A/N: This is me editing and fixing things that bother me about the grammar or inconsistencies. Nothing big has changed otherwise.


"Yo Eric! Wait up."

I growl lowly in annoyance "Fucking what! What do you want Logan?" I snap at my friend.

He narrows his eyes at me "Hey, don't forget who you are talking to here punk. I've wiped the floor with your ass before and I will do it again. I was going to be a good friend and offer to pick you up some coffee when I go to get mine. Then bring it with me to the control room to watch the choosing ceremony."

He turns to walk off and I let out a sigh. "Fine. You're right and I was being a dick. Fucking Jeanine is just pissing me the fuck off again." I run my hands through my hair scratching the newly growing out sides.

"Who the fuck is she not pissing off nowadays? I am so fucking glad Max and the other three take her word like a fart on the wind."

"Real eloquent way of putting that Logan." I roll my eyes at him. "If you wouldn't mind? I would kill for some coffee."

He shrugs. "Coffee it is then. Just a forewarning. Max asked Four to watch too. Not sure why, even if he is training he hasn't cared about the ceremony before."

"Fan-fucking-tastic. As if my day isn't already going to be shitty enough dealing with the new initiates." I scowl and turn to go.

Logan stops me and puts a hand on my shoulder and looks at me debating something. "You know that rumor about Matthew's, her affair and a kid?"

My lips thin in thought. "Yeah, not sure how true that is but yeah. Why?"

"Because it's not a rumor. Supposedly the kid is a girl and this is her 18th year. She chooses this year." He quietly said.

"Not that it really fucking matters to us but why are telling me?" I had a feeling exactly why he was telling me and it was going to fuck up my day even more.

"Because my intel says she is coming here. We need to find out who it is. So look for Jeanine's face closely when any Erudite girls choose us." He looks at me pointedly.

"Yeah, I won't lie. I hope she stays the fuck where she belongs." I snarl out and turn to head to the control room. Maybe that was what Max has asked number boy to look out for too.

Whatever. I wasn't going to start getting twisted about how much Max wanted Four in leadership still. I had three years to get over that shit and I wasn't about to start going down that road again.

Two Hours Later and Logan and I are sitting further away from Four and his buddy Zeke and watching the Choosing ceremony. The only indication Jeanine had shown for any transfer was for the two Prior kids. One was the girl stiff and she was coming to Dauntless.

I caught Four's expression and when she defected and I can say I saw interest there. The brother went to Erudite which was pretty interesting. Jeanine looked pleased by both defections to be honest.

There were only two female Erudite transfers coming to Dauntless neither looked anything like Jeanine and she didn't seem to care one way or the other about them transferring.

"Well that was a bust." Logan said disappointed.

"No shit. Initiates look like shit and no baby Matthews. Honestly I say more fucking power to her for staying in Erudite. I sure as hell wouldn't want to have to put up with her. Look, I am going to go try and prepare for the shit show." I said sarcastically as I toss my coffee cup in the trash.

"Prepare? You mean you are going to try and go style that mop you are currently calling your hair. Why did you decide to let the sides grow in again?" He asked chuckling.

"Figured since I was finally out from under the Erudite bitches thumb change was in order. I just forgot how fucking curly it gets and how annoying having more hair is."

"Hmm. Well I'm sure it will make some new initiates panties go all moist at the site of it." He punches my shoulder laughing.

"Yeah no, that's not happening. I don't need some moony eyed girl trying to follow me around. I'll stick to my casual set up I got going."

"Suit yourself. I don't regret hooking up with Milla though." He shrugged.

Milla had been a transfer two years ago from Amity and they had gotten together at the end of initiation when he finally got her to say yes to a date with him. They seemed happy and weathered the stir it caused with him being a leader and her being an initiate. Still wasn't something I would do.

We split off and I head to my apartment to change and style my hair. Until early this year I had kept the style of the sides shaved and the middle slightly longer and heavily styled. When I made the change I cut the middle hair shorter and started growing in the sides so they were filled in. I still styled it to keep the curl from doing it's thing and because it darkened the blonde hair a bit.

I headed to the roof where the initiates would jump onto from the train, and then a long four weeks would be starting.


"Their jumping!" Someone called. I looked to Christina and Beatrice, who I had just met and they looked shocked.

I grinned and winked at them. "No time like the present."

I moved to be behind the Dauntless-born that were getting a running start, watched one land and noted how, then took off after them. I didn't land perfect but well enough. Until I was bowled over by someone and he landed right smack on top of me, grinning down on me.

"Son of a bitch! You did that shit on purpose!" All I got was a wink so I slammed my knee into his junk and rolled myself over. Then I jumped up pissed as hell and my red hair coming loose of its braid.

He wheezed and clutched his junk. "Fucking hell Zoe. You didn't have to rack me."

"You're lucky I didn't fucking do worse to you Peter!" I yell and stomp off leaving his little goons to help him. I should have known the asshole wouldn't stop.

I was making my way to the front of the crowd and to the Dauntless standing on the ledge so I could hear what was said when I was pulled up short and stopped.

"Get fucking back here Zoe. Don't go up there with them." He said contemptuously to the Dauntless-born. I see them turn and snarl at him and the guy on the ledge glare down at us. Fucking great Peter!

I yank my arm back from him and he tries to grab it again. I see the guy on the ledge glaring harder at us and some of the Dauntless-born about to step in. Before he can grab my arm I throat chop him, grab his head and knee him in the face then push him into his minions.

"You forget I am not your girlfriend Peter and we barely even went out. So before your Candor smart mouth gets you into any more trouble, you better remember whose roof you stand on. Touch me again and I throw you off."

"Excuse me for fucking caring Zoe." He gasps and growls out.

I just shake my head and move away from him. I end up standing next to a young Dauntless-born guy and two girls. They smile at me and clap my back.

"Zoe is it? Nice going there. My names Uriah and this lovely lady is Marlene and that is Lynn." He smiles at me.

I raise my eyebrow at his not using any compliment for Lynn "Hello Uriah, Marvelous Marlene and Luscious Lynn." I say winking at Lynn who tosses her head back and laughs.

"Wow. A bad ass, gorgeous, non- stuck up Erudite! Now I have seen everything." Lynn laughs and I just shrug.

"Someone had to call Uriah's bad game out." Uriah chuckles.

"Did you really date a Candor? That Candor?" Marlene asks eyeing Peter who was rubbing his face.

