus. Severus Auden Snape."

Hermione was overcome with emotion, but also coughed back a large gulp of amusement when she thought of what her husband's reaction to their choice of name might be. She had to be the one to tell him, if only to laugh at his reaction. The thought also pained her slightly, as she had not seen Severus for three days now; he had inexplicably left just as Daisy went into labour. He would no doubt be back now, returned whilst she had been in the hospital wing all this time, and Hermione was anxious to see him.

She accepted the precious offering into her safe, experienced arms, and drew the sweet-smelling baby to her chest. Her first grandchild, she never would have believed it. It had been so very many years since she had first become a mother, and finally, her youngest son had produced a tiny son of his own. Well, with some help.

"How is Daisy?" she enquired, asking after the health of his lovely wife, who had laboured so long and hard to bring this new child into the world.

"She did amazingly," he answered, "I can't believe how difficult it was!"

Hermione smiled knowingly.

"I can. Now, take Daisy's son back to her, Auden, I can wait a while longer."

Auden took baby Severus back inside the curtains that were around Daisy's bed, and Hermione returned to the Medi-witch's office, making a cup of tea and looking out of the window. It had been a long three days, fraught with emotion. Daisy's labour had seemed to go on and on, and finally, here on the third day, the child had finally arrived. The poor girl must be exhausted.

- xxx –

Hermione and Severus had waited such a very long time for a grandchild - it was difficult to believe that one was finally here.

Eleri was unmarried, and as he had always planned, remained at Hogwarts. He was the Gamekeeper, Keeper of Keys and the Professor for Care of Magical Creatures, and intended to remain so for the rest of his days. He was proudly following the path inspired by his friend and mentor, Hagrid, wanting nothing more than the outdoor life, rich in animals and nature, that the grizzly half-giant had lived with such joy, safe inside the protective environs of Hogwarts castle.

Their wonderful Eleri had never wavered from the choices he had made when he was just a young boy, and now lived in the treehouse at the edge of the forest, and had done so since Rolf and Luna began their world travels again once their sons had finished Hogwarts.

Lorcan Scamander had remained at Hogwarts, sharing the game-keeping duties and animal care with Eleri. He also lived in the treehouse, and Hermione strongly suspected that they were lovers, but the two men had never officially come out, and since it was no one's business but their own, nobody had asked.

Their treehouse was always overrun with myriad creatures, funny-looking and smelling waifs and strays, and generally at least two dogs, most often enormous breeds like Hagrid used to be so fond of owning, all with ridiculous names completely inappropriate to their size.

Their luminous Lyra, whilst working her way through the ranks at the Ministry, had found happiness with Archie Weasley, an uncomplicated, dependable bear of a man - Ron and Lavender's youngest son. Their wedding, a whole decade ago now, had been a wonderful affair, both Hermione and her best friend Ron thrilled at the joining together of their children.

Archie was wholly supportive of Lyra's commitment to her job, and she in turn, loved the recreation of watching him as he coached a London-based Quidditch team to victory after victory. Lyra was currently head of the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry, her sharp mind and quiet but piercingly intelligent manner all desirable qualities for a high-ranking Unspeakable. She often joked that she was married to her job, as well as to Archie, and Hermione knew her daughter had found a quietly supportive love match to last her a lifetime. There was nothing more dependable than a Weasley, to be sure.

Children had not been discussed, at least, Lyra had never mentioned it, but she supposed that her daughter had plenty of childbearing years ahead of her, being a witch, or she might not choose to have babies at all, or perhaps adopt – it was her choice and Hermione remembered that she too had not even entertained thoughts of children until she was in her forties.

New father Auden, after a few years playing professional Quidditch abroad, sowing his wild oats and partying, had returned to Hogwarts as the Charms professor he had always planned to be. His easy-going manner and skilful teaching made him a favourite among the students, and even if Severus felt his son was not authoritative enough in the classroom, the NEWT and OWL results for Charms were always good.

Auden had reconnected with his childhood friend, Daisy Dursley, and the two of them had eventually married and settled at Hogwarts, with Daisy's Healer training qualifying her perfectly for the role of assistant Medi-witch in the school infirmary.

It had been many years of heart breaking disappointment before Daisy had finally fallen pregnant. Throughout her confinement Auden had been like a worrying, clucking hen; more than once he had been so intensely annoying that Daisy had sent him off for a ride on his broomstick to clear his head.

And now, the new baby was here. A tiny baby boy that bore his grandfather's name. Severus would be delighted with the baby, but appalled at the name, she smirked to herself, remembering his opinion of the moniker that belonged to Albus Severus Potter, and that was only a middle name. The reveal was going to be a beautiful thing to behold.

- xxx -

After a time, Auden reappeared, carrying baby Severus.