I sigh looking back at him and he just winks at me and grins. Is he seriously not getting it?

"Good fucking gods! You would think he would take the hint from me basically almost killing any chance he has at offspring and a knee to the face. And yes we were technically 'boyfriend and girlfriend' within the confines of school. Not like we saw each outside of it except for when he followed me to a rave when I snuck out to go to one." I shrug.

"Oh so it was like a grade school boyfriend girlfriend thing? Well that isn't any fun." Marlene nudges me.

I shake my head but don't answer. I instead look up to the ledge and at who is there glaring at us and wish I had kept my eyes down. Eric Coulter, fuck. I forgot about him. That is one potential asshole I don't need to make an enemy out of. I just have to remember to show respect, don't show weakness and keep my temper in check.

I feel someone move close behind me and I know who it is. I close my eyes my nostrils flaring. "What is it Peter?" I grit out between clenched teeth and try to keep quiet.

"Don't get all sassy with me. I'm just trying to make sure you don't do anything stupid." He mutters leaning into me.

I roll my eyes and look upwards and put my hands together "Gods give me strength to NOT throw Hayes off the roof."

I hear chuckling around us.

"Enough!" Eric's voice booms around us and I look up to him. I snap my mouth closed and try to take on an air of listening and respect. It must not really work because he still looks pissed.

"Everyone listen up. My name is Eric and I'm one of your leaders. If you want to be in Dauntless, you'll jump."

I instantly feel hands grip my waist and pull me back. I snarl but know I can't break out into the fight I want to. Instead I try and get Peter's hands off of me. What the fuck is his deal?

I hear people around me ask what is down there and other stupid questions. As I am struggling against Peter I snap out loud instead of in my thoughts. "Does it fucking matter what is down there for Christ's sake!"

A hush comes over the group and I see Uriah along with the girls looking at me with wide eyes. I sigh at my own impatience and letting my temper get to me.

"Didn't mean to say that out loud but it doesn't make it any less true. You jump or you don't, simple as that. We are all here for a reason and it sure as hell isn't to sit around braiding hair and singing songs about love and peace. You choose Dauntless. What the fuck did you expect? So as the saying goes, put up or shut up."

I can't even help what is coming out of my mouth but all this meekness is just pissing me off. I sigh at my lack of control but I can't think beyond my rage at Peter manhandling me.

"Christ Zoe why can't you..."

"She didn't ask you Candor did she? I'm inclined to join her in thinking throwing you off the roof would be a good thing." Eric jumps off the ledge and the few people around the two of us move out of the way.

I feel Peter pull me closer to him and I finally get a grip on his fingers. I twist slightly making them bend back and I quickly step forward towards Eric who tilts his head at me quirking an eyebrow.

"Sorry I spoke out of turn Sir. I will completely volunteer to be your first patsy or will fully comply with any other punishments you feel necessary for disrespecting a superior." I'm practically begging him to let me jump and get away from Peter. I also am being completely honest about the punishment since my lapse of control was completely out of line.


"Candor, I won't warn you again." Eric says coldly.

I notice he looks different than the last time I saw him at Erudite. He had let his hair grow out on the sides and changed the top parts style a bit. In a way he is stunning and I feel my breath quicken slightly as his gaze rakes over me. He motions with his hand in an 'after you' gesture.

"Thank gods" I sigh in relief and too low for anyone to hear. I run up to the ledge, jump up quickly, spin around and wink at the Dauntless-born. As well as Eric who happens to be standing right there. Then throw myself back and yell in delight as the wind rushes past me.

I land in a net and sigh in disappointment. "Dammit! That was disappointing!" I mutter loudly. I feel the net tilt and a hand reaches out to grab me and help me out.

I look into the dark blue eyes of someone I know all too well. But he doesn't know me thank god. He has gotten taller and tanner since I last saw him though.

"Disappointing?" He asks in amusement.

"I half thought the fall would end in a pool of icy cold water. Or that it would be one of those falls in the movie where you keep on going for what feels like forever. Then it turns out you were just above the ground the whole time, held up by a wind turbine or something." I shrug either would have actually been cool. "You know like conquering a fear, like the fear of the unknown. Would have been cool." I smile at him

"Interesting. Might have to suggest those for next time." He said with a straight face but humor in his voice. "Name?"


"First Jumper, Zoe." He takes my hand and holds it up and I hear cheers and laughs. He shows me where I am going to stand and I meet a Dauntless girl named Lauren. We joked about my proposal for alternatives to land in and talked about Dauntless type stuff.

"If you want, after lunch I can take you to get some clothes and show you around a bit." She smiled at me.

"Sounds good. You can help me de-snob in appearance." I chuckled. Uriah, Marlena and Lynn had joined me first. Christina and Beatrice (now going by Tris) came after.

"Wow. The way you put Peter in his place was epic! Eric almost threw him off the roof when he kept making comments." Christina laughed as she came up to me.

"Too bad he didn't." I sighed "He can be a dick but he isn't all bad. I just wish we weren't in the same initiation class together."

Uriah scoffed shaking his head. "From what I have seen of him he has no good points."

"Yeah well, I guess we all change." I shrug and look down. He could be sweet when he wanted to be. There would always be that part of me that loved the first boy I had ever kissed. I still had the fond memories of us out in the small garden courtyard of the school and him holding me close. We could have been more had he not started to act like the kingpin of Candor along with his friends. But now I don't date bullies or abusers, or assholes. Really I just don't date.

Lauren looks at me questioningly. "Someone I should look out for you?"

"Nah, I can handle it. He just thinks he was put on this earth as god's present to me." I smile and roll my eyes.

"Speak of the devil." Lynn mutters and I sigh. Surprisingly he doesn't try and come near me and hangs back waiting for his friends I suppose. He still stares at me and mouths 'later'.

Finally everyone is down and the guy that helped everyone off of the net calls everyone's attention.

"Alright everyone listen up. My name is Four."

I hear Christina snort beside me and I stiffen. Why did no one know not to fuck with people in authority especially here? "Four, as in the number four?" She asks laughing and looking at me. I just shake my head and sigh.

Four looks at me briefly and walks up to her smirking. "Exactly like the number four."

She laughs again. "What, was one through three taken?" I have to clench my fists from yelling at her to shut her trap.