"Daisy's sleeping now. She said she'd be more than happy for you to take the baby to see Dad. He should be the first to meet his namesake. Is he ... back now?"

"The house-elves tell me that he is. I have not yet been to the office, as I have been waiting here with you and Daisy. He would love to see the baby, I am sure. Thank you for trusting me with him," she replied, squeezing her son's arm.

Auden placed the baby carefully in his mother's arms, and then embraced her fully in his huge frame, kissing the top of her head.

"Tell Dad ... tell him ... I'm not a bit sorry about the name, ok? He should have had a child named in his honour a long time ago."

Hermione looked up at her son through eyes that were beginning to cloud, and she choked back the tears that she knew were not far away. Auden's eyes were also brimming, tired and damp, and his face was flushed with emotion.

"I'm sure he'll be very touched at your choice," she reassured. "Once he's got over the shock and indignity of it, of course."

Auden grinned mischievously at her, even through his tears, eliciting a warm smile from his mother in return. Hermione cradled the precious bundle, and carried her small grandson in her arms carefully through the winding corridors, echoing stone halls and up unusually-still staircases that led to the well-trodden path towards the headmaster's office, and their chambers.

Severus looked up as soon as she entered, and as she locked eyes with him, those endless black eyes that had never lost their fire in all his hundred-plus years, and she realised how very much she had missed him beside her the last few days, offering his own brand of quiet support, during all the drama of their first grandchild's birth.

"He is here," her husband observed, in his low, deep voice that Hermione always felt to the very depth of her stomach.

"Yes, he is. Healthy, strong, with all fingers and toes present and correct. Would you like to see?"

Severus nodded that he would, and she walked around the desk to bring the baby into his line of sight, unwrapping him from the blanket slightly to give his grandfather a better look.

"He is a handsome boy. Clearly a Granger, not a Snape," Severus observed, with a knowing quirk of his dark eyebrow.

"Oh, shush now. I'll have you know that there could not be more of a Snape than this one - this child will be the second Severus Snape to stomp around the halls of Hogwarts, no doubt terrorising the other children with his fearsome demeanour and surly attitude."

"They didn't?"

"They did indeed. This is Severus Auden Snape. And remove that look from your face, please, it was a lovely thing to do, to honour you in this manner."

Severus sighed in a manner that suggested he was resigned to the indignity, but she knew without doubt that he was deeply touched, not that he'd ever admit it.

"And now, Hermione ..."

"No, Severus, not yet," she begged. "Please, not yet. It is too soon. Please."

She felt her throat constrict with the pain of clenching her teeth to hold in her unshed tears, but could feel a few of them spilling forth unbidden down her lined cheeks and plop on to the baby's blanket.

"You promised, Hermione. I refuse to exist in this manner. You have a spell to cast," he reminded her, his voice grave and brooking no protest.

"I love you," she told him, simply. "I have always loved you."

Tears filled her eyes as she drew her wand. There were no other words left to say.

"I will be waiting, Hermione," he replied, slowly. "Waiting for the day when I can hold you in my arms again. I will not exist like this, looking but not touching. You know what a tactile man I am when it comes to you, wife."

He gave her that damnable raised eyebrow and she could not help a watery smile creeping to her face.

Severus Snape had left the world in the same way he had lived in it, quietly and without fuss, reaching a few years past his centenary before succumbing to nothing more than the simple ills of old age. It was true that other wizards had lived decades longer, but given the extreme punishment Severus had subjected his body to during his lifetime, he insisted he would be content with a round hundred.

Hermione looked up at him, wordlessly beseeching him to change his mind, to give her more time.

"Cast it," he commanded her, his rich voice dripping with tenderness. "And once you are done, look in the top central drawer of my desk."

Finite Incantatum.

She pointed her wand at the ornate carved frame as she cast, silent tears tracking down her face, streaking her cheeks. The portrait of her husband ceased to be animated, and his face and body became as frozen as a Muggle painting, one of only a handful of others like it in this hallowed office.

His handsome, aquiline features were posed in regal bearing to look sightlessly upon the room. The other portraits bowed their heads and remained silent out of respect for this exceptional wizard, and his equally exceptional wife. There was not a sound to be heard, other than a tiny occasional snuffle from the newborn infant who would never know his outstanding grandfather, that he was named for.

Holding the baby in the crook of one arm, Hermione slid open the small central drawer of his desk, just as he had requested. In it, she found a single piece of parchment, written in his spiky, cramped hand.

Never doubt the depth of my love for you.

And now, Headmistress Granger-Snape, dry your tears, for you have a school to run.

Hermione allowed a small smile to touch her lips, and tucked the small parchment into the pocket of her robes, closing the drawer softly. She had a baby to return to his parents, and then, Professor Snape was quite correct, she had a school to run.