"What is your name initiate?" Four's voice is cold and his eyes are hard and she finally seems to get the memo that she is messing with the wrong person.

"Christina." She almost squeaks out.

"Well Christina, the first thing you are going to learn from me is to keep your smart mouth shut if you don't want to end up hurt. Got it?" She nods. "Good, now Dauntless-born you will be going with Lauren, transfers stay here with me."

My new dauntless-born friends hug me quickly and tell me to find them at lunch. Lauren throws a glare at Peter then hugs me too "Sit at my table at lunch and we can go from there, ok?"

I smile and nod and face Four who is looking at me strangely. I frown and shift uncomfortably and look down then sigh when Peter again moves up.

I don't speak or look at him I just keep my head down and my fists clenched. I seriously don't understand what is going on with him right now.

"Like I was saying earlier, my name is Four and I will be one of your instructors along with Eric. Most of the time I work in Intel but for initiation and training I will be with you guys. We are going to be taking a tour of the facility. I want you all to follow me and keep your mouths shut and stick close." Four leads us away.

I walk close to Christina and Tris with Peter following right behind us. We are close to the back of the group and Christina looks up at me since she is shorter and then frowns. I sigh knowing what she is frowning about.

"You want to know why I was shaking my head at you when you were trying to crack wise? It's because that was not exactly the smartest thing to do. We are low on the totem pole here and he obviously has some rank. We're expected to be soldiers, Chris. We can't back talk or argue with them. That shit doesn't fly and your smart mouth could get us all in trouble if the mood strikes them."

"So? We can say what's on our minds it's a free faction. And how would talking back get YOU in trouble if I am the one that does it?" She snaps.

I stop and look at her incredulously. We're both unaware that Eric has stopped and is leaning against a wall listening to us argue. "Are you shitting me? How about because we'll all be held accountable for each other. You talking back may get us all laps or worse. Look, I am prepared to accept laps, extra shit, whippings, hell even death for standing up for what is right. But I'm not about to step into that just because you can't hold your tongue when needed Chris. You aren't Candor anymore. That went out the door when you spilled your blood on the coals. Yes you can be honest and yes you can joke around when it is called for. But you can't just open your mouth and say anything because you think you have the freedom to. You can take my advice or not. Call me a bitch or not but it's true." I shrug and walk on not caring if she had anything else to say.

I see Tris smiling at me as she catches up. I give her a sad smile and listen to Four as we head into The Pit. I look around and smile taking it all in.

"Beautiful isn't?" I ask Tris as she smiles and nods.

"I used to go to these raves, hosted by Dauntless and Amity of all things, they were pretty freaking epic. I always wondered what the dancing would be like here in the compound. There's something freeing about letting your primal instincts take over. Whether in combat or in dance, it's all just one heartbeat to the next." I smiled looking around. Four had caught some of what we said and tilted his head then frowned then walked on.

"I didn't think Erudite liked to party." Chris said.

"I wouldn't know." I muttered.

"What do you mean? You were an Erudite so how could you not know?" She asked annoyed.

"Apparently I wasn't a very good one. No sweat off my back though." I shrug and a blonde Erudite boy named Will looked at me.

"Don't let her fool you. She was top of her class. I heard you speak several languages." He tilted his head.

I don't answer just keep on walking. Let him think all he wants. Only Edward really knows for sure.

"Do you?" He asked pressing the matter. Okay since he won't let it go I will give him a little sample.

I smiled and replied cheekily. "Demandez-vous si je parle en langues ou tout simplement ce que je peux faire avec ma langue?" His eyes go wide and I laugh.

"You can speak another language! You speak French? What did that mean?" He asks in awe.

I let a wicked grin cross my face and I know my eyes are glinting in mischievousness. "I said; are you asking if I speak in tongues or just what I can do with my tongue?" His eyes go even wider and he turns red in the face.

I burst into laughter. I snort once and then snort again because I snorted in the first place. I bend over trying to catch my breath and stop laughing.

"You need help initiate? Should I take you to the infirmary?" I hear a deep voice ask dryly.

I raise up under control now still smiling wide, my dimples are probably showing. "No sir. Sorry for bothering you." I turn to catch up with the others. The cowards had left me. Although Peter was stopped at The Chasm waiting for me frowning and then turning around walking when he saw Eric beside me.

"Did I say you were bothering me?" Eric falls into step with me.

"No Sir you did not." I reply simply.

"What's his deal?" Eric indicates with his head to Peter.

I frown as I look to Peter's back. "I don't know. We 'dated'," I use air quotes for the dated part "in school but never did anything or went anywhere. He would basically hang out up there with me. He followed me to a few places I went to outside of school but he wanted something I didn't and he cheated. He demanded a relationship from me and then betrayed me. End of story." I shrug looking uncomfortable.

"He obviously doesn't think it was the end. How long ago was that?"

"We haven't been together for more than a year. I saw him at school still but that was it. I am not sure why he thinks he has a right to tell me what to do or put his hands on me. Maybe he thinks because we knew each other there it will pick up here." I roll my eyes at that.

"Would you have thrown him?" Why was Eric so interested or talking to me? I thought since he got here he communicated in a series of grunts and rude gestures.

"Honestly? Yes I would have." I grin and look him and get serious. "I need to apologize for my lack restraint and respect on the roof. It wasn't my place to call out the idiots up there and I'm sorry." I say firmly and never breaking eye contact with him.

I see something flash across his eyes, respect maybe? He tilts his head looking at me and smirks. "I can forgive you for your loss of control this time. Now back to your Candor boyfriend." I growl at that and he chuckles but continues. "You won't mind being paired with him to fight when it comes up?"

"Why would I? I won't learn unless I fight and I wouldn't mind getting in a few hits on him." I smile in truth now and rock back and forth on my feet in anticipation of sparring.

I do end up catching up with the others and walk into the dorm. I take a bed close the bathroom area and on the bottom bunk in a corner. Tris takes the top bunk, Chris takes the bottom next to me and Will the top one.

A candor named Al takes the one after that and Drew (Minion#1) takes the top bunk on his. Peter gets the bottom bunk across from me and Molly (Minion #2) takes the top on his.

I see there are clothes for us to change into. There are a few work out outfits and a couple of casual. I pull out a sports bra, tank top, leggings, and sneakers. I start to whip everything off to get it over with quickly. I don't really care if anyone sees my body since we will all be sleeping in here and the bathrooms are all open. Tris is having issues so I rip off my blanket from my bunk and tie it between two top bunks so she has a curtain. I hear her muffled 'thanks'.

"Yep." I say and pop the p at the end.

I look over and see Peter just staring at me open mouthed and Molly glaring at me. I notice something move and Eric has walked in front of Peter, blocking his view of me.

I forgot Peter had only ever seen me in a bathing suit. I know I had changed over the last few years. I kicked up my fitness and lost what little baby fat I had still had. My boobs had never gotten bigger but my ass had. I was more toned and tanned.

I looked at my stomach and grinned at my bruises. That had been a fun night and I note to find Edward soon.

I finish getting changed on my side of the blanket. I take my braid down and let my wavy red hair free and blow the bangs of out my face annoyed with them.

"Remind me to never rebel and cut my own hair again. Fucking bangs are annoying." I yell out loud and hear Chris and Tris laugh. I look around and realize I am the only girl ready until Tris calls done. I take down the blanket and make up my bed all military style again.

I turn to Will with a playful smile. "Got a coin I can use?"

He looks at me confused and I roll my eyes. "You know so you can check the bed is so tight you can...oh fuckin never mind." I wave him away.

I hear a familiar laugh and the muttered. "I can hear your cursing all the way over here Zoe!"

I see a person that I know well. "Edward!" I yell and run over to him and launch myself at him tackling him to the ground.

He winces as we make contact. "Shit Zoe! I still have bruises from the other night!" but he smiles at me.

"Oops. Sorry." I jump up and help him up.

"Everyone take your old faction clothes to burn with you and meet in the dining hall after." Eric stands over us to announce. "Well you two looked comfy." He muttered through a clenched jaw looking at us.

"Sorry Sir. We knew each other from before. Where is Mayra, Edward?" I looked around for his girlfriend.

He frowned and shook his head. "She went Amity. I couldn't ask her to come here because of me. And no matter how much we tried to help her with the fighting she just couldn't do it."

"Oh Edward, I'm sorry. I knew she would have a hard time. She just loves you." I pulled him into a hug.

"It's fine. We go where we have to go. At least we still have each other right?" He hugged me back.

"Right! Like I told when we were ten, friends till the end. Come on," I say and link his arm with mine "let's go burn some shit, eat some shit, ink some shit and then hit some shit. In that order!" I wink at him with a smile.

He gives a mock salute and we grab our old clothes and walk out laughing. I pass Eric on the way. He still looks at me with head tilted and void of emotion.

"So I saw your favorite stalker hovering near you since you got on the train." Edwards comments as we dump our clothes and walk off without another look.

"Not sure what the deal with that was. He is the one that cheated but he is acting like..." I threw my hands up in the air flabbergasted at what is going on.

"I told you he wasn't over you. He may have given in and fucked someone but you're the one he wanted for anything else."

"Well then tough titty." I exclaimed loudly and we got some looks and laughs.

We find the dining hall and grab two trays. We each start grabbing foods the other likes and look around. I am waved over by Lauren and my three new friends. We take a seat with me beside Lauren and Edward on my other side facing the doors and Uri, Marlena and Lynn.

"Edward, this is the Ubiquitous Uri, the Marvelous Mar and the Luscious Lipped Lynn. Guys this is Edward the Excellent. Of course you know Lady Lauren, she being a lady of the realm and all." I waved my fork around during the introductions.

Uri frowns at me. "The Ubi what what?"

"What What in the butt butt?" I say trying to confuse him more.

I hear something being spit out and look at the guy next to him as he laughs. "Did you just say the what what in the butt butt?"

I smile trying to keep my laughter in at his and the others faces. "Roger that."

"Wow, I am going to use that. I am so stealing that." He laughed and I realize he must be related to Uri.

I wink at him. "Well, I'll give you the family discount and it'll only cost you the royalty of buying me my first Dauntless rum and coke. Sound equitable?"

"Indubitably." He nods and shakes my hand as we all laugh. "Names Zeke by the way. Guess you already figured I claim this mongrel," He grips Uri in a headlock "as family. Brother actually."

"It did cross my mind yes. How do you carry on with that burden, sir?"

"Ha ha, so funny you two. Now seriously, what the shit did that ubi thing mean?"

"Ubiquitous means to be always present or around. You know like nagging presences you just can quite get rid of." I grin at him.

"Don't mind her you get used to her humor. Except for when she goes all surly from lack of coffee in the morning. That you never get used to it." Edward smiles as he and I start passing food back and forth to each other.

"Are ya'll a couple?" Lynn says watching us.

We look at each other and laugh "No, not hardly. We were same faction but we started to work out and spar together about 7-8 years ago?" I gasp in mock horror. "Why Edward! I do believe we have an anniversary coming up!" I clutch my heart in shock.

"My dear lady how un-gallant of me. Forsooth it be true. Shall I ply my lady with piercings and tattoos to celebrate?" He replies merrily.

I fan myself. "You do know the way to a woman's heart, Good Knight." We both crack up laughing as he wraps his arms around me and hugs me. Losing Myra is hard on him and he needs the reassurance of my closeness.

"You guys are funny!" Mar grins at us.

Edward brings me in close to his side and kisses my forehead. "Speaking of that nagging presence, guess who just walked in." He said to me, still holding me, as I groan.

"Well at least he won't be sitting here at this table." I roll my eyes. Thanking the fact that all the seats are taken.

"What's his deal with her?" Lauren asked Edward watching Peter as he went through the line. Peter's eyes drifted to me and frowned when he saw Edward's arm around my side.

"He's an ass that couldn't recognize the greatest thing he would ever get. That anyone will ever have, by having her, and thought with his dick instead." Edward growled and I shoved a carrot stick in his mouth.

I laughed as he grimaced at the carrot and pulled away before I could shove more into his mouth. "Hey! I eat my shit you eat yours!" He laughed.

"So Zoe, are Lauren and I taking you and Edward to get all Dauntless looking tonight?" Zeke asked.

"That was the plan."

The dining hall goes quiet as Eric enters and apparently quiets down from intimidation. I can see Eric smirk at the reaction and I look down at my plate as I cut into my steak shaking my head and grinning.

I look at the table and frown when I can't find what I am looking for. I look over at the line of food and see what I need to make the steak perfect.

"Be right back. Leave my pudding alone Edward!"

"Where is she going." I hear Lynn yell. I see Edward replying but I am already dashing up to the line.

"Excuse me, forgot the most important nutrient." I smile at the lady as I reach for the Tabasco sauce at the same time as another hand does. Said hand is attached to Eric who is smirking at me

"I believe I was in line first Zoe" He quirked an eyebrow at me. He knows my name? I almost panic but realize he used my nickname.

I grin at him. "Sorry, my bad. My steak won't be the same without it but the blood flavor should be enough." I go to turn back and I feel a tap on my shoulder. Even such a simple touch sends shivers of warmth through me. What the fuck is all this about?

"Take it and then pass it to my table after." He puts the bottle in my hands and turns around.

"Thank you Sir."

"Don't mention it" He grins and passes me to his table.

I follow a little bemused and sit back down. Noticing he is sitting right behind me next to a guy just as big as he is but with black hair spiked a bit in front where the short bangs would be.

"Got your ass burner?" Edward asks laughing.

"Yep, now I can eat in the way God meant for us to eat." I grinned and doused my steak and pudding.

"Eww did you just put hot sauce on your chocolate pudding?" Uri shrieked and I laughed as Edward shook his head.

"Sweet and spicy. Never done that before?" I ask looking around at the disgusted looks from everyone. "Don't know what you're missing." I turn around and tap Eric on his shoulder.

He turns around nods at me and takes the bottle from me. "Any good?" he asks me pointing to my pudding.

I shrug and grin. "If you like to walk on the wild side." He grins and turns back to his friends and I turn back to my food.

I take my first bite and hum in pleasure and moan. "Mmmm. Fuck that is good! So fuckin glad to get perfectly cooked steak."

"Cooked! It's still bleeding." Lauren shouts.

"Exactly! Still mooing. Perfect temperature."

"What?" Lynn laughs.

"What what in the butt butt." I wink at her and laugh. I hear the table behind me start laughing at something.

"Dammit! I forgot I was stealing that from you!"

"As long as you remember my royalty will be due. One rum and coke for each use of said phrase."

"How about a trade instead of buying you drinks every time?" Zeke asked.

I take a bite of carrot stick and wave at him regally. "The court will hear your presentation."

He snickers "I'll take you zip-lining."

I blow a raspberry. "Boring! Been there done that. Like at least twice a week." I shrug.

He frowns at me. "How do you get up to the top?"


"How? I disable the generators when we leave."

"What like hot wiring an engine is hard? Or do you mean the spark plugs you take when you leave. Because I figured that shit out first thing. Never mess with a girl that can fully take apart and reassemble engines."

Uri puts his head on his hand propped up on the table "Marry me Zoe? Please just marry me right now."

Lynn frowns "No way I get dibs on her."

Edward scowls looking at me. "Didn't I give you a paper ring when we were nine? I think that makes you mine before anyone else's." He side hugs me and I laugh.

"Yes you gave me and every girl in the class one for valentine's day. But I traded mine in for a baseball glove. I think that voids that out." I shrug and we all laugh.

"Tell you what Zeke." I take a drink of my soda after a mouthful of pudding and moaning in pleasure.

I hear growling behind me, then laughing and someone muttering "fucking hot" but keep on talking.

"Tell you what Zeke. I have the materials to do something known as bungee jumping. I will kindly allow you to arrange an outing for said activity for the use of...ummm three uses of my phrase."

The others look confused and Edward is shaking his head "Don't look at me, she found out what it was and started dragging me off to do it."

"But what is it?" Lauren asks.

"You take this long 'bungee cord' and secure it to the top of the bridge out at the Amity fishing farms. The other end you secure to your ankle and you leap off. You get to the end of the cord and it snaps into place jerking you back up and then you fall again. I have been trying to perfect the release on the snap the second time and then diving in the water." I wink and eat some more steak and I see Uri and Zeke smiling really big at me.

"So freaking a deal!" Zeke shakes on it.

"Good. One thing I failed to mention though" I grin wickedly at him.

"Oh shit that is one wicked grin." Uri gulps and Edward nods.

"It usually means trouble." Edward mutters and I elbow him with a small frown.

"It's not that bad this time. What I forgot to mention as part of payment, I will require a bottle of scotch or whiskey too. I can't jump into freezing ass water without proper protection."

"You just want more whiskey Zoe." Edward scoffs.

"You say that like it is a bad thing?" I say offended and holding my heart.

"It was a bad thing when you decided we should do drunken sparring three nights ago. I swear my ribs are black you beat the shit out of me so bad."

"You shouldn't have lost the coin toss and had to take the shots. Not my fault I have better aim."

"It's when you spent all your time in the live round labs firing off any kind of gun they brought in. I had to attend classes unlike some spoiled princess'."

"You Edward are a poor sport and need to move on from the neuro-stim in the dick incident."

I heard of intakes of breath from our table and the one behind us. "Damn! That had to hurt!" A voice behind us yelled.

I looked behind us to see Eric looking over his shoulder at me and smirking so I wink at him. He blushes before he turns back.

"Hmm, me thinks there be an audience Edward the Excellent."

"You know I hate that rhyme shit because I can't think of anything for your nickname. And I got the neuro dart in the dick for using your real name." He growled.

"I give you a single use."

"Fine! Tenacious Trinity."

"Trinity?" I raise my eyebrow at Uri.

"I said he could use it one time not you. I do know about a certain event that comes up soon. I am not opposed to a little friendly fire."

He flinches and I laugh with a shrug.

"I don't care for the name. It was given to me for a shit reason by an even shittier person. Don't ask and I do mean that." I say a firmly and Uri nods.

Edward brings me in for a hug. "Don't look now but Peter is making his way over again."

"Zoe...can we..."

"Go away Peter." I growl.

"We need to talk Zoe." He demands trying to pull me out of my seat. I hear a bench scrape back and suddenly hands grip Peter. It was the guy sitting with Eric and Eric was standing beside him scowling at Peter. Eric really is handsome. Even more so when he smiles.

"I believe she said go away initiate." The unknown guy says as he grabs Peter by the throat but not squeezing too much. He is as big as Eric and has the same leader tattoos on his arms but larger gauges in his ears. "Are you going to listen this time?" He demanded and I saw the entire dining hall looking our way.

I looked over at the initiate table and saw Four frowning at the whole scene and Tris mouth the words 'are you ok'.

I take a chance and see if she knows it but I sign back in sign language that 'I am fine'. I see her look shocked and smile. She replies back 'talk later'.

I see Eric glancing at me and my hands. I test it out and look him in the eye 'sorry, thank you'. He nods. So besides me and Edward; Tris and Eric know sign language. Cool!

Peter nods and the guy lets him go. Peter looks at me one more time with hurt in his eyes and makes his way out followed by his goons. I look down at the table a little guilty. It is better this way anyways.

"I told you he is still hung up on you Zoe." Edward shrugged.

"Then he needs to get over it. He made his choice when he picked getting his dick wet over a relationship. And HE was the one that insisted we be in a relationship. I didn't set that shit on him. He gave ME the ultimatum. How is it I am the one at fault for just upholding what he begged for in the first place?" I see Eric looking at me with that now familiar head tilt and his eyes aren't cold but sort of soft.

"Don't look at me. I told him he was stupid and that you weren't a normal girl."

The guy looked at my arm. "Let me see." He stood me up.

"Huh. Guess that was from the roof and just now." I saw bruises on my wrists and arms. I shrugged "Thanks for that. The bruises will be fine. I have worse on my stomach from this guy's kicks to it." I pointed to Edward who smirked at getting a few shots at me the other night.

"Drunken sparring huh? Names Logan by the way. Another of your leaders." He shook my hand then made us all scoot down so he and Eric sat down. Eric sits across from me as I take a bite of my steak and chewed happily, closing my eyes and humming then swallowing.

"Yeah I guess for us it was like Candor or Dauntless. We got a bottle of," I motioned with my fork and knife in air "whatever it was. Probably the cheap shit whisky. We pour a couple of shots take a coin and try to make the coin in the shot glass. If you make it the other person has to drink theirs and yours and if not you do the same. Once the shot has been done you spar, we used to spar until 5 minutes elapsed. Then we went to first blood. Then we changed it to last standing."

"Who was left standing your last time?" Eric asked.

Me and Edward shared a look and grinned "First round was me, second was Edward. The last time we knocked each other out. Double KO!" I make a uppercut motion. "Woke up in the gym the next morning hungover as shit and still wearing our sparring gear and everything. His girlfriend at the time made sure we wouldn't drown in our own vomit I guess. Covered us and left us there to sleep." I laughed and Logan grinned.

Zeke and Lauren were staring at Eric as if he was a leper. But Zeke spoke up. "How did you guys learn to fight?"

"Reading at first. When I was ten I dragged Edward to the archives and pulled out a bunch of martial arts movies to watch. Bruce Lee, I was obsessed with him."

"Was?" Edward snorts and I shove a carrot in his mouth and he spits it out.

"Told you about your prey food. Keep it to yourself." He takes a drink and I laugh.

"Nutrients necessary for your eyes EDWARD! Besides it helps to keep my ass from getting any wider than it already is." I stick my tongue out at him.

He winks "I didn't hear the guys on the roof complaining when they said that they would 'tap that'."

"Hmm, well if they are anything like Peter they wouldn't know what to do with that."

"Hey! I resemble that remark." Uriah says grinning.

I look at Eric who is frowning. I shrug and finish answering the question.

"Anyways we both learned mostly from movies, books, vid files. Finally I was taught by someone to defend myself and then I taught Edward." I shrugged and Edward rubbed my back and smiled sadly.

"Will be interesting to see you guys fight then." Eric was scowling at Edward.

I nod with a grin. "We look forward to them."

Uri spoke up finally. "You guys don't mind that you will have to fight each other?"

We shake our heads. But my forehead is scrunched up in a frown. "No. Why would we? We know there will be no hard feelings and if he even thinks about going easy on me I will be pissed. Same for him. It isn't like we haven't ended up bloody and with broken bones before. I mean I don't care to have broken bones but they are a necessary evil. You learn from every match you have and every match you watch." I shrug and take my last bite of steak.

"Speaking of some things Edward. What item are we on for our agenda? There was burn some shit, eat some shit."

"Ink some shit and hit some shit are last. But we did say we wanted to get more gear so we won't have to keep wearing stinky clothes." He said.

"Sounds good. You and Lauren still want to be our guides? I might even let you go all girly on me Lauren and convince me to buy something besides work out gear and pants. But no really tall heels. Don't give me weapons you don't intend me to use." I share a knowing look with Edward who pales.

Lauren smirks "Do I even want to know?"

"At a rave some guy thought he could get what I wasn't offering and I disagreed, violently." I took a drink with a frown. Edward nodded with a frown and pained look. "The horror, the horror." I joked to Edward.

"I love you Zoe. But even I have nightmares about that and I knew he had it coming after trying to..."

I elbowed him to stop him from saying anymore. "The girls don't need to hear that part Edward." I say softly looking at Marlena and Lynn.

I chance a glance at Eric and he is smiling at me with a hint of something, pride maybe? I don't know. My entire interactions with the leader have been confusing in the extreme. I expected to be on edge with him at the least but I just felt like he was 'one of the guys' at some points and the others I still haven't figured out.

"Oh yeah..sorry."

"Ready to roll?" Zeke stands up and I smile.

Lauren grabs my hand. "Girl stuff first, clothes then salon." I pale and look a bit panicked.

Edward chuckles and hugs me. "I'll meet you at the tattoo parlor if not before. Then we can go hit up the skate ramp if you want."

"Please! Need next adrenaline fix." And send a pleading look their way to help me and Eric grins at me. I am surrounded by all the girls and drug along.

We are in the store and I have loaded up on training gear; 3 pairs of capri leggings, 3 regular leggings, 3 legging shorts, 3 cargo pants for weapons or night exercises. 5 black tanks, 5 grey tanks, 5 v neck short sleeve black shirts, 5 v neck short sleeve black, 2 black long sleeved v neck shirts. 1 dark grey sleeveless vest with weapon pockets, one black of the same and then one grey and one black leather long sleeved jackets. I grab two pairs of sneakers and 2 combat boots. 6 sports bras and a bunch of underwear in a mix of black and grey.

I grab a backless burgundy backless midriff top, one in black, 3 pairs of black jeans and 2 leather pants. I also pick a backless straight necked black dress that came to just above the knees, a turquoise one of the same kind as the black and two pairs of low heel shoes in teal and burgundy. Lauren also grabbed me a pair of knee high boots and makeup. Lauren also made me get a bunch of underwear and bras that were not for working out since that was all I picked up. I was made to try on the dresses and I figured out that Lynn was for sure into girls when she salivated at the site of me. It made me feel kind of good.

"I have to say Zoe." Marlene comes up and has me do a twirl to look at me. I look at the backless part of the dress and making sure my ass isn't too big in it. "I am not normally into girls but I would so attack you right now if we were alone." I blush and smile then run a hand over my hips.

"I swear I think this makes my ass look as wide as The Pit." I frown.

"You look fucking hot Zoe. God damn that makes me hot seeing you." Lynn walks over to lean on the wall.

"Are you guys fucking with me? Cause I don't know girl speak for fucking with someone. I am really bad at the girl shit guys." I frown and Lauren comes and hugs me.

"You are officially my new little 'sis. I would never let someone do that to you. You look beautiful and I am scared to take you to the club in that, seriously. We are going to have fights on our hands." She smiled at me as Lynn and Mar nodded along.

I smile back "Well then I will just have to pick up a few garters to strap knives to." We all laugh at that. "Is there anywhere to get some good shampoos and stuff?" And with that we were headed to the commissary.

I browsed and found my favorite type of shampoo and conditioner of a mint smell, then got my eucalyptus and mint body wash, hair removal crème, hair bands, first aid kit, shoe polish and brush, and then some powdered aspirin. I was happy about all finding soaps that didn't smell like flowers or something overpowering. The kind I liked made me felt like I had just walked outside during a cool spring rain. It was soothing and refreshing and something I knew I would need during the coming weeks.

On the way to the dorm I saw some skateboards and had to get one and a music player and headphones.

Lauren and the girls had taken off to drop off their purchase so I took my stuff on my own dorm. I pulled up my locker and unlocked it, sat on the ground and then started to organize everything. One side was for workout clothes with my next day's outfit laid on top, but also organized each day's outfits even down to the under things and socks. The other side was fancy underwear underneath, fancy clothing and last casual clothes on top. Everything else was stacked and set up for ease of use and being able to grab quickly. I had put my toiletries in a black and teal leather bag made for them so I could just grab that quickly.

"I don't think I've ever seen an initiate's locker so organized before." I looked up to see Eric crouched down near my locker looking over my skateboard.

I smile at him. "Well that must be frustrating to handle. Do they know where they are? I mean locker inspections and all that?"

He snorts, rolling his eyes. "Apparently not." He picks up my shoe shining kit and quirks and eyebrow at me.

"What? You guys don't do inspections of gear?" I frown at him.

"If I thought they wouldn't completely fail at it I would push for it. Bad enough I can barely get them to understand simple instructions." He rolls his eyes again and puts the shoe kit back in.

I finish organizing and then close the lid and lock it, grabbing the board and standing. He stands smoothly in one motion and I can't help but admire how much he fits into Dauntless now.

He always stood out in Erudite and not always in a good way since he was ostracized because of it. If I had a type though it would be Eric. The sudden realization almost leaves me breathless.

"Zeke said Lauren sent you here and I thought I would show you were the parlor is." He commented with nonchalance.

"Thanks" I nod and put my board down and push off maneuvering it around the beds and into the hallway. The corridor gets to bumpy so I get off and pop it into the air and catch it.

"These roads need to be repaired." I shrug at him and he chuckles.

"They aren't really made for skateboarding."

"Or human passage." I mutter as my ankle catches on a dip and he reaches out to catch me.

"Just don't run down them in the dark and you get to know them after a while." He laughs.

"They might cause issues on drunken sparring night, you realize this don't you."

"Initiates aren't supposed to be drinking anyways." He sighs and I realize he still has a hold of me. We both look down and step away from each other.

"Not even when a member is present to keep an eye on us?" I ask hopefully.

"Not really, but it isn't like it doesn't get ignored anyways." He growls.

"Ok, I promise no excessive drunkenness from me. A few rums and cokes barely faze me." I shrug.

"How about just no double ko's and almost drowning in your own vomit. I am all about pushing limits but..." He trails off shaking his head.

I laugh at that. "It was mostly to rebel, but… nah...I can't even pretend." I roll my eyes. "Don't want to lie and you would call me on it."

"Damn straight." He laughs and I shake my head.

"What are you thinking about getting done as far as a tattoo?" He asks quietly as we pass a few members. "Please don't tell me some shit like birds. Or roses." He shudders and I laugh then try to blow my bangs of my eyes.

He reaches over and moves them out of the way and smiles at me. "No, nothing like that. Edward and I had talked about getting matched ones but that was when his girl was going to be here too. I think it would be too weird and people would assume..."

"That you're together. Yeah I have to admit I had thought the same when I saw you two." His voice was quiet.

"Nope I think we have too much dirt on each other. Has to be some mystery right? Besides we bathed naked together as kids, you can't come back from that" I grin.

"If you say so." He mutters.

"Have you ever seen the ancient Polynesian tribal art? I want something in that style. That means strength, protector and fresh starts." I say quietly trying to move on from the awkwardness that suddenly occurred.

"You had a bad start?" He quirked an eyebrow at me.

"We all have our demons." I whisper.

"I could do you." He looked at me seriously. I quirked an eyebrow and went red.

"Do me?" I grin as I blush and look away.

"Your tattoo that you want. I learned how to do tattoos and have some equipment. I have drawn a few, my own included." He pushed my shoulder playfully and chuckled.

"That would be good. If you don't mind where I am getting it done." I turn red again.

He clears his throat. "If you are uncomfortable.."

My eyebrow shoots up at him. "Have you seen the bathroom and sleeping quarters? If I was I would have to get over it quickly. It isn't likely any of the guys are going to go out of their way to not look."

"They should." He growled.

"Shoulda, coulda, woulda. Sorry, I need to stop being a smart mouth. I made myself that promise that I would curtail that here." I frown.

"I haven't said anything. You'll know when I don't appreciate it." He smirks and I nod.

"Kind of hard not to pick up on that. But you have to be how you are. Lives are on the line and all."

"I don't necessarily like being a complete asshole." I snort and he looks over to me smirking causing me to grin. "Ok I like it. Just not with certain people." I have to swallow a bit because his look is saying certain people include me. "I heard what you said to that Candor girl. While we do try not to target everyone unfairly because of one person's actions it can happen. I would never whip you though." He said firmly.

He looked at me and I nodded. "I'm expecting lots of laps in my future though. It's inevitable with the lack of common sense in this group." I grin and he laughs.

"Maybe so." We get into the Pit area and make our way up to the parlor and when we get around more people and he adopts his asshole demeanor.

"I would like it if you helped me with it, the tattoo. And I draw too so maybe two heads would be better than one?" I shrug.

"You draw? You have any sketches?" He asked quietly and I shake my head a bit sadly.

"I had what was on my back. 'I once had strings but now I'm free'..." he stopped me with a hand on my waist and pushed me into a corner. It was darker here and there was less traffic. My back hit the wall and I looked up at him as he moves closer to me.

"What does that mean? Because all day you've said things and I have to wonder why you are saying them. How could you know some of the things you say? Things I think myself. If I didn't know better I would think you were reading my mind." He had his jaw clenched.

Has he been listening to me all day? Why? I try to think back to if I said anything interesting. I don't think so as is was just me with an old friend and making new ones.

"I say them because they are either true or I have experience with them. Sometimes, though rarely, it is to diffuse a situation. What thing specifically are you referring to?" I had a feeling what it was and I hate that she had done that to him. Forget sins of the father, mine were of the maternal kind.

"The puppet strings." He frowned "Why do you even know that quote?"

"We all have demons, Eric, even Pinocchio." I reply softly.

I feel his hand on my waist pulling me closer and tracing the outline of my leggings underneath the tank and jacket. My breath quickens a bit and my eyes are drawn to his lips briefly before I look into his eyes and it is like looking into The Chasm. Beautiful, wild, dangerous and dark. I can't look any longer because if I do I will be pulled under and I have a mission here. And it is one that includes saving even the confusing youngest leader.

I forgot about the pain I must be showing for a moment and then I shook my head. "I should go." I clear my throat. "Could you tell the others I just wasn't up to it? I'm just going to..." I turned around and walked as quickly as I could.

I needed to hit the punching bag and hard. I needed to do that so I wouldn't be pulled under by my thoughts and feelings that swamped me.

I didn't have tape or gloves but I could hit the gear store up. So I ran into the shop grabbed up my size of gloves, shin pads, towel and water bottle then picked up tape and a mouth guard just in case. The guy gave me a weird look and I swiped my credits card but he said it was all covered still. I thanked him and started to put on the gloves before I was even out of there and trying to hold it and the board was tricky. I am sure I got looks as I cursed pretty colorfully and dodged around people to get to the training room we were shown earlier.

I made it into the training room and realized I needed to take off my jacket. I growled and ripped off the glove I already had on and ripped of the jacket then. Pulled off the boots and threw everything on the ground and flopped down.

"Gods damn tape. Go to your home! Your home is my hands! Oh just screw it. I'll go without." I pull on the slightly padded gloves and tied my hair back then pulled my tank top over my head thankful I did put on a sports bra.

I get up and start bouncing up and down on my feet and rolling my shoulders. Once I have warmed up a bit I make my way over to the bag and start with jabs and uppercuts. Then I work in my kicks; windmill kicks, roundhouses, butterfly, jab jab jab, kicks again.

There really is a beauty to losing yourself in the movements of combat. Everything else just fades away and it has always been my best therapy. It soothes me and takes me away from my troubles and past.

I am just Zoe here, not Trinity Salvador; bastard of Amar Salvador and Jeanine Matthews. I could forget what Jeanine had done to my father and what she tried to do to me. Her hatred of what he was stemmed from his refusal to leave Dauntless. She could try and tell herself she believed all that shit she spouted about dangers to the system but she and I both knew it was just that, complete shit.

"Why are you in here Zoe? Lights out is soon."

"Fuck it all Peter just leave me alone already." I growled and continued to hit the bag and kick even harder now that he is near.

"Look, whatever it is you are going to exhaust yourself before tomorrow. Just come to the dorm and get a shower and come to bed." He tried to plead with me.

"Come to bed? You are un-fucking believable Peter. You think because I am here," roundhouse kick, upper cut, upper cut "and you're here that I am going to" windmill and butterfly kick, 1,2 punch "jump in bed with you?" I leap up into the air and do one last spin kick.

"I didn't before and I for damn sure won't now. My first time is not going to be with the likes of you Hayes. You had your chance and you blew it. You demanded we be in a relationship first. You set the rules but you didn't want to play by them." I pant out and go to my water bottle.

"I fucked up and I let you go. I know this Zoe." He walked towards me hands up. "I saw a chance to get some and thought you would never find out. I thought you wouldn't really even care and that if I just got it out of the way I could wait like I wanted us too."

"What were you even thinking Peter? What guy demands to wait until they get married? You demanded that Peter, not me. I was fine with taking it to that next step. Thank fuck I didn't though. Because at least when you broke my heart I didn't have to look back on that." I picked up my shit and started to walk away.

"I want to be with you Zoe. I want to try again." He sounded pained.

I stopped as I closed my eyes and sighed. "It's too late Peter. I loved you once but not anymore. We are two different people now Peter. You're better off not getting close to me anyways. People end up dead when they do." I reply bitterly.


For the second night I walked away from a confrontation with my past.

In the control room of the compound two men were gathered around a screen.

"I'm telling you Max that is her. That is Amar's daughter. As soon as she came off the net I knew." Four pointed to the training room on the monitor in front of him. Max and Four stood watching Zoe Salvador as she stopped before walking out of the training room.

"We are two different people now Peter. You're better off not getting close to me anyways. People end up dead when they do." Drifted to them from the screen.

Max sighs wearily. "What did that woman do to her? Just watch out for her and help where you can. We can't draw to much attention to who she is though. I don't want any unnecessary people to know."

"And this Peter guy or Eric? They both have shown interest in her. You saw Eric at lunch and how he was looking for her at dinner." He frowned.

"I don't think we need to worry about Peter but watch out for him anyways. Eric..." Max sighs shaking his head. "As long as he doesn't find out she is Jeanine's daughter he shouldn't be an issue. It is only his hate of Jeanine that might cause him to harm her."

Four nodded but he wasn't convinced. Max patted his shoulder and walked out of the control room. Four was the only one that saw Eric step out of the shadows in the training room and frown in the direction that Zoe, followed closely by Peter, had walked down.

"I couldn't save you Amar, but I can make sure Zoe stays safe." He clenches his jaw as he makes his promise